I have 3 LC+ locos: Jersey Central Pacific Steamer, Erie Camelback Steamer and New Haven FAs (powered and non-powered units). Each has it's own individual personality.
I recently posted on a different thread about the durability of the Jersey Central Pacific. It took a 4 foot dive onto the concrete basement floor. Only damage was a broken tiny, but important, piece of plastic that holds the wheel axle in place that I fixed using Superglue. The body was totally unscathed from the fall. It's a very good puller and IMO beautiful with its baby blue Blue Comet-like livery. Its ruggedness (a great quality IMO, also means its detail is mediocre for a modern engine at best.
The Erie Camelback, IMO, has very good detail, which surprised me when I first saw it at my LHS. Like the Jersey Central Pacific, it is a very good puller and, IMO, very attractive. Knowing LC+ engines have features I like a lot, including sounds, smoke, whistle, bell, electrocoupler, affordability and user friendliness, when I saw its detail, I had to have it.
Unlike the Erie Erie Camelback and Jersey Central Pacific, the New Haven FAs are not very good pullers. I think the main reason for this is that it lacks heft, which the other LC+ engines have. This may be remedied by adding weights inside the powered unit, which I have not done yet. I simply have it pull fewer and lighter train cars, and then the train runs fine.
I lam very pleased with all 3 of these LC+ locomotives. I primarily run them when I have an audience, and especially during operating sessions with my granddaughter.
One more thing: the Erie Camelback does not have Bluetooth, but the other 2 LC+ engines do, so they can be run with the smartphone App. I like running them using my smartphone but prefer the dedicated remote. For future LC+2.0 engines, I plan to usually run them with the Universal Remote, which I already have.