Sunnyside Yard, in Queens, New York, is a massive facility. It is also one not usually accessible, unless you happen to be crew on a private car moving through the yard. The yard is understandably restricted, and unless you are on an errand, such as getting ice or paperwork updates, you must stay with your car and not wander about. On my recent trip working Dover Harbor to Montreal, we had to overnight in the yard in each direction. Once all the duties were completed, there was not much to do except read and take photos from the car platform and immediate area. A telephoto lens is a big help in seeing more of the yard from your one location. I thought OGR members might like to see some of the multitude of trains that utilize Sunnyside. Most photos taken October 4, with one or two on October 7. The telephoto of the Acela in the shop was taken during our journey to get ice.
It was a surprise to see another Pullman green heavyweight car in the yard as well, NYC 3.