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IMG_9377IMG_9378IMG_9379IMG_9383I was out in the garage yesterday and I spotted my All Nations car box that are left to be Re-Built. So I picked this one out. Man those guys in 1950s -60s love to use Goo for everything no offense I hope. Well after about a hour of Dismantling here it is. Next is time for the parts to go in the stripper tub and do some sanding on the wood. I will be leaving this a MoPac box but the ends and roof will be black as well as the latters and doors. 


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Not exactly today, but a string of todays over the last few weeks... I finally decided to address the scenicing of my 4’ x 8’ engine servicing yard.

I laid several hundred (scale) square feet of asphalt and painted all the lines.


I planted an acre (again, the scale variety) or so of grass and dirt.


And I ballasted all the trackage...


Finally, I installed my cleverly camouflaged distillery storage facility... now I just need to get some Tullamore Dew or Tyrconnell... er, I mean Esso tanker trucks for the distribution channel   



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Thank you Mike!  Running trains do make things go better!!

Keep up the good modeling everyone!

I didn't get to do a thing with the layout this weekend!  I spent most of the time helping our elderly relatives.  Many sad experiences and some very challenging ones as my Mum, Dad, Aunt, and Mother-in-law are all in various states of physical and mental decline.  None have any life threatening diseases, but all but my mother-in-law have realized they need to depend on us for decisions.  Kim's mom is the most physically able, but the most challenging since she can't keep anything that is said straight, but passes along incorrect or inappropriate information to a host of people.   One of these days I will look back and see that all the senior generation has passed on, and wonder how the time went so quickly.

Last edited by Mark Boyce
chris a posted:

Hello all... Not much to photograph from downstairs, just about done with the curved main line and mine run over the new passenger yard,  got all the curves anchored and finished shimming the outside of the curves to create the "super elevated banked curves"....

Just came back from a local train show this AM,  got some really nice items.  Several of them of course I didn't even know I "needed"...   I had no plans for a oil/petro depot, but I couldn't leave the show without buying these....  built by someone who definitely knew what they were doing...

Lou, your turntable looks great, nice job,  many including myself wouldn't have taken on that project 

Scott,  love the barn/farm scene, really well done

Paul2:  Your basement layout has really progressed since the last photos I recall viewing,  great work.   

Hope to have a little more time this fall & winter to get back to finishing the main lines.  DSC03677 [2)DSC03678 [2)DSC03679

Chris, nice to hear you have your curves pretty much done! Very nice find at the train show! If you see something like the oil depot at a good price you know its going to end up on your layout! I don't care who you are, that would look good on anyones layout!

Mark Boyce posted:

Thank you Mike!  Running trains do make things go better!!

Keep up the good modeling everyone!

I didn't get to do a thing with the layout this weekend!  I spent most of the time helping our elderly relatives.  Many sad experiences and some very challenging ones as my Mum, Dad, Aunt, and Mother-in-law are all in various states of physical and mental decline.  None have any life threatening diseases, but all but my mother-in-law have realized they need to depend on us for decisions.  Kim's mom is the most physically able, but the most challenging since she can't keep anything that is said straight, but passes along incorrect or inappropriate information to a host of people.   One of these days I will look back and see that all the senior generation has passed on, and wonder how the time went so quickly.

Mark, Trains are not everything! 

I do want to say that I am proud of you on how you are taking the lead to take care of your Mum, Dad, Aunt and Mother-in-law! Not many sons or daughters would go that far, I know a lot that feel the other siblings will take care of it. Even thought I know its not much, but my hat is off to you! 

Way to be a MAN and take responsibility! 

chris a posted:

Hello all... Not much to photograph from downstairs, just about done with the curved main line and mine run over the new passenger yard,  got all the curves anchored and finished shimming the outside of the curves to create the "super elevated banked curves"....

Just came back from a local train show this AM,  got some really nice items.  Several of them of course I didn't even know I "needed"...   I had no plans for a oil/petro depot, but I couldn't leave the show without buying these....  built by someone who definitely knew what they were doing...

Lou, your turntable looks great, nice job,  many including myself wouldn't have taken on that project 

Scott,  love the barn/farm scene, really well done

Paul2:  Your basement layout has really progressed since the last photos I recall viewing,  great work.   

Hope to have a little more time this fall & winter to get back to finishing the main lines.  DSC03677 [2)DSC03678 [2)DSC03679

Chris, I really like your Shell Oil refinery. Arnold

Paul 2, I am glad things went mostly well for your local meet yesterday, but it sound like your going to be changing out a switch and maybe some track for your new engines!

Lee D. That's quite the undertaking! I cant wait to see the finished product!

Johan, Very cool! I have never see a snow plow like that before! Thanks for sharing that with the rest of us!

Paul, great job on the service yard area! Also wonderful idea to camouflage the distillery ! You cant even tell there is something very special in there!~ LOL

Well today I did get a little train room time before the rain stopped! I mostly just ran trains and thought about stuff. Its funny how your mind can wonder when you have trains just going round and a round! I know next time I am out there I will work on something, but overall it was a nice day. Trains and My Seahawks won! Sorry Pittsburg! LOL

Hey Mike and Arnold,  thanks.   I didn't buy it all, the gentleman had 3 more sections,  but I had to exercise some "discipline"....   The units are signed on the bottoms, I'll have to figure out who made them.  I was pleased to leave with the two sections and the Shell sign ( animated Miller Engineering )... 

I have some other large oil/fuel storage tanks that have been stored away for year's that my son and I painted Green and lettered for Hess Oil....  We'll see what happens, maybe those tanks will get sold to Shell and get repainted.    Anyway, I think I have only seen scratch-built modules this nice for sale, (at a really reasonable price), two times in 25 years....  There was no way I was leaving there without some of it...

Yes, Mike I started clearing the area for the next module about 4 x 10 feet, then one more module, after that and the 200 to 225 foot main line will be complete and continuous.  I am getting motivated to get this done, tired of backing up 25 car trains up a 1.5% grade and through curves, but it's a good way to test your track work !!!

Purchased a small digital level last week,   it's like 2 x 2.25 inches. Should be here tomorrow,  I am anxious to use it to see how even and consistent my "super-elevation" banking on the curves came out before I set and glue the ballast.  The diameter through these curves is approximately 96 and 105 and they are on the 1.5% grade, so I am dying to see what the digital level says.  I figure I can slide this down the rails and get a continuous reading,  I take some photos and let you know how it worked.    

Mark,  I feel for you.  I was fortunate in that I only had to do that for one person, my father although it was a long 5 to 6 years.   In retrospect, the time since he passed away seems to be accelerating even faster,  it was five years ago that he passed away in July.   

Jim, your layout has come out great. Nice work.

Paul, the yard is looking goood.

 Chris a, thanks for the kind words. You are doing pretty good yourself npw that you are able to work on your layout again.

Mike g, send some of that rain my way. I need some rain days for layout time.

Lee, love those All Nation cars. Nice find on the stock car.

Lew, I would of never thought to use cardboard for a facia.......great idea.

Well I did manage to do a bit on the layout, Not a lot. I decided to finish off the scrap iron yard by gluing the timbers to separate the bins of metal. Maybe I'll add some trees inside the fence around the shed and down at the end of the track. Tomorrow a day trip to Niagara Falls. So maybe after that some more time for the layout. Pics................Paul 2





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It was still too hot to be in the train building (94F) but I just had to do something.  I removed all the track from the south yards.  I put my new-to-me engine shed in place first.  Then I put down  four more spurs where I only had three.  After dinner, and a needed cooling off period, I tested with my switch engine.  All went well so I ran my 4501, filling the room with smoke.  It sure was nice to run trains again. 

Y'all keep up the good work.



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I have been very busy on my simple track layout, it's just two tracks on a there and back, I had to strip out the inner track and put in a larger curve fast track sections , this involved taking everything out and now trying to put back stuff that might not fit again, due to the extra width.

This has taken several days, rerouting wiring for the lighting and track power as well as the sensor track.

It was nice enough before but since I have a challenger on order that requires 072 hence the changesIMG_20190808_122104578


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Chris A. Its nice to see you getting back to the layout! I am always amazed at your work and cant wait to see the new section grow! 

Paul 2, the scrap iron yard looks great! Now all you need is some scrap. LOL Paul you can have all the rain you want after this deck and bucking and splitting wood is done the whole winter is mine to be in the train room! At least that what the CEO say! LOL

Bill, the new plan looks good! Should add a lot of fun! Take it easy and try to stay cool!

Lionel Man UK, Things are looking good. You will be happy with the 072 as I had to do the same thing. I switched out 054 to 072 cause after I got it down I found out my larger engines & longer cars didn't like 054. Keep you the good work and keep posting!

Moring Brian, Nice Photos to start the week! I know I could count on you for some pictures today!

Well guys its Monday I hope everyone had a good weekend and had time for trains! Today I go to Lowes and pick up the roofing for our new deck and hope to get that on so I can get things dried out. Then I can get the 3 outlets installed and take a little break for some train time!

I hope you all have a good day and please if anything run some trains for a little fun!

Every Monday I go to the weekly open-air market, looking for accessories for my lay-out. And today is Mexican Independence Day, and they had a parade that included all the school children holding up their nation's flag as they marched.

And then a heavy cloudburst hit.

And the children kept on marching, holding high their flags, because Mexico is a nation of courage.flag-of-mexico


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Hi Seth

I used cobble roads/walkways from the Lemax people it comes in rolls and needs a lot of unrolling and stapling down to get flat, I used pre printed road bed which I bought from Trainworld, trees are from China as are the people 1:50 scale but very cheap. for rocks I use a variety of stuff, Foam insulation, and grey tile cement, I also use plaster cloth as and when and paint over it when dry, I only use acrylic paints as the are fairly easy to buy and easy to clean and mix different colours. for the "grass" bed I bought several grass mats from our local shop when they are on special offer, I guess you could use the grass matting from Noch, but that is expensive for what you get. I try to use as much scrap from models to create junk. Also try Model Tech studios for the bits and pieces

I hope I have given you enough food for thought, but I am not very artistic, and I do not have a lot of space.

The attachments are from before stripping out the track and starting again

Happy building


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Thanks to all for the kind words on my updated engine yard - greatly appreciated.

Mike G - I’ve always believed that hiding in plain sight is the best course of action!!!

Seth Thomas posted:

The asphalt road is very nice. The full layout is great.  

Please share your materials used and your process to lay your roadway into your layout.  And let us know when you striped the roadway.

Hopefully I will be engineering roads next month.☺


The “asphalt” is made from 2mm thick foam sheets - I got them from a store called Joanne’s, but you can also find them at Amazon. It is easily cut/shaped - I used all straight pieces, but you could fairly easily cut curves:

To secure the foam to the layout (in my case, homasote), I used Woodland Scenics Scenic Glue which I got from Forum sponsor Nicholas Smith. This stuff is pretty thick - as long as you don’t put it on too thick, it won’t bleed through the foam (and you don’t need to completely cover the entire surface with glue - just near the edges and some across the rest of the field). I used a No. 2 pencil to smooth the foam and insure adhesion to the glue.


The lane markers are automotive pin striping. There was a thread on this material a couple of years ago where it was pointed out that your local well stocked auto supply store will carry it, but since there is none near me in the boonies, so Amazon came through again - I used:

Double yellow -

Double white (I cut this in half to make the two edges... if I had to do it again, I’d get single tape) -

Single White (I used this for parking lot lines) -

Hope this helps.

Got a few hours in today,  weather was perfect and humidity was low, so I decided to take the Lionel Grain elevator I got at yesterday's show for $5.00 assembled and airbrush and weather it... Not done yet, but at least it's the color I wanted and the roofs are weathered and everything to this point is sealed with flat clearcoat.   Tried a new method I'd been reading about for the corrugated roof.... brush painted it silver, then added black pastel powder scraped and worked it into the silver paint before it dries.  Produces a pertty nice weathering effect on corrugated roofing.  

I have found it's best if I do the airbrushing in the garage rather than the basement, even though I am using acrylic paints, I am adding an Acrylic paint conditioner by Wagner, which does a great job, but it's tough on the sinuses !!!   Haven't done any air brushing in quite a while so this was good practice on a short money model.  

Also experimented with oil base washes on a wood sided boxcar, but it will have to dry overnight, before I can evaluate the results..... 

Hoping to open the new digital level that arrived today and evaluate the track work tonight.

Johan nice job on the Gulf Tank car !!

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chris a posted:

Got a few hours in today,  weather was perfect and humidity was low, so I decided to take the Lionel Grain elevator I got at yesterday's show for $5.00 assembled and airbrush and weather it... Not done yet, but at least it's the color I wanted and the roofs are weathered and everything to this point is sealed with flat clearcoat.   Tried a new method I'd been reading about for the corrugated roof.... brush painted it silver, then added black pastel powder scraped and worked it into the silver paint before it dries.  Produces a pertty nice weathering effect on corrugated roofing.  

I have found it's best if I do the airbrushing in the garage rather than the basement, even though I am using acrylic paints, I am adding an Acrylic paint conditioner by Wagner, which does a great job, but it's tough on the sinuses !!!   Haven't done any air brushing in quite a while so this was good practice on a short money model.  

Also experimented with oil base washes on a wood sided boxcar, but it will have to dry overnight, before I can evaluate the results..... 

Hoping to open the new digital level that arrived today and evaluate the track work tonight.

Johan nice job on the Gulf Tank car !!

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Chris. Thanks. The grain elevator looking a really good, like a the whole layout. First class work, really.🤝


Last edited by BAR GP7 #63
mike g. posted:

Paul 2, I am glad things went mostly well for your local meet yesterday, but it sound like your going to be changing out a switch and maybe some track for your new engines!

Lee D. That's quite the undertaking! I cant wait to see the finished product!

Johan, Very cool! I have never see a snow plow like that before! Thanks for sharing that with the rest of us!

Paul, great job on the service yard area! Also wonderful idea to camouflage the distillery ! You cant even tell there is something very special in there!~ LOL

Well today I did get a little train room time before the rain stopped! I mostly just ran trains and thought about stuff. Its funny how your mind can wonder when you have trains just going round and a round! I know next time I am out there I will work on something, but overall it was a nice day. Trains and My Seahawks won! Sorry Pittsburg! LOL

Mike. You're welcome. I am glad you like it. 🤝


Vincent, sounds like you had a good day! I hope you were able to find something new for your layout!

Lionel Man Uk, Nice pictures, I think I might try painting the roads on.]

Paul, now that I read how you did your roads I think I am going to have to give that a try, Might be easier for a guy with big fingers and bad eyesight! LOL

Chris, wonderful job on the grain elevator ! I have the same one on my layout but its red. Might be a good item to try my first airbrushing. Question, do I need a special air compressor for air brushing?

Johan, I really do like it, but then again I like everything you put on here! Just your last post of your tanker car! Very Nice work! I love them all!

Well I didnt get any train room time today, heck I didnt even get time to work on the deck. I was so lucky to wake up this morning with my back out, just been sitting in a recliner with a heating pad on it. I might even sleep in my chair! Sure sucks getting older! LOL

Johan,   thanks very much....   I think the next steps on the clapboards will be some drybrushing with acrylics so the boards aren't so uniform in color...   

Mike G:  They do make small compressors for airbrushing, but honestly you could step down your 1/4" NPT fittings to 1/8" and use a good regulator to keep the pressure down.... typically I find myself spraying between and 20 and 30 psi...   One problem with the tiny compressors they sell is that they run virtually non stop and get hot because most are air cooled.... I didn't want to stop today, but I think I am going to look into the reducer and use a different small air compressor that I own.  

I just found this adapter kit on Amazon... looks like it has every different combination between 1/4 and 1/8 fittings...

My elevator was already assembled and glued, so I did all the air brush work and didn't worry about over spray on the roof panels as I knew I was going to brush paint them anyway...  When I am done weathering the sides and trim, I plan to glue some finely sifted dirt to the plastic base...   I will also plan to lightly airbrush a very light coating of  dirt or drab color around the bottom of the entire elevator where rain would have splashed dirt up onto the first several rows of siding boards.  

Mike try icing your lower back and take one tylenol and one ibuprofen together.... I know I am playing doctor here, but I have 30 year history of lumbar disk degenerations, herniations, one surgery (2002), for partial removal of a ruptured lumbar disk,  so I am not just sharing a random opinion...  Good luck, nothing worse than back pain !!!! 

Last edited by chris a

Jim, engine is coming along. Nice project to have the kids involved in.

Johan, you are a master of weathering. That tank car looks great.

Chris a, color goes good with the grain elevator.

When I got home from my day trip to Niagara Falls a package was waiting on the step for me. My tweo car set of beer reefers from the NJHRs came today. In person they look better then the pics. But at least tomorrow I can finally do some layout work. pic of the reefers.............Paul 2



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I repaired my Lionel 6-11333 ATSF Northern 4-8-4 #3759 that would not run forward.  I found that Lionel put a Universal Joint shaft (Plastic Dog Bone) that was 3/16" too short in the engine. The shaft the Chinese put in the engine was just long enough to work when new out of the orange box, but would wear the T-shaped arms and round them, so the shaft would not engage and just make clicking sounds.

The next engine for me to repair will be the Lionel 6-82768 Legacy Chesapeake and Ohio Allegheny #1604 that Lionel Service did not properly fix.  The engine jerks down the track between speed step 22 and 110.  The person who serviced it at Lionel, no longer works there.  Wish me luck.

Sincerely, John Rowlen


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  • IMG_0864: End Cups packed with twisted geased paper to keep it centered.
  • IMG_0867: Dog Bone Universal Joint shaft too short and worn.
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Mike G.  Sorry to hear you are recliner cruising.

JDEVLEERJR,  Do you need a fireman?  I have my own shovel.

Paul2,  I haven't been to the falls since 1981.  I saw it frozen over one time.  I learned to swear while working in Rochester.  "Lake effect snow".

Gentlemen, I was up at 5am and got to run trains until 10.  About time.  I received a box today too.  I was looking for a nice K-Line crane car.  Instead, I received another project with almost all the parts. 

The boss says I feel like cutting grass tomorrow morning.


Last edited by Odenville Bill
mike g. posted:

Vincent, sounds like you had a good day! I hope you were able to find something new for your layout!

Lionel Man Uk, Nice pictures, I think I might try painting the roads on.]

Paul, now that I read how you did your roads I think I am going to have to give that a try, Might be easier for a guy with big fingers and bad eyesight! LOL

Chris, wonderful job on the grain elevator ! I have the same one on my layout but its red. Might be a good item to try my first airbrushing. Question, do I need a special air compressor for air brushing?

Johan, I really do like it, but then again I like everything you put on here! Just your last post of your tanker car! Very Nice work! I love them all!

Well I didnt get any train room time today, heck I didnt even get time to work on the deck. I was so lucky to wake up this morning with my back out, just been sitting in a recliner with a heating pad on it. I might even sleep in my chair! Sure sucks getting older! LOL

Mike. Thank you so much.


paul 2 posted:

Jim, engine is coming along. Nice project to have the kids involved in.

Johan, you are a master of weathering. That tank car looks great.

Chris a, color goes good with the grain elevator.

When I got home from my day trip to Niagara Falls a package was waiting on the step for me. My tweo car set of beer reefers from the NJHRs came today. In person they look better then the pics. But at least tomorrow I can finally do some layout work. pic of the reefers.............Paul 2


Paul. Thank you very much. Looks like a you got a tons nice cars there. Where you find all those nice cars?


Jim, great start on the engine for the parade! Just wondering what you plan on using to power your engine?

Paul 2, sounds like a good day. A trip to Niagara Falls, 2 new beer reefers and the clearance to have train room time today! Seams like life is good at your place!

John R, I am glad you were able to get your 4-8-4 # 3759 Fixed and running both directions! From the video looks like it runs nice and smooth! Nice Work!

Bill, Nice to hear you were able to get out and run some trains before the Heat showed up. I am sorry to hear that your crane car has turned out to be a project car, I hate that when it happens! I hope you don't have to big of a yard to mow, but you can always prepare by running some trains before cutting the grass!

Johan, your more then welcome! Its always great to see your work!

As for me the back is filling better thanks to Charis A. advice of ice and Ibuprofen but there will be no hard work for the next 2 days per the CEO! Which is fine with me as there is a lot I can do in the train room that has no heavy lifting. This morning I plan on going out and check my wiring for running DCS and convention engines with my DCS Remote. I was lucky and got some simple instructions from Lou1985 from another thread I have on here.

Well its Tuesday and I hope everyone is able to fin some time for there trains and please have some fun!

P.S. Sorry Jets fans!

Hi guys

Well I finally figured out how to put pictures and videos on. You see getting old and senile is not the end of the world????? Although she who must be obeyed says differently.

My inner track is now laid I only have to put another sensor track in near the crossing signals just because I am to lazy to operate the bell on my locomotives.

Does anyone know if Mike Reagan still works at Lionel?

Happy railroading

Ernie (Lionel man UK)

Essex UK


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Johan, the ones I just posted I got from the New Jersey High Railers in New Jersey. They have been offering a beer reefer series that I have been buying.  Also I belong to a few train clubs which from time to time offer nice club cars. Plus sometimes I find something nice at the Eastern division York train show plus I surf the net and the B. I'll finish by saying that a few of the cars I got were because you posted yours and I was able to find some of them....................Paul 2

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