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M. Mitchell Marmel posted:

Working on another bump and go "Mister Rogers" trolley concept: 


Brass angles to add strength to the more than somewhat brittle plastic in the early MTH bump and gos... 


Um.   Minor setback while doing a test fitting.  


Er...anybody got a spare MTH bump and go shell? 


IMHO, there is nuttin' better than a good project, Mitch

Projects are challenging fun that expresses our creativity and provides self-satisfaction and a unique object. Please keep us up to date as you progress.

I'm starting a WABASH caboose project to match my PostWar Lionel F3's and GP7, I'll post it when done.

PS: Were you on the old AOL newsgroup many, many years ago, I seem to remember that you were. Remember the dialup "Brrr-upp-zzz-eh-eh-ah" while finally connecting to the internet and then you were disconnected anyway?

mike g. posted:

Bill, talk about pulling an all nightery! an hour and a half later is when I normally get up for the day, but then again I am in be by 7-8! LOL The new to you B8 transformer looks really cool. You should know not to out shoot your grandson in front of his girl! LOL

Paul 2, The area is really coming together, I really like the ground color and am happy you were able to get the power plant level! It really looks good in place with the new track and ballast!

Johan, Now what a great looking background, I also really like the Flag on the front of your engine! Its going to look sharp when your done with it!

Lou185, Wonderful start on your engine shed! Man is that one long engine and tender!

Well yesterday was mostly a bust for me, I went out to get started on some of the ideas Brian gave me, build a parking lot out of some scrap 1/4" tongue and grove, glued it all together when the glue dried I put a skim coat of plaster on it and set it aside to dry. Then I started building my bridge out of plexiglass got everything cut and glued together, Painted the side rails and set it to the side to dry before I painted the road bed. 

I went back to the parking lot and the plaster had caused the tongue and grove to bow so now I have a mound. Well that went to the trash and I hope to start again this morning after my doctors appt. I hope to have some more pictures for you all later today, but here are a couple of the beginning of my bridge.


I hope everyone has a great day and finds time for there trains and layouts!

Mike. Thank you Sir. It's takes 1-2 weeks before i get the decals, so i need just a waiting. 🤝


chris a posted:

Odenville Bill:  Thanks for sharing the story of your Dad's visit, that was heart-warming.  I didn't have enough of those days with my dad, but I cherish the few good days we shared around the layout.  

Mike G:   I haven't forgotten about the video for the "maiden voyage" around the completed main line, I didn't make Halloween, but before Thanksgiving is possible.  

Lee,  thanks for the kind words,  trust me, I miss you guys too, not being around this thread every day...  There will be layout and OGR forum time this winter, just have to make the big push and get two more window restoration jobs done before the Boston Winter sets in.  

Johan,  as always, thanks for the positive thoughts.  That weathering you did on the Santa Fe switcher was outstanding.  

Scotty,  as Mike G and other commented  thanks for sharing the photos and the details on the tunnel work...  I have used crinkled tin foil blacked out, but never thought about the inverted corrugated structure to handle the curves,  great idea.  

Paul:  Layouts looking good.  I am curious have you tried painting (weathering) the ross and gargraves before putting it down.   I did all of mine with the Rustoleum Camouflage dark flat brown paint.  I just set up a temporary spray booth in the garage with large flat corrugated cardboard to catch 90% of the over-spray.   Then I  wipe down the track with the Blue Shop towels wrapped around a block of wood wet with Acetone to remove the paint from the tops of the rails.  The shop towels wrapped around a block of wood, keep me from wiping the paint off the sides of the rails, and works really well.   I have started going back and lightly airbrushing after ballasting to blend it all together, but I really like pre-painting the track in the garage.  

Trestleman:  The coal loads look great, is the coal glued to shaped foam, or shaped hard styrene insulation or did you go another route ??  I am curious,  I have about 30 hoppers that need real coal loads.  


your welcome I have to do the same here about the windows 

paul 2 posted:

Johan, good looking addition to the Sharks Bay Railroad.

This afternoon I managed to screw down the track, add a second coat of earth color and leveled the power plant on the table. Still have to drill a hole to run the plug under the building. Have to see if I can negotiate more time after dinner. Still have to add ground turf too. Pics....................Paul 2


That looks really nice Paul 

Lou1985 posted:

I got all my close up the yard and car/power equipment oil changes done yesterday so this afternoon I spent 4 hours knocking out the base  of my 4 track engine house. It's made of 1/4" plywood and poplar wood. The outside will be covered with balsa and plastic sheets to imitate a poured concrete structure. I still have to make the roof and the floor. There's so much detail work to be done after that (windows, doors, roof vents etc) it's probably going to take me months to finish it. I'm hoping to have it completed by New Years, but we'll see. My 32 inch long MTH Premier Santa Fe Texas fits inside. Ended up being 34 inches long, 21 inches wide, and 7 inches tall.



very impressive craftsman work on that engine house

Lionelski posted:

PS: Were you on the old AOL newsgroup many, many years ago, I seem to remember that you were. Remember the dialup "Brrr-upp-zzz-eh-eh-ah" while finally connecting to the internet and then you were disconnected anyway?

Hee! I seem to recall the AOL newsgroup very faintly.  I was surfing the net at 300 baud back in the day... 


Sorry Guys I haven’t been here. Saturday a guy came over and bought more HO scale stuff. I’m selling my 1.1 Autocar next weekend getting it ready. My arthritis is so bad I can’t take care of it like I use to so I decided to sell it and let some one else enjoy it. 

Everyones projects are looking just families and a lot of work being done through a bunch of likes out there maybe things will slow down a little bit and I can get back to reality Model train life

lee drennen posted:
Lou1985 posted:

I got all my close up the yard and car/power equipment oil changes done yesterday so this afternoon I spent 4 hours knocking out the base  of my 4 track engine house. It's made of 1/4" plywood and poplar wood. The outside will be covered with balsa and plastic sheets to imitate a poured concrete structure. I still have to make the roof and the floor. There's so much detail work to be done after that (windows, doors, roof vents etc) it's probably going to take me months to finish it. I'm hoping to have it completed by New Years, but we'll see. My 32 inch long MTH Premier Santa Fe Texas fits inside. Ended up being 34 inches long, 21 inches wide, and 7 inches tall.



very impressive craftsman work on that engine house

Your praise is too high. I cut the door and window openings with a jigsaw, best tool I had for the job. They aren't the best and need to be sanded to straighten them out. Still a lot of work to get the engine house to look as good as a commercial kit. It's just the base/barebones for now. I built the turntable in front of the engine house. Took about 6 weeks of work on and off to complete. I have a feeling the engine house is going to take quite a bit longer.

This afternoon I lubricated both of my #1055 Texas Specials.  I tried a short round of "don't tag".  I must have been too liberal with the oil.  There was a lot of wheel spin when climbing Bald Rock Mountain.  The diesels got parked on a siding and out came the 195 switch engine and track cleaning gondola.  I put rubbing alcohol on the scotch brite/sponge and ran several laps.  With dinner time approaching, I applied more alcohol and let it run about an hour.  I also received notice that my recent large purchase off the forum is on the road.   Come on big brown truck.  I'll have cool pre- and post war treasures to show soon.


Videos (1)
lee drennen posted:

Sorry Guys I haven’t been here. Saturday a guy came over and bought more HO scale stuff. I’m selling my 1.1 Autocar next weekend getting it ready. My arthritis is so bad I can’t take care of it like I use to so I decided to sell it and let some one else enjoy it. 

Everyones projects are looking just families and a lot of work being done through a bunch of likes out there maybe things will slow down a little bit and I can get back to reality Model train life

Lee, do you have a Big Car?

lee drennen posted:

Sorry Guys I haven’t been here. Saturday a guy came over and bought more HO scale stuff. I’m selling my 1.1 Autocar next weekend getting it ready. My arthritis is so bad I can’t take care of it like I use to so I decided to sell it and let some one else enjoy it. 

Everyones projects are looking just families and a lot of work being done through a bunch of likes out there maybe things will slow down a little bit and I can get back to reality Model train life

Lee, pictures of the Autocar please... thanks !

844FFDB4-EC2D-4981-8719-9A2B314F8C5Bgeysergazer posted:
lee drennen posted:

Sorry Guys I haven’t been here. Saturday a guy came over and bought more HO scale stuff. I’m selling my 1.1 Autocar next weekend getting it ready. My arthritis is so bad I can’t take care of it like I use to so I decided to sell it and let some one else enjoy it. 

Everyones projects are looking just families and a lot of work being done through a bunch of likes out there maybe things will slow down a little bit and I can get back to reality Model train life

Lee, do you have a Big Car?

Yes a 1976 Acar I’ve had it for 18yrs my dad and I restored it before he passed. He got to go to one Truck show with me before he passed that following winter. Here’s a pic of it I haven’t messed with it since 2012 I’ve never let it look like this that’s why I’m selling it I can’t give it the attention it needs do to my physical condition 


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  • 844FFDB4-EC2D-4981-8719-9A2B314F8C5B
Last edited by lee drennen
lee drennen posted:
Mark Boyce posted:
lee drennen posted:

Happy late Birthday Mark!! Sorry I missed it 

Thank you Lee!!  After so many years, what is one day!!  

I feel bad about it. I feel like hiding under Izzys cover I’m so ashamed 

Chear up!  I would say Izzy wouldn’t share the blanket unless you put some ice cream on the other side of the room!

lee drennen posted:
geysergazer posted:
lee drennen posted:

Sorry Guys I haven’t been here. Saturday a guy came over and bought more HO scale stuff. I’m selling my 1.1 Autocar next weekend getting it ready. My arthritis is so bad I can’t take care of it like I use to so I decided to sell it and let some one else enjoy it. 

Everyones projects are looking just families and a lot of work being done through a bunch of likes out there maybe things will slow down a little bit and I can get back to reality Model train life

Lee, do you have a Big Car?

Yes a 1976 Acar I’ve had it for 18yrs my dad and I restored it before he passed. He got to go to one Truck show with me before he passed that following winter. Here’s a pic of it I haven’t messed with it since 2012 I’ve never let it look like this that’s why I’m selling it I can’t give it the attention it needs do to my physical condition 

Lee, I sure feel for you. Time to pass it forward then. Find someone who will keep that piece of History alive. You have the memory of a project with your Dad and that is a big deal. Remember it like it was on this day:



B&O Fan, Great looking little diner! Love the delivery truck also! The building fecades look perfect!

Mitch, What happened? It was looking so promising!

Johan, Great before and after photo, it really shows your skills! You sure building an amazing RR Fleet!

Lee D, Sorry to hear your arthritis is getting so bad! I hope things get better with it! It sucks to see the Acar go, but you have some wonderful memories with your dad! My dad has been gone for 15 years now and I still have great memories!

Bill, oil is great for the engines, but not so much for the track! Its nice to see you have an easy and fun way to clean them!

Tom Tee, sure sounds like a lot of work! But can you do me a favor and post some pictures on how you are doing it?

Howard, Great job on the lights! It really brings the street and yard to life!

Brian, from the looks of it there is way to much worked planned! LOL Why not give one of those crews a break today ! Great Photo!

Well I didn't get much done yesterday, but did get a little work done. I am not sure if I like the vegetation that I have put in sofar, but that's easy enough to change. There will be no work on the layout for the next 2 days as I am here at the wonderful store! LOL Here are a couple photos!IMG_20191104_160352477[1]IMG_20191104_160400070[1]IMG_20191104_160408027[1]IMG_20191104_160416825[1]

I hope you all have a great day and please find time for your trains and layouts!



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mike g. posted:


B&O Fan, Great looking little diner! Love the delivery truck also! The building fecades look perfect!

Mitch, What happened? It was looking so promising!

Johan, Great before and after photo, it really shows your skills! You sure building an amazing RR Fleet!

Lee D, Sorry to hear your arthritis is getting so bad! I hope things get better with it! It sucks to see the Acar go, but you have some wonderful memories with your dad! My dad has been gone for 15 years now and I still have great memories!

Bill, oil is great for the engines, but not so much for the track! Its nice to see you have an easy and fun way to clean them!

Tom Tee, sure sounds like a lot of work! But can you do me a favor and post some pictures on how you are doing it?

Howard, Great job on the lights! It really brings the street and yard to life!

Brian, from the looks of it there is way to much worked planned! LOL Why not give one of those crews a break today ! Great Photo!

Well I didn't get much done yesterday, but did get a little work done. I am not sure if I like the vegetation that I have put in sofar, but that's easy enough to change. There will be no work on the layout for the next 2 days as I am here at the wonderful store! LOL Here are a couple photos!IMG_20191104_160352477[1]IMG_20191104_160400070[1]IMG_20191104_160408027[1]IMG_20191104_160416825[1]

I hope you all have a great day and please find time for your trains and layouts!


Mike. Thank you. 🤝 I think the work never end, always get a some new ideas. 


Last edited by BAR GP7 #63
mike g. posted

Well I didn't get much done yesterday, but did get a little work done. I am not sure if I like the vegetation that I have put in sofar, but that's easy enough to change. There will be no work on the layout for the next 2 days as I am here at the wonderful store! LOL Here are a couple photos!IMG_20191104_160416825[1]

Looking good mike.   What about a stone or rock embankment with some scrub vegetation?   It would blend more with the embankment (brown wall) you have on the left.   Just a thought!

Cheers, Dave

Last edited by darlander

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