All of Lionel's postwar Magne-traction Hudsons used the same wheels, which had a 2035- part number. I just dug around my workbench and found a 2055 chassis. I only have a dial caliper so my measurements aren't as precise as yours, but the flanged end wheels measure about 1.37". The blind center wheel measures a little more than 1.35". So the center wheel IS smaller on postwar locos and you can see a little daylight under it. But the difference isn't as pronounced as what you're reporting.
The first 6-drivered locos of the MPC era were the 8206 and 8603 small Hudsons. These used die-cast "Baldwin Disc" type drivers. When Lionel MPC re-introduced the 2046-style Hudson with Magne-traction in 1976, it was equipped with spoked drivers. The similar 8702 Southern appeared the following year.
I guess it's possible that the wheel dies were so worn by 1976 that MPC had to commission new ones. If that's true, I don't understand why they didn't make them to the same dimensions as their postwar predecessors? The driving wheels on the 8600 are lighter in color than postwar wheels, so they might be made of a different ferrous material, but I never noticed the size difference. @Chuck Sartor @PaperTRW do you know what really happened?