Well, they're LED connections on most of these. ERR used the same hardware platform for dummy locomotive use, and here's their wiring diagram.
<click on graphic to enlarge>
I have a few of the Legacy RCDR's, and some have couplers, and some have the PWM motor control outputs. Also some are mystery functions, and I'm not sure what the two optional pins do.
To further confuse the landscape, there are also later versions of the RCDR with totally different pinouts. I have some of those as well, but I haven't made a test harness to sort out the functions.
This is from Bruk's excellent Legacy documentation.
These are must-have references for anyone tinkering with later Legacy models. There are a couple of errors in the documentation, but most is spot-on. As it turns out, the RCDR pinout that I posted first that has the two OPT outputs, he has incorrectly labeled as 3rd Rail for one of those, that is incorrect. I have a test cable for that version, and I know it's not track power.