I put 2 Hudsons I haven't run for long while Both spinned a tire off. My layout ha 54 and 60" curves which I know for these engines is tight But when running them before I didn't have this problem. Its it because in addition to the small curves have the tires dried out?
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Bob, we kinda need to know what you’re working on buddy,……quite a few scale Hudsons on the market …..make? model number?
If you're talking about the rubber traction tires, you may have to replace them with new tires or run these engines without them. Rubber traction tires tend to expand/become loose as they get older.
engine numbers
Bob, Pat was looking for a catolog number. Cab number may not be helpful as there are a lot of Hudsons!!!
Well, I can recognize that Hudson, but Dennis is correct, for now on Bob, the item number of the locomotive you’ve got questions for is a must if you want help. Please remember that…..anyways, the Hudson you’re asking about for tires is a Lionel 6-28072 J3. As many of us will suggest, use MTH’s house brand tires. See the picture below for the part number you want. MTH traction tires are available at mthpartsandsales.com