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Guys been busy lately I had a safety meeting this morning was planing to run trains today in the garage on this warm winter day but didn’t happen. Everybody’s stuff is looking great . Kevin  I like that tootsie toy jeep with boat trailer your layout looks good. Like mike said have fun with it very relaxing and takes you mind off of things well it does me anyway 

Last edited by lee drennen

I finished the Lionel Challenger Dome Coach car's lower level by adding Preiser 65602 People that I painted.

The car is drying, and I will assemble it for a track test.  I will do the lower level of the Observation next, just to close up as many passenger cars as possible.  I have ordered paint to do more people for the Dining car and a CSX and UP Theater Car. A second set of the Union Pacific Challenger 2-pack is on its way to me.  I never was able to get the couplers from Lionel Service that were broken on two of my previous 21" passenger cars.  I am tired of waiting.  (Only 75.00 a coupler this way.) 

Here are a few pictures of the Dome-Coach.

Sincerely, John Rowlen


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lee drennen posted:

Guys been busy lately I had a safety meeting this morning was planing to run trains today in the garage on this warm winter day but didn’t happen. Everybody’s stuff is looking great . Kevin  I like that tootsie toy jeep with boat trailer your layout looks good. Like mike said have fun with it very relaxing and takes you mind off of things well it does me anyway 

Thanks! So true - great way to relax and my daughter is totally into designing the scenery. Such fun with an 11 year old. 

Plan is to make an alpine lake at that end. Finding incredible deals at the craft stores today. All this hedge I bought for just a few bucks. Going back for the rest of their stock tomorrow. 


This metal farmhouse with snowy roof was also only a couple of bucks.



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M. Mitchell Marmel posted:
CoastsideKevin posted:



Someone is a Citroen fan!    Unless I'm mistaken, the stripped down hulk that Smokey is checking out is a Bossaert Coupe!  Never knew that was done in diecast.  Dinky?   


It’s a Corgi.  “Le Dandy Coupe” stamped on bottom. I think it was buried in our yard for a few years!



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Great pix everyone.

Kevin- Would this be considered a barn find??? Great bunch of finds at the craft store too. I always stock up after Christmas, tons of great deals to be had.

A second set of the Union Pacific Challenger 2-pack is on its way to me.  I never was able to get the couplers from Lionel Service that were broken on two of my previous 21" passenger cars.  I am tired of waiting.  (Only 75.00 a coupler this way.) 

I like your math John. Works for me . The UP coaches look great too.

Congrats on the successful soldering work Jim. The yard is going to be great when you are done.

Speaking of soldering- I fixed the cold joint I had on the switch. Ran a train over it and all is good now (and I've been soldering for years- happens to the best of us). This one was tricky- It was the center rail on my home made tubular to Fastrack adapter. I don't think the plating on the FT takes solder to well. Or it needs more heat that my pencil iron can produce.

2017-07-29 15.26.07




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Last edited by RSJB18
RSJB18 posted:

Great pix everyone.

Kevin- Would this be considered a barn find??? Great bunch of finds at the craft store too. I always stock up after Christmas, tons of great deals to be had.

A second set of the Union Pacific Challenger 2-pack is on its way to me.  I never was able to get the couplers from Lionel Service that were broken on two of my previous 21" passenger cars.  I am tired of waiting.  (Only 75.00 a coupler this way.) 

I like your math John. Works for me . The UP coaches look great too.

Congrats on the successful soldering work Jim. The yard is going to be great when you are done.

Speaking of soldering- I fixed the cold joint I had on the switch. Ran a train over it and all is good now (and I've been soldering for years- happens to the best of us). This one was tricky- It was the center rail on my home made tubular to Fastrack adapter. I don't think the plating on the FT takes solder to well. Or it needs more heat that my pencil iron can produce.

2017-07-29 15.26.07



Lionel has a video on how their wire Fastrack.  Looks like they drop of puddle on the place they want to solder to, after tinning the wire they just heat it up and melt the puddle.   Wish I could do it as easy as they make it look!   I took a different approach in wiring my sidings..  I use the space under it a lot taking stuff in and out do to lack of choo choo storage.   So I didn't want wires under there at all because I'm good at getting hung on stuff lol 

I will post a picture here in a bit.   Its kind of goofy but I think it will work. 


Thought I was going to be working on more flats and loading docks but when I placed a box car on the track to the first loading dock I just did I found I had measured wrong and the dock was too close to the track. The box car rubbed against the dock so I very carefully pried the roof and dock off the building. Once I did that I was able to cut off both to fit better. While that was drying I glued the rest of the flats together and started on the second loading dock. This time I played it smart and placed a boxcar on the siding to measure for the dock. Pics...........Paul



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RSJB18 posted:

 Speaking of soldering- I fixed the cold joint I had on the switch. Ran a train over it and all is good now (and I've been soldering for years- happens to the best of us). This one was tricky- It was the center rail on my home made tubular to Fastrack adapter. I don't think the plating on the FT takes solder to well. Or it needs more heat that my pencil iron can produce.

I get good results using a Weller soldering gun on Fastrack. Anything smaller may be problematic.   

In other news, Thomas equipment for the museum is starting to roll in!   I cemented the face of this Thomas back on yesterday...


In a display of rare self-restraint, I did NOT white out Thomas' eyes and make a Tor Johnson The Tank Engine...




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Last edited by M. Mitchell Marmel

Kevin, those are some interesting vehicles for sure.  I'm glad your daughter has fun with the scenery.

Bob, Yes that is some hefty soldering.

Brian, something looks familiar about some of those photographs!  Big blue is really smoking! 

Joe, the start of your canyon looks great!  The cattle will need a fence before it is done.

Paul, It's good the dock wasn't attached to the building.  That is a nice looking area!

Mitch, The Thomas looks like new.  I had to look up Tor Johnson

David, the trailers make for a good busy scene.

Last edited by Mark Boyce
Mark Boyce posted:

Kevin, those are some interesting vehicles for sure.  I'm glad your daughter has fun with the scenery.

Here is one of the more interesting ones I found this morning. A Corgi Toyota 2000GT with opening engine compartment where you can look down the cylinders. Rhinestone tail, head, and reverse lights and detailed paint in the cockpit. They don’t make em like this anymore!




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CoastsideKevin posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

Kevin, those are some interesting vehicles for sure.  I'm glad your daughter has fun with the scenery.

Here is one of the more interesting ones I found this morning. A Corgi Toyota 2000GT with opening engine compartment where you can look down the cylinders. Rhinestone tail, head, and reverse lights and detailed paint in the cockpit. They don’t make em like this anymore!



Ectually,  that's from "You Only Live Twice", and those are rocket launchers.     Good find,  anyway!  Those are rare-ish.    




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Last edited by M. Mitchell Marmel

You know Kevin and Mitch, they remind me of my matchbox cars, most bought new in the mid '60s, but they have lots of paint chips and dirt in the crevasses from playing with them on the dirt pile.  Lots of British cars in the mix of course.  When I was in high school, I didn't care and put them on my HO layout.  I have mine, my brother's, and my brother-in-law's carrying cases full of those little cars in a cupboard in the garage.

Last edited by Mark Boyce
M. Mitchell Marmel posted:
CoastsideKevin posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

Kevin, those are some interesting vehicles for sure.  I'm glad your daughter has fun with the scenery.

Here is one of the more interesting ones I found this morning. A Corgi Toyota 2000GT with opening engine compartment where you can look down the cylinders. Rhinestone tail, head, and reverse lights and detailed paint in the cockpit. They don’t make em like this anymore!



Ectually,  that's from "You Only Live Twice", and those are rocket launchers.     Good find,  anyway!  Those are rare-ish.    



Wow, interesting! I wish it were in good shape. It did indeed get played with a lot on a dirt pile!

Nice work as usual everyone! This is such an interesting thread to follow. I my self just finished screwing the plywood down on furnace curve. So with the exception of a bridge/duck under/ lift off which is waiting on the final track plan, phase one of the layout is structurally finished!  No pics today too gross down there at the moment!

Marc that is SPOOKY!!!!

Paul I want to see an overall video or pictures of your layout!  Looking good!  

David those trucks and trailers are awesome!   I cant find any around good diecast around here!  


Here is my "control panel" for the newly isolated sidings and main line sections,  that I've had for twenty years! It was previously used in my HO days.   Switches still work!   Wife wants me to leave that side out to represent the former company Alcoa Aluminum.  Which was huge in our area.   I have 3 or 4 more plates made into switch panels to use up! LOL I'm at least going to hang it correctly and put a "map" on it. 




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Last edited by carsntrains

Johan, wonderful video. I really like all the weathered cars and look at you having your own personal tank car! Very cool and nice work!

Jim, sorry about the trouble you have to go threw making all the recess! But a good thing is you Bob and I all got a chance to do some soldering today! Like you this is the first day I did not get mad at my lack of skills in soldering as I really enjoyed myself. You will see why at the end of my post!

Kevin, that's a steal at $10 for a 150 trees! Very nice station and as long as your having fun, that's what its all about! If you don't mind me asking where are you shopping for the trees and hedge?

John, nice work! But I have 2 questions for you. How many have you don't sofar? and How many do you plan on doing?

Alabama Joe, Looking great!

Paul, measure twice cut once! LOL Just kidding, I have done that so many times in my life I stopped counting! LOL Everything is looking amazing! Keep up the great work!

David, the trailers look great and really bring things to life! Nicely done!

OTTAWA Marc, nice work on the port hole. Also nice work on the ballast! Does it ever end? LOL

Oliver, its never to gross for most of us here! Feel free to post pictures! LOL

So as for me, today I had to take some stuff to the goodwill to drop off. Whenever we do I always go in to see if there is anything I need for the layout and today was a score for me. I have been fighting with my soldering iron and my skills soldering track. Well today I found a Weller W100P soldering iron. $5.99. It just has one tip but I brought it home tested it on some scrap track and it works great! I was telling Jim yesterday I was going to add a couple drops do to bad signal. Today I just soldered the track together where the problem spot was. Now I have 10's all the way around the room!20190106_16440020190106_164414


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This past Friday I had some family come visit.  My cousin's granddaughter, age 2 1/2, loved the trains ... both the one around the Christmas tree and my permanent layout.  She just stood there starring totally intrigued.   Her mother said that the trains held her attention longer than any other thing at home or elsewhere.  It was quite something to see this little girl so fascinated with trains.   I showed her some things on the remote ie; blowing the whistle and ringing the bell plus tower com. and she just had a great time with it all!   

Saturday I showed one of my older teen students the layout.  He loved it and had a ton of questions about the trains themselves, the time period I model, how the mountain was constructed, real trains, and so on.  He was genuinely interested.

This morning I ran trains for a while and really enjoyed the time!  

I finished the Dome Observation for the Union Pacific Challenger set.  I placed the Preiser People I painted on the lower level, let the glue dry, and closed the car up.  The car looks good circling the layout.

Now I have to open the Dining Car and begin painting the interior and make seat backs for the square boxes that Lionel created as seats. The injection molding process may have made seat backs impossible to do.

Sincerely, John Rowlen


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mike g. posted:

Johan, wonderful video. I really like all the weathered cars and look at you having your own personal tank car! Very cool and nice work!

Jim, sorry about the trouble you have to go threw making all the recess! But a good thing is you Bob and I all got a chance to do some soldering today! Like you this is the first day I did not get mad at my lack of skills in soldering as I really enjoyed myself. You will see why at the end of my post!

Kevin, that's a steal at $10 for a 150 trees! Very nice station and as long as your having fun, that's what its all about! If you don't mind me asking where are you shopping for the trees and hedge?

John, nice work! But I have 2 questions for you. How many have you don't sofar? and How many do you plan on doing?

Alabama Joe, Looking great!

Paul, measure twice cut once! LOL Just kidding, I have done that so many times in my life I stopped counting! LOL Everything is looking amazing! Keep up the great work!

David, the trailers look great and really bring things to life! Nicely done!

OTTAWA Marc, nice work on the port hole. Also nice work on the ballast! Does it ever end? LOL

Oliver, its never to gross for most of us here! Feel free to post pictures! LOL

So as for me, today I had to take some stuff to the goodwill to drop off. Whenever we do I always go in to see if there is anything I need for the layout and today was a score for me. I have been fighting with my soldering iron and my skills soldering track. Well today I found a Weller W100P soldering iron. $5.99. It just has one tip but I brought it home tested it on some scrap track and it works great! I was telling Jim yesterday I was going to add a couple drops do to bad signal. Today I just soldered the track together where the problem spot was. Now I have 10's all the way around the room!20190106_16440020190106_164414

Mike: Thank you very much, I am glad you like it. Maybe I try later paint a some S.B.R. -tank cars.


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