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Went to show...only bought two logging road books..surprised to see l drove close to one's, the Argent Lumber Co ,  HQ at Hardeeville, S.C., , driving between Charleston and Savaannah a few years ago.  Wonder if any evidence of it still exists, beyond one engine next to the town hall (in 2012, date of book)?  Beyond that one, the three foot locos have boomered all over the place since the operation shut down when $1.00 mimimum wage was established in 1956.

Lew, wonderful Photo of the winter sunshine on your Pittsburg & Ohio central switcher!

Matt, Nice little track cleaning car you got there! The Heavyweight Pullman is a great find and looks wonderful on your layout! I am sorry about your loss of Gracie! I know they become part of the family just like my Tank!

Randy, Well Said! I hope someone is listening!

Bought O scale wooden and cast metal kit M&StL baggage/RPO car from local train show for $2.00 many years ago, wasn’t sure what to do with it on my layout then had an idea, use it as scrap yard office and storage. Removed two rail trucks, couplers and other stuffs from under chassis so it can sit flat on layout, same with old kit C&NW boxcar. Perfect combo.



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It took me 850 pages to join in on this conversation. I read this thread everyday. It's always good stuff and just a bit of soap opera. The people who contribute here are open and honest and helpful and always kind. No one is trying to bump anyone. Are you kidding? Whoever is complaining has got to get a grip. Really!

And to the moderators, a great big Thank you! You have done a great job policing the Forum. Anyone who has ever been to the poorly moderated forums out there can attest to the chaos and bad behavior that makes them unusable for a lot of topics. It's remarkable how well everyone behaves on this forum. Keep it up!

To the regulars that frequent this thread, don't worry. The moderators are just trying to keep the peace. They have to respond to complaints no matter how silly and insignificant they may seem. Carry on and keep us informed of your layout design work. It is outstanding!

  -- Leo

Awhile back I picked up an EP-5 and an EF-4 in New Haven livery and I had some time the last couple days so I figured I should have some catenary on at least one section of track. I found a file on thingyverse for the poles and printed out a bunch and after putting them up I really didn't like the looks so I decided to draw up my own and print them out . I also designed my own wires and printed them out in different lengths. I put those up and liked them. There not proto typical or operational but I don't care they look alright to me and they were easy and cheap.

These are the first set of poles.


This is my own design


Some samples of what they look like on the layout



Its not actual working catenary but I was just going for the look. 


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RSJB18 posted:

As others have said, there is a core group of modelers who frequent this thread, and yes, we do get off topic

We all do our best to abide by the TOS and understand that there have to be rules. We are but a humble group of guys who like to share our train and non-train events with others.



My impression is that about 75% of the content of this thread in the past six months or so is about "non-train events" or having little to do with working on a layout. This was once one of my favorite threads to read and learn from; however, it has devolved into water cooler chit-chat and a sort of facebook for some OGR members.

Also, why not use the "like" button to show appreciation for what someone did on their lay-out--is it really necessary to post a text expressing the sentiment every single time the opportunity presents itself no matter how meager the content?  

I have posted these comments reluctantly.  My hope was that after Alan said what he said, his words would be taken to heart.  Instead, the opposite happened and it has led to more self-serving justifications for the unrelenting off-topic commentary that has diluted this thread of meaningful content.  

With respect to all.



Last edited by Pingman

Yesterday I organized my train shelves a bit, as I was tired of looking at clutter from cars just sitting on counters.  After that I ran trains from my iPad using DCS Wi-Fi.  Created a lash-up of my MTH green NYC E8's (AA) and really enjoyed watching that pull the Empire State Express cars from MTH.  A few cold beers didn't hurt matters either.


Afternoon guys,

I spent the morning working on my Engine Service area again today. After looking at it I just thought it didn't look right with concrete on the inside and nothing on the outside. So I built some concrete slabs for outside, 2 with stairs and railings. The center one doesn't have anything as no one should b e out there without a train to climb on. Here are a couple photos! Enjoy!IMG_20191201_124432542IMG_20191201_124442851IMG_20191201_124453509

While I was at it I painted the service yard and tank yard with a charcoal  paint before I start putting down my Black Ballast from Forum Sponsor Brennans Moldel Railroading!

But while I am here and nobody has posted for over 2 hours I want to comment on a few things.

CGWFOREVER, Great idea, I have a box car I got from forum member Briansilvermustang. I plan on doing the same thing!

Old Toymaker, WOW Just wonderful!

Howard, great shot of Main St!

Mitch, looks like your in the spirt of the season! I didn't even know Lionel made that!

Matt, I hope while you were at church, you and Rev. Zac prayed for the rest of us here on the forum! Good looking Lab!~


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Pingman posted:
RSJB18 posted:

As others have said, there is a core group of modelers who frequent this thread, and yes, we do get off topic

We all do our best to abide by the TOS and understand that there have to be rules. We are but a humble group of guys who like to share our train and non-train events with others.



My impression is that about 75% of the content of this thread in the past six months or so is about "non-train events" or having little to do with working on a layout. This was once one of my favorite threads to read and learn from; however, it has devolved into water cooler chit-chat and a sort of facebook for some OGR members.

Also, why not use the "like" button to show appreciation for what someone did on their lay-out--is it really necessary to post a text expressing the sentiment every single time the opportunity presents itself no matter how meager the content?  

I have posted these comments reluctantly.  My hope was that after Alan said what he said, his words would be taken to heart.  Instead, the opposite happened and it has led to more self-serving justifications for the unrelenting off-topic commentary that has diluted this thread of meaningful content.  

With respect to all.



Thank you, Pingman; I couldn't have said it better. To show what one has done is great, as is demonstrating a new technique, explaining it with more detail in subsequent posts in response to questions; or perhaps mentioning a new product or a explaining a new use for a common product. But I have to agree with the moderator regarding chit chat.

Also the use of the "like" button is a simple alternative for what amounts to the endless "thanking you for thanking me".

This is not meant to be disrespectful to anyone and their views, but merely represents my sentiments on the matter.

Last edited by modeltrainsparts

Mike g, your engine serving area is coming out great. 

Gandydancer, nice pic. Great perspective.

Johan, interesting pics from you. 

Not going to get to the layout till tomorrow. I'll be redoing the last building flats I put up. The more I looked at them the more I was not happy with the placement of them. This afternoon I worked on the scenic part of the module. I added some ground dirt and green turf. Also put another coat of black wash on the rocks. Was going to paint the river bottom but decided to get some spackling and seal it with that instead. Wasn't sure if paint would totally cover the plaster wrap. Also peeled the caulk off the waxpaper for the waterfall. Pics...........Paul 2



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mike g. posted:

Afternoon guys,

I spent the morning working on my Engine Service area again today. After looking at it I just thought it didn't look right with concrete on the inside and nothing on the outside. So I built some concrete slabs for outside, 2 with stairs and railings. The center one doesn't have anything as no one should b e out there without a train to climb on. Here are a couple photos! Enjoy!


Mitch, looks like your in the spirt of the season! I didn't even know Lionel made that!

The train is entirely home-rolled (except the loco, which is stock but has a nice holiday stripe on it).    

Lionel makes lovely trains,  but I don't have $800 to spare to buy specialty holiday cars...  All those were about $5 a pop train show specials, decorated for another couple bucks apiece with stickers and decorations from Hobby Lobby.    


A friend brought his three-year-old son over to see my Christmas train layout, and things went very well. Until I was running two dead rail trains on the same track and got the controls mixed up.

The three-year-old thought it was fantastic. My wife says that Gomez Adams (who made the spectacular model train wrecks on the old Adams Family TV show) would have been proud.

Paul, That looks like plenty of waterfalls material.  The coloring on the ground surface looks good, and those will be some terrific boulders when in place.   I agree the spackling may be good to seal it further.

Lou, The engine house looks good.  Yes that will take some filling and sanding to make it look like concrete when painted.  Did you work from any specific plans or photographs?

Last edited by OGR CEO-PUBLISHER

Well Guys, I was able to get back out to the train room after a little lunch and 15 min, nap! LOL I was able to get the inside of the engine house and the tracks coming out of it ballasted. Wet water, some 50/50 glue and its done. Here are a couple photos!IMG_20191201_160615605IMG_20191201_160608838

Mark, I wasn't planning on it as I was going to take the easy way out. But you are correct it would look much better with concrete between the rails. Guess that will give me something to do tomorrow! LOL

Paul, the river scene is looking wonderful. With the spackle are you still going to paint the bottom for some color? Your ground cover really turned out nice! 

Lou, its coming along nicely! What did you use to clue it together? Just White glue or did you use some sort of wood glue? Also with balsa wood being so soft what to you fill the gaps with so you don't have to same a lot?


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Mike, It probably would look better, but it depends on if you think it is worth the effort.  With 3-rail you have to leave a pretty wide gap for wheel flanges as opposed to higher tolerance 2 rail scale.  I would guess after a couple inches inside, you won’t notice the difference.  Myles ‘Trainman2001’ put a lot of effort into it on his engine house.  Also in that case, he had to make sure the floor was below the level of the rails to run engines inside.  I don’t know if you plan to do that or just push cars in.  

Mark Boyce posted:


Lou, The engine house looks good.  Yes that will take some filling and sanding to make it look like concrete when painted.  Did you work from any specific plans or photographs?

I Googled "concrete engine house" and just built it based on images I found. I had an area it would fit so I just took measurements and cut stuff to fit. It has no specific prototype but it's just supposed to look like something that could have existed. 

I did the same thing with the turntable I built. I found out Santa Fe used shallow pit, girder bridge, turntables. I needed a 30" turntable so I just made one that looked similar to the prototype. 

I usually just figure out what I want the finished product to look like in my head then just start building till I get what I envisioned. 

mike g. posted:


Lou, its coming along nicely! What did you use to clue it together? Just White glue or did you use some sort of wood glue? Also with balsa wood being so soft what to you fill the gaps with so you don't have to same a lot?

I used non foaming Gorilla Glue to attach the balsa to the base structure. The base structure is composed of 1/4" plywood and 1/2" square poplar dowels, screwed together. For filling seams I'll be using wood putty. After it dries I'll sand everything smooth with some 300 grit sandpaper. 

Canes RR posted:

Pretty exciting weekend on our layout...finally got the MTH Realtrax track working fairly smoothly...but just as important got the l20191201_20213920191201_202019ayout in the Christmas spirit...trees are a bit out of scale (about 50' tall) but we're thrilled nevertheless!

Love the simple, uncluttered and very clean look of your RR. The night scene is awesome, and definitely in the Christmas spirit. I am just going to assume that the view out your "window" is not really the view out your "window?"


M. Mitchell Marmel posted:

Updated my $2.99 thrift store Xmas tree with some Hallmark Lionel ornaments... 



Great use of those Hallmark train ornaments. I have all of them (including the limited editions) and never put them on the tree - most are just too heavy (unless you still have one of those 1970’s era artificial trees with heavy wire branches). I usually line them all up on the cabinet holding the TV.


Lou1985 posted:

It's been a couple of weeks but I finally got some work done on the engine house. Glued balsa to the exterior so it looks like a poured concrete structure. Once it dries I've got to fill and sand all the seams. Still a long way to go but I'm hoping to have it done around the 1st of the year.


Very nice, Lou, and helpful to those like me who are just getting started with balsa wood and glue to make structures. Arnold

Jdevleerjr posted:

In a post I did on new years eve, I asked everyone what their goals for their layout are for 2013.  Most of you said lay track, do scenery, or work on projects that are long over due.  Forum member david1 gave some great advice, and said work on the layout every day, if it is only for 10 minutes or 3 hours.  It doesn't matter just do something. 


I took that advice and am running with it.  1st day I started a simple custom bridge and cut the river out of the foam that the bridge will go over.  Day 2 I did a little plaster cloth on a small section of my layout.  Day 3 I did a little more plaster cloth.  Tomorrow I might wire up a switch that isn't done yet.  All small projects that take 10 minutes or less.    


My point is normally I would have waited until I had 3 or 4 hours free to do all of this in one chunk, and it wouldn't already be done.  After an hour or so I might get a bit bored and find something non layout to do, like waist time watching TV.   I am much farther ahead then I was just 3 days ago and if I keep up this pace I can really accomplish a lot this year.  


I was thinking we could have this thread to just post each day what we accomplished on our layout.  Some days we would get more then others.  We could look at this thread as encouragement to do more each day.  No a layout is never done but by just putting in 10 minutes or 3 hours each day, we can all be a big step closer to being finished.


So what did you do today on your layout?

I never read the first post from this tread until today so a belated thanks foe starting it. I do follow it for inspiration but will have to try harder to follow your lead on anythings better than nothing done. 

modeltrainsparts posted:

While balsa does an OK job, it often requires a lot of filling and sanding to get the desired effect. For a few pennies more try using basswood (available online or at hobby shops specializing in model aircraft); methinks you'll be happier with it.

I've used both before. LHS had balsa in stock that was in the dimensions I needed so I went with that. It's just trim on the building so I'm not too concerned about filling and sanding, as it's not a huge area. Most of the exposed surface is birth plywood, which is smooth to begin with. 

This afternoon after a quick trip to Menards to get some spackling I applied a coat of that to the falls and river bottom. While that was drying I applied glue to all the ground foam. Now I can paint the river bottom add the water, falls and rocks. Plus today my Realistic Water came from Scenic Express. But before I add the water I have to see how level the scenery module is first. Pics...........Paul 2



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Well guys, I went out with the idea of putting concrete between the tracks in my Service House. I cut the wood to put in there, primed it 4 times, sanded it 3 times, clued it down. Then had to go back and sand the sides some more so the 3 rail wheels wouldn't ride up on it!

But what took me so long was I was under the table looking for something and found a BNSF swoosh caboose. I knew it had to be hooked up, but first I had to put Kadee's on the last car of the train.

Which brings up another long drawn out project, putting the little springs back into the side frames! Can someone tell me what the trick to that is?

Here are a couple photos!


Matt and Jon, your electrical work looks great! 

Paul 2, The river bed is coming right along! What color are you going to paint the bottom of the river?

I hope everyone had a great day and found time for there trains and layouts!


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Mike, the between rails concrete looks great!  I wish you well on the Kadee springs.  I still can't believe I installed Kadees on HO and even N scale cars.  I would probably have just as much trouble with the O scale ones now that my arthritis is what it is.  I will not be switching from the monster couplers.  They look just dandy to my eyes today. 

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