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I recently came into a postwar 334 Dispatch Board that needs a little help. I think I've only run into one of these before, so I am not certain the tension spring for the spring motor is hooked onto the right place. It does not look correct to me. KIMG0001KIMG0002 The Postwar Lionel service manual does not show enough detail for me to tell. It does work. Pictures are below.

Here's my question: where does the tension spring for the string motor attach?


Images (2)
  • KIMG0001
  • KIMG0002
Last edited by C W Burfle
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Thanks again. Once I had confirmation that mine was wrong, It didn't take long to find the correct attachment point. When I first moved the line, the unit would not work.
I unwrapped the line, and rewrapped it around the pulley. The second time it worked. I think I had the string crossing over itself the first time.
Pictures are below.



Images (2)
  • KIMG0001
  • KIMG0002

One more question:  my postwar 334 dispatch board is missing it's original figure. According to the service manual, it uses a unique figure, #334-81, which does not appear to be available. I found some good pictures on EBay. It appears to be similar to some other Lionel figures, but it has a piece molded between the legs which must accept the accessory's mounting post.

Any thoughts on what can be substituted?

If I had to put a man there and didn't need to keep originality I would find a way to mount the gate man figure from a 145. Both figures are over large for their places. Maybe take the lantern off the end of his arm and paint the little pin white so it looked like a piece of chalk. The swinging arm could be glued in a raised position as if he were going to write.

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