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Mark Boyce posted:

Jim, I’m glad the float and participation went well!  I agree with Mike, in Cub Scouts we may have had 30 boys and 20 in Boy Scouts.

We have a large and very active pack.  78 scouts in total.  We usually get a large turnout to pack events.  It's all about the leaders.  We keep things interesting and new for all our meetings / events.  We also schedule some large annual events that the scouts look forward too.   Our pack has been around for almost 40 years, and has a large number of scouts who go on to be Eagle Scouts.  

Here is a few build pics.



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mike g. posted:

Morning Guys, Its 3:25 AM here and its the only way I can get caught up with all the post here! LOL

Brian, Thank you! Love the close up, nice shot!

Jim, Looks like you had a great group of scouts! WOW 50, when I was a kid in scouts there were maybe 8 or 9 of us! LOL The engine looks wonderful and the whistle and smoke are a perfect touch! Nicely done!

Johan, great looking lumber car and your lumber yard/storage build is very cool!

Paul 2, I am glad you and Bryan had a great day and you got to see a wonderful layout! It sure was nice of Bryan to carry your package in for you, but then again he probably thought it was a nice jester for an older friend. The diecast vehicles looks great, what are you going to put on the flatbed trucks? Your Module is coming right along, looks like you might be passing Bryan! LOL

Dave, Thank you. I would have to say that 70% of all my rolling stock is kadee and 50% of my engines. That is because I have gotten some new to me engines and that I also have to order more Kadee's. I really like the looks of them and have less problems of them coming apart!

Lirr, wonderful looking bridge! I sure hope its going somewhere!

Mark, I am glad you made it there and back safely! I bet it was nice to compare notes with someone! LOL I know you probably felt guilty watching the kids move and load all that stuff, but remember they are YOUNG! LOL

Bob, WOW thats quite an undertaking, good luck! It sure is going to be a sharp looking train when your done!

I would like to thank everyone that commented on the new engine to me, its going to take a little bit to put kadee's on it and while I have it apart I might give it a fixed piolet! Its Sunday and there is nothing for me to do this morning so I think I will get some train time before the Seahawks game! Then the HVAC guys is coming back as he didn't get much done yesterday.

Well I hope everyone has a great day and your teams do well except  the BROWNS! LOL


Thanks Mike.

My thinking for the bridges is that create the sense that the Short line RR goes somewhere off the layout after enetering that commercial area on the upper level.

The Union station had enough room for a Third track which the Short Line railroad could use to run to the spur on the opposite side of the layout with the cabinet maker and the feed store. So it seemed natural to extend that track in the other direction, entering the Commercial area which will have a number of the Woodland Scenic buildings I have for this area. The real estate available at this location is not large enough to turn a train on a loop so rather than just having end there after the run from the Union station, I chose to have the railroad enter a junction with two branches both of which are meant to give the appearance of travelling to areas off the layout with the bridges as the scenic break.

There is quite a bit of room in the adjacent room so maybe someday it might extend into the sitting/TV area of that bonus room.

Thanks again

One of the more interesting things I have thought to try.  I need some display space in my unfinished basement,  so I am trying to get some spare gargraves to adhere to a structural beam.  If this seems secure I will have gained several feet of shelving for next to nothing.   I am just trying rtv to keep the track down.   We will see how this turns out tomorrow. 20191124_17202620191124_172016


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RSJB18 posted:
Jdevleerjr posted:

Thanks for the comments about the float.  We had a great time and it was a good experience for the scouts.  I can't wait for next year, as I have a new idea for the build.


Great job Jim. Looks like the boys had a blast too. So what happens to "ole 149" now?


The pack is currently looking for a place to store it.  If non can be found, it unfortunately will be scraped on site.  

Jdevleerjr posted:
RSJB18 posted:
Jdevleerjr posted:

Thanks for the comments about the float.  We had a great time and it was a good experience for the scouts.  I can't wait for next year, as I have a new idea for the build.


Great job Jim. Looks like the boys had a blast too. So what happens to "ole 149" now?


The pack is currently looking for a place to store it.  If non can be found, it unfortunately will be scraped on site.  

No NO!  It's a great Christmas lawn decoration!  

Cheers, Dave


Johan, that was a great video Hannu shot. He had nice scenes throughout it. I turned up the volume for the coal train startup........awesome.

Today I had a lot of time to work on the module. I figured with Bryan tied up for the weekend and having to go to work on Monday I should of jumped ahead of him. I added the last pieces of foam, Then I trimmed it up. Removing all the excess I then applied to plaster tape to all the exposed wood. I am glad I ordered two rolls of the plaster wrap. I pretty much used one whole roll. I hope it dries completely tonight so I can start adding the plaster tomorrow. First thing in the morning I have to go next door and see what rocks I can get out of their driveway for around the waterfall. Pics.............Paul 2



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Johan, Thank you for the wonderful BNSF video! I have been to all the locations in the video more then once! Its really a sight to see when everything is covered in snow! Thank you and your Friend Hannu again!

Jim, Looks like a good group of kids and leaders! Congrats to you all! I sure hope you find a place to store the engine, I would hate to see it get scraped!

Lirr, sure sound like a good plan! If you do expand please be sure to post more photos of that also!

JHZ563, Nothing wrong with iron as a display shelf! Plus if it works then you can do the same thing on the other side!

John, Wonderful looking work on your new switch!

Paul 2, The module is really looking good! The lake is really going to be an amazing addition ! Great work!.

Well I did get out to the train room after the Seahawks win!!! I started working on the fixed pilot and Kadee conversion. I forgot how hard can bee so it will be a slow and careful project on my half. I am sorry Lew I did not take any pictures, maybe tomorrow there really isn't a lot to show!

I hope everyone had a great weekend and your teams did well! Yes Brian I see your Browns Whooped some Butt today! LOL its about time! LOL

paul 2 posted:

Johan, that was a great video Hannu shot. He had nice scenes throughout it. I turned up the volume for the coal train startup........awesome.

Today I had a lot of time to work on the module. I figured with Bryan tied up for the weekend and having to go to work on Monday I should of jumped ahead of him. I added the last pieces of foam, Then I trimmed it up. Removing all the excess I then applied to plaster tape to all the exposed wood. I am glad I ordered two rolls of the plaster wrap. I pretty much used one whole roll. I hope it dries completely tonight so I can start adding the plaster tomorrow. First thing in the morning I have to go next door and see what rocks I can get out of their driveway for around the waterfall. Pics.............Paul 2


Paul. Thank you. I am glad you like it. I just love those hard working locomotives.🤝


mike g. posted:

Johan, Thank you for the wonderful BNSF video! I have been to all the locations in the video more then once! Its really a sight to see when everything is covered in snow! Thank you and your Friend Hannu again!

Jim, Looks like a good group of kids and leaders! Congrats to you all! I sure hope you find a place to store the engine, I would hate to see it get scraped!

Lirr, sure sound like a good plan! If you do expand please be sure to post more photos of that also!

JHZ563, Nothing wrong with iron as a display shelf! Plus if it works then you can do the same thing on the other side!

John, Wonderful looking work on your new switch!

Paul 2, The module is really looking good! The lake is really going to be an amazing addition ! Great work!.

Well I did get out to the train room after the Seahawks win!!! I started working on the fixed pilot and Kadee conversion. I forgot how hard can bee so it will be a slow and careful project on my half. I am sorry Lew I did not take any pictures, maybe tomorrow there really isn't a lot to show!

I hope everyone had a great weekend and your teams did well! Yes Brian I see your Browns Whooped some Butt today! LOL its about time! LOL

Mike. Thank you Sir. Also Hannu has visit there about 3-4 times. He has build some realistic's places he's Great Northern H0 -layout. The latest engine the layout is a EMD SD7.


Paul 2, I am glad you explained it to Mark, I also thought the track was going to run along the back of the lake area over a bridge where the river will be coming in.

Lou, The green light really stand out! Great idea!

Johan, If you ever get a chance even though its HO I would love to see some photos of your friend Hannu's layout!

Well I am not sure how much I will get done today as we have to go to town and get a new windshield put in the wife's car and get some supplies from the store. Then I have a guy coming to check out a shop Heater I have for sale. I guess anytime is better then none!

I hope you all have a great Monday and find time to enjoy your trains and layouts!

Finally finished up my last major wiring project. That’s it for the big stuff on my layout, now one year after I started.




Then decided to put down some greenery so roamed the garden till I found what I wanted. 




Finally, got to sit back and run a train with some new cars I picked up on Craigslist here locally, some K-Line tank cars. 



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mike g. posted:

Paul 2, I am glad you explained it to Mark, I also thought the track was going to run along the back of the lake area over a bridge where the river will be coming in.

Lou, The green light really stand out! Great idea!

Johan, If you ever get a chance even though its HO I would love to see some photos of your friend Hannu's layout!

Well I am not sure how much I will get done today as we have to go to town and get a new windshield put in the wife's car and get some supplies from the store. Then I have a guy coming to check out a shop Heater I have for sale. I guess anytime is better then none!

I hope you all have a great Monday and find time to enjoy your trains and layouts!

Mike. Here you can see some pics of Hannu's GN H0 layout. Hope you like it. 🤝hobby_hannu_gn1_600ahobby_hannu_international_in_burlington_Lhobby_hannu_burlington_Le4e4567763b230335e9b2ac9f19e44941b81f35cd1772a259897908ce0f71e4424ab935abcd7dba79863f32b7fc71c8cdccaaa17b945b3eebb45eb0c629b6198a070e56c7b60696438caaf79c2c0a6ec0f69c729bcd9e4a1f8f4224a40d89ebe



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Well, I finally installed two more can lights above the layout and added two more uncouplers next to the power plant!  It feels good to get a little done on the layout, but................................................................................unfortunately my big butt knocked over the crane.  Thankfully there was extra nuts, bolts, and spare parts for the crane, and the jib boom and the heavy hook will need to be restrung (major PIA).IMG_0982[1)IMG_0983[2)IMG_0984[2)IMG_0985[2)


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Brian, Nice looking southern train Photos! I guess you want to head south for the winter! LOL

Kevin, Nice, really cleaned things up! I like the new trees and tuffs of grass you added and the new to you tank cars look wonderful !

Johan, WOW Please tell your friend Hannu that his layout is very impressive! That coming from a guy who live here!

Thaddeus, I would have liked your post, but its hard to like what happened to your crane! I am glad you will be able to fix it! I do have to say the can light looks good!

Well I guess my train room time is done for the week as were heading to the store tonight so our employees can have time with there family's for the Thanksgiving week! LOL Then our kids are coming Friday till Sunday to spend with us! I will be watching what others are doing and commenting when I can!

mike g. posted:

Brian, Nice looking southern train Photos! I guess you want to head south for the winter! LOL

Kevin, Nice, really cleaned things up! I like the new trees and tuffs of grass you added and the new to you tank cars look wonderful !

Johan, WOW Please tell your friend Hannu that his layout is very impressive! That coming from a guy who live here!

Thaddeus, I would have liked your post, but its hard to like what happened to your crane! I am glad you will be able to fix it! I do have to say the can light looks good!

Well I guess my train room time is done for the week as were heading to the store tonight so our employees can have time with there family's for the Thanksgiving week! LOL Then our kids are coming Friday till Sunday to spend with us! I will be watching what others are doing and commenting when I can!

Mike. Thank you Sir. I will.  Maybe I visit there some day with Hannu. He has asked that a many times. 


Thaddeus posted:

Well, I finally installed two more can lights above the layout and added two more uncouplers next to the power plant!  It feels good to get a little done on the layout, but................................................................................unfortunately my big butt knocked over the crane.  Thankfully there was extra nuts, bolts, and spare parts for the crane, and the jib boom and the heavy hook will need to be restrung (major PIA).IMG_0982[1)IMG_0983[2)IMG_0984[2)IMG_0985[2)


CoastsideKevin posted:
mike g. posted:

Kevin, Nice, really cleaned things up! I like the new trees and tuffs of grass you added and the new to you tank cars look wonderful !


Thanks, Mike. Today I took my first shot a building a tree based on a YouTube video I saw. For my purposes, we’ll call it good enough!


And here is one my daughter just did using the same technique. So fun!



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Well Bryan had to work today so I think I may still have the edge on him. With what I want to do I may not get it all done for Friday night. Today I was ready to do plaster but first I went next door and walked their stone driveway and found some nice rocks for the waterfall area.. This time I decided to color the plaster first when I mixed it up. Before I was putting the plaster down then going around adding the color after the plaster dried. Took a trip to Menards and was lucky to find these bottles of color. The mixing came out pretty good. Now I have the basic earth color down and where there is still white I am going to go back mix up some grey and apply it for rock look. Maybe after dinner I can look for the grey I have somewhere. Pics..............Paul 2



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Paul,  got to admit you are way ahead of me now and it's really starting to look great.  If not done for this Saturday you should be done by our 2nd show on December 15.  I was able to get all my front done and all my walls printed out.  I'm aiming for that to be done by Saturday and then get the high rise and basketball court in by the 15th.



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