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What'd I do? Bought-it-now from Hobbyspeed through eBay:

Modernizing on the Plywood Empire Route, we are! From an ancient NW2 to an SW1500 w/ PS3. We used to walk along Chartiers Creek in Boyce Park and would occasionally see a P&OC train. Every time I run this engine I will be reminded of loved ones, living and dead, from the Pittsburgh area.


I need a little help. I'm interested in slow speed (switching ) operation and to access the umpteen-step speed control I need to go DCS. Cannot spend the $$ right now for the full-blown handheld so how well does the DCS Remote Commander do with slow speed control?? I understand it is  IR so the handheld must be more-or-less pointed at the receiver.


Last edited by geysergazer
p51 posted:
BAR GP7 #63 posted:


I always love your work. Has your layout ever been in any magazines? if so, which magazine/issue? If not, from what I've seen on this forum, it should!

Lee. Thanks. The answer is: Not yet, but maybe this year you can see to our layout some magazine. Now we have also some big projects to our layout and many things looking quite different after 3-4 months. Lets see. 


I had my little medical procedure yesterday. Went very smoothly, unlike the one back in December. I was done in about a half hour, instead of a two night stay in the hospital.

The procedure is called a fistulagram, and the purpose is to maintain good blood flow for my dialysis access. That was actually my fourth one, and I will probably be getting them every 3 or 4 months from now on.

I'm at dialysis now, and running smoothly. My numbers are much better than they were on Monday. The problem back in December was we waited too long to get in and have it fixed, and that lead to complications. We aren't going to let that happen again!


Patrick came over last Saturday, and we kept working on the skirting. He kept putting up the rail, and I kept hanging the landscape fabric.

Here I am plugging along at the far end of aisle one.


Aisle one is totally done, and ready for the open house on the fourth.


I got just past the fire extinguisher at the end of the first peninsula before it was quitting time (thankfully). My knee was very tired. It's pretty good today, but I'd love to finish aisle two tomorrow. We'll see.


Patrick finished the long straight run in aisle four, by going around the electrical outlet and the air system inlet.


The far end of aisle four by the back door. He had to put that 2x4 against the wall to support the end piece. Solid!


The curve by the layout entry still needs some sort of cut out for the layout power switches and the layout light switches on the back side of the leg. We'll figure something out.


This is at the end of peninsula three, and will cover the access to the small helix, below the Mississippi River / Milwaukee Short Line Bridge scene.


Once I get the fabric hung, I'll trim the bottom to follow the ramp on the floor at the layout entrance, as it tapers out to about 11", by the blue bin on the right.


Finally, we're adding a short piece at the end of peninsula two. I would have covered the hidden yard, but it's nice to have a little window, so guests can see that it's there. I also didn't want to risk trains getting snagged there, since the skirt would hang pretty close to the track.


This Saturday, we'll finish the rails, hang more skirting, clean up and run a few trains to make sure everything is ready for the open house. It looks as if my son will be home to help run trains with Patrick for the event. That gives me a warm feeling.


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geysergazer posted:

What'd I do? Bought-it-now from Hobbyspeed through eBay:

Modernizing on the Plywood Empire Route, we are! From an ancient NW2 to an SW1500 w/ PS3. We used to walk along Chartiers Creek in Boyce Park and would occasionally see a P&OC train. Every time I run this engine I will be reminded of loved ones, living and dead, from the Pittsburgh area.


I need a little help. I'm interested in slow speed (switching ) operation and to access the umpteen-step speed control I need to go DCS. Cannot spend the $$ right now for the full-blown handheld so how well does the DCS Remote Commander do with slow speed control?? I understand it is  IR so the handheld must be more-or-less pointed at the receiver.


Lew. MTH DCS remote control working quite well with a slow speed, but i recommend buy also MTH Wi-Fi module. I am very happy, after i can control all my trains with a smartphone.


luvindemtrains posted:
mike g. posted:

Ok everyone, I really need some help from you all! While I am waiting on more track, I have been playing with building placement and its really hurting my brain. So I took some pictures along with a track plan to attach here to see if any of you dare to chime in! All comments are great! On the layout on the lower section of the picture there is 11 1/2" from the front of the table to the track, then 3 " between the 2 tracks, then 9" between the 2 & 3rd track. I hope this helps. I don't have the footprint of the buildings right now but can get them.Train Layout20190421_17413620190421_17414220190421_17414820190421_17415720190421_17430020190421_174208                                          Any and all help would be great! I am open to ideas!

Hey Mike,

First off, I really like how you painted the Lionel Grain Elevator...I  may have to steal those colors from you. I will be in the same boat as you in a couple of weeks. Though I started  with a plan, I later started picking up buildings and other structures just because I liked them. I know where the majority of them are going but not sure where some of them will go to make logistical sense. The track plan was created for me and building/industry placement was not discussed in length as it should have been. That would be one thing I regret for this build. I'm sure Menards really likes you!

My only advise would be to plan out your road system, if  you haven't already done so. This has been a good guide for me when all else fails. Especially for those structures that I didn't plan for. Though this task will take some thought, it will be one of the most fun aspects of building the layout. Especially when you feel like it all makes sense and each building has a special place on your layout.



Yes Menards likes Mike!  He's a chip off the old block!!  

p51 posted:
lee drennen posted:


Lee D, neat truck. I'm not familiar with transformers much, I had no idea they made them that big!

Lee D, Neat transformers!  Better take the bushings off so as to not take down every power line you go under!  You still would need high load clearances.  BTW, the lowboy truck looks great!

Lee P51, Yes I have seen transformers that big in the power station switchyard.  Large single phase ones there.  Out in the substations, they usually have three phase transformers, but I'm sure some companies do things differently than the one I worked at.

paul 2 posted:

Dave, great scenery. As they say on the west coast "totally awesome dude".

Johan, another good looking scene.

Gandydancer1950, great shots of your good looking layout.

Mike, wow, I think you are going to surpass dad on buildings in no time at all.

Bob, nice buy and one of the best paint schemes going. Love D & H.

Lee, the LED lighting makes a difference.

Weekend was spent in Michigan with the kids and grandkids. But while there I got an email from Menards my building and free truck was in. So today I went to get it and while there I picked up a clamp set and some fiber tape for drywall to try on the edge of the table to hold down the plaster better. Plus they still had the grabbers with an 8 dollar rebate so I got another one. Hoping tomorrow with a little bit of yard work forst I can work on the layout. Some pics. I really like this building...........Paul 2


Paul, That is quite a haul!!  You finally got a brewery!!!!!

mike g. posted:

Evening everyone, I hope you all had a great day today!

Paul 2, Great looking building! Does it have a floor in the area where the train can pass threw? Also I hope you get done with your yard work really really fast! LOL

LEE D, Thanks a little here and a little there adds up!

So I went out to the train room this morning wanting to work on the corner with the airfield. But one thing had been bothering me, The curve in that corner was still 054 and every time the train would go threw the car no matter which one I put behind the engine would tip. For the longest time I thought to myself its ok, it doesn't derail and no one will ever see it under the airfield. Well this morning I said screw it and took up the last 4 pieces of 054 and replaced it 072 and man is it much smoother! I really like it now and I know I wont have to worry!

I shot a little video and while I was at it I thought it would be a nice quick little tour of the train room! ENJOY!

Great run, Mike!  The train room is looking great!!!!   

BAR GP7 #63 posted:
geysergazer posted:

What'd I do? Bought-it-now from Hobbyspeed through eBay:

Modernizing on the Plywood Empire Route, we are! From an ancient NW2 to an SW1500 w/ PS3. We used to walk along Chartiers Creek in Boyce Park and would occasionally see a P&OC train. Every time I run this engine I will be reminded of loved ones, living and dead, from the Pittsburgh area.


I need a little help. I'm interested in slow speed (switching ) operation and to access the umpteen-step speed control I need to go DCS. Cannot spend the $$ right now for the full-blown handheld so how well does the DCS Remote Commander do with slow speed control?? I understand it is  IR so the handheld must be more-or-less pointed at the receiver.


Lew. MTH DCS remote control working quite well with a slow speed, but i recommend buy also MTH Wi-Fi module. I am very happy, after i can control all my trains with a smartphone.


Johan, thanks! I'll look into it as I'm never far from my iPhone.


geysergazer posted:
BAR GP7 #63 posted:
geysergazer posted:

What'd I do? Bought-it-now from Hobbyspeed through eBay:

Modernizing on the Plywood Empire Route, we are! From an ancient NW2 to an SW1500 w/ PS3. We used to walk along Chartiers Creek in Boyce Park and would occasionally see a P&OC train. Every time I run this engine I will be reminded of loved ones, living and dead, from the Pittsburgh area.


I need a little help. I'm interested in slow speed (switching ) operation and to access the umpteen-step speed control I need to go DCS. Cannot spend the $$ right now for the full-blown handheld so how well does the DCS Remote Commander do with slow speed control?? I understand it is  IR so the handheld must be more-or-less pointed at the receiver.


Lew. MTH DCS remote control working quite well with a slow speed, but i recommend buy also MTH Wi-Fi module. I am very happy, after i can control all my trains with a smartphone.


Johan, thanks! I'll look into it as I'm never far from my iPhone.


Nice looking switcher Lew. I'm not too far behind you making the jump to DCS or Legacy. Enjoy that new engine. 


Thanks Bob, yup that caught my eye right away. That's the only spot on the hidden yard where the main level is directly above the edge of the hidden yard. It had to be that way because of the curve radii needed in the yard.

Originally, I didn't think I was going to have any skirting on that part, but we came up with this last minute compromise, to just block the view of the concrete. Should look and work fine.

Larry , Thank you Sir it means a lot that you comment on my build! I really liked serving!

Bob, thanks, you will get one of those new drivers license one day! Sorry for the loss of the expansion area. But just remember one day it will be all yours unless the CEO States different! LOL

Brian, Nice CSX Photos! Are you sure you work for a living, of do you just spend all day taking photos! LOL

Ralph, Nice work! How many are you going to do?

Johan wonderful job on the MEC Box car! 

Elliot, things sure shaping up! The fabric looks great and really adds a finished look. Sorry about your bumb knee but glad things went well at your treatment! On really cool thing is that you get to see your son soon and get to run trains with him! I hope you have a wonderful open House!

Mark Thank you! That is the fastest I have ran that train from day one!

So I went out to the train room and worked alittle on the airfield area and half way threw I changed my mind on how to approach things, The new idea will start tomorrow and into the weekend! There wont be much new going on as far as track and I want to take care of a few things before buying anything else! So it will be a slow go, but I will still be building with what I have!

Everyone have a great night!

Thanks Mike. It was just a coincidence that he was going to be in town that weekend. He had been planning to spend Saturday with his mother, but I made him a better offer, including a soccer game at the new stadium, after running trains all afternoon. He'll spend Saturday night at her place and head back to Grand Forks Sunday afternoon. He's moving back down here, maybe as early as June. I should see him a lot more of him once he does. At least he calls a couple times a week minimum.

His sister has been back here for two years now, but I rarely see or hear from her. Last month I went on a layout tour, and had a window of time, to go see her new condo. She lives right around the corner form one of the layouts, so we took her to lunch while we were at it. I had a great day that day, two layouts in the morning, lunch with my daughter, and two more layouts in the afternoon.

Started to put together my Rocker Building that I purchased from a vendor at York last October.  I have the inside wired for lights but have not connected them yet.  I still want to add a ledge between the 2 and 3rd stories.  Also purchased a Miller Sign where you can customize your message so I printed out my side business logo on transparency paper and made the building my own.  (I only have 9 units right now but one can dream about owning their own building one day lol)



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Elliot, still sounds like its going to be a fun time! Hopefully when he moves back you will have a lot more time together! Who knows maybe his sister will start coming around more!

Bryan, Nice looking building! I love the way you can make your own sign! Keep going on your side business it will come together! My sister started with 2 and now here and her hubby have 23 and 4 commercial business!

Elliot, always nice when you can spend some time with the kids. The skirting is really making the layout pop out. Like it is floating.

Mike g, enjoyed the video. The buildings are looking good where you have them.

Bob, maybe some night time running as the games are being played.

Bryan, nice building. The sign is a nice touch. Shows you are master over your domain LOL........Paul 2

Brian, nice pics.

Lee, enjoyed the video of the pig train.

This morning I managed to get down to the layout and glue down what ballast I had spread out. Then I cleaned up the area to do a experiment. While at Menards I picked up a roll of mesh adhesive tape for drywall joints. I thought I would give this a try. Last time I used plaster wrap  along the edge of the tables with white glue to hold the plaster down to the plywood. I'll see how this works. This afternoon I'll mix up some plaster to fill in the area. Pics....Paul 2



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mike g. posted:

Elliot, still sounds like its going to be a fun time! Hopefully when he moves back you will have a lot more time together! Who knows maybe his sister will start coming around more!

Mike, it should be another great day on the 4th. Nice theory, but his presence doesn't really have any influence on her participation. They are kind of cat and dog. They are both better when they don't have to be too close to each other. They're old enough now that they won't fight if they're together, but they both can take or leave the other one. I'm not that close with my sister, and she only lives a half mile away. I wonder where they get that from?

paul 2 posted:

Elliot, always nice when you can spend some time with the kids. The skirting is really making the layout pop out. Like it is floating.


Thanks Paul, I'm starting to make up for lost time with the kids. I didn't see them much after the divorce, partly because their mother was a pain to deal with, and she had moved them 90 minutes away, out on the western edge of civilization. I live out east. It got to be logistically impossible to take them for a weekend, so I gave up. I figured once they got out from under her thumb and went off to college, we could reestablish our relationship. I actually attended both of their high school and college graduations. It wasn't easy getting into the high school either time. We were begging for tickets out front both times. I think that speaks volumes about their mother, because we had asked for tickets in advance, and it came back NO.

Getting back to trains, you said it looks like the layout is floating. I have always been  a proponent of everything black except the layout. It keeps the viewer focused on the trains and scenes, and makes it pop. Wait til you see the trains going through the snow scenes in aisle one.



Sorry to hear about that situation with your kids.  Just wanted to 2nd your point about the black skirting.  My mother in law traded me her sewing skills and making me skirting for painting their kitchen (which had an angled ceiling up to 18 feet high so it was an even trade).  I was amazed at the difference it created viewing the layout.  



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mike g. posted:

Larry , Thank you Sir it means a lot that you comment on my build! I really liked serving!

Bob, thanks, you will get one of those new drivers license one day! Sorry for the loss of the expansion area. But just remember one day it will be all yours unless the CEO States different! LOL

Brian, Nice CSX Photos! Are you sure you work for a living, of do you just spend all day taking photos! LOL

Ralph, Nice work! How many are you going to do?

Johan wonderful job on the MEC Box car! 

Elliot, things sure shaping up! The fabric looks great and really adds a finished look. Sorry about your bumb knee but glad things went well at your treatment! On really cool thing is that you get to see your son soon and get to run trains with him! I hope you have a wonderful open House!

Mark Thank you! That is the fastest I have ran that train from day one!

So I went out to the train room and worked alittle on the airfield area and half way threw I changed my mind on how to approach things, The new idea will start tomorrow and into the weekend! There wont be much new going on as far as track and I want to take care of a few things before buying anything else! So it will be a slow go, but I will still be building with what I have!

Everyone have a great night!

Mike: Thanks. Something different before more State of Maine cars. 



This afternoon drew to a close. After taping the area I got the plaster down. I'll see in the morning if this tape adhesive for drywall works and holds the plaster down. Always hard to figure out how much plaster to make and I had some left over. Didn't want it to go to waste so I did an area near the grain elevator. A wrap for the day. Pics......Paul 2



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Thanks Bryan, it was a lot more difficult back when it was all going down. The day I was done paying child support, I felt like the weight of the world was off my shoulders. That allowed me to help them pay for college. It was another great day when that was done. I still help them with money once in a while, but not to that level.

I used to sew, but the ex took all the sewing stuff. These skirts are very low tech. I take the landscape fabric, and just staple it to the rails Patrick and I built. I run the fabric out about 4-5 inches, then fold back 1" to form the pleat. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

paul 2 posted:

This afternoon drew to a close. After taping the area I got the plaster down. I'll see in the morning if this tape adhesive for drywall works and holds the plaster down. Always hard to figure out how much plaster to make and I had some left over. Didn't want it to go to waste so I did an area near the grain elevator. A wrap for the day. Pics......Paul 2


That mesh tape should do the trick Paul. If it's good enough to hold on a ceiling it should be good on the layout. I've used it for years around the house when patching and painting. I have plaster walls and it works great.


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