I am looking for some tips on hooking up TMCC Direct Lockons (6-34120) to my layout that consists of 5 independent loops powered by 2 postwar ZWs and a KW. The transformers are wired in phase with one common buss line feeding the entire layout. I operate both postwar and modern era locomotives and need the 6-34120 to protect the electronics in the newer trains. I also have a TMCC Command Base connected to a common terminal on one of the ZWs which communicates to all my Commend equipped locomotives on the various loops of track.
I tried hooking up the 6-34120 Lockon to one of the ZW controllers using the Lionel Power Adapter Cable (#6-12893) using the instructions provided for the TMCC Direct Lock on. When I applied a low amount of voltage to the loop of track the green light on the lockon illuminated. When I introduced a short in the track to test the lock on, instead of the circuit breaker tripping in the lockon the fuse in the wire of the Power Adapter Cable connected to the transformer blew.
While I am in the process of hunting down a replacement fuse I am reaching out to see if anyone has tried this set-up and can provide any guidance to what I may be doing wrong. I realize that if I can get the TMCC Lockon to work on one circuit that I will need to install 4 additional to fully protect the entire layout.
Thank you and I appreciate any input.