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Attached is updated PDF of this file for anyone who may be interested.

The most notable addition is 691-PCB1-11E Rev A; which is used in many mid 2000's TMCC diesels as well as steam.

A few other minor fixes and tweaks are also included.

Regards, Rod


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I have 2 of these  691-PCB1-072   motherboards that were in a box of TMCC boards I picked up at a show.  They are not in Rod's documentation.   I've labeled the pinouts based on the printing on the board, but I have a few questions.
Does anyone know the vintage/use of this board?

What are these abbreviations?  (I entered my best guesses)

RL = Rear Light??

FL - Front Light??

CAB = Cab Light??

Batt = + terminal on 9V battery??  (- terminal to Gnd??)

+5/FWD/+5/REV = PWM to DCDR-S ??

+5/Gnd/Cam = ??

Collector/Motor - Do the 2 black connectors on the Left and Center each go to Track Hot/Chassis Ground and the one on the Right to DCDR Motor board?? (see 2nd photo)



TMCC MotherboardIMG_1430IMG_1429IMG_1432IMG_1431


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  • TMCC Motherboard
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That board is in my 3rd Rail ATSF 2-10-4. Be careful with the J4 header, it is labeled incorrectly, you will want to pin it out. On mine, power comes in on J2. It used a DCDR open loop motor driver. Kind of a unique board. Here’s a pic from when I filmed the YouTube vids on it back in August. 2021:


There’s more explanation of it here at around 6:51. Please note, the remarks about the RS power supply are a bit off, it’s just a power supply (a very good one).


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  • 607F92DC-18E0-4879-A8BC-B56C22CD71E5
Last edited by Norm Charbonneau


The video "tutorial" was great.  I'm very comfortable working with electronics, but I am new to doing TMCC upgrades and conversions.   There are a dizzying variety of TMCC boards and modules.  I have been collecting circuit diagrams, pinouts, and tips and techniques from the forum and the web to get me started.  The Holy Grail would be an ebook on TMCC electronics and upgrades  like Barry did for DCS.  Anyone?

I just picked up a box of a dozen or so TMCC boards and modules at a train show for next to nothing, so I'm ready to have at it.  

Thanks to Norm, GRJ, Norton, Rod, and others who have shared their knowledge and experience on the forum.


Yeah.    As soon as I clicked Post Reply, your signature line came to mind.   I said to myself, "That's going to bite you in the butt."

On a more serious note, as I compiled info from various threads, I thought about doing this.   I would consider it only if some of you gurus would be willing to review and make corrections.   

Retirement is in 4 months, so maybe then . . .

@RRDOC posted:

Yeah.    As soon as I clicked Post Reply, your signature line came to mind.   I said to myself, "That's going to bite you in the butt."

@RRDOC posted:

On a more serious note, as I compiled info from various threads, I thought about doing this.   I would consider it only if some of you gurus would be willing to review and make corrections.   

Retirement is in 4 months, so maybe then . . .

If we can get each person to check out just one or two board pinouts, we could really enlarge Rod's excellent document.  I know I find Rod's work very handy, I just grab the picture and wire away.  Having more of the motherboards documented would really be great.


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  • mceclip0

Another product that uses this board is the K-Line #K-25401 Texas Special F3 AA.

The set I have on the workbench now has in the past been a magic smoke producer.

The label on the board for the J4 connections is now the problem. I have replaced all the melted and chared wires and componets. but connecting them to the J4 connector is a mistery.

Using a meter the antenna connection from the radio board goes to the second pin from the left.

Connections between the two engines is another kettle of fish.

Any insight would be helpful.

Old post but I just repaired a K line engine F-3 ABA with powered As.  The Lionel schematic has issues too and is hard to follow.

For the 072 board looking at the above pictures.  With board oriented so the R2LC socket is on your Right-hand side:

J4 (6 Pin) moving from the right most pin to the left is:  Rear Light-Ground-Ground-Smoke or Cab Light-Antenna-Ground

J10 (4 Pin) correct

J5 (4 pin) Left to right; 5V-Fwd Dir-5V-Rear Dir

J9 (3 pin) goes to audio board Left right: 5V-Grd-Chuff)  Kline sends a wire from their cruise board to the chuff pin.

The K-line F-3 10 pin internal/external harness connector wired on the units I repair:

Ac Pwr   Brown- Green   Front Light

Smoke   Red-  Black   Ground

Ground   White-White  Rear Coupler (both these white go to RC 2 pin connector

Rear Light  Yellow-Gray   Ground

Serial Data Bluish-Brown   Ground (both these wires are fed to the Cruise board along with Chuff (3 wires in a 4-wire socket on the K-line cruise)



Here is my 2 cents as it pertains to 691-PCB1-0B9 Rev. A . Board is mounted in a K-Line by Lionel, 2-11556, CSX SD70MAC

The differences I have noted are;

1) J6 is at a right angle (similar to J3) J6-1 (YL) > J2-2 on MDK-090, Rev. D

2) JP1 (also at right angle) - Jumper is at 1-2 (A-B) with nothing on 3 (C?)

3) J3-1 PL > {to 691-PCB1-09F} [SERIAL] / J3-2 BL > [GND] / J3-3 GN > [RL] / J3-4 YL > [RC]


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  • 691-PCB1-)B9(2)
  • 691-PCB1-0B9

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