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Had a good afternoon working on the layout. I did three projects. First, I sanded all the Spackle in aisle one, then reapplied as necessary. Then it was time to crawl into the helix and do the turntable and roundhouse. Finally, I vacuumed the entire helix, picking up Patrick's sawdust from last year and my buffalo board cuttings from today.

Took a bit of wrangling to get that sheet of buffalo board up there.


Then it needed some trimming on the corners and in the diamond.


I also had to trim the plywood a bit before the turntable dropped in. Not knowing where to place the support last year, I guessed. I was just a little off, so I just ran the saber saw right through it, and took that bit right out. It'll be OK.


My wife came down and snapped this shot of me, just outside the helix, but still inside the layout. Where I'm standing (on a step stool) is where the turntable access will go. It will be tha last piece of benchwork on the entire layout!!!!


Time to lay the last track!!!


Here are a couple short videos from inside the helix. I even narrated them.


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Looking good Elliot! Everyday it's something new from you and man do I enjoy it! Thank you so much for sharing your build!

Hey Elliot I just got done watching some of your YouTube videos, and I know this question has probably been asked. But why do you cover the tie's so the ground is even with the top of the rails? Just curious!

Last edited by mike g.
Big_Boy_4005 posted:

Had a good afternoon working on the layout. I did three projects. First, I sanded all the Spackle in aisle one, then reapplied as necessary. Then it was time to crawl into the helix and do the turntable and roundhouse. Finally, I vacuumed the entire helix, picking up Patrick's sawdust from last year and my buffalo board cuttings from today.

Took a bit of wrangling to get that sheet of buffalo board up there.


Then it needed some trimming on the corners and in the diamond.


I also had to trim the plywood a bit before the turntable dropped in. Not knowing where to place the support last year, I guessed. I was just a little off, so I just ran the saber saw right through it, and took that bit right out. It'll be OK.


My wife came down and snapped this shot of me, just outside the helix, but still inside the layout. Where I'm standing (on a step stool) is where the turntable access will go. It will be tha last piece of benchwork on the entire layout!!!!


Time to lay the last track!!!


Here are a couple short videos from inside the helix. I even narrated them.

Looks like you were having a lot of fun, Elliot, smiling inside your layout.

Arnold D. Cribari posted:
Big_Boy_4005 posted:

Had a good afternoon working on the layout. I did three projects. First, I sanded all the Spackle in aisle one, then reapplied as necessary. Then it was time to crawl into the helix and do the turntable and roundhouse. Finally, I vacuumed the entire helix, picking up Patrick's sawdust from last year and my buffalo board cuttings from today.

Took a bit of wrangling to get that sheet of buffalo board up there.


Then it needed some trimming on the corners and in the diamond.


I also had to trim the plywood a bit before the turntable dropped in. Not knowing where to place the support last year, I guessed. I was just a little off, so I just ran the saber saw right through it, and took that bit right out. It'll be OK.


My wife came down and snapped this shot of me, just outside the helix, but still inside the layout. Where I'm standing (on a step stool) is where the turntable access will go. It will be tha last piece of benchwork on the entire layout!!!!


Time to lay the last track!!!


Here are a couple short videos from inside the helix. I even narrated them.

Looks like you were having a lot of fun, Elliot, smiling inside your layout.

The video of the helix is fantastic. The craftsmanship of the cinstruction  is stunning. Can't wait to see a big boy locomotive with prototypical slow smooth speed run through that helix!

Thanks guys, it was a fun afternoon, also very satisfying. I picked a couple projects and finished them. Good thing there are 10,000 more where that came from. The last day I took off was October 9th, almost up to two months straight.

Mike - That question has come up a few times over the years. It serves a number of purposes. In the case of multiple tracks, it provides perfect spacing. On curves, I screw down the material on the inside of the curve, and use it as a bending jig. Then I add a second layer that goes over the ends of the ties, and holds down the track. Of course it is only for areas that won't be seen.

Deuce - I'm a little embarrassed because that turntable and roundhouse are sitting on a 4x8. Humble beginnings. My first layout, off the floor, was on an old ping pong table. I'm glad to hear that you are benefiting from what I share here.

Arnold - Thanks, but it's not as pretty close up. It is better than when I first built it though, I redid the vertical supports last year, in order to increase clearance. I own a Big Boy, but it won't go on the layout. There are too many other areas where it won't clear. The Challenger is the biggest.

Mark - Thanks, of course the wife took it. There might be more pictures of me, but she rarely comes down anymore.

I know exactly what happened to my Erector Sets

  I used the parts up in "adulting", repairing and contructing things.

    You know how it goes; You're too young to be properly irresponsible and end up striving to make something useful instead of playing mindlessly with your toys like you're supposed to. 

   If I had it to do over again I would've be much less responsible with my playthings 



Big_Boy_4005 posted:

Had a good afternoon working on the layout. I did three projects. First, I sanded all the Spackle in aisle one, then reapplied as necessary. Then it was time to crawl into the helix and do the turntable and roundhouse. Finally, I vacuumed the entire helix, picking up Patrick's sawdust from last year and my buffalo board cuttings from today.

Took a bit of wrangling to get that sheet of buffalo board up there.


Then it needed some trimming on the corners and in the diamond.

I also had to trim the plywood a bit before the turntable dropped in. Not knowing where to place the support last year, I guessed. I was just a little off, so I just ran the saber saw right through it, and took that bit right out. It'll be OK.


My wife came down and snapped this shot of me, just outside the helix, but still inside the layout. Where I'm standing (on a step stool) is where the turntable access will go. It will be tha last piece of benchwork on the entire layout!!!!




That calls for a glass of champagne Elliot!  

My ENTIRE layout would fit on your turntable platform so I'm truly amazed and jealous at the same time !


Back from the Medina Ohio show. Less trains there then the last show but I basically went there to get ballast but while walking through I found these telephone poles that didn't look too bad. $2.00 for four poles plus extra parts and of course my ballast. That should do me till the spring. The poles I figure I can use around the different industries because they have transformers on them. Mike G, I have not strung wire between poles since 40 years ago when I used sewing thread. And this is the first time in all those years I will be putting in telephone poles again. So a change of clothes and back to layout work again. Pics......Paul



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20171203_14364620171203_14273620171203_142731Almost done. Need to screw down the OSB board on both the 4x8 train table and the 1x2 transformer table. The 4x8 sheet doesn't fit square which means my table may not be exactly square, but it should work. Drilled three 1/2" holes in the front for running wire, and have hooks to keep the transformer table a set distance from the train table. It should fit under the train table when not in use.

I also plan to put a 1x4 board around the back and sides with ~2.5" above the table to protect against derails. Also going to make holders for the LionChief remotes, a phone, and iPad along the front.


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Last edited by Deuce
Deuce posted:

20171203_142736Almost done. Need to screw down the OSB board on both the 4x8 train table and the 1x2 transformer table. The 4x8 sheet doesn't fit square which means my table may not be exactly square, but it should work. Drilled three 1/2" holes in the front for running wire, and have hooks to keep the transformer table a set distance from the train table. It should fit under the train table when not in use.

I also plan to put a 1x4 board around the back and sides with ~2.5" above the table to protect against derails. Also going to make holders for the LionChief remotes, a phone, and iPad along the front.

Looks great, but do yourself a favor and increase your wire access holes to 1” or 1 1/2”. You will be glad you did later when you expand.  Good work. 

TedW posted:
Deuce posted:

20171203_142736Almost done. Need to screw down the OSB board on both the 4x8 train table and the 1x2 transformer table. The 4x8 sheet doesn't fit square which means my table may not be exactly square, but it should work. Drilled three 1/2" holes in the front for running wire, and have hooks to keep the transformer table a set distance from the train table. It should fit under the train table when not in use.

I also plan to put a 1x4 board around the back and sides with ~2.5" above the table to protect against derails. Also going to make holders for the LionChief remotes, a phone, and iPad along the front.

Looks great, but do yourself a favor and increase your wire access holes to 1” or 1 1/2”. You will be glad you did later when you expand.  Good work. 

Will do. Thanks for the suggestion. Had debated that before going with the 1/2". Should have gone with my gut, eh?

TedW posted:
Deuce posted:

20171203_142736Almost done. Need to screw down the OSB board on both the 4x8 train table and the 1x2 transformer table. The 4x8 sheet doesn't fit square which means my table may not be exactly square, but it should work. Drilled three 1/2" holes in the front for running wire, and have hooks to keep the transformer table a set distance from the train table. It should fit under the train table when not in use.

I also plan to put a 1x4 board around the back and sides with ~2.5" above the table to protect against derails. Also going to make holders for the LionChief remotes, a phone, and iPad along the front.

Looks great, but do yourself a favor and increase your wire access holes to 1” or 1 1/2”. You will be glad you did later when you expand.  Good work. 


That is some nice sturdy construction... looks like a good height for the kids. I agree with Ted - not sure if you are planning on having any non-command control switches, but if you want the controllers on the stand, those wires will fill up your current access holes pretty quickly.

Last edited by Apples55

Got a bit done today. I had just enough plaster to finish the last of the table top. And I had just enough left in the jar. Looks like a new list for Scenic Express is in order. Learning to have the stuff ahead of time then run out in the middle of doing something. Once I did that I needed to mix up colors for the mountain. I didn't have enough in the bottles made up. I use three colors for the mountain, yellow ochre, raw umber and burnt umber and I dab them on in that order. I use earth color for the ledges and when that is done I give it a very diluted black indigo ink wash.  I started with the separate piece and that is done except for adding ground cover and trees. I got the the other part of the mountain a little over half done but decided to take a break for dinner. After dinner I'll finish off the last section. Pics............Paul



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Apples55 posted:
TedW posted:
Deuce posted:

20171203_142736Almost done. Need to screw down the OSB board on both the 4x8 train table and the 1x2 transformer table. The 4x8 sheet doesn't fit square which means my table may not be exactly square, but it should work. Drilled three 1/2" holes in the front for running wire, and have hooks to keep the transformer table a set distance from the train table. It should fit under the train table when not in use.

I also plan to put a 1x4 board around the back and sides with ~2.5" above the table to protect against derails. Also going to make holders for the LionChief remotes, a phone, and iPad along the front.

Looks great, but do yourself a favor and increase your wire access holes to 1” or 1 1/2”. You will be glad you did later when you expand.  Good work. 


That is some nice sturdy construction... looks like a good height for the kids. I agree with Ted - not sure if you are planning on having any non-command control switches, but if you want the controllers on the stand, those wires will fill up your current access holes pretty quickly.

Thank you. I built it at 30" height. That should allow my oldest, who is 3'1" to view the table without sitting on a chair or me holding him. This should allow him to unload gondolas and do some other interactive stuff. 

What I did on the Equestra Train Club layout today was run trains for about 300 adults and numerous children. Today was the first showing of our 2017 Christmas Holiday display in the community clubhouse. One question I was asked over and over again was how long did it take to set up? Here is a pictorial answer.

Day 1 November 9th, the layout was brought back from warehouse.


This is a custom made crate by our resident cabinetmaker  that protects each platform with legs stored on the side.



The setup is started.



The HO platform is awaiting to be added. The G gauge extensions are at the upper right.


Attaching the G Gauge extension.


G Gauge, 3 O Gauge, Streets, and a partial HO viaduct.

I didn't get any more pictures until today; so here is the culmination of 3 weeks work by 15 guys.

Video at the end, with the latest addition; thunder and lightning.


Future Engineers





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Paul, Those poles are really nice indeed!

Deuce, The train table looks plenty sturdy!  Who knows, maybe you 4 x 8 sheet isn't square.  What does it matter, as long as everything is strong enough and not wobbly!!

Brian, The long run on the mountain division will be great!  I see you have your inspector there everyday!  What did you do to arouse so much attention??

briansilvermustang posted:

                                   getting upper mountain level roughed in.....

          this level will give me over 120' of mountain running around the room...

Nice work there Brian, now all you have to do is put an engine and some cars up there unless your worried they will fall! It would give you a great looking section just to look at!

paul 2 posted:

Got a bit done today. I had just enough plaster to finish the last of the table top. And I had just enough left in the jar. Looks like a new list for Scenic Express is in order. Learning to have the stuff ahead of time then run out in the middle of doing something. Once I did that I needed to mix up colors for the mountain. I didn't have enough in the bottles made up. I use three colors for the mountain, yellow ochre, raw umber and burnt umber and I dab them on in that order. I use earth color for the ledges and when that is done I give it a very diluted black indigo ink wash.  I started with the separate piece and that is done except for adding ground cover and trees. I got the the other part of the mountain a little over half done but decided to take a break for dinner. After dinner I'll finish off the last section. Pics............Paul


Nice Paul, you ever thought about doing a video while you do a section? I would watch it over and over!

pennsyfan posted:

What I did on the Equestra Train Club layout today was run trains for about 300 adults and numerous children. Today was the first showing of our 2017 Christmas Holiday display in the community clubhouse. One question I was asked over and over again was how long did it take to set up? Here is a pictorial answer.

Day 1 November 9th, the layout was brought back from warehouse.

I didn't get any more pictures until today; so here is the culmination of 3 weeks work by 15 guys.

Video at the end, with the latest addition; thunder and lightning.


Future Engineers




Very Impressive Bob! Way to put on a show!

After dinner I went down and finished coloring the last of the mountain. I will wait till tomorrow to color the ground giving the last section I plastered a chance to dry overnight. Mike G, the wash I did on the mountain already has a video. I watched a video Woodland Scenics put out a while back. The process is called Leopard spotting. And what was nice the guy doing the demonstration said you can't screw it up.......words to my ears LOL. Also Mike let me check to see how many lights are in the parts bag. I'll go down now and look. I'll let you know if they are more then one and then you can give me your addy and I will be glad to send them to you. Pics...............Paul



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coach joe posted:

hey Deuce, are you taking the transformer off the table when you push it under the layout? If you weren't panning on it you won't have enough space between transformer tabletop and layout beams.

Yeah I'm going to have to take them off. I would have had to go too low to keep them on. It's ok. I hope to not have to break it down too often.

The table was a last second design change. I was going to have a drawer that pulled out, but I envisioned my kid leaning on it and everything crashing onto the concrete floor. So ease of "put awayability" was a tradeoff for a more secure setup. 

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