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I am building a small elevated subway and want to add some simple, not so realistic girder plate sides to the elevated track.  I followed another thread in this forum and saw offerings from both Bridge Boss and Scenic Express.  However, these are fairly expensive to run on both sides of the track all long the line.  Instead, I was thinking if I could find a realistic, scale, three dimensional image pattern of a girder plate, I could print to some heavy stock material.  This would be inexpensive and easy it run around my O-31 curves.  I know of several companies that sell printable building sides and kits and I have Googled around, but haven't found anything like girder bridge side plates.  Does anyone know of anything like this?  Thanks.

- mark

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try this tab ,was done by fellow member TMACK

RE: ? for those with an elevated line.....

          12/16/12 6:44 PM
          Reply by TMack TMack is offline. Click for Member Snapshot.
          The file may need adjustment in the print settings before you print. If you want it to fit a drywall shim, you might need to set the scale at 97% or something else as each printer will vary. Here is a screen shot of my print dialogue box. I cant remember
RICH B posted:

try this tab ,was done by fellow member TMACK

RE: ? for those with an elevated line.....

          12/16/12 6:44 PM
          Reply by TMack TMack is offline. Click for Member Snapshot.
          The file may need adjustment in the print settings before you print. If you want it to fit a drywall shim, you might need to set the scale at 97% or something else as each printer will vary. Here is a screen shot of my print dialogue box. I cant remember

Thanks for pointing me to that forum thread.  I may try printing double-sided to thick card stock, but if that looks to flimsy, may try the drywall shims.  Will post results if I get it to work.

DrTrainDad posted:

Wow-  those are nice, but probably beyond my capability.

You may be surprised. If I were you, I'd give it a try. Build one, learn  your lessons, throw it away, build another and put it on your layout. I predict that the second one will make you proud. After that, you will be off and running in a whole new dimension of the hobby.

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