I believe I've been on maybe 4 G scale sites now. There was a post about lack of participation here. On 2 of the sites that I used to frequent, I started posts that said "Let's see your engines!". There were overwhelming numbers of posts and all types of engines. So I figure let's do it again. Maybe we'll divide it up on this forum to get more action spread out over time.
I think MTH has taken some shots from various posters over the years on their G scale releases. As many of you know, I like them. I just wish there were more to choose from. I prefer modern stuff but it's so limited that I had to look elsewhere. I even bought engines that I have no interest in just to have better variety.
Now the MTH first gen F series diesels I feel are good enough for my RR. Someone posted that the nose curves aren't right. I feel they are good enough.
I'll be back with more models. Let's see yours!