Originally Posted by GregR:
In the spirit of the upcoming Fourth of July holiday, I challenge you, Mr. Melvin, as moderator, and as an American, to establish a "Free Speech" zone within this forum community. Keep in mind that even the most liberal colleges, loathe to free speech, have established "free speech" zones on their campuses, sometimes as small as a 10'x10' patch of grass.
Accept my challenge, and I will immediately arrange for a paid subscription to your magazine.
Greg, as much as I am a staunch defender of free speech and against political correctness, and as much as I would like you to subscribe, what you are asking for does not exist ANYWHERE on the internet. It can't. Read the terms of service for Facebook and twitter, two examples on-line giants with vastly more users than we have. There are limits on what you can post there, too.
What you are essentially asking me to do is to set up a forum where anything goes with zero moderation. Members could talk about politics and religion, which is guaranteed to end up with posts calling people names, threatening people and all sorts of other negative things, without fear of moderation. This is exactly what would happen if we had a "moderation-free" off-topic "free speech" forum.
This was the ultimate demise of the old AOL boards. Moderation there was almost nonexistent and the entire forum degenerated into a handful of people posting nothing but crap about T-Rex. We aren't going to go there, Greg. It would mean the ultimate end of this forum.
Originally Posted by rrman:
...Sorry moderators if you are so thin skinned you don't want your members to know about bad actors or service or parts etc. When you kow-tow to the advertisers, members suffer. Pretty much reason I won't be renewing my subscription again.
Once again I suggest you read the Terms of Service for this forum, which you agreed to!
Item #8 in the Posting Guidelines section says this:
"When you post about a bad experience keep in mind that there are usually three sides to every quarrel: your side, the other side, and the truth, which is somewhere in the middle. When you post about such a difference of opinion, the other side usually doesn't have the opportunity to defend himself on the Forum so such things can become very one-sided and unfair very quickly. In the interest of fairness, if you actually name the other party in such a post, creating the potential, given the vast reach of the Internet, for what might be a very unfair character assassination, we are going to delete the thread. In a similar light, posts whose purpose we judge to be primarily to bash another person, vendor, manufacturer, etc., will be deleted."
You have to understand that when someone posts about a negative experience, it's not a fair fight! The vendor has no opportunity to defend himself and all we get is one side of the story. And even if the vendor chose to respond, all it would do is perpetuate an argument that would not be good for anyone involved. The blatant negativism would drive people away.
Another point we have to consider is this: How do we know that the person posting about his negative experience doesn't have an agenda of his own and is just making the whole thing up to attack a vendor? That has happened in the past on this forum.