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"HONGZ" stands for HO scale, N scale, G scale, and Z scale.

Post your non-O scale stuff here!

Stuff:  Different topics,

Round house track additions.

DCC output voltage.

DC engine on DCC track.

Measuring engine 'pulling power'.

Circuit breaker problems.

New Haven I-5 4-6-4 hybrid by BLI.

Lubricating engines.


Neighborhood kids did some more 'train running'  Ran the 2 new engines: NH I-5 4-6-4 and UP E6 A-B-B.

GNRW 2022 43GNRW 2022 44


Round house track additions.

Electrified 4 roundhouse tracks at Seattle.

GNRW 2022 45

Parked a UP big boy (Key model) that was on the 'ready' track to one of the 'stalls'  The engine just fits on the Walthers 130' turntable.

GNRW 2022 46GNRW 2022 47

The other 3 added:

UP FEF-3 4-8-4 Cast metal superstructure by BLI.

UP 4-6-6-4 early challenger hybrid by BLI.

UP 4-12-2 hybrid by BLI.

GNRW 2022 48

'Parked' a CP royal Hudson 4-6-4 (Tenshodo) and a Milwaukee bipolar by MTH (cast metal superstructure with remote pantographs) on the ready tracks.

GNRW 2022 49

With 2 of the tracks occupied, only one access to the turntable.  The other 2 engines on the 'ready' track are a GN R-2 2-8-8-2 (Tenshodo) and a GN N-3 2-8-8-0 (Tenshodo); both heavily weighted with lead.

I built that coaling tower when I was around 15 from a MR article.   Back then, one made your own windows, railings and walkway!

GNRW 2022 50


DCC output voltage:

Checked the output voltage on my Digitrax command station and boosters.  Contact on the center post and both A and B terminal to get DC reading and add the two for power output.

GNRW 2022 51

7.68 volts X 2 = 15.36 volts.

GNRW 2022 52

Thought I'd check what the voltage output is for O/G.

GNRW 2022 53

Not much more than for 'HO' but my input power source maybe limiting that voltage?

GNRW 2022 54

The command station has the 'standard' Digitrax power source whereas the 4 boosters gets the 20 amp power source.

GNRW 2022 54A


DC engine on DCC track.

Video running a DC engine on address zero on DCC at max throttle; again, probably limited by the max input voltage going into the command station.

GNRW 2022 55


Measuring engine 'pulling power'.

Since, previously, I measure the 'resistance' of pulling different strings of freight cars, need some 'stats' on engines.

GN R-2 2-8-8-2 (Tenshodo) heavy weighted.

GNRW 2022 56

A respectable 7.2 ounces.

GNRW 2022 57

A CP Royal Hudson 4-6-4 (Tenshodo)

GNRW 2022 58

Only 3.3 ounces.

GNRW 2022 59

A UP FEF-3 4-8-4 (BLI with cast metal boiler and traction tires).

GNRW 2022 60

WOW; 12.8 ounces.

GNRW 2022 61

UP E6 A-B-B (BLI with 2 units powered. No traction tires but very heavy)

GNRW 2022 62

A very good 6.5 ounces.

Next, test the 'real' pulling power with a train plus going up the 0.5% grade.

GNRW 2022 63


Circuit breaker problems.

When a short appears, my circuit breakers would isolate the problem to one district.

GNRW 2022 64

Now, when I short a district...

GNRW 2022 65

the short affects other districts.  Needs some investigation.  I'm thinking that, with low humidity, some 'gaps in the rail may have closed between two districts.

GNRW 2022 66


New Haven I-5 4-6-4 hybrid by BLI.

Tender hatch opens to access sound volume 'pot'.

New Haven I-5 4-6-4 BLI hybrid 27

In previous pictures only showed the 'fire mans' side of the engine.  This side has some very nice 'piping'.

New Haven I-5 4-6-4 BLI hybrid 28

Including nice 'connecting' hoses.

New Haven I-5 4-6-4 BLI hybrid 29

Actually read the 'function key' chart!  A lot of 'sound' options that I didn't realize BLI had.

I tried the F9 for 'momentum' to simulate a heave train starting and it took forever for the train to gain 'speed'.

New Haven I-5 4-6-4 BLI hybrid 30

Did more research into the 3 times that BLI has issued this engine.

These pictures are the current release.

Tender has brass contacts to the wheels.

s-l1600 [1)

Side rods are thin metal and looks like 'stamped' metal.

s-l1600 [3)

Back drivers have traction tires and no screws holding the leading/trailing truck frames.


The first run (Museum quality all brass engine).  Things that I've noticed on this engine not on the current run.

Canvas 'skirting' on the cab, cab interior dials painted.  Side rods are thicker.

NH I-5 museum run 03

Safety chains on the tender trucks.

NH I-5 museum run 07

No brass contacts to the wheels.

NH I-5 museum run 11

Screws to secure lead/trailing truck side frames.  A 'sound' cam on the back driver.

The engine I purchase appears to be from a 2nd run that kept most of what was on the 'Museum quality' brass engine.

Things left off of my run: cam on driver, canvas skirting, painted cab dials and painted trailing truck.

Looking at BLI's list of 'discontinued items', my engine is just above the 'Museum' listing so, maybe, both of these were imported at the same time.  I tried research dates but nada.

NH I-5 museum run 12


Lubricating engines.

The manual suggested oiling all moving parts on the UP E6 A-B-B.  Did same on the NH I-5.

My older engines get the same about once a year.

Well, about time to go watch the 'super bowl'.

UP E6 A-B-B BLI 23


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  • GNRW 2022 43
  • GNRW 2022 44
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  • GNRW 2022 54A
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  • GNRW 2022 64
  • GNRW 2022 65
  • GNRW 2022 66
  • New Haven I-5 4-6-4 BLI hybrid 27
  • New Haven I-5 4-6-4 BLI hybrid 28
  • New Haven I-5 4-6-4 BLI hybrid 29
  • New Haven I-5 4-6-4 BLI hybrid 30
  • s-l1600 (1)
  • s-l1600 (3)
  • s-l1600
  • NH I-5 museum run 03
  • NH I-5 museum run 07
  • NH I-5 museum run 11
  • NH I-5 museum run 12
  • UP E6 A-B-B BLI 23
  • s-l1600 (1)
  • s-l1600 (3)
Last edited by samparfitt

Yes Mark, those are PSX circuits. I'm sure they have saved many decoders!


PM PSX circuits breakers.

It took about 6 hours to PM all the shorts.  A slow, 'trial by error' method.

As mentioned, previously, if a car or engine derailed and 'shorted', I had 3 circuit breakers (2,5,8 are on the same booster) going into a 'repetitive' short where the 'short' LED would flash instead of a 'steady' light.

GNRW 2022 64

The ground side of one district was contacting the ground in another district.  I used a Dremel 'cut off' disk to enlarge the rail gap.  The recent low humidity had closed this gap.

GNRW 2022 67

Some thin cardboard and glue should keep that from happening again!

GNRW 2022 68

I, also, had a ground wire from one district connected to another district;  not sure why that was even working in the past!

I had another district (2) connected to the 'old' ground wire that 'runs' under the layout; again, not sure how that was working in the past!  Since 2,5 and 8 are on the same booster, they were all affected when a 'short' occurred in district 2.

GNRW 2022 69

'Ran' the 'test' engine over the layout at max speed and all seems to be 'normal' again and all tracks are still 'powered'!

GNRW 2022 70


Images (5)
  • GNRW 2022 64
  • GNRW 2022 67
  • GNRW 2022 68
  • GNRW 2022 69
  • GNRW 2022 70
Last edited by samparfitt

More stuff: Engine 'draw bar' pull measurements and lighting buildings.


C&O L-1 4-6-4 Hudson streamlined; a BLI hybrid.

Checked the 'draw bar' versus a string of freight cars.

C&O L-1 4-6-4 BLI Hybrid 2021 65

Got 3.1 ounces for the Hudson.

C&O L-1 4-6-4 BLI Hybrid 2021 66

A 20 car train up a 0.5% grade.

C&O L-1 4-6-4 BLI Hybrid 2021 66A

No problems:


Leaving Seattle:

Leaving Hillyard:


C&O L-1 4-6-4 BLI Hybrid 2021 67

Basin tunnel.

C&O L-1 4-6-4 BLI Hybrid 2021 68


C&O L-1 4-6-4 BLI Hybrid 2021 69

Chumstick canyon trestle.

C&O L-1 4-6-4 BLI Hybrid 2021 70


C&O L-1 4-6-4 BLI Hybrid 2021 71C&O L-1 4-6-4 BLI Hybrid 2021 72C&O L-1 4-6-4 BLI Hybrid 2021 73

All 'cabeese' have lighted marker lights for the LCC signaling system.

C&O L-1 4-6-4 BLI Hybrid 2021 74

Marias pass.

C&O L-1 4-6-4 BLI Hybrid 2021 75


Interior building lights.

New 'just plug' 'light hub' arrived.

'Googled'  the 'light hub' and, surprisingly, I found it on Amazon with free shipping; usually, any train products are overpriced on that web site.

This is located in the interchange/staging track loop at the upper level of the layout.

Used a '2 buck' Tyco transformer for 'juice'.

GNRW 2022 71

New building lighted.

GNRW 2022 72

Also, a freight station.

GNRW 2022 73GNRW 2022 74

The staging/interchange 3 track loop was never intended to have any scenery: hence no ties under the spiked rail but, over time, I thought some buildings in that area would make it more enjoyable for the 'operators'.

A Walthers passenger station and a Menard's gas station.

GNRW 2022 75

Another Menard's building plus a lumber company that I built about 60 years ago!

GNRW 2022 76

A few more structures.

GNRW 2022 77

A bunch of 'flats'.

GNRW 2022 78


Images (20)
  • C&O L-1 4-6-4 BLI Hybrid 2021 65
  • C&O L-1 4-6-4 BLI Hybrid 2021 66
  • C&O L-1 4-6-4 BLI Hybrid 2021 66A
  • C&O L-1 4-6-4 BLI Hybrid 2021 67
  • C&O L-1 4-6-4 BLI Hybrid 2021 68
  • C&O L-1 4-6-4 BLI Hybrid 2021 69
  • C&O L-1 4-6-4 BLI Hybrid 2021 70
  • C&O L-1 4-6-4 BLI Hybrid 2021 71
  • C&O L-1 4-6-4 BLI Hybrid 2021 72
  • C&O L-1 4-6-4 BLI Hybrid 2021 73
  • C&O L-1 4-6-4 BLI Hybrid 2021 74
  • C&O L-1 4-6-4 BLI Hybrid 2021 75
  • GNRW 2022 71
  • GNRW 2022 72
  • GNRW 2022 73
  • GNRW 2022 74
  • GNRW 2022 75
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  • GNRW 2022 77
  • GNRW 2022 78
Last edited by samparfitt

Visited a fellow modeler's UP layout and assembling a fellow modeler's S gauge NYC Niagara.


Jim's UP layout:

A very nice large layout that takes up the entire basement    

I like how everything is within 'easy reach'.

Nice broad curves.


UP big boy:

UP passenger train:

Big boy and passenger train passing:

UP jim Rollwage layout 01UP jim Rollwage layout 02

One end of the layout: yard and roundhouse/ diesel facility.

UP jim Rollwage layout 03UP jim Rollwage layout 04UP jim Rollwage layout 05

UP jim Rollwage layout 06UP jim Rollwage layout 07UP jim Rollwage layout 08UP jim Rollwage layout 09

This is the left side of the layout; The steps are in the center of the basement (right in picture).

The layout goes along the one side of the basement wall and then does a 180 to the center peninsula which circles the steps.

UP jim Rollwage layout 10UP jim Rollwage layout 11UP jim Rollwage layout 12UP jim Rollwage layout 13UP jim Rollwage layout 14UP jim Rollwage layout 15UP jim Rollwage layout 16UP jim Rollwage layout 17

Entering the center peninsula which circles the steps.

UP jim Rollwage layout 18UP jim Rollwage layout 19

Right side of steps.

UP jim Rollwage layout 20UP jim Rollwage layout 21

Around the back of the steps.

UP jim Rollwage layout 22

Right side of steps.

UP jim Rollwage layout 23

Other side of the center portion of peninsula.

UP jim Rollwage layout 24UP jim Rollwage layout 25UP jim Rollwage layout 26UP jim Rollwage layout 27

Along the far wall leading from the peninsula.

UP jim Rollwage layout 28

Then back along the far wall where staging tracks are located.

UP jim Rollwage layout 29

Above the stage is a city.

UP jim Rollwage layout 30UP jim Rollwage layout 31

Some 'train running'.

UP Northern passenger train.

UP jim Rollwage layout 32UP jim Rollwage layout 33UP jim Rollwage layout 34UP jim Rollwage layout 35UP jim Rollwage layout 36UP jim Rollwage layout 37

'Reefer' train.

UP jim Rollwage layout 38UP jim Rollwage layout 39UP jim Rollwage layout 40UP jim Rollwage layout 41UP jim Rollwage layout 42

Hand made 'cross over'.

UP jim Rollwage layout 43UP jim Rollwage layout 44UP jim Rollwage layout 45UP jim Rollwage layout 46UP jim Rollwage layout 47

Big boy freight drag.

UP jim Rollwage layout 48UP jim Rollwage layout 49UP jim Rollwage layout 50UP jim Rollwage layout 51


Assembling a modeler's S gauge Niagara.

NYC Niagara S gauge 01

Had to do some rewiring.  The plate holding the 'cow catcher' had to be resistance soldered. BIG motor!

Replaced the original headlight with an LED.

NYC Niagara S gauge 02

Testing before assembly.

NYC Niagara S gauge 03

Nice cab detail.

NYC Niagara S gauge 04NYC Niagara S gauge 05

All 'working'.

NYC Niagara S gauge 06NYC Niagara S gauge 07NYC Niagara S gauge 08


Images (59)
  • UP jim Rollwage layout 01
  • UP jim Rollwage layout 02
  • UP jim Rollwage layout 03
  • UP jim Rollwage layout 04
  • UP jim Rollwage layout 05
  • UP jim Rollwage layout 06
  • UP jim Rollwage layout 07
  • UP jim Rollwage layout 08
  • UP jim Rollwage layout 09
  • UP jim Rollwage layout 10
  • UP jim Rollwage layout 11
  • UP jim Rollwage layout 12
  • UP jim Rollwage layout 13
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  • UP jim Rollwage layout 39
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  • UP jim Rollwage layout 48
  • UP jim Rollwage layout 49
  • UP jim Rollwage layout 50
  • UP jim Rollwage layout 51
  • NYC Niagara S gauge 01
  • NYC Niagara S gauge 02
  • NYC Niagara S gauge 03
  • NYC Niagara S gauge 04
  • NYC Niagara S gauge 05
  • NYC Niagara S gauge 06
  • NYC Niagara S gauge 07
  • NYC Niagara S gauge 08
Last edited by samparfitt

Some more 'motive power' 'draw bar' testing plus some PM on the layout for tomorrow's OPS session.


PRR S-2 6-8-6 steam turbine imported by Alco models in 1977.

Being a turbine, there is no chuffing so I turned it off and turned on the 'blow down' to simulate the 'wooshing' sound.

NEED to change that whistle!


PRR S-2 6-8-6 turbine freight drag at Skykomish:

No problem pulling 43 cars on level track.

Marias pass;

PRR S-6 6-8-6 assisted by electrics (GN Z-1's).

The engine couldn't 'handle' the 0.5% grade.

Should have used some PRR electrics!

Tumwater canyon trestle:

The 'wooshing' sound of the turbine.

PRR S-2 6-8-6 'draw bar pull':

PRR S-2 6-8-6 alco 74

3.8 ounces.

PRR S-2 6-8-6 alco 75

Was able to pull the 43 cars on level track until it 'reached' the 0.5% grade.

PRR S-2 6-8-6 alco 76

Got the electrics out for 'assistance'.

PRR S-2 6-8-6 alco 77

Put some 'canopy glue' on the back drivers.

PRR S-2 6-8-6 alco 78

Thought the MTH DM&IR M-3 2-8-8-4 (cast metal boiler) would be able to handle the 43 cars....

DM&IR M-3 2-8-8-4 Yellowstone 2021 70

A high 'draw bar' of 3.7 ounces but it couldn't pull the 43 cars.  I think I got too much 'smoke' fluid 'over run' and it went onto the drivers!

DM&IR M-3 2-8-8-4 Yellowstone 2021 71

The BLI UP E-6 A-B-B had no  trouble with the 43 cars.

East of Waverly.

UP E6 A-B-B BLI 24

Chumstick canyon trestle.

UP E6 A-B-B BLI 25


UP E6 A-B-B BLI 26UP E6 A-B-B BLI 27


UP E6 A-B-B BLI 28UP E6 A-B-B BLI 29UP E6 A-B-B BLI 30

Some more 'low humidity' problems.

One rail on the right track leaving the staging track was 'kinked'.

GNRW 2022 79

I've had trouble with this area in the past.

GNRW 2022 80

Had to use some Xuron nippers to cut a gap in the rail for expansion.

GNRW 2022 81

One car derailed.

The 'junk' wheels were replaced with Intermountain wheels.

GNRW 2022 84

Started putting the 'draw bar' pull in the roster indicating how many cars the engine can pull (5th column).

GNRW 2022 82GNRW 2022 83


Images (20)
  • PRR S-2 6-8-6 alco 74
  • PRR S-2 6-8-6 alco 75
  • PRR S-2 6-8-6 alco 76
  • PRR S-2 6-8-6 alco 77
  • PRR S-2 6-8-6 alco 78
  • DM&IR M-3 2-8-8-4 Yellowstone 2021 70
  • DM&IR M-3 2-8-8-4 Yellowstone 2021 71
  • UP E6 A-B-B BLI 24
  • UP E6 A-B-B BLI 25
  • UP E6 A-B-B BLI 26
  • UP E6 A-B-B BLI 27
  • UP E6 A-B-B BLI 28
  • UP E6 A-B-B BLI 29
  • UP E6 A-B-B BLI 30
  • GNRW 2022 79
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  • GNRW 2022 84
Last edited by samparfitt

Sam, on the topic of layout maintenance.  Do you notice the layout needing more maintenance as it gets older, than it needed say 10, 20, 30 years ago?  I have never had a layout more than a few years.  I am wondering if in the first few years, a builder will work through problems that correct flaws in initial building.  Later there would be a time when only a few thing break now and then.  Would after decades, problems come up more due to wear and tear, materials aging, or other things? 


Surprisingly, if I remember, there were, probably, more things to work on during initial building.  Most things stabilize and, adjustments made, keep the layout working well.  For a layout covering the whole basement and 1500' of track and 100 turnouts, it's, surprisingly, very stable.  Most of the time, it's just a 'jumper' wire that breaks and those are 'few between'.  For a 43 year old layout, I'm quite happy with it, especially considering all the wiring that it has.  Track gauge remains very stable.  I think the hand laid track aids the 'gauge' as the rail is only spiked about every 3" alternating between each side.  This allows the rail to expand along the entire rail instead of only where joints are located.  Also, being 'hand laid', no 2 joints are ever opposite of each other and, usually, 18" apart.

Considering, if one laid the track in a straight line, that would be 5 football fields long (plus 'throw in' 100 turnouts) and only having a few problems, once in awhile on such a length, to me, is a success.  I run a lot of engines and long trains (15-45 freight cars and 10-17 passenger cars) and, most of the time, all runs well.  I built this entire layout and, also, maintain it and, so far, it is not a burden.  During the winter it seems like I go down to the basement and run 2-3 trains a day and, rarely, do any cars derail.  Pulling on the front coupler of a 45 car train makes one realize how many forces are acting on not only the cars wheels, bolsters and couplers but, also, the track so I'm amazed the layout works as well as it does for so many years.

Last edited by samparfitt

Sam, it is a tribute to excellent care taken during construction.  In the photographs of the staging area where you made the cut, I noticed the spikes spaced out.  I never noticed until then that you hand laid the track.  You have an interesting observation about expansion that I hadn’t heard before.  It does make sense.  I’m glad the layout has been so relatively trouble free all these years.  Thank you for answering the question.

GNRW operation session pictures: (some pictures are 'fuzzy')

Usual pizza.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 01GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 02

Mainline was  busy all night.

Bill and John.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 03

PRR S-1 6-4-4-6.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 04

view from St. Paul.

Tom and John.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 05

GN Q-1 2-10-2 at Glacier.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 06

Bob at Seattle.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 07

Fortunately, Jordan 'worked' the Seattle freight yard.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 08GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 09

Joe kept busy.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 10GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 11

Bob with Milwaukee 4-8-4 passenger train.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 12


GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 13

GN Q-1 2-10-2 at Wilmar.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 14

Ben with Burlington O-5B 4-8-4 arriving at Seattle.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 15

Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 and PRR S-1 6-4-4-6.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 16

Bob, Bill and John.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 17GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 18GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 19

GN Q-1 2-10-2 at Tye.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 20

Jordan 'manning' the Seattle's freight yard.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 21GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 22

Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 passenger train at Marias pass.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 23

Tom with UP FEF-3 4-8-4 at Skykomish.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 24

Ben 'working' the St. Paul yard.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 25

Bob with UP E6 A-B-B passenger train at Havre.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 26

Top side is a GN R-2 2-8-8-2 freight drag.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 27

UP E6 passenger train approaching Waverly.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 28

Tom at the Seattle's roundhouse.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 29GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 30

Jordon did some 'dispatching'.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 31

GN R-2 2-8-8-2 at Marias pass.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 32

Tom with UP FEF-3 4-8-4 at Wilmar.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 33

UP FEF-3 approaching Waverly.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 34

Ben did some 'logging' with a shay.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 35

Lower valley of the 'logging' railroad.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 36

GN R-2 2-8-8-2 at the 'yard throat' of Seattle's freight yard.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 37GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 38

Bill at Seattle.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 39GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 40GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 41

Earlier in the 'day' the neighborhood kids stopped by to run trains.

video of GN S-2 4-8-4 passenger train at Marias pass (they like to run the trains fast (big surprise!).


Images (41)
  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 01
  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 02
  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 03
  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 04
  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 05
  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 06
  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 07
  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 08
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  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 10
  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 11
  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 12
  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 13
  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 14
  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 15
  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 16
  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 17
  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 18
  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 19
  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 20
  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 21
  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 22
  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 23
  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 24
  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 25
  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 26
  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 27
  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 28
  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 29
  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 30
  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 31
  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 32
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  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 41
Last edited by samparfitt

PM all the 'problems' from last night's OPS session.

Always like to fix the problems before I forget what they were!


Walther's 130' turntable at St. Paul.

The 'bridge'  was not 'turning'.

Initially, I thought some 'ballast' got between the two outer nylon gears but nada.

Removed the motor cover and found the gear had shifted left.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 42

Fixed and replaced the motor housing cover.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 43

Have to place the 'bridge' on some foam so not to damage the railings.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 44

All seems 'good'!  Fortunately, I have a spare turntable for parts, if needed.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 45GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 46


Had two passenger trains from last nights 'run' that needed 'reversing' of the cars via the mainline and upper return loop/staging tracks.

Also, one car was uncoupling so it was removed.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 47GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 48


Found 3 cars on the 'rip' track, mainly on the work bench.

This one's bolster 'fell off'.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 49


Had to fix a 'flat' on this vehicle!

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 50


Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 by Overland models. The front pilot was loose.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 51

The front truck wheels stopped 'rolling' periodically.  Removed the paint from the axles plus some oil.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 52

Also had trouble pulling the Milwaukee passenger cars so some 'canopy' glue on the drivers after cleaning them with alcohol.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 53


GN Q-1 2-10-2 also had 'slippage' pulling a freight drag so more 'canopy' glue.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 54

GN Q-1 and Milwaukee S-3.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 55


GN N-3 2-8-8-0 was stopping multiple times leaving the roundhouse.

A 'case' of dirty tender wheels.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 56

Figure I might as well add some 'canopy' glue to the drivers!

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 57

All better.  One of the first engines converted to DCC and I need to put her back on the programming track and change all light values to 'dim'.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 58


Had a couple of turnout problems in the Seattle's freight yard.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 59

Found that the screws securing the outer wire sheathing was loose.  Guessing the low humidity (again) loosened the screws.

I've got a 30 year old game, made out of wood, in the backyard and, over the decades, the screws have, partially, come out of the holes from the freezing and summer heat.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 60


A couple more cars 'found' on the work bench.  Replaced the wheels on one and cleaned the other ones wheels.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 61

They were two vintage metal Varney freight cars.  I'm guessing they were OK and were derailing at the turnouts that did not have completely closing 'points'.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 62


St. Paul's turnout to the switcher's 'drill track' was not 'closing'.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 63

Since that track is about 5' high I had to 'snake' my way up to it under the table.

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 64

Another loose screw on the choke sheathing.

The previous week's 'wire' changes to the districts under DCC worked well as the circuit breakers performed as expected with the one exception when a train runs past it's 'red' signal and shorts out a turnout 'turned' in the opposite direction and 'bridges' two districts!

GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 65


Images (24)
  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 42
  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 43
  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 44
  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 45
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  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 47
  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 48
  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 49
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  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 51
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  • GNRW OPS 2022, Feb 19 65
Last edited by samparfitt

More PM.

One engine found the track about a 1/64" too narrow.

GNRW 2022 85

One track in the passenger yard where there is all commercial track was S shaped due to the low humidity. 

Removed all spikes and re-spiked.

GNRW 2022 86GNRW 2022 87

One bad toggle switch in the passenger yard was replaced.

GNRW 2022 88

Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4. 

During the OPS session, this engine had trouble pulling the passenger train.

Canopy glue added to back drivers and all insulated drivers plus cleaned and oiled the passenger wheels.


All cars are in 'reverse' order so train is being 'run' to the upper return loop.



Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 Overland 37

Metal bar from engine frame to front truck had to be bent in an S for 'free' movement of the leading truck.  Front wheel now rotates freely.

Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 Overland 38

Used the Milwaukee EP-2 bipolar electric to pull the passenger cars to Seattle as the electric can handle pulling the passenger cars 'down grade'.



MTH Milwaukee bi-polar 29


Images (7)
  • GNRW 2022 85
  • GNRW 2022 86
  • GNRW 2022 87
  • GNRW 2022 88
  • Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 Overland 37
  • Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 Overland 38
  • MTH Milwaukee bi-polar 29

Lots of 'train running' !

C&O H-6 2-6-6-2, Milwaukee EP-2 bipolar electric, SF 4-6-4 Hudson Blue Goose, PRR K-4 4-6-2 streamlined.


C&O H-6 2-6-6-2.  Made by PFM (United) in 1974; painted, new gear, can motor, back head and TCS 1517 decoder and LED's installed.

The prototype has been restored.



Marias Pass:


For once, my pictures are 'half way' descent!


C&O H-6 2-6-6-2 75

Used Decoderpro to put all lights to 'dim'.

C&O H-6 2-6-6-2 76C&O H-6 2-6-6-2 77


C&O H-6 2-6-6-2 78C&O H-6 2-6-6-2 79


C&O H-6 2-6-6-2 80


C&O H-6 2-6-6-2 81

Newly acquired vintage metal freight car that needed a coupler and new wheel sets.

C&O H-6 2-6-6-2 82


Milwaukee EP-2 bipolar electric; Model imported by Custom Brass in 1983; painted and a TCS decoder installed.



Marias Pass:


milwaukee EP-2 bi polar 69


milwaukee EP-2 bi polar 70


milwaukee EP-2 bi polar 71


milwaukee EP-2 bi polar 72


SF 4-6-4 Hudson Blue Goose: Imported by PFM (Tenshodo) in 1971; installed can motor, back head, TCS 1517 decoder and LED's.





SF 4-6-4 blue goose 63

Chumstick canyon trestle.

SF 4-6-4 blue goose 64


PRR K-4 4-6-2 streamlined. Imported by BLI in 2021. Diecast metal boiler and tender.


Chumstick Canyon trestle:


PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 55PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 56


PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 57PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 58

Still have some signs made from my 1980's 'dot matrix' printer!

station sign 01


Images (19)
  • C&O H-6 2-6-6-2 75
  • C&O H-6 2-6-6-2 76
  • C&O H-6 2-6-6-2 77
  • C&O H-6 2-6-6-2 78
  • C&O H-6 2-6-6-2 79
  • C&O H-6 2-6-6-2 80
  • C&O H-6 2-6-6-2 81
  • C&O H-6 2-6-6-2 82
  • milwaukee EP-2 bi polar 69
  • milwaukee EP-2 bi polar 70
  • milwaukee EP-2 bi polar 71
  • milwaukee EP-2 bi polar 72
  • SF 4-6-4 blue goose 63
  • SF 4-6-4 blue goose 64
  • PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 55
  • PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 56
  • PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 57
  • PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 58
  • station sign 01
Last edited by samparfitt


SF E1 A-B, GN Q-1 2-10-2 and SP AC-9 2-8-8-4.


SF E1 A-B passenger train.

BLI models.  Love that 'rakish' nose!

First time I've used these diesels to pull these passenger cars and wasn't sure it the engines could 'handle it'.



Departing Hillyard:

Passenger yard.

SF E-1 set BLI 27


SF E-1 set BLI 28

Basin tunnel.

SF E-1 set BLI 29


SF E-1 set BLI 30


SF E-1 set BLI 31

Tumwater canyon trestle.

SF E-1 set BLI 32


SF E-1 set BLI 33


SF E-1 set BLI 34


GN Q-1 2-10-2.  Tenshodo model imported in 1974.

Added 'canopy' glue to the drivers and testing (pull test had 3.1 ounces).


departing Seattle:

departing Hillyard:


GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 2127 17


SP AC-9 2-8-8-4. Imported by Westside models in 1981.  Painted and TCS 1517 decoder and LED's installed.


Departing Whitefish:

Exiting Cascade tunnel:



SP AC-9 2-8-8-4 74


SP AC-9 2-8-8-4 75


Images (11)
  • SF E-1 set BLI 27
  • SF E-1 set BLI 28
  • SF E-1 set BLI 29
  • SF E-1 set BLI 30
  • SF E-1 set BLI 31
  • SF E-1 set BLI 32
  • SF E-1 set BLI 33
  • SF E-1 set BLI 34
  • GN Q-1 2-10-2 Tenshodo 2127 17
  • SP AC-9 2-8-8-4 74
  • SP AC-9 2-8-8-4 75
Last edited by samparfitt

New delivery and other stuff:

B&O E-1 A unit, 'TRACTION RAIL', GN N-3 2-8-8-0, D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2.


B&O E-1 A unit.

Just arrived from BLI.  I must have one of the first one of these engines as they still show 'arriving' on BLI's website!

I ordered a powered B unit but no 'word' on its arrival.  The engines are coming from 2 different vendors as one said they were 'sold out' of the A units so I ordered the A unit elsewhere and it came in 'first'.


The one engine couldn't handle 14 passenger cars so I 'cut it down' to 9, for now.

Seattle: bypassing the freight yard.


leaving Hillyard:

These white boxes appear to be their new 'status quo'!

B&O E-1 A diesel BLI 2022 01

Usual new 'sleeve' box and plastic packaging.

B&O E-1 A diesel BLI 2022 02

First things first!

B&O E-1 A diesel BLI 2022 03

Decoderpro for new address.

B&O E-1 A diesel BLI 2022 04

Removed the front coupler.  BLI has a solid pilot for replacement of the one with a coupler hole but I had trouble removing it so I left it 'as is'.

B&O E-1 A diesel BLI 2022 05

I bought this engine, even though it's a diesel, for 2 reasons:

1) I love the blue scheme on this engine

2) would look good 'heading' my B&O 'smooth side' passenger cars

3) Love the 'slanted' nose on the first diesels.  (OK, 3 reasons)

B&O E-1 A diesel BLI 2022 06

Blue is my favorite color!

Interesting: an engineer but no fireman, unless they forgot it!

B&O E-1 A diesel BLI 2022 07B&O E-1 A diesel BLI 2022 08B&O E-1 A diesel BLI 2022 09B&O E-1 A diesel BLI 2022 10

I removed the usual 'motive power' (EM-1 2-8-8-4 by Westside models imported in 1979).

B&O E-1 A diesel BLI 2022 11

New motive power.

B&O E-1 A diesel BLI 2022 12

lighted number boards and marker lights.

B&O E-1 A diesel BLI 2022 13B&O E-1 A diesel BLI 2022 14


'TRACTION RAIL' instead of 'traction tires'!

I've to 3 places on the mainline where the 0.5% grade goes to around 1.0% for about 10' (bad engineering 43 years ago!).

Thought  I'd try something different and use 'canopy' glue on the rails instead of the drivers!

A used a 'tooth pick' and put about a 1/4" width about every 3".

Two places are single track and the 3rd is double track.

The one single track, an engine 'died' so I removed a few 'spot's at that location.

The other locations, all seems OK for the 3 engines that I've run, so far, on the mainline.

I did notice one engine's lights flickering, momentarily, indicating that the 'keep alive' was 'doing its job'!

So far, the 'traction rail' seems to be working!

Picture is before the white 'canopy' glue has dried to a 'clear' finish.

GNRW 2022 89

2nd rail from the left.

GNRW 2022 90

Had some PM on a few cars.

Coupler height movement due to car near the front on a 48 car train.

GNRW 2022 91

Must of pushed down on this car as the sides of the truck was at an 'angle' on these 'sprung' trucks.

Some of these vintage metal freight cars have very 'soft' springs.

GNRW 2022 92

All better!

GNRW 2022 93

A few were, also, leaning due to the truck screws 'working loose' so some 'carpenters' glue was put into the screw hole.

GNRW 2022 94

Good idea from a fellow modeler to give my logging cars some extra weight: cut and paint a metal bolt for a log and insert in the middle of the 'pile'.

GNRW 2022 95


GN N-3 3-8-8-0.  Tenshodo model made in 1973.  Glacier painted, re-geared, can motor, TCS 1517 decoder and lots of LED's.

This model is heavily weighted and had no trouble pull, mostly, all vintage metal Athearn/Varney and wood Ambroid/Silver Streak freight cars.   I added 'canopy' glue to the drivers so I don't know if the 'traction rail' aided in this engine.  More testing with other engines will be needed.



Marias Pass:

departing Havre:


GN N-3 2-8-8-0 Tenshodo 56


GN N-3 2-8-8-0 Tenshodo 57


D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2.  Made by United (PFM) in 1977.

Another heavily weighted engine.  Again, painted plus green boiler, TCS 1517 decoder and LED's installed.


departing Havre:

Cascade tunnel:


D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 51


D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 52

Marias pass.

D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 53

The 'draw bar' pull on this engine is 'insane'!

D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 54

Roster updated with 'pulling power'.

D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 55

And last: new mag arrived

Classic trains mag 01


Images (29)
  • B&O E-1 A diesel BLI 2022 01
  • B&O E-1 A diesel BLI 2022 02
  • B&O E-1 A diesel BLI 2022 03
  • B&O E-1 A diesel BLI 2022 04
  • B&O E-1 A diesel BLI 2022 05
  • B&O E-1 A diesel BLI 2022 06
  • B&O E-1 A diesel BLI 2022 07
  • B&O E-1 A diesel BLI 2022 08
  • B&O E-1 A diesel BLI 2022 09
  • B&O E-1 A diesel BLI 2022 10
  • B&O E-1 A diesel BLI 2022 11
  • B&O E-1 A diesel BLI 2022 12
  • B&O E-1 A diesel BLI 2022 13
  • B&O E-1 A diesel BLI 2022 14
  • GNRW 2022 89
  • GNRW 2022 90
  • GNRW 2022 91
  • GNRW 2022 92
  • GNRW 2022 93
  • GNRW 2022 94
  • GNRW 2022 95
  • GN N-3 2-8-8-0 Tenshodo 56
  • GN N-3 2-8-8-0 Tenshodo 57
  • D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 51
  • D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 52
  • D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 53
  • D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 54
  • D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 55
  • Classic trains mag 01
Last edited by samparfitt

Train show, hobby shop and 'rail fanning'; '12" to the foot' and model.


Train show.

The train show was only about 30'X30' so it didn't take long to 'browse'!

Ludlow, Ky train show 01

Very good selection of Campbell kits at reasonable prices.

Ludlow, Ky train show 02

Ditto on the Suydam kits.

Ludlow, Ky train show 03

Haven't seen TM '3 packs' in awhile.

Ludlow, Ky train show 04Ludlow, Ky train show 05Ludlow, Ky train show 06Ludlow, Ky train show 07Ludlow, Ky train show 08


We visited a local hobby shop that we didn't knew existed!

Ludlow, Ky train show 09

It was like a 'time warp'!

Ludlow, Ky train show 10

Looked like the 'hobby shop' of 'yesteryear'.

Ludlow, Ky train show 11

Wasn't sure if this stuff was for sale or display!

Ludlow, Ky train show 12Ludlow, Ky train show 13Ludlow, Ky train show 14

They had a 3-rail layout but it didn't look like it had been 'run' in awhile!

Ludlow, Ky train show 15

Lots of old kits for sale.

Ludlow, Ky train show 16Ludlow, Ky train show 17

Also, modular units.

Ludlow, Ky train show 18Ludlow, Ky train show 19


Did some local 'rail fanning'.

I'm guessing these are abandoned sanding facilities for diesels.

Ludlow, Ky train show 20Ludlow, Ky train show 21Ludlow, Ky train show 22

There is a raised, covered platform for 'train watching'.

Ludlow, Ky train show 23Ludlow, Ky train show 24

This was in the parking lot.

Ludlow, Ky train show 25

Railroad bridge across the Ohio river.

Ludlow, Ky train show 26

I-71/75 road across the river.

Ludlow, Ky train show 27

Joe bought a few Campbell kits plus this railcar.

Ludlow, Ky train show 28


Model 'rail fanning':

UP 2-tone grey challenger 4-6-6-4  imported by BLI in 2019.

videos:  This engine is a good 'smoker' plus smoking whistle.


departing Hillyard:  The smoking whistle can be seen at '37 seconds'.


departing Whitefish:

Marias pass.

UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 67


UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 68

Seattle's freight yard.

UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 69


Images (31)
  • Ludlow, Ky train show 01
  • Ludlow, Ky train show 02
  • Ludlow, Ky train show 03
  • Ludlow, Ky train show 04
  • Ludlow, Ky train show 05
  • Ludlow, Ky train show 06
  • Ludlow, Ky train show 07
  • Ludlow, Ky train show 08
  • Ludlow, Ky train show 09
  • Ludlow, Ky train show 10
  • Ludlow, Ky train show 11
  • Ludlow, Ky train show 12
  • Ludlow, Ky train show 13
  • Ludlow, Ky train show 14
  • Ludlow, Ky train show 15
  • Ludlow, Ky train show 16
  • Ludlow, Ky train show 17
  • Ludlow, Ky train show 18
  • Ludlow, Ky train show 19
  • Ludlow, Ky train show 20
  • Ludlow, Ky train show 21
  • Ludlow, Ky train show 22
  • Ludlow, Ky train show 23
  • Ludlow, Ky train show 24
  • Ludlow, Ky train show 25
  • Ludlow, Ky train show 26
  • Ludlow, Ky train show 27
  • Ludlow, Ky train show 28
  • UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 67
  • UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 68
  • UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 69
Last edited by samparfitt

New delivery and 'Railfanning'.


DCC PSXX circuit breaker.

I bought one of the new, updated circuit breakers (CB).

I only bought one to test to see if it works any better than my previous generation PSX CB.

The new PSXX is about a 1/2" wider and longer than the previous version.

Obviously, there's more 'stuff' on the new CB.

Both has the same INPUT/OUTPUT connections so a 'swap' will be easy.

PSXX circuit breaker 01



NP A-3 4-8-4 brass hybrid imported by BLI in 2020.

Very nicely detailed engine FP with a grey boiler and smoke.


departing Whitefish:



NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI 2020 05NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI 2020 06NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI 2020 07NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI 2020 08NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI 2020 09NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI 2020 10NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI 2020 11NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI 2020 12NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI 2020 13NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI 2020 14NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI 2020 15


NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI 2020 36

Marias pass.

NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI 2020 37


NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI 2020 38


Images (16)
  • PSXX circuit breaker 01
  • NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI 2020 36
  • NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI 2020 37
  • NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI 2020 38
  • NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI 2020 39
  • NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI 2020 05
  • NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI 2020 06
  • NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI 2020 07
  • NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI 2020 08
  • NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI 2020 09
  • NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI 2020 10
  • NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI 2020 11
  • NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI 2020 12
  • NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI 2020 13
  • NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI 2020 14
  • NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI 2020 15
Last edited by samparfitt

PSXX circuit breaker (CB) install, 'traction rail' experiment and 'train running'.


PSXX CB installed.

I replaced one of the previously used PSX-1 CB's and tested it.

Instead of 2 red LED's the new PSXX has two green LED's for input/output.

PSXX circuit breaker 02

During a short, the output green LED goes out and a red LED is lighted. About every 3 seconds the CB tries to reset.

PSXX circuit breaker 03

While installing the new CB I found that I had another 'ground' side' rail touching between two blocks so some glue and thin cardboard was inserted between the two rails after I had to cut a piece of rail to create a gap between them.

PSXX circuit breaker 04


'Traction rail': For the most part adding 'canopy' glue to certain areas of the track worked.

1) engine with 'keep alive' (TCS 1517 decoders) would have the lights blink but the engine kept moving.

2) Some engines (BLI with no 'keep alive') ran over the 'canopy' glue, stopped but restarted again.

3)  The only engine that went dead were the PRR box cab electrics.  With their short wheel base, one engine would 'die' and the other 2 didn't have enough 'traction' to push the 'dead' engine so I have removed some of the 'canopy' glue on the rails.

This method would, probably, work great on a 3 rail layout since one always has two 'ground' rails.

PRR P5A boxcab electrics 01


Train running.

PRR Q-2 4-4-6-4 imported by Westside models in 1970.  TCS 1517 decoder and LED's installed.





Chumstick canyon trestle.

PRR Q-2 4-4-6-4 Westside 75PRR Q-2 4-4-6-4 Westside 76


PRR Q-2 4-4-6-4 Westside 77PRR Q-2 4-4-6-4 Westside 78


N&W Y-6B 2-8-8-2 imported by BLI in 2021.  Cast metal engine and tender.


St. Paul:

Chumstick canyon trestle:  A distinctive whistle that sounds like those I've heard on the prototype.

Marias pass:



N&W Y-6B 2-8-8-2 BLI 2021 38N&W Y-6B 2-8-8-2 BLI 2021 39


N&W Y-6B 2-8-8-2 BLI 2021 40N&W Y-6B 2-8-8-2 BLI 2021 41

The owner has 'sold' a few TV's since he 'opened' his store!

TV store 01

Even though gas 'jumped' to $3.59 here, it's till $24.9 at my GNRW shell station!

gas station 01


Images (14)
  • PSXX circuit breaker 02
  • PSXX circuit breaker 03
  • PSXX circuit breaker 04
  • PRR Q-2 4-4-6-4 Westside 75
  • PRR Q-2 4-4-6-4 Westside 76
  • PRR Q-2 4-4-6-4 Westside 77
  • PRR Q-2 4-4-6-4 Westside 78
  • N&W Y-6B 2-8-8-2 BLI 2021 38
  • N&W Y-6B 2-8-8-2 BLI 2021 39
  • N&W Y-6B 2-8-8-2 BLI 2021 40
  • N&W Y-6B 2-8-8-2 BLI 2021 41
  • TV store 01
  • gas station 01
  • PRR P5A boxcab electrics 01
Last edited by samparfitt

Neighborhood kids visit plus PM an engine and turntable parts.


Kids visit:


GN S-2 4-8-4 passenger train.  Kids wanted a passenger train with smoke so a BLI model 'fit' the requirements.

Bypassing Seattle's freight yard:  They ran the train slow in this video.

Hillyard: they ran the train must faster at this location.

Neighborhood kids 01

GN S-2 departing passenger yard.

GN S-2 4-8-4 BLI 36

Bypassing the Seattle's freight yard.

GN S-2 4-8-4 BLI 37


GN S-2 4-8-4 BLI 38

Tumwater canyon trestle.

GN S-2 4-8-4 BLI 39


GN S-2 4-8-4 BLI 40GN S-2 4-8-4 BLI 41


D&GRW L-131 2-8-8-2.

Imported by PFM (United) in 1977.  painted, re-motored, TCS 1517 decoder and LED's installed.

The marker lights were not working on this model.

They must of 'shorted out' on the brass boiler.

New LED's installed after cutting off the old ones.

Fortunately, the front of the boiler is, easily, removed without dismantling the engine.

New LED's soldered to the old wires.

D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 56

LED's inserted into the marker lights and secured with 'canopy' glue.

D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 57

All better.

D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 58

Nicely detailed engine.

D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 59D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 60D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 61D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 62


The Walthers turntable's bridge at St. Paul was not rotating a few months ago.

I thought the problem was dirt in the gears but the gear moved off of the shaft.

I fixed it but requested a 'spare' set in case my fix was not permanent!

Was nice of Walthers to send a 'spare' set of gears free.

turntable walthers 130 foot St. Paul 04


Images (15)
  • Neighborhood kids 01
  • GN S-2 4-8-4 BLI 36
  • GN S-2 4-8-4 BLI 37
  • GN S-2 4-8-4 BLI 38
  • GN S-2 4-8-4 BLI 39
  • GN S-2 4-8-4 BLI 40
  • GN S-2 4-8-4 BLI 41
  • D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 56
  • D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 57
  • D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 58
  • D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 59
  • D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 60
  • D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 61
  • D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 62
  • turntable walthers 130 foot St. Paul 04
Last edited by samparfitt

Trains down the center of the road: unusual for 'today'.


Neighborhood kids stopped by.

PM SF 2-10-10-2. Imported by Westside models in 1976: painted, can motor, TCS 1517 decoder and LED's installed.

(camera shutter didn't open, completely)


SF 2-10-10-2 westside 75SF 2-10-10-2 westside 76

Had trouble pulling just 20 cars so some 'canopy' glue applied to the drivers.

SF 2-10-10-2 westside 77


GN 4-6-2 pacific imported by PFM (United) in 1972.  TCS 1517 decoder and LED's installed.

GN H-5 PFM CP 37

Nice set of Labelle passenger cars custom painted by a woman's dad who sold them on Ebay.

GN H-5 PFM CP 38


Images (5)
  • SF 2-10-10-2 westside 75
  • SF 2-10-10-2 westside 76
  • SF 2-10-10-2 westside 77
  • GN H-5 PFM CP 37
  • GN H-5 PFM CP 38

Cool, Mike.


New deliveries.

Sold off about 2700 more bucks of contemporary 3-rail so I decided to 'reroute' some of it to HO!  Seems logical!

new delivery 01


Two bottles of 'candy cane' smoke fluid.

new delivery 02


New Haven decals...

new delivery 03

for the New Haven 4-6-4 streamlined engine.  Missing the 'script' on the piston sides.

new delivery 04


Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4. All cast metal boiler and tender imported by BLI in 2021.



Marias Pass:

Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 01Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 02Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 03

Programming track.

Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 04Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 05Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 06

I, already, have a Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 imported by Overland models made in 1979 but it, sometimes, had trouble pulling the 14 passenger cars.  Also, this engine was sold at 32% off plus free shipping!

Overland models on the left.

Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 07

new delivery 05

Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 08

Not much difference between the two models.  BLI is doing a good job of replicating the 'full size'.

The Overland model has better 'hose' detail.

Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 09

Overland model at top in picture.

Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 10

Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 11

Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 12

Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 13

Lubricated all moving surfaces.

Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 14Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 15

Departing the passenger yard.

Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 16


Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 17

Love that 'beaver' tail observation car.

Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 18

I would have a hard time duplicating that paint around the windows!

Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 19

Right side views.

Would have been nice if they 'lighted' the red headlight!

Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 20Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 21Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 22

St. Paul.

Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 23


Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 24Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 25


Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 26Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 27

Tumwater canyon.

Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 28


Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 29Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 30


Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 31

Chumstick canyon trestle.

Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 32


Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 33Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 34


Love those 'port hole' windows.

Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 35


Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 36Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 37

Passenger yard.

Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 38

The humidity has rose from when it was around 18 in January.

temp, humidity


Images (44)
  • new delivery 01
  • new delivery 02
  • new delivery 03
  • new delivery 04
  • new delivery 05
  • Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 01
  • Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 02
  • Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 03
  • Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 04
  • Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 05
  • Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 06
  • Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 07
  • Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 08
  • Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 09
  • Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 10
  • Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 11
  • Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 12
  • Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 13
  • Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 14
  • Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 15
  • Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 16
  • Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 17
  • Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 18
  • Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 19
  • Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 20
  • Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 21
  • Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 22
  • Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 23
  • Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 24
  • Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 25
  • Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 26
  • Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 27
  • Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 28
  • Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 29
  • Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 30
  • Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 31
  • Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 32
  • Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 33
  • Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 34
  • Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 35
  • Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 36
  • Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 37
  • Milwaukee S-3 4-8-4 BLI 2021 38
  • temp, humidity
Last edited by samparfitt

New deliveries;

Good prices on both so I bought them.

TCS raised their prices a 'bunch' but found one TCS 1517 online that was only 7 bucks over what I used to pay for them ie $93.

Got 11 TCS decoders now; won't meet all future demands but I'll, probably, never get all my engines converted, anyway!

BLI made the functional water tower several years ago so they are hard to find, now, but one dealer had one at a very good price of only 76 bucks (versus list of $120) and no shipping charges so I purchased it.

GNRW 2022 96

I've, already, have 4 of these located on the layout where the steam engines have to stop for 'water'.  Thought the new one would be good in the upper interchange/staging loop area.

GNRW 2022 97

At the bottom of the basement steps was a spider 'hanging out'.  Left him 'as is' since they eat insects.  Small ones I don't mind; the 'big ones' get removed to 'outside'!

spider 01


Images (3)
  • GNRW 2022 96
  • GNRW 2022 97
  • spider 01
Last edited by samparfitt

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