I have a 1996 #777 Lionel engine that sparked intermittently from Drive wheel and rear truck in several forward and reverse 10 second test runs. Having just pulled it from the box, I will take a closer look and lube it lightly before trying again. Regardless, I really can't fathom what could cause sparks. This engine probably required rubber tires which I may have to order. Aside from that - it appears to be a very well cared engine that is cosmetically perfect. Idea's anyone?
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It boils down to a combination of high current and poor electrical contact. Clean wheels and clean tracks can help.
As for the lubrication, these era of Hudsons are well known to have their factory lube turn to cement so it is important your lubrication includes addressing the gearbox. One has to remove the shell and circuitry to gain access to the gearbox cover for removal. Really clean it out and refill with good grease like Red N Tacky #2.
As for the traction tire, the standard 242-206 traction tire should do.
bmoran4, thank you. I look forward to cleaning this one up, from the inside out. No mystery evidently, just cleaning the track and wheels, and a thorough lube job. Thank you for the timely response. Chuck
Sparks are bad for wheels - they cause pitting and that causes weaker contact.