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Can anyone help.  I am trying to get the latest legacy Cab Remote upgrade, however when I try to retrieve it off of Lionel's site I am getting a busted link error.  Anyone have the latest version they could share, also what is the latest version?  I have also contacted Lionel support of this issue, just don't know how long they will take.



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gunrunnerjohn posted:

Nice Marty, I didn't realize we had that info all collected in one place.

When Lionel changed their website and folks kept asking, once I found it I had Rich feature it.  I check it time to time to make sure they don't mess up the links on Lionel's end.  Like most here I wish Lionel would provide a clear link to these pages either in the support section or the Track and Power section of their site.  Without folks like you and others  providing links as well as OGR letting us feature these a lot of people would be out of luck.  I hate to think what folks that don't visit here do.

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