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It is hard to believe how many years this has been in existence.   Many good friends and visitors have entered my 26X46 train room.  The layout was where TMCC and DCS were first tested.   In later years, the MTH WiFi.   I have always kept things current so folks can enjoy it.  Anytime any OGR Forum member is in my part of the world, the layout is open to them.  I call the layout a toy train layout with tubular track  If I ever started over, I would do the same thing.  Over the years, groups from LOTS, LCCA, and TCA have visited on tours.  I have LOTS visiting shortly.  

I have always been thankful for all the great folks that have visited.    The layout uses modern electronics.  Included are 3 Z4000, one ZW-L, two ROW, and many 180 Lionel bricks.  I run several hundred feet of live catenary that was built to look like something Lionel could have made in the 50s.  The catenary also runs DCS with a perfect 10 signal on every inch.

Thanks again for all the great friends who have supported me.



One final statement.  If you are building a full time layout, use good materials and do the job one time.

Last edited by Marty Fitzhenry
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Hay Marty, 

I need to get up there to see your layout, which by the way looks great from all the pics that I've seen over the years on OGR. Maybe as soon as my wife has her hip surgery's done (that's plural) I could get an invitation to see your layout. Our group (The Raritan Valley Hi-Railers) has a photo shoot for the August 11 & 12 Greenberg's show in Edison. Classic Toy Trains wants to do photos & story on our layout (modular). Hope you & Dottie are in excellent health!!!

     Steam Forever


Marty,  what a terrific way to let all of us know how long you've been helping us.  You've been a great friend to me and all of the OGR formites.  You've been a wonderful host and Dottie a wonderful hostess when any of us have had the opportunity to visit your home...  I think I speak for everyone who has ever visited when I simply say THANKS, YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!!!!!!

As always dear friend,    Dave

Marty Fitzhenry posted:

Thanks guys.   It will be done the day I die.

And I for one hope that's a long time coming!   Happy Birthday to your layout and congratulations to you for building it.   I have not yet had the pleasure to see it in person but the pictures I've seen are stunning!   BTW, thanks for your help in the past and I enjoyed meeting you in person in York at the October 2017 meet.

Chief Bob (Retired)

Marty congratulations and here is wishing you another 36 years to get it finished. Also thanks for all your input on the PS1/PS2 question I posed. Between you, Barry and Kristin at MTH I was able to cut the list I was concerned with to just 6 units and half of them are PS1. I have never seen any go the Pics of your layout and would love to see room and maybe after I retire the wife and I will make to your part of the world. If you are ever in Central PA, Harrisburg or State College/Altoona drop a line and list. Pretty sure mine at what ever stage it is in will never hold a candle to yours. Again here is wishing you at least 36 more years to get it finished.

One final statement.  If you are building a full time layout, use good materials and do the job one time.

Pretty much sums it up for me and makes a lot of sense!

Marty, congratualtions - your layout is a true inspiration. In this hobby, folks like you make it interesting and fun.

Last edited by DaveP

Marty happy anniversary on you great layout! really enjoyed your hospitality of you n Dottie when I visited you both enjoyed our conversations and especially running trains with you both! I think you enjoyed running my challenger I had converted from ps 5 volt to ps 2 3 volt you enjoyed running it as much as I did .hope to get together sometime this summer when we can get together!

thanks for being a great friend ever need any help or a favor with anything just ask!

your friend and Dottie forever!


Happy layout anniversary Marty.  Over the years, you have invited me to visit your layout but the trip from NC just does not seem to be in the cards.  I have enjoyed the many pictures of your layout over the years but have often wondered about the total room, how you display all the engines you own and is there anything in the area except the layout.

I was wondering if you might take a video scanning the entire room from a point somewhere around the middle and post it for those of us who live too far away for a personal visit?

Thank you for all the encouragement and advise through the years!

Wishing you all the best for many more years enjoying your wonderful layout.


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