Well being that Derek from Notch 6 has a production sample in his hands, this item has a good shot at May 2018.
That's all fine and good. I'm just speaking generally that when catalogs are published, the delivery dates are often placeholders that get adjusted on an ongoing basis based on production scheduling issues. I recall when this year's Signature Edition (Volume 1) was published, the product spreadsheet that accompanied Lionel's dealer sales kit indicated August 2017... which is now closing as we speak. (Note: For a couple of catalog cycles, they've done away with the practice of quoting specific delivery dates for the new items in the catalog, which is a good thing since those dates were meaningless anyway.) A couple of months after the catalog is released, more meaningful delivery dates are quoted as items go into production and containers ship from China.
My personal rule of thumb is... delivery dates on Lionel's website become much more meaningful once we know products have gone into full production. Until that happens, the dates are all a crapshoot. Once in production, then there's the usual 6-8 weeks it takes for those items to ship from China, arrive in North Carolina, ship to dealers, and in turn ship to consumers.