No, I've move to the LONGER Island in '73 and frequent mostly Nassau Co. hobby shops and once in a while, Suffolk Co. shops, as well as, online.
Staten Island got too built up, as is out here.
Most of the country beauty and like most railroading are gone from both islands!!!!!
Even, some country is gone in states that mostly have beautiful country scenes.
Everywhere you look, you see areas being built up.
I guess, that progress!
I bought Thomas R. Flagg's two books entitled: "New York Harbor Railroads In Color," volumes I & II, I had a difficult time finding volume I and both volumes have become dear in the prices.
new york harbor railroads in color
The info. and mostly color photos. are great!
I remember, living in Manhattan and then S.I., seeing the RR. barges crossing the harbor, etc. and imagining what the many colored and different sized box cars contained, where did they come from and where were they going?
Most of the RR. barges are now gone, in the N.Y. Harbor, due to container ships.
I'll probably run into you, if, I didn't already, in one of our hobby shops.
Take Care,