Availability? Didn't see it on Henning's web site.
It's not available quite yet, I have used about half a dozen in projects to make sure things are all laying flat and to work out any installation kinks. I also have to come up with the installation instructions, but it should be available soon.
Will this chuff board work with anything other than TMCC? What inputs/outputs? Sounds (pun) like something I'd like to try on my BPRC engines.
Bob, the requirements of this board is 5V DC for power at about 20ma. It's "input" data is the tach sensor reading the stripes on the flywheel. There is also a set of connections for a calibration switch, that's only used to set the chuff rate. I typically use clip leads to jumper the cal switch connection and then just remove them. I discovered the yellow jumper stuck up too far in some installations, and it's really not needed after installation.
The board outputs a 10ms TTL compatible (0-5V) pulse at each chuff time. The only "requirement" is the 5V common for the power supply is also the common for the output chuff pulse.