It is hard to believe how many years this has been in existence. Many good friends and visitors have entered my 26X46 train room. The layout was where TMCC and DCS were first tested. In later years, the MTH WiFi. I have always kept things current so folks can enjoy it. Anytime any OGR Forum member is in my part of the world, the layout is open to them. I call the layout a toy train layout with tubular track If I ever started over, I would do the same thing. Over the years, groups from LOTS, LCCA, and TCA have visited on tours. I have LOTS visiting shortly.
I have always been thankful for all the great folks that have visited. The layout uses modern electronics. Included are 3 Z4000, one ZW-L, two ROW, and many 180 Lionel bricks. I run several hundred feet of live catenary that was built to look like something Lionel could have made in the 50s. The catenary also runs DCS with a perfect 10 signal on every inch.
Thanks again for all the great friends who have supported me.
One final statement. If you are building a full time layout, use good materials and do the job one time.