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mike g. posted:

LEW, Nice conversion! Just one question, why not just make the pilot fixed?

Bob, your right, looks much better! Nice work, it really gives it that finished look!

Mike, I thought about that but I have two O36 curves (hidden in tunnels) and I don't think it would work with the long overhang and skirting on the passenger car behind the engine. Pretty sure it would crowbar the engine, the car, or both off the track on those curves.







        Izzy was feeling a little left out after not going on our road trip Saturday...

                so after work yesterday,

                        we hung out running trains and rail fanning the forum...







              then after her bowl of ice cream,  everything was all good again...


               good night...



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Last edited by briansilvermustang
briansilvermustang posted:






        Izzy was feeling a little left out after not going on our road trip Saturday...

                so after work yesterday,

                        we hung out running trains and rail fanning the forum...







               then after her bowl of ice cream, everything was all good again...



What a good puppy!!!!

briansilvermustang posted:



        Izzy was feeling a little left out after not going on our road trip Saturday...

                so after work yesterday,

                        we hung out running trains and rail fanning the forum...




               then after her bowl of ice cream, everything was all good again...


               good night...


Yes, but did she also share your libation?


geysergazer posted:




The knuckle held closed with a screw.

Lew:  Clever idea, that!  Never occurred to me that one could take a working coupler that was missing its pin assembly and turn it into a usable fixed coupler that way.   Excellent suggestion! 

In other news,  just saw the latest videos from a scrounging hero of mine,  Benz Trainz:

It occurs to me that this is a dandy way to make a budget "Radioactive Materials" car!  Just mask off a radiation trefoil,  paint the marker lens the color of your choice and away you go!  


geysergazer posted:
briansilvermustang posted:



        Izzy was feeling a little left out after not going on our road trip Saturday...

                so after work yesterday,

                        we hung out running trains and rail fanning the forum...




               then after her bowl of ice cream, everything was all good again...


               good night...


Yes, but did she also share your libation?





   actually, she prefers...  


          in a frosted bowl of coarse ....




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Last edited by briansilvermustang

Lee, nice find at the train show and really good job redoing it.

Bob, scnery is looking good. What a change. 2 thumbs up. 

Mark, seeing track down on the great looking bench work means you are moving along. Most times I have laid track with trial and error. I could never get those track programs to work for me. 

Cabinet Bob ( dad ) I am truly surprised that you're not included in the Menards snow removal. LOL

This morning I went down to add another coat of water but I forgot that it had to be 24 hours before the next pour. So that won't be till dinner time. Last night with all the high winds our old tall everygreen came to gently rest on the house. It toppled in slow motion. No inside damage and won't know about the shingles until they get the tree off. Hopefully I'll have it off the house this afternoon.............Paul

darlander posted:
BAR GP7 #63 posted:

 Bangor & Aroostook R.R. action. 



Great scene Johan.   Do you weather with chalk, paint or both!   I have yet to attempt that and would like to hear more about your method.   Weathering is in my future.   Cheers, Dave

Dave: Thanks. I like use Artist Oil paints, Pan Pastels with turpentine.


briansilvermustang posted:






        Izzy was feeling a little left out after not going on our road trip Saturday...

                so after work yesterday,

                        we hung out running trains and rail fanning the forum...







              then after her bowl of ice cream,  everything was all good again...


               good night...


And I thought you were the research expert but I see who approves your posts. 

paul 2 posted:

Lee, nice find at the train show and really good job redoing it.

Bob, scnery is looking good. What a change. 2 thumbs up. 

Mark, seeing track down on the great looking bench work means you are moving along. Most times I have laid track with trial and error. I could never get those track programs to work for me. 

Cabinet Bob ( dad ) I am truly surprised that you're not included in the Menards snow removal. LOL

This morning I went down to add another coat of water but I forgot that it had to be 24 hours before the next pour. So that won't be till dinner time. Last night with all the high winds our old tall everygreen came to gently rest on the house. It toppled in slow motion. No inside damage and won't know about the shingles until they get the tree off. Hopefully I'll have it off the house this afternoon.............Paul

UGGGG Pine tree on the house.  bad!  I hope your next "pour" goes well!  We had bad flooding here.  No problems at home thankfully!   Cant wait to see your next group of pictures!!! 


Having found a Maithwaite Railway Station for 75 cents at the open air market today, I reluctantly began to build Sodor Island as part of my Underwater Kingdom (MUK). I cleaned up a large piece of Styrofoam and will begin digging through boxes of supplies for scattered pieces of Thomas the Tank Engine parts. My wife loves Thomas, so she is very happy.SUNP0011SUNP0003SUNP0008


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Lew, The engine bash is great!  That's using your head!!

Bob, The edge of layout scenery and fascia are looking great!

Steve, Seven Macs looks great!  I too am quite pleased with the look of your lighting!

Paul, Thank you.  I'm sure glad the tree came down slowly.  I hope all goes okay with the removal and your shingles.  Maybe you could get the Tuesday Night Crew to lift that tree off for you!  

Brian, I'm glad Izzy is all okay now that she got to do some train research and ice cream!  I'm sorry you had tree trouble too, but am glad it wasn't worse!

Jim, I'm glad you are high and dry!

We had high winds too, in fact they are still going over 24 hours later.  No damage here, just lots of sticks.  I still have to go check my dad's house.

Upgraded this MTH Railking B&O SD-9 dummy unit. The powered half of this duo starts up and runs short hood forward but I prefer to run them long hood forward. So, I installed LED headlights in the long hood end and cab figures facing in the "correct" position and an interior light. Then I just run the dummy as the lead unit.

BO SD0s 20190225_131152BO SD9 7408 20190225_131252BO SD9 7408 20190225_131607


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BO SD9s 132315
paul 2 posted:

Lee, nice find at the train show and really good job redoing it.

Bob, scnery is looking good. What a change. 2 thumbs up. 

Mark, seeing track down on the great looking bench work means you are moving along. Most times I have laid track with trial and error. I could never get those track programs to work for me. 

Cabinet Bob ( dad ) I am truly surprised that you're not included in the Menards snow removal. LOL

This morning I went down to add another coat of water but I forgot that it had to be 24 hours before the next pour. So that won't be till dinner time. Last night with all the high winds our old tall everygreen came to gently rest on the house. It toppled in slow motion. No inside damage and won't know about the shingles until they get the tree off. Hopefully I'll have it off the house this afternoon.............Paul

Paul, so sorry to hear about your tree fall.    Hope your roof and shingles were unaffected.   I guess I mustn't even think about complaining about our 13" Sunday snowfall, especially when I don't even need to lift a shovel to clear the driveway.    I yield the shovel to you younger fellows.  Our HOA takes care of the grass and snow! 

The canyon is look mighty fine!

Cheers, Dave

Biscuitag97, neat layout, cool room to work in, nice NH Diesel to...Post more pictures. 

BAR GP7 #63, wow, I like your State of Maine weathered box car, and your really nice layout. It looks so real. Post more pictures...Your very creative.

GEYSERGAZER, your Rio Grande F Unit is so inspiring as you’ve accomplished a neat mission. I am glad to see folks like you adding so much to our Hobby.

RSJB18, great layout work and you add a lot to our Hobby.

Paul 2, your creativity is awesome, keep us posted...

M Mitchel Marmel, yiur Sence Of humor shows with the little friend on the front of your mention Fortesque, so cool.

Mark B, I see your thinking about your layout, neat table work. Neat room.

Ralph M, well we have something in common, B&O Diesels...I like your pictures and layout. Nice job on your accomplishments. 

Lee Drennen, Mike G, Kon, NS6770fan, lets see more of your layouts..



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Hey Y'all,

  What a great train day.  I painted my first Plasticville part today.  I liked the water tower but felt the colors could be improved.  I will do the detail painting for the level gauge, install a lightening rod, and maybe add a Southern Railroad decal.  It got wife approval!  For my next trick I sprayed a primer coat on my first custom train car.  I have a long way to go on the work car.   DSC03007DSC03010DSC03012

Then I cut four custom length pieces of O27 and add another siding to the Bald Rock Mountain Railroad.  Time to run trains.


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  • DSC03010: After
  • DSC03012
Ralph M posted:

Upgraded this MTH Railking B&O SD-9 dummy unit. The powered half of this duo starts up and runs short hood forward but I prefer to run them long hood forward. So, I installed LED headlights in the long hood end and cab figures facing in the "correct" position and an interior light. Then I just run the dummy as the lead unit.

BO SD0s 20190225_131152BO SD9 7408 20190225_131252BO SD9 7408 20190225_131607

 Ralph I love the video and a very colorful manifest on that train too

80D14F32-8731-4EEC-9492-B615EDA870C0CFE50EA7-0BF5-43AF-ADAD-AEABC29091F267D8704D-EFEB-47F0-ACE1-0495A453688891DB1D31-723B-457D-A8A0-A6ED2323392FE8875367-E553-47B4-8CA7-7E286D3FFE29265D9B91-7140-4DF5-85C4-D1CEA5345BDCB458893E-C457-408B-999E-81C50A111EF1Some great stuff again guys pretty exhausted tonight didn’t do anything on the layout Larry would like to see some different pics of the layout so here are some of took over the weekend when I move some of my cars around.  Well I’m getting ready go to bed I have a safety meeting early in the morning you guys have a good night talk to you tomorrow. 


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Well I haven’t done much lately.  The sun was out today so my garage had warmed up to about 48 degrees before I  fired up the pellet stove.   One of several MTH SD70ACe engines that I have had the anti-skid walkways come unglued from the shell.  I cracked open the contact cement bottle and reglued them. Hate waiting for the cement to dry the 15 minutes before putting whatever it is together.  

By the time I was ready to head to the house the temp in the garage had come up to 55 degrees.  



 Finished a small project. I had a space issue with my log loader. In order to assure the logs were dumped into the log dump car, there was too much space between the track and log loader to assure the logs dumped into the accessory and not all over the track and layout.  So, I built a small platform to fill in the space.  Everything works like a charm now...the logs go where they are supposed to.



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  • LogLoaderPlatform

Inspired to action by this thread, I disassembled one of my Bachman HO trains, scrubbed every rail with rubbing alcohol, and put it away. It kept slowing down, no matter how I cleaned the loco and the tracks, but I have always solved the problem by disassembling and scrubbing the rails. I will set up a different train tomorrow.

And my wife is thrilled that I have restored my HO Thomas the Tank Engine to another track.

I went back to painting Preiser 65602 people for my passenger cars before dinner, and I found myself dozing off and smearing the brown paint for the hair over the nearly completed figure's face, (Five separate times).  I must have been really tired.  I decided to rest and got up at midnight to paint some seated figures from China, Evemodel #8602.  I painted flesh so the paint job was not that critical.  I started 36 figures and have 48 Preiser 65602 I am working on.  

Four more packs of Preiser 65602 arrived from Frankarts on Ebay today.  I need a total of 29 packs of 24 for the passenger cars arriving in December, 2019.  Thirteen are completed.  Five more need to be purchased.

I like the detail work being done to the vehicles.  It is very nice work.  Thank you for the inspiration.

Sincerely, John Rowlen


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Added a spooky tree near my station, found on a beach walk with my kids. (It’s seaweed!)


Added another block so I could park a train on my inner loop and still shunt cars around the yard.



Ran trains! Here are doubleheaded K-Line MP-15s pulling 33 cars up my curvy, 4% grade with no problem.

Having a blast!


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Last edited by CoastsideKevin

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