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Eagle fans. The GGD Texas Eagle is on the threshold of going into production. “Design is complete”. See some car images on the GGD Webpage. Zoom in to check out the Rivets !!! Each line Properly Placed on Each Car !!! The lineup of cars is finalized. (Lists on GGD Website). MP and T&P consists. All unique car names and/or numbers. Lots of Extra cars with up to 4 different per car (if prototypical). Two different coaches. Two different 10-6 sleepers. To get one of each car type, thru sleeper, and an observation car, you will need to reserve an 8 car set and 7 other cars.
This is truly GGD/Scotts most ambitious offering.
Fence sitter Warning !!! Reservations Will Be Closing Soon!!!  Last Chance - Check out the posted final lists and get on board or refine those reservations.
Cheers !!!! 😜

Last edited by TrainBub

While waiting for delivery of streamlined Eagle cars, the MP E6 AB are pressed into service for a “secondary” route.

E6 AB 3rd Rail    
Merchandise Service - Atlas
50’ double door Express - Pecos River    
40’ T&P mail box - Atlas                              70’ Jenks blue Baggage - custom MTH.  
2x heavyweight coach - GGD

Cheers 😜


Videos (1)
Last edited by TrainBub
@Surefire posted:

I ordered an extra NdeM sleeper with my Texas Eagle. How many NdeM cars would normally be in the consist? 1? 2?

These cars were part of an interline service that ran from Mexico City to the east coast. The NDM cars did not go past St. Louis but people changed trains - typically to PRR or B&O to continue their journey. I believe there was 1 NDM sleeper that ran in a consist - but I wouldn’t be surprised if there were exceptions and a 2nd was in use - but that’s only speculation. (There’s Always Exceptions.)  There were groups of cars assigned to the service so they were undoubtedly rotated into the service - allowing downtime for servicing and repairs. Pictures I see are typically in Laredo, San Antonio, or the St Louis MP yard by Union Station.
Check out the Terminal RR Association publication earlier in this thread if you want to do a deep dive with this topic.

I expect NDM fans to be ordering more than one car. (Scott will be doing up to 4 names)  This is a Rare opportunity to get NDM passenger cars.  

Cheers 🙂

Last edited by TrainBub
@HiramO posted:

Will the NdeM cars be in Eagle livery or in NdeM livery? I expect the PRR sleeper will match the Eagle cars.

NDM cars will be in NDM livery.  There is no reference to MP or Eagle on them.
PRR will match the Eagle cars in paint - Identified by small PRR lettering next to the doors replacing the small MP. Of course all these cars will have their own unique car names too. 🙂

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@seank941 posted:

Im trying to put an NdeM train together and I was wondering how many MoPac sleepers went all the way to Mexico, was it only 1? I doubt anyone will ever make the full Aztec Eagle in aluminum/plastic, but I'd like to get as many cars as I can.

I think one at a time is a safe answer (though different named cars were rotated into use). I would chose the MP 10-6 Budd. The entry date of the MP streamlined cars into Mexico only happened when NDM moved from heavyweights to Streamlined cars - early 60s.  This was also ABOUT when MP TP began painting cars Jenks blue. This transition of paint couldn’t/didn’t happen All At Once. One can see mixed paints of Eagle and Jenks in consists in the transition period. Cars were repainted when the old paint had weathered - needy ones first. Because of this, it’s Possible the MP 10-6s could have run into Mexico in Eagle colors for a time before being repainted in Jenks blue. Perhaps. (ANY pictures of MP cars in Mexico are Scarce. In the literature, other cars are mentioned but fail to say if heavyweight or streamlined 😖)
I’ll be using an Eagle painted 10-6 in My beginnings of an Aztec Eagle as there are no Jenks cars being offered. Perhaps down the road we will see MP Jenks cars offered.
(Still - Let Scott know You Want these cars).
It would also be nice to see Scott again offer heavyweights !!!!!! (Again - email Scott about heavyweights !!! ) NDM and MP should be included as a good follow on to the Eagle offering. A coach and appropriate sleeper of would be great for a 50s Aztec Eagle. (Coach and sleeper were not offered in the last GGD heavyweight offering) These cars also went into the 60s.
These cars are Another glimpse into the Complex History of the Texas Eagle !!!   Lots of options. Do what You Like !!! Have Fun !!! Cheers !!!!   😉

Last edited by TrainBub
@TrainBub posted:

Ok folks. It Officially Posted on the GGD web page.  Fence sitters beware !!!!!!!!!
Eagle production begins in April. “RESERVATIONS CLOSE SOON”.

I am reluctance to order the Budd sleepers unless then end, change is verified and corrected from the shown Pullman to the Budd style as it should be. Scott told me they could do it. this is when things like this happen and then it tits up oops sorry.

Bob Harris

@Bob Harris posted:

I am reluctance to order the Budd sleepers unless then end, change is verified and corrected from the shown Pullman to the Budd style as it should be. Scott told me they could do it. this is when things like this happen and then it tits up oops sorry.

Bob Harris

Scotts previously done Budd cars so I will Suppose the molds for those plastic end pieces will be available for the MP 10-6 Budd. Suppose.
Below I post 2 car end pix. A GGD Budd 1956 vintage SF example (from BigJohns GGD Reference Guide web page), and the current MP Budd Car drawing. 1956 is good as it is same vintage of the MP Budd car.

There are differences between the two.  There are pluses and minuses for both and Both have differences to your pic. Perhaps there’s other examples that match a bit better.  Key to this - design work is done. A different end has to be an available - already done mold for an end piece substitution.  
A different end piece would be nice but I’ll be happy either way. 👍🙂😉😉😉



Images (2)
  • 744EBDFA-9301-4418-AA63-40E52D7371DB: Budd
  • FF191163-AEB7-4C22-BA04-7125450A8383: MP Budd drawing
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Hi Folks,

It's that time...  Reservations will be closing on the Eagle Car Project on April 10th. They will be fixing the quantity of cars by ordering parts and we will sign off on the contracted number of cars.

So if you don't want to miss these, reserve your Eagle Set and Extra cars now.

After reservations close on April 10th, new reservations will be Stand-By, meaning they will have to wait for others to cancel their order to get what they reserve. So now is the time, so your order will be confirmed your life will be less complicated.

Closing reservation date is April 10th.

Hi guys. For anyone sitting on the fence regarding this wonderful project and wondering what is going to pull the train, from a conversation I had with Scott I think we can expect some E units (7s and/or 8s) will be coming before too long!

I am so excited about this train...I keep wanting to add additional cars to my

@Steve Adby posted:

Hi guys. For anyone sitting on the fence regarding this wonderful project and wondering what is going to pull the train, from a conversation I had with Scott I think we can expect some E units (7s and/or 8s) will be coming before too long!

I am so excited about this train...I keep wanting to add additional cars to my

Good to hear from you Steve and that you are excited about the Eagle. It IS Time to get that ticket punched - the train is about to leave the station !!!!  
There are usually 4 car available in the extra department where prototypical. Even NDM has 4 named cars available.  Some are less - MP had 3 domes, TP 1.
Yes I think Scott is receptive to new runs of E7 and/or E8. Past runs were great but as usual there are always more than my pocketbook can afford at once. Email your preferences to Scott. I’ll be happy with either …. but …. I’d like to see the E7s first with a MP and T&P offering. Those were bypassed in earlier runs because of their portholes required a different mold and reservations were expected to be low (E6 run 1 was less than 10 A and B combined I think). This time I think Eagle owners will want some E7s and reservations should be good.


I wanted a shorter train than 8 cars yes partly for economy but also I’m unlikely to ever have a layout big enough to have need of 8 full length passenger cars adding on the head end stuff. Don’t like it when a train seems to be chasing its tail. Scott said he is selling the fantasy T&P obs (which I want) only with the 8 car set. And I wanted an NdeM sleeper. Oh my… time is short and I can’t make up my mind.

btw I got my repaired 610 back from Scott and it’s just fine!

I wanted a shorter train than 8 cars yes partly for economy but also I’m unlikely to ever have a layout big enough to have need of 8 full length passenger cars adding on the head end stuff. Don’t like it when a train seems to be chasing its tail. Scott said he is selling the fantasy T&P obs (which I want) only with the 8 car set. And I wanted an NdeM sleeper. Oh my… time is short and I can’t make up my mind.

btw I got my repaired 610 back from Scott and it’s just fine!

Great that you got your T&P 610 back in good running order !!!!!! That model is such a Treasure !!!!!!!
I don’t like a train chasing its tail either. 8 cars won’t work for me so I rotate some in and park some on a siding. I’ll use one “A” unit if they are “E”s so I can have more passenger cars. I have 4 GGD green T&P heavyweights (RPO, bag, din, Obs) to mix in if I want too.
You can build a pretty nice T&P consist with the extras Scott is offering.  The single T&P dome should be a must. The TP coach and 10-6 are different from the MP. That’s nice. The 14-4s typically were the end of train. The 5BR-Lounge can be used for end of train too. That’s a 5 “pack” right there.

Just giving you some “food for thought”!!!
Cheers !!! 😉

@Steve Adby posted:

Hi guys. For anyone sitting on the fence regarding this wonderful project and wondering what is going to pull the train, from a conversation I had with Scott I think we can expect some E units (7s and/or 8s) will be coming before too long!

I am so excited about this train...I keep wanting to add additional cars to my

I'd like to see PAs done before E7s or E8s.  In addition to Missouri Pacific, I would like a few others. 

I wanted a shorter train than 8 cars yes partly for economy but also I’m unlikely to ever have a layout big enough to have need of 8 full length passenger cars adding on the head end stuff. Don’t like it when a train seems to be chasing its tail. Scott said he is selling the fantasy T&P obs (which I want) only with the 8 car set. And I wanted an NdeM sleeper. Oh my… time is short and I can’t make up my mind.

btw I got my repaired 610 back from Scott and it’s just fine!

What was wrong with your 610 Griff?

Long sigh…. My buddy Dr. Mike Walter had a TCA open house at his huge O layout. It covers approximate 35x50 or 60 feet. He has a three rail Gargraves-Ross layout in the center set up to run his collectible Lionel. Gorgeous hand laid O scale 2 rail track surrounds it - every tie has a tie plate every tie plate has 2 spikes… Turtle switch machines. Wiring like NASA. I brought the 610 and a T&P freight consist with my newly finished Hallmark Muley caboose which I did the interior and painting on and he did the 3 rail conversion, lit marker lamps, and interior lighting, to show off. Apparently the ZW fried the mother board. Smoke out of the cab 😰. Dead. It’s not supposed to be run over 18v and the rheostat on the zw was racked all the way up. I’ve been told ZWs can put out surges  above the rated 24 v to as high as over 50v. However, years earlier (2018 I think) it had run on that layout safely. 3rd Rail’s test track has an older Lionel command control circuit breaker on it, Scott said.
     Never had a problem running it on my MTH Z-400.
    While we are on the subject  my new Lionel T&P F-7s will not run on the MTH Z-400. Their horn sounds “Nert-nert!” like a kid’s  bike horn. I have a 90’s Lionel B unit with a great, throaty horn I run with my childhood SF F-3s. How come they lost that technology?!?
    I have one of the fantasy mint chocolate color (repaint planned) Lionel T&P 4-6-0’s I had to send it back to Lionel twice to get everything fixed. I put it away and  had not run it in 2 years as my wife passed in 2021 and I have just recently gotten back into trains. Now it runs and whistles but does not chuff, smoke, or blow the “steam” when the whistle is blown - which was a really cool feature. I checked in with Butch at Charles Ro and he suggested I send it in to him said “Lionel won’t take it back now!” So I have it packed but have not sent it out yet. Repair will be at my expense. Keep ‘em running…

At least you MP guys have had the MTH Mop PA’s! I dunno how good they were. I have the Mop dome car and have run it with my CTT postwar Eagle color standards. Need T&P E units!

T&P did not have Alco PAs or E6s so your choices Are E7s and/or E8s.  Scotts done all these diesels but no E7 MP/T&P so my vote is for an E7 run with MP and T&P Included !!!!! Past 3rd Rail issues have been Great !!!  A T&P E8 is in the middle of the below pic.
T&P had no “B”units for 7s or 8s  

8091215D-8B0C-4935-88FD-2D35B385452BCheers !!! 😉


Images (1)
  • 8091215D-8B0C-4935-88FD-2D35B385452B: 3rdRail MP, T&P

Well, the Eagle is scheduled to leave the station tomorrow 4-10-23. I’m sure there are still some seats available. You’ll be cutting it close if you want to get on board but there is still room.  

I want to thank Everyone that Has Contributed to this thread and has made their reservations. You All have made the Eagle offering Happen - a dream come true for me. And a big Thank You to Scott for his willingness to take a shot at a Largely Ignored road. I hope he is Rewarded with a Very Successful run.  

Cheers !!! 🤗😉

Last edited by TrainBub

With the imminent closing of Eagle reservations, we might turn our sights on which passenger diesel would we like to see Scott offer (to include MP and T&P) next - E7, E8, Alco PA.
They are all beautiful. The E8 and PA have been done - E7 not. I suspect these earlier runs with MP and T&P were Pretty Low in numbers because there were no passenger cars. The Eagle should change that. Reservations should be better.  The E7 would be a great addition - filling a gap in passenger diesels. Of these 3, it is the only one with “B” units. These were often seen mixed with the other 2 diesels making for an interesting power consist. I vote for E7s first.
Email Scott your preference. Let’s see what we can help Q up. Anticipated Reservations  of other roads will also come into play which gets done first.
Cheers 🤗😉

Last edited by TrainBub
@SANTIAGOP23 posted:

E7 v.4? Would that really fly?

Run 4. 🤔🤔🤔  Santiago, no crystal ball here. I surely don’t know. I’m game for any of the 3 as I can never afford all that I want in Any run. 😵‍💫 But I’m biased for the the E7s as I Really Want to See Never Done before MP and T&P models. With the Eagle to be completed in 23, I believe the MP and T&P 7s should reserve well. This should be a nice boost for a run 4. I think an addition of the MKT, Frisco Texas Special would be another nice boost for run 4. They haven’t been seen since run 2 in 2011 and would have serious upgrades inside.
Perhaps some other roads would be worth considering for later paint jobs too - it could reinvigorate reservations on a road.
Subsequent runs invariably have lower reservations. PA or E8 better re-run candidates ? Again …. I don’t know. 🫢

Email your preferences folks !!!!!

Cheers !!! 😉

Last edited by TrainBub

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