Originally Posted by jjmmagoo:
Okay, they do sell surge protectors that have the TVS feature in them. Some members mentioned installing them on there trains and DCS. I wouldn't have a clue where to begin how and where to install these. I was thinking getting a good surge protector that has the TVS feature in it. Would that help??? Thanks for your response.
Originally Posted by TrainLarry:
Thanks, John, but I neglected to reference that my reply was more to Missabe and Pappy than to the OP.
jjmmaggoo, the surge protectors that your transformers are plugged into only protect twhatever is plugged into them from mains voltage spikes. The TVS units are protecting the electronics in whatever is connected to the output of the transformer.
I am not an electronics expert and can not explain the technical aspects of the spikes, the use of TVS or any of the things that kill our trains, but I am using these PSX-AC. I got them from Tony's Trains (more info and picture here). Charles Ro (on their TMCC page at the bottom), a forum sponsor, also has them. They are very fast, protect against voltage spikes, extremely fast breakers with adjustable current ranges, auto or manual reset, and many options you can use for alarming and indication. These are worth taking a look at.
If you search the OGR forums for PSX-AC, there are a few more threads about these, one contains a video showing their operation. They may be a little on the pricey side, but replacing the electronics in one of your engines would cost 4-5 times the price of just one PSX-AC. Adding a TVS here and there doesn't hurt either, a little added protection at a very low cost.
As for equipment problems, I haven't had a whole lot of them. My stuff is mostly MTH with a little Lionel and the only problems I've had so far are very minor and was able to correct them myself. I like both Lionel and MTH, but MTH has made many more items in my chosen road name than Lionel. I'm sure Lionel will catch up one of these days. I also have my eye on an Atlas engine or two, if they ever get them made. They have been announced, just not available yet. I use Atlas Track and switches and have had few problems with those also.
I think any manufacturer's product can have a problem, no matter how good their quality control is or where they make their products. My experiences have been good and I think they all do a good job making their products. I think a lot of it is just luck of the draw. Purchasing from your LHS (if you have one) or a reputable dealer (like a forum sponsor) can make any problems you might have look a easier to handle with their help.