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Dave Ripp. posted:

Tore up 100 + feet of roadbed and ballast. It's a very messy unrewarding job. I hope to have the demolition done and the new bench work started be the end off the year. Work is very busy and I make lots of other excuses but once I get rolling on it  I'll be in a better mental state. Trains running by my 57th birthday in March.

Your Just a baby Dave, wait until you get to my age and things go wrong, But I keep going as she who must be obeyed still has too much for me to do, Now dismantling my display cabinet to move it to my train room/summerhouse. Just a few signs from my summerhouse.

BTW I will be 74 in March.

Happy railroading 


Essex UK


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  • Display cabinet 1
  • Electric sign
  • Cocks sign
  • Beware sign
  • Adjust sign

I bought a set of Southern passenger cars.  They arrived late yesterday.  Finally truth in advertising.  They were MIOB from a seller on the bay.  This morning my switch engine cleared the main line before the 4501 started passenger service from Odenville to Irondale.  I'm very pleased.  Time to drink coffee with the CFO.



Videos (1)
!st passanger run
Lionel man UK posted:

I love this one, I take it, it is legacy controlled???? Can't wait for my Challenger to arrive. Hence all the modification to the railway, trying to get most of it done anyway,before I go to the hospital on Monday, nothing serious just lung's do not work properly. 

Happy railroading

It is Lionel’s Lionchief Plus line, command controlled with its own remote. A stroke of genius from Lionel, in my opinion. 

Last edited by CoastsideKevin
Lionelski posted:

Last night I removed my  Lionel 164 Log Loader from the Warrenville Yards, to make room for a Forklift loader that I will move from Cape Warrenaveral, to update that area and make room for the addition of a IRBM Missile Launcher.

Today is a beautiful sunny day so I doubt I'll get back downstairs until tonight.

If you're planning to attack Iran....

Vincent Massi posted:
lee drennen posted:

Thank you all for you concerns. This is second day back to work still sore but when you have  severe arthritis it's hard to tell which pain is which. 

 I took apart the All Nations car Sunday hopefully I can get some work done on it soon. 

Get well soon, Lee. We're all counting on you.

Lee, I know what you mean about whether it is the latest injury or arthritis!  I’m glad you were kept safe and can get back to work!

Bill, That is a great looking Southern set.

Mike, How did the deck work go?  I hope you get in the train room soon!

Lionelski posted:

Last night I removed my  Lionel 164 Log Loader from the Warrenville Yards, to make room for a Forklift loader that I will move from Cape Warrenaveral, to update that area and make room for the addition of a IRBM Missile Launcher.

Today is a beautiful sunny day so I doubt I'll get back downstairs until tonight.

What did I get myself into? I'm getting deeper and deeper.

I removed the Log Loader and the Forklift Loader, and placed the Forklift Loader where the Log loader was. Didn't like the way it looked, so I moved Catellaville Station there instead. I liked the way it looked there but it required me to remove a plateau and a remote track section. 

In order to remove and replace the remote track section I had to lift about 4 feet of ballasted track, what a mess. I also had to remove a ton of people and scenery from where the Catellaville Station was.

Decided to place the Frosty Bar, that is currently next to the Warrenville Arms apartment complex, next to where the Catellaville Station will be once I prep and level the "ground" there.

Also had to remove two light Towers that will be relocated, and install a couple lamp posts near the station and Frosty Bar.

Much scenery cleanup and prep work to do before anything is placed in their new permanent places. Wiring of the newly placed accessories and building lights must also be done.

Addition of some streets that needed to be relocated and the associated crossing gates.

People, details, trees and bushes will then be needed to be located. Ballast and ties replaces, track cleaned.

Again, what Have I gotten myself into? And I'll still have to put Cape Warrenaveral back together and fix the Rocket Launcher. Oh, yeah, find something to put where the Frosty Bar was - maybe another apartment house.

I hope to be done with what should have been a simple project in about amonth. The rehab of Cape Warrenaveral after York.



Berkshirelover726 posted:

I found out today that this big bugger will run well and look half way decent on O-36 curves. I did some switching and loaded some coal. After the local had cleared the milk train came through with some express aquarium cars. 

C630 or 636? I have an Atlas C630 that can only run in one direction on O36,

Mark, I am still working on the deck. But am heading out to the train room this morning till it gets light outside!

Lionelski, Now that sounds like a huge undertaking! Good luck!

Cody, Sure is a big engine, I know I couldn't run my MTH ES44AC on that small of a curve, I hope you don't run into problems down the road!

Well its Friday, I sure hope everyone has a great weekend and please fine time for some train time fun!

NS6770Fan posted:
Berkshirelover726 posted:

I found out today that this big bugger will run well and look half way decent on O-36 curves. I did some switching and loaded some coal. After the local had cleared the milk train came through with some express aquarium cars. 

C630 or 636? I have an Atlas C630 that can only run in one direction on O36,

C636. It's MTH. The box says O-31. I usually run it on O-72 at my dad's (the big layout we built is there. I haven't got a permeant layout at my house yet). It runs fine here but I'm planning on just running it some. I have a lot more smaller engines that look better anyway. Someday I'll have my big layout and can run this stuff the right way! 

Mike G: I think I'll be okay. Dad and I work on trains and dad does it for a living so if something happens I know where to take it! 

ToledoEd posted:

Finished this flatcar load project.  I'm waiting for the MTH Bush 4141 to be delivered.  I didn't buy any UP cars that were in the funeral consist but  then I had this idea.  41 flew a TBF Avenger in WWII and thought it would be cool to include it in my 41 funeral consist.  I decided on 1:48 just fit. I'm having issues with some trackside accessories and supports for my elevated platform but, I can run it for a bit on my layout until I fix those issues. The section of the wings that house the landing gear extend beyond the track ballast.   Of course the wings and rear stabilizers couldn't be attached so I decided to build a "rack" to store then in transit.  Simulating the wing retraction as if on a carrier posed the same space issue. Then I had to decide what to do with the torpedo: mount in the plane, not display it and close the torpedo bay doors or mount it on the flatcar. I chose the latter and built a cradle to store it.  I suspect at no time would this configuration ever be seen in real life, but, this is my layout and as I've been told more than once by the good folks in this forum "It's your layout, your trains, do what you like."    This was the first model I've built since I was 12 or so....forgot what great fun and satisfaction comes from completing a build.  More to come for the layout, for sure.  So, this is in honor of a Naval Aviator, President and an honorable man and patriot.  Thanks 41.

Avenger right angle close up 2.

Avanger coffin right closeup

Avenger close

Avenger coffin leftt side


An update on the "Coffin Car".  In an exchange with O GAUGER 48, he asked if there was an honor guard in the car.  There is none. I searched the web and discovered a pic of the car as it traveled in Texas and sure enough, there was a guard at the head of the caskett.  So, that gave me an idea. I had the Tomb of the Unknown with the Honor Guard circling on the roof so I bought an Honor Guard piece from Lionel and installed it in the Coffin Car.  The real Honor Guard escort did not have a rifle, but there's only so much you can do... 

He just fit...bayonet bends but you really can't see that.  I like the presentation.  Hope you agree.



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Quarter Gauger 48 posted:

 Ed, you have performed an 'OUTSTANDING 'job'... on the President project.  Perhaps, if you trimmed the ankles a bit, then re-attache the feet the sentry will fit better in the coach'.. seeing the bayonet would be a nice added feature.. Again, greta job on the plane'...

Thanks!  I did consider doing that but worried the guard would appear too short. I still may do it. Have to cogitate some. 😊

Lots of work  yesterday and today get this far,  way more cleaning up, re-organizing and moving stuff out of the way, rather than building much....   Didn't want to   "build myself into a corner" ....

Anyway, now that I am exhausted, decided to take some photos....   only ONE 90 degree turn left to build and install then I can actually run a train continuously without having to back up.  

For perspective, the new subroadbed in the photos is a tad over 8 inches wide, inside diameter is roughly 92, outside diameter is 108...   Nothing is bolted or screwed together, need to take some measurements, make sure I have adequate access to the breaker box... 

Will probably get another sheet of masonite and make the last 2 backdrops and get them painted and hung before I make this section permanent.  

Paul,  layout is looking great,  I love my PFE Reefer sound car, it definitely adds a new "dimension hearing the sounds mid train"...

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Cody, that's great! Also it must be  wonderful to have a train tech in the family!

Ed, Very nice touch to the coffin car!

Bob, Nice pictures of your layout! But what are those small things with wheels? LOL

Paul 2, WOW those look great! What a wonderful gift! You cant beat days like that! Also I see your still working on getting the laundry done! LOL

Chris A, That is very impressive and is going to look great on the layout! I hope you shoot  a video of your first run! It would be great to see!

Well as for me I got a little time in the train room and worked on a couple switches, cleaned my track, sat back and looked to see what I wanted to do next. But most of all I ran trains for a good hour. I really need to think about ballasting my track, make some roads, so much to do! My head begains to spin to think of what to do next! LOL

The weather on Sunday is spose to be a gullywasher! So the CEO said I should just work on the train room. So my plan is Trains and Football on Sunday!

I hope everyone had a great day!

Mike,  thanks, that's a great idea about turning on the video camera for the first run..... Hopefully no later than Halloween !!! 

Funny you should mention the panic attacks when letting the mind "run wild" thinking about all the "undone" things...  I had that happen a couple of times this week. Fortunately, I was able to get back to just focusing on what I really needed to do that day,  and develop a good case of "tunnel vision" focusing just on what I needed to do for the next couple of hours, and putting everything else off for another day.   So you're not alone.   I would have thought when my birthdays started with a 6_,  I would have learned it's better and easier to live in the moment, but apparently I am still in training !! 

Lee,  glad you're feeling somewhat better.    

Chris.  Thanks I’m feeling much better. BTW your layout is looking awesome I love that curve bench work. We all I think get that way right now I’m ready to add on another 4x8 section to the layout but things just keep happening. My little AC unit can’t keep it cool in the garage if the temperature gets over 80 degrees but cool weather is on our door steps. 

Mike. Sounds like you have a great weekend planned hang in there 


Thanks guys for the attitude adjustment! I needed it. I go out there and see so much to do, but have to remember its not a race its a adventure!

I might go out and figure out what I can do next before the light comes up, then its back to the last section of the deck. I have to take down the old roof section over the porch that was already there so I can frame up the new one for the new roof. Maybe later today I will post some pictures of it so you all can see what I have been working on!

Its Saturday, spose to be the fun day of the week so everyone go out and have fun with your trains! LOL

Hi Guys and Gals

Been lurking around lately when time permits. Been crazy busy at work getting a temporary dining structure completed so our students have some place more permanent to eat while we renovate the building where our main Dining Hall is. We were a month behind schedule so its been a round the clock push to get done. Finished up all of the inspections this week and we got a TCO from the Town yesterday! We open Monday. Here's a photo of the structure going up in late July.

2019-07-19 13.56.38

This used to be the kitchen

2019-08-14 14.50.02

So I have not had much time to look at my trains. I keep threatening to do something on my layout today but..... The weather has been way to nice here this Fall to be in the basement too so I'll have plenty of time when it gets cold.

Everybody's great work is keeping me inspired to get going again on my layout. I have more than enough projects to keep me busy and a bunch of new locos and rolling stock to try out. So like Mike and Chris, slow and steady wins the race. Just need to focus on one project at a time a start chipping away at the list.

Lee- glad to hear you are feeling better. Sounds like you were lucky to walk away from that wreck.

Chris- FWIW- the code for clearance in front of a panel is 36", and 18" left and right from center. Nothing to worry about unless you are having a nosy code officer in the house for something soon.

Mitch- very creative track work. Looks like some of the carpet layouts I used to build as a kid.

Ed- the 41 Coffin car looks great.

Lionelski- John- sounds like you intended to drain the swamp but forgot about the alligators.

Mike- Run trains, cold silver bullet, watch football......repeat . Yes I do remember what the trains look like just need to apply voltage to the rails more often.

Mark- catching up and have not commented on many of your posts. Sorry to hear you are selling the family homestead (I think I recall you mentioning that?). Hope it goes well. How's the knee holding up?

Paul- You keep finding great cars to add to your empire. The refer sound cars are a great addition.

Everyone have a great weekend....Bob


Images (2)
  • 2019-07-19 13.56.38
  • 2019-08-14 14.50.02

Bob, The knee is hanging in there.  I have 7 weeks from yesterday before total knee replacement surgery.  As if we didn't have enough going on, my 93-year old aunt was moved permanently to nursing care at the same large facility she has lived at since 2001.  My sister and I went down yesterday afternoon to see what she wanted moved from her apartment to her new room.  We took over some clothes, books, and a few other items.  We will have to clean out the apartment soon as she is now paying double, or I should say I pay with her money.

The 500+ foot sewer line project at the homestead is finally underway after 14 months waiting.  So I have had to go there to open the pump house, the house, and just get updates from the guys.  They should complete it the middle of next week.  I am not going back down the hill to take a look.  If the inspectors like it, I like it.  There is probably 200 feet hidden from view by the woods.  The steep hillside looks strange with a big ditch almost the whole way up to the house.  I need to locate the photographs of the N-scale diorama I built of the homestead back almost 30 years ago.  I still have it of course.  I'll try to post them soon.

I did get a clean bill of health from the neurologist in Pittsburgh on Thursday.  There was fear I may have had a very minor stroke or seizure back in the spring, but tests revealed it was actually a fainting episode where I didn't actually fully pass out.  That was good to know; for nothing else than because I could have lost my driver's license.

That looks like quite a project you are on, Bob!  I'm assuming the new building will be under roof and enclosed by bad weather.

Mike, I'm too busy to do much with trains either.  I have to go to the homestead and check on the work the sewer guys did Friday and make sure everything is closed up since they are predicting rain Monday, so they don't plan to be back until Tuesday.  Then I'm doing some painting in our older daughter's kitchen as they hope to list the house and buy something else since they can't afford the homestead.  Maybe tomorrow after church I'll be able to do something with the layout.

Chris, looks like you are making good progress on that new section!  Keep it up!!

Mark,  good to hear the update, especially the Pittsburgh neurologist news.   It's amazing how well you are dealing with so many challenges, on so many fronts, at the same time.   Hopefully, some family members will show up and help clean out the apartment.   Sorry,  I have been out of touch with you, hope you get done, what you need to get done, before the knee replacement..    A friend of mine from high school had one done earlier this year, he is finally moving around better and is glad he went in for the surgery.   Will be praying for positive outcome for you, you really do deserve a couple of good breaks this year and next. 

Bob,  thanks for the  heads up on the panel clearance.    I know I am not leaving enough room... but at least I can walk up to the front of the panel and open the door without contorting myself.   I will take some measurements today,  I may be able to move that whole new 180 degree turn section like 6 to 12 inches to the left without sacrificing much...  Don't have my plan for scenery at this end finalized, but it's mostly urban/industrial space, maybe one siding in an area that's 10 ft x 10 ft. so once I get the backdrop installed I'll evaluate whether I need to extend that far in front of the panel... 

I am heading out to buy some 4 x 8 masonite and and another sheet of SandePly plywood, then start priming and painting it and putting my 30 degree hanging cleat blocks on the back and on the wall.   

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