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John Rowlen posted:

Mike,  The retaining wall looks great.  I have an area to cover similar to yours.  How did you print the walls?

Sincerely, John Rowlen

Yes I'm painting people.  I just ordered seven more boxes from Questmark on eBay.  I'm going to paint while I watch March Madness.

Hi John, here is a link to the website. You have to create an account ands you get so many free downloads a day.

Its called BrickFacade0044_1_M.jpg

 I hope this helps.


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Carl, using Evergreen .015 clear styrene, cut with both scissors and X-ACTO blade. When I built this I purposely made the inside windows flush with the walls in anticipation of gluing in the styrene, so was able to take care of 2 at a time in most cases.have been down this road before. Glued in with Canopy glue. First time I used this and am very happy with it.

Mike g, good choice of brick for the retaining wall. Looks great.

Ray, the hotel is really looking good.

Today I went back to working on the machine shop. Added another coat of wash to the inside walls and when that dried I painted the inside top of all the walls concrete color. When that dries I am going to start to glue all the walls together. Painted the base of the unloading shed concrete. I found another piece of Masonite to make a base for this building because it is larger then most downtown deco buildings and it is on the heavy side. Tormorrow my silo tops come in and I can go back to that. Pics........Paul 2



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Excellent choice for the walls Mike Couldn't have done better myself.
Ray- the hotel is looking good
Paul- More great work.
John R- more people painting????
ME? Maybe I will get back to my machine shop later......I packed up about 20 boxes to free up some room in the basement, and sent them to the attic for storage. Then I realized that the attic is full too

Unpacked these two beauties that I bought from @Mike A recently.

2020-02-26 17.30.052020-02-26 17.30.15



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mike g. posted:


Mark, Glad to see you got the lumber moved. Now it gives you a clean canvas to start your art project on! AKA Layout!
Jim, nice collection of cars for your layout! I am glad you like the Wabash cars!


Well yesterday I was up early and had a chance to get out to the train room. I didn't feel like crawling under the layout to work on the switches so I took a page out of Bob's book and printed up some brick walls and put up a needed retaining wall along the back of the layout! Here are a couple photos.

mike g. posted:

Thank you, Mike!!

Your walls look great!

Bob, I have that problem, I have things to put away, but the attic, garage, and shed are full.  

Ray, the aged concrete is still sold. When I order it I get the flat aged concrete. Minuteman Scale Models bought the Scale Coat line from Weaver when they were closing. I just got some recently as of the end of last year. Right now I am using the bottle but I have gotten it in spray cans to spray some silos I did awhile back........................Paul 2

Working on a small structure for the layout, a place where the Army railroaders can have all their tools out, and I can show all the small little detail items that don't really fit Outdoors. The roof, on one side, will be supported a frame of wood timbers, which will be done later, hopefully tomorrow.


I think I've done a lot of progress considering that just a couple of hours ago, this was just plastic still in the containers.


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Walking the dog the day before yesterday, I spotted this foam thing laying in the lot behind the rental furniture shop; especially noting the outer radius was about 24-25"-ish. Once home, it was a little large in dia and height for my space, so the hacksaw was.searched for, found, and robbed of the blade. (I have new blades...for the next, "real" cuts )


I hacked out corners, etc, before I thought to photograph...the stack shows it pretty well.IMG_20200224_153304IMG_20200224_153521~3IMG_20200224_153534~2IMG_20200224_153609

And so it began...

(split post...more asap)


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M. Mitchell Marmel posted:

Helpful hint of the day:

When testing a whistle button using postwar whistle tenders, make sure they're upright or upside-down.  If they're on their side, the whistle relay might connect and blow the whistle constantly.   Electronic horns, of course, do not have this problem. 

Pardon me while I go put on a dunce cap and join the Amalgamated Association of Morons, Local 6 7/8.



Actually, Mitch, that's an intelligent post that explains an important point.


p51 posted:

Working on a small structure for the layout, a place where the Army railroaders can have all their tools out, and I can show all the small little detail items that don't really fit Outdoors. The roof, on one side, will be supported a frame of wood timbers, which will be done later, hopefully tomorrow.


I think I've done a lot of progress considering that just a couple of hours ago, this was just plastic still in the containers.

Lee, congrats on that great article in OGR!


Lionel Canadian Pacific Dining Car started.

I have completed the interior painting of the two Canadian Pacific Coaches #111 and #122.  I need to paint more Preiser 65602 Seated People for these cars.  I have three 24-packs at home and seven in-transit from Questmark2 in Germany.  The white Preiser figures have excellent detail molded into them when compared to the Chinese beige figures.

The Dining Car wood table bases are painted with two coats of Flat Earth Red,  The table tops have two coats of Flat White and need a total of five.  I am mixing a new batch of Earth Red and Flat White for the seats and seat backs that I will cut and glue in place.  Adding the seat backs improves the look of the Dining Car.  It will take another week or so to paint and add people to the coaches and Dining Car so I may be absent for a time.

Update:  I painted the seat cubes with two coats of newly mixed paint.  The .040 1/4" strips of Plastruct Styrene have been painted and will be cut for seat backs tomorrow when I am more alert.  After gluing them to the back of the cubes, the seats will get another coat of the tan paint to fill in cracks between the backs and the cubes. 

2nd Update:  Woke at 3:00 A.M. and cut seat backs and glued them in place.  I just need to give a final tan coat of paint to the seats.

Have a good week.

Sincerely, John Rowlen.



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Last edited by John Rowlen

The silo tops came and they are glued in place. Bought enough tops to do the flour mill and the lubricant plant. For the Bakery Silos I am going to add a roof with a small buiding running the length of them. All the walls of the macchine shop are glued. I'll let it set overnight before starting the next step on it. Pics..........Paul 2




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John Rowlen posted:

Lionel Canadian Pacific Dining Car started.

I have completed the interior painting of the two Canadian Pacific Coaches #111 and #122.  I need to paint more Preiser 65602 Seated People for these cars.  I have three 24-packs at home and seven in-transit from Questmark2 in Germany.  The white Preiser figures have excellent detail molded into them when compared to the Chinese beige figures.

The Dining Car wood table bases are painted with two coats of Flat Earth Red,  The table tops have two coats of Flat White and need a total of five.  I am mixing a new batch of Earth Red and Flat White for the seats and seat backs that I will cut and glue in place.  Adding the seat backs improves the look of the Dining Car.  It will take another week or so to paint and add people to the coaches and Dining Car so I may be absent for a time.

Update:  I painted the seat cubes with two coats of newly mixed paint.  The .040 1/4" strips of Plastruct Styrene have been painted and will be cut for seat backs tomorrow when I am more alert.  After gluing them to the back of the cubes, the seats will get another coat of the tan paint to fill in cracks between the backs and the cubes.

Have a good week.

Sincerely, John Rowlen.

IMG_1677 you paint standing figures also...are they available from Preiser unpainted?  Nice work on the seated figures...

M. Mitchell Marmel posted:
Matt Kramer posted:

The county commissioner’s henchmen posted a new billboard on the layout today. Lol!


There, I fixed it.   


Thank you Mitch!  Of course now I'm on the hunt for an O scale General Lee... 

A tall order because Warner Bros. has suspended the merchandising rights for Generals due to the Confederate flag on the roof supposedly not being politically correct nowadays.  Lame.

Last edited by Matt Kramer

Making Headway on the shed.


I tried to figure out how to do an interior, and then it dawned on me to do the same thing I did with one of my flag stops. I found a wood pattern online, printed it out exactly the size of each interior wall, fitted it for the windows and doors which I cut clear, and used white glue to glue them to the interior walls. It's not perfect, but if you look through the window, it'll look okay. I'm going to put some furniture and other things inside the shed, and probably run a light inside, to make it look like a lantern.
Note the Betty Grable pin-up on the wall. You can't easily see it in this photo, but next to it is a 1943 calendar. Laying down in front, you can see the screen door I made. I'm going to use veil material attached to the back side of that, and leave the main door wide open but the screen door in place. I'm also putting screens on the lower two windows.

After this, I just need to paint all the trim and windows, put glass in the windows and screens on the doors, then make the other end supports for the other side of the roof. All the really tricky parts are done now.


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Matt Kramer posted:

Thank you Mitch!  Of course now I'm on the hunt for an O scale General Lee... 

A tall order because Warner Bros. has suspended the merchandising rights for Generals due to the Confederate flag on the roof supposedly not being politically correct nowadays.  Lame.

(nods) A quick check on the Bay shows 1:43 diecasts of the General are big bucks.  I'd recommend buying an inexpensive '69 Charger diecast and rolling your own... 


Paul,  Preiser makes a few Unpainted packs of Standing People.  The Preiser 65600 has 16 figures including four hikers.  I may do this pack as I finish my layout.

Most of my people painting has been for my passenger cars.  The Preiser white blanks have better features than the people from China.

I have paid more for my blanks, but the work I do is to last a long time.  Hopefully.

I just finished adding the seat backs to the Canadian Pacific Dining Car.  Now I need to paint more 65602 Seated People for the two coaches and the dining car.

Update:  I have just painted a fourth pack of Preiser 65602 that arrived today.  That makes nine more 24-packs since finishing the Santa Fe 9-car passenger set.  I used some on the Canadian Pacific Observation, Vista Dome and 10-6 Sleeper.  The ones I am finishing are for the two Canadian Pacific coaches and Dining Car.  The Baggage car is also completed.

Sincerely, John Rowlen



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Last edited by John Rowlen
p51 posted:

Making Headway on the shed.


I tried to figure out how to do an interior, and then it dawned on me to do the same thing I did with one of my flag stops. I found a wood pattern online, printed it out exactly the size of each interior wall, fitted it for the windows and doors which I cut clear, and used white glue to glue them to the interior walls. It's not perfect, but if you look through the window, it'll look okay. I'm going to put some furniture and other things inside the shed, and probably run a light inside, to make it look like a lantern.
Note the Betty Grable pin-up on the wall. You can't easily see it in this photo, but next to it is a 1943 calendar. Laying down in front, you can see the screen door I made. I'm going to use veil material attached to the back side of that, and leave the main door wide open but the screen door in place. I'm also putting screens on the lower two windows.

After this, I just need to paint all the trim and windows, put glass in the windows and screens on the doors, then make the other end supports for the other side of the roof. All the really tricky parts are done now.


Great idea Lee. I was pondering the same issue with what to do with the interior of my building. Now to find some office interiors....


RSJB18 posted:
p51 posted:

I tried to figure out how to do an interior, and then it dawned on me to do the same thing I did with one of my flag stops. I found a wood pattern online, printed it out exactly the size of each interior wall, fitted it for the windows and doors which I cut clear, and used white glue to glue them to the interior walls. It's not perfect, but if you look through the window, it'll look okay.


Great idea Lee. I was pondering the same issue with what to do with the interior of my building. Now to find some office interiors....

Glad I could offer a new idea, Bob.

I did the same on a small depot when I was building the layout originally. It was a simple thing, didn't take long and looks fine. In this case, I did the same thing by adding wall stuff to the wall print. You can see where the corners meet that I didn't have them go all the way to the seam, though. I didn't make that mistake again on the shed...

Mind you, these are just for the walls (wallpaper, boards, and anything hanging on the walls like pictures). The rest is 3D like it should be. For example, the chair inside this depot is actually there, it wasn't printed in 2D...

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I haven't posted since January.  Not much time in the train building.  I had another bi-annual operation and recovery has been a bear. 

I gathered some track and lots of wood scraps to begin "The Third Level" of the Bald Rock Mountain Railroad.  This will help me make the elevation smooth with precision cut , and better looking, risers.  I use my hands along with my brain.  It is not as steep as it looks.  The new level will be 11 3/4 inches high, rising from 5 1/2 inches over a 43 inch run.  All my engines can climb it.  Initially the third level will be a 3ft by 4ft loop with room to expand.  I need a good nap now.

Peace.  Out.  Bill

3rd level elevation



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Last edited by Odenville Bill

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