John Rowlen posted:
john, another excellent outcome with the vista dome coach. Also, the highlighted sentence in today's post alerted me to the cause of my OGR forum equilibrium being off; i.e., I missed your post yesterday on the dome observation car you'd done. The passengers in the dome, especially, look very good and your efforts lowering the seats and anatomical adjustments were well worth the effort. Your paint work on the interiors and painted detail of the add-on passengers really brings these cars to life.
PS: Shame on LIONEL for not using the correct dome on such a premium set; particularly, since the UP Excursion domes are a much closer representation to the prototype Budd domes on the CP pax.
PPS: Please note that while I used a "reply with quote" for this post, I edited out much of the original post since the cut material was not needed. Simply highlight the text to be removed, and select 'cut" on the drop down menu. Photos can be "cut" much the same way. Just a thought for those who simply click "reply with quote" with no editing.