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Hi everyone...Its been sometime since I posted to this thread so I thought I would try to contribute today.  I am a real Marx fan both of trains and toys so while the vehicles you will see are a bit of a stretch to any real prototype and a little too large for O'scale they have these great "MARX" hood decoration, so I couldn't resist.  Also the Marx 5420 freight station in the picture is one of the largest of the Marx train buildings and so it also is a little big, so the vehicles don't look too bad.  OBTW, for those of you that like details, the platform crane in the background is from Dinky and it was also marketed through Hornby.

Here is the front view, with the "MARX" name prominently on the hood.

Marx trucks 1

The green stake bed truck it appears to have once had ladders due to the provision of hooks on the outside of the stakes,  but those are long gone.

Marx trucks 2

The pick up bed orange truck. 

Marx trucks 3

Both trucks with the Marx freight station in the back ground.

Marx trucks 4

Its very hard to date these toys but I can do so in general.  First they have to be from before 1972 when the Consumer Product Safety Commission banned tin metal toys and they are also post war as the styling is very 1950's and the tires are rubber as opposed to wood like early Marx trucks.

Enjoy!  Best wishes for a Tuesday.



Images (4)
  • Marx trucks 1
  • Marx trucks 2
  • Marx trucks 3
  • Marx trucks 4

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