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@Jtrain posted:

Those interested in NdeM passenger cars and who bought NdeM sleepers in the Eagle run should check out this link to a website that lists the disposition of New York Central lightweight (streamlined) passenger cars:

If you search for “NdeM” you will get 88 hits!  NdeM purchased 88 streamlined passenger cars from the New York Central in the 1950’s and early 1960’s, including nearly the entire 1938-1940 20th Century Limited in the 1950’s!  Since that is a train that Golden Gate Depot will be reissuing, it would be great to get those cars offered in NdeM paint.  It looks like NdeM bought the diners, several of the observation cars, and most, if not all, of the various types of sleepers.

Is there an OGR thread on the Golden Gate Depot 20th Century Limited reissue?  If so, we should add the NdeM information there.  If we could just get the 20th Century diner, observation, and a couple of the sleepers in NdeM paint, we would have a pretty much complete late 1950’s NdeM train with the GGD NdeM heavyweight coaches that are coming.  That train could be the Aztec Eagle with a MP or T&P sleeper or two added to it.

Send an email to Scott Mann at Golden Gate Depot if you want NdeM extra cars offered as part of the 20th Century Limited reissue!

Here is another reference to the ex-New York Central passenger cars that went to the NdeM:

It states that there were a total of 162 lightweight Pullman cars alone that went to NdeM from the NYC!  The website includes cross-reference lists between the original car names and the NdeM car names.

Last edited by Jtrain

FYI and FWIW  
For those of you that will be interested in the GGD MP heavyweight offerings ….. A postwar MP modernized coach was transferred to the DRG in Pueblo Colorado onto the “Royal Gorge” running between Denver and Ogden Utah (plus other cars not done by GGD) via the Royal Gorge and Tennessee Pass. The cars were transferred to the Western Pacific and MP Cars went all the way to Oakland. This thru car service was not a long lasting route/service as it ended up being unprofitable and discontinued. (ran 1946-49).  The “Royal Gorge” continued to run Denver to Grand Junction (via Pueblo) where it’s cars were merged into the DRG  “Prospector “.

Posted as info for anyone interested in consist building.

Source / MPHS “The Eagle” magazine Fall 2023 Vol.48, No.3, pgs 28, 29    
Text only in this issue - wish there were some pix ☹️

Cheers 😉

Last edited by TrainBub

Well, I’ve split up the last 3 rail T&P set with a friend here in St. Louis. All gone. There is one 2 rail T&P set left. Sets were done as set A and B.  Most Names and car numbers are different in each lettered set. If you want to expand your fleet a bit as I’ve done, see if the available set is opposite the lettered set you have. Then find a friend (s) to split up the cars.
Cheers 😉

Last edited by TrainBub
@TrainBub posted:

Well, I’ve split up the last 3 rail T&P set with a friend here in St. Louis. All gone. There is one 2 rail T&P set left. Sets were done as set A and B.  Most Names and car numbers are different in each lettered set. If you want to expand your fleet a bit as I’ve done, see if the available set is opposite the lettered set you have. Then find a friend (s) to split up the cars.
Cheers 😉

Did the T&P set have an observation or a 14-4 sleeper?

I think all the remaining sets have an observation car. Most people opted for a set with the observation car because they are quite beautiful - though not prototypical. (Very few sets were done with a correct 14-4 in the set.)  Many then added the 14-4 as an “extra”.
There are only 2 #ed observation cars. It’s nice to get both #s.

The observation cars ran only on the Missouri Pacific Missouri River Eagle between St. Louis, Kansas City, and Omaha. The inclusion of the cars in the sets was a concession to demand for the cars.

Last edited by TrainBub

FYI - if you haven’t noticed.  🫣😳GGD is offering heavyweights - 2 versions of coaches and 2 sleepers. Included in the offering are MP, T&P and NdeM. I’ve Q’d up prototypical names and numbers for Scott. The cars I’ve chosen are Mostly evidenced with references and photos. Some plentiful, some not. These cars are good for 2ndary trains and for “emergency” fill ins on the Eagles or any steam era train. Many MP and T&P are Eagle colors, but there are greens too. NdeMs are All green and I find NO modernized versions for NdeM. (I think they must have just started buying up 2nd hand streamline equipment.) The NdeM coaches and sleepers are Important Additions for building a “do-it-yourself” Aztec Eagle !!!!!!  Scott hasn’t added MP sleepers yet. The list of roads is long …… and reservations are Slow / Puny with what is currently on offer !!!! The project as a whole Will Be Slow To Launch if reservations remain tiny. If you want these heavyweights done sooner than later, submit a reservation (s). If you want MP sleepers, email Scott and ASK him to add them to the offering - and be willing to follow with a reservation. With all the hoopla in the forum to “bring them back”, I’m surprised to hear that the heavyweight offering is lagging. 🤔

Cheers 😉

Last edited by TrainBub

Well I’ve started to place my heavyweight reservations.  Time to start stepping up. Starters were coaches and sleepers for MP, T&P, and NdeM. All these cars are good for mixed trains and especially the NDeM Aztec Eagle. I Hope those people building a “do it yourself”Aztec consist like me are paying attention. These cars are very important to build a reasonably accurate prototypical consist. Nowhere else can you accomplish this !!!!!!!
Understand, your reservations will help assure These Cars Are Done (not everything offered will get done if specific road reservations are Weak) when the heavyweight offering reaches a “it’s a go” status. 😜👍

Cheers 😉

Last edited by TrainBub

Heads Up !!!!!  Scotts posted E7 production pix of MP and T&P on the GGGD webpage !!!!! They look Really Nice !!!! Look and see the differences between the Eagle and Jenks versions 🤔🤔🤔 Very Well Executed !!!!!!  
Make sure to email Scott and let him know that you want to see Jenks passenger cars offered - Sooner than later. 😜😜😜

Cheers 😉

Last edited by TrainBub

For Anyone that’s interested in the Aztec Eagle - The new book “Mexican Passenger Trains” is now available.
There are 22 pages devoted to the Aztec Eagle.  However, most pages are post-MP involvement. Still … a decent look at rolling stock and later diesel power.
A decent reference / Overview of all the main Mexican rail lines.
For the Aztec Eagle, the TRRA book is still our best reference.
Cheers 😉


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Well the real deal E7s we’re delivered to my house on Wednesday and I’m slowly liberating them from their boxes.
Here’s a few quickie shots of the MP Jenks “A”. (Eagle shots later). 😜👍

Great finish

Well detailed.
Small details captured.  Check out the number at 5 o’clock on the MP buzzsaw. There are no skirts which is prototypical - and different from the Eagle  4A05DC9E-470C-4E31-880B-22E3286EE7EACheck out the small diesel number by the ladder. FC1968C6-9950-4083-B8B4-158B0709A703All Well Executed. 😜👍😬  Excellent job Scott !!!!!!!!!  
Now we just Need Jenks passenger cars for our Jenks diesels to pull !!! 🫢😳🫣😜

Cheers 😉


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Last edited by TrainBub

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