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"HONGZ" stands for HO scale, N scale, G scale, and Z scale.

Post your non-O scale stuff here!

Had 4 passenger trains that needed the cars 'reversed' from last Saturday so used different motive power to accomplish the task.

Put some 'canopy glue' on the drivers as the ACL 4-8-4 had trouble pulling the ACL passenger cars.

GNRW 2022 171


B&O passenger train 'reversed'.




at Hillyard:

GNRW 2022 172


SF E-1 A-B units to 'reverse' the passenger train.





GNRW 2022 173

GNRW 2022 174

GNRW 2022 175


Tested the new BLI UP big boy 'reversing' a passenger train.



Marias Pass:

GNRW 2022 176

'Replanted' a tree that 'fell over' last Saturday!

GNRW 2022 177


Used the MTH SP AC-6 4-8-8-2 to finish the 'reverse' of the SP passenger cars.



Nice smoke.


GNRW 2022 178

Marias pass.

GNRW 2022 179

GNRW 2022 180

GNRW 2022 181

Bypassing Seattle's freight yard.

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Ross Club meeting:

Nate made a Lego engine.

Ross club meeting Sept 20, 2022 01

Nate operating PRR P5A electrics.

Ross club meeting Sept 20, 2022 02

Ross club meeting Sept 20, 2022 03

Ross club meeting Sept 20, 2022 04

Bob running an Erie Triplex 2-8-8-8-2 freight drag.


Ross club meeting Sept 20, 2022 05

Nick brought his own diesel.

Ross club meeting Sept 20, 2022 06

Chumstick canyon trestle.

Ross club meeting Sept 20, 2022 07


Ross club meeting Sept 20, 2022 08

Bob's Triplex at Hillyard.

Ross club meeting Sept 20, 2022 09

Joe kept 'busy'.

Ross club meeting Sept 20, 2022 10

Next Nate ran the UP Veranda turbine.


Ross club meeting Sept 20, 2022 11

Views from the 'steps' and me 'resting'!

Ross club meeting Sept 20, 2022 12

Ross club meeting Sept 20, 2022 13

Ross club meeting Sept 20, 2022 14

Ross club meeting Sept 20, 2022 15

Nate's next train led by an SP AC-9 2-8-8-4.

Departing Seattle.

Ross club meeting Sept 20, 2022 16

Ross club meeting Sept 20, 2022 17


Ross club meeting Sept 20, 2022 18

Ross club meeting Sept 20, 2022 19

Chumstick canyon trestle.

Ross club meeting Sept 20, 2022 20

Nick's diesel.

Ross club meeting Sept 20, 2022 21

Gerry freight train pulled by NH EP-5 electrics.

Ross club meeting Sept 20, 2022 22

Mark using a GN W-1 electric to pull his 'flat loads'.


Ross club meeting Sept 20, 2022 23

Ross club meeting Sept 20, 2022 24

Marias pass.

Ross club meeting Sept 20, 2022 25


Ross club meeting Sept 20, 2022 26

Ross club meeting Sept 20, 2022 27

Mark's train at Waverly.

Ross club meeting Sept 20, 2022 28

Bob 'took over' Nate's train as Nate had to leave during 'school days'.

Ross club meeting Sept 20, 2022 29


Ross club meeting Sept 20, 2022 30


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More videos uploaded.

Interesting: didn't know Youtube limited the number of videos in a 24 hour period.

PRR P5A electrics freight drag departing Seattle:

SP AC-6 passenger train at Skykomish:

NH EP-5 electrics freight drag  departing Seattle:

Last edited by samparfitt

Ross Club meeting.

Only 3 members arrived but got a couple of good videos:

GN W-1 electric freight drag with 'open loads' at Tye:

The 'open loads' cars belong to Mark.

UP big boy freight drag meeting GN W-1 electric at Havre:

Ross Club 01

Nate 'ran' the big boy.

Ross Club 02


Did some 'track cleaning' before the Ross club arrived.

As usual, I used the PRR GG-1 to test the 'layout' before anyone arrives but it just 'sat there'.

Turned the engine on it's back and the wheels were filthy.

Cleaned the wheels and then, decided to clean the track with my 2 track cleaning cars.

I find it best to just clean and soak the 'pads' in lacquer thinner about every 50' of 'track running'.

Track cleaning 01

The pads get pretty 'skuzzy'.

Track cleaning 02

Soak and clean them after every 50' of 'track running'.

Went 'East and West' twice.

Track cleaning 03


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  • Ross Club 02
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  • Ross Club 01
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Last edited by samparfitt

Railfanning: Sidney, Ohio.

Saw 4 trains within an hour.


Bridge view:

Trackside view:

Didn't know trains 'ran' that fast!


Didn't know there were any railroad concrete arch bridges in south west Ohio.

All part of the 'Big Four': Cincinnati, Cleveland, Chicago, St. Louis.

Piqua, Ohio 2022 01

Piqua, Ohio 2022 01A

Not in very good shape but still being 'used'.

Piqua, Ohio 2022 02

Believe it has 5 arches.

Piqua, Ohio 2022 03


Piqua, Ohio 2022 04

Piqua, Ohio 2022 05


Piqua, Ohio 2022 06

Walked down to the bridge and 2 more tracks went under the bridge plus another train.

Sidney, Ohio 2022 07

To the left is a 'junction' between the two track 'levels'.

Sidney, Ohio 2022 08

136 lbs.

Sidney, Ohio 2022 09

On the way back, got a better view of the bridge.

Sidney, Ohio 2022 10

Another concrete arch bridge a few miles 'away'.

Sidney, Ohio 2022 11

Sidney, Ohio 2022 12

Sidney, Ohio 2022 13

Another train.

Sidney, Ohio 2022 14



Sidney, Ohio.

americana 01

americana 02

americana 03

americana 04

americana 05

americana 06

americana 07

americana 08

americana 09


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Berea, Ohio train show in Cleveland, Ohio.

Miles: 200.

Train show, old high school friend's layout and 'memory lane'.

NOTE: it appears some pictures don't show up in the listing but can 'click' on them to see them.


Train show:

Long day: left my house at 4:45 AM and got home at 7 PM.

Not a bad drive. 3 hours, all I-71; mostly '3 lanes' and 75 MPH.

There were 5 buildings to visit at the fair grounds.

Berea, Ohio 2022 01

1st building.

Berea, Ohio 2022 02

Some nice plastic buildings at very reasonable prices.

Berea, Ohio 2022 03

Interesting pictures made with beads.

Berea, Ohio 2022 04

That has to be a lot of work!

Berea, Ohio 2022 05

Met my 'long time' railroader friend Gary from Lancaster, Ohio.

He's 'mostly' NP.

Berea, Ohio 2022 06

My old high school friend John giving a clinic on 'static grass'.

First time I've seen him since we graduated in 1964, last millennium!

Pictures of his layout posted later.

Berea, Ohio 2022 07

2nd building.

Berea, Ohio 2022 08

3 rail.

Berea, Ohio 2022 09

Lots of nice pictures.

Berea, Ohio 2022 10

'Touch' control panels.

Berea, Ohio 2022 11

3rd building.

Berea, Ohio 2022 12

Berea, Ohio 2022 13

Merit badge.

Berea, Ohio 2022 14

Berea, Ohio 2022 15

'printer' buildings.

Berea, Ohio 2022 16

3 rail.

Berea, Ohio 2022 17

4th building.

Berea, Ohio 2022 18

Berea, Ohio 2022 19

S gauge.

Berea, Ohio 2022 20

Berea, Ohio 2022 21

In case you want to buy some 'stock' in a railroad!

Berea, Ohio 2022 22

Some brass available.

Berea, Ohio 2022 23

Berea, Ohio 2022 24

Berea, Ohio 2022 25

Dave from Middletown, Ohio.

Berea, Ohio 2022 26

Just about anything you may want in S gauge!

Berea, Ohio 2022 27

5th building.

Berea, Ohio 2022 28

Cleveland is Div 4 of the NMRA.

HO gauge. Large 'U' shape layout.

Berea, Ohio 2022 29

Berea, Ohio 2022 30

Berea, Ohio 2022 31

Berea, Ohio 2022 31A

Berea, Ohio 2022 31B

Berea, Ohio 2022 31C

This seller had an engine I've been 'looking for' but way too 'high' in price.

Berea, Ohio 2022 32

N gauge.  A large 'U'  shape with another layout in the center of the 'U'.

Berea, Ohio 2022 33

Nice large radii.

Berea, Ohio 2022 34

...and yard.

Berea, Ohio 2022 35

4H club.

Berea, Ohio 2022 36

Kids having fun.

Berea, Ohio 2022 37

Lightning 'storm'.

Berea, Ohio 2022 38

As in 'Christmas story': 'fragilee'.

Berea, Ohio 2022 39

Berea, Ohio 2022 40


More 'flats and gons' for 'open loads' and, of course, another 'state of Maine' car!

booty 01


John's 'Bay Lines' railroad.

Very impressive work done with 'kit bashing' plastic kits and excellent 'weathering' of buildings and 'rolling stock'.

It's not easy to do 'good weathering' as it's an 'art' and John does a great job of weathering his equipment.

John's Bay Lines railroad 01

Staging yard.

John's Bay Lines railroad 02

cool: using plastic 'down spouts' for 'storage'.

John says there will be an article on this in one of the 'future' magazines.

John's Bay Lines railroad 03

Excellent urban setting.

John's Bay Lines railroad 04

John's Bay Lines railroad 05

John's Bay Lines railroad 06

John's Bay Lines railroad 07

Excellent job on the 'signs'.

John's Bay Lines railroad 08

John's Bay Lines railroad 09

John's Bay Lines railroad 10

John's Bay Lines railroad 11

John's Bay Lines railroad 12

John's Bay Lines railroad 13

John's Bay Lines railroad 14

John's Bay Lines railroad 15

John's Bay Lines railroad 16

John's Bay Lines railroad 17

I like the 'drain'.

John's Bay Lines railroad 18

John's Bay Lines railroad 19

John's Bay Lines railroad 20

John's Bay Lines railroad 21

Many of the buildings are 'modular' so they can be replaced by other buildings.

John's Bay Lines railroad 22

The 'red based' building replaces the 'multi story' building.

John's Bay Lines railroad 23

John's Bay Lines railroad 24

John's Bay Lines railroad 25

John's Bay Lines railroad 26

John's Bay Lines railroad 27

John's Bay Lines railroad 28

John's Bay Lines railroad 29

John's Bay Lines railroad 30

John's Bay Lines railroad 31

His house is on Lake Erie so a great view 'out the window'.

The house is 'multi-generationally' owned.

John's Bay Lines railroad 32


Americana and 'memory lane'.

I 'grew up' in Cleveland so had to visit old 'tromping grounds'.

Route 42 in Cleveland is also called Pearl Road and I, presently, live several hundred feet from route 42 in West Chester, Ohio.

Rt-42 was the 'highway' from Cleveland to Cincinnati. I remember my dad telling me he took '42' for a bowling tournament in Cincinnati: that must of taken 'awhile to drive'!

Cleveland 2022 01

Arbies original building built in the early 60's not far from my parent's house in Brook Park although they 'modernized' it, unfortunately!

Cleveland 2022 02

My parents house that they had built in 1959 at around 19 grand.

I think it was around 24'X36'.  Most houses were much smaller than today!

The important thing: it had a basement so I could build my first 'large' layout

Cleveland 2022 03

This used to be a 'Lawsons' convenience store.  Anyone who 'grew up' in Cleveland remembers Lawsons; one of the first before '7 eleven'.

Cleveland 2022 04

Lots of trains 'run' through Cleveland.

Cleveland 2022 05

'They' finally replaced this bridge: the road under it was fairly close to the bridge so the bottom of the bridge had a lot of 'scars' from trucks hitting it on W 150th street.

Cleveland 2022 06

Control tower next to the bridge.

Cleveland 2022 07

Multi tracks.

Cleveland 2022 08

My first house and, of course, a basement layout!

Cleveland 2022 09

The 'rapid transit' was only a few blocks away so I 'rode' it 'down town' where I worked before I got transferred to Cincinnati in 1979.  An excellent 'rapid transit' system that goes from the airport on the west side to 'down town' and then to the 'east side'.

Cleveland 2022 10

When I was around 7 years old, we lived in a house like this on the East side. Huge porch and I had my Lionel train set in the attic: very hot in the summer and very cold in the winter.  The attic had 'steps' so easy for storing 'things'.

Cleveland 2022 11

Typical house sizes 'way back'!.

Cleveland 2022 12

The 'old' high school.

'All weather' track and lights.

Had none of that when I played football and track!

Never wanted to fall on the 'cinder' track!

We had an outstanding football team when I was a senior: we averaged over 40 points a game while the opponents averaged less than a touch town.  By the 3rd quarter I was on the 'bench' as we were so far ahead in 'score' and the under classmen got to 'letter' .

Had the 'pole vault' record when I graduated.

Cleveland 2022 13

Build in 1959: very modern 'then'!

Cleveland 2022 14

Interesting: they've include 6-8th grade in the school 'system'.  Of course, they expanded the building 'greatly'.

Fortunately, they bought a huge piece of property back when it was 'cheap' and nothing 'around'.

Cleveland 2022 15

A great asset for Cleveland is the metropolitan park that is about 60 miles long and circles Cleveland that most people are unaware of.

Cleveland 2022 16

Some cool bridges in the park.

Cleveland 2022 17

Back in the 'old days' the bridges were just a road that 'ran through' the river and during 'heavy rains' the road would be closed do to flooding. Now, they put in bridges.

Cleveland 2022 18

Cleveland 2022 19

Cleveland 2022 20

Lots of 'open area' for baseball, picnics and a path along side the road for running and biking.

The park is 'respected' so people keep it clean and don't litter.

Cleveland 2022 21

A very old bridge.

Cleveland 2022 22

The one next to it in better shape!

Cleveland 2022 23

Cleveland 2022 24

My 2nd house in Fairview Park.  Of course it's a ranch with a full basement!

I think we bought this house in 1976 and then got transferred to Cincinnati in 1979.

Cleveland 2022 25

A lot of the houses there were ranch style.

Cleveland 2022 26

Across the streets bungalows: would make nice retirement homes!

Cleveland 2022 27


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  • booty 01
  • Berea, Ohio 2022 25
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Ross club meeting:


GN W-1 electric pulling Mark's 'open loads' at Skykomish:

Erie Triplex 2-8-8-8-2 freight drag at Skykomish:

Ross club October 04 2022 00

GN W-1 electric departing Seattle.

Ross club October 04 2022 01


Ross club October 04 2022 02

Gerry brought his diesels.

Marias Pass.

Ross club October 04 2022 03

Erie Triplex 2-8-8-8-2 at Willmar.

Ross club October 04 2022 04

Trains passing at Waverly.

Ross club October 04 2022 05


Ross club October 04 2022 06


More 'open loads'.

Eight more 'open loads'.

GNRW 2022 183

Got these 'as is' last week in Cleveland.

GNRW 2022 184

Some GE clear caulk to glue the steel pipes and black 'chart' tape to 'secure' them.

Cars obtained at the Cleveland train show.

Steel pipe at Darke County train show.

GNRW 2022 185

GNRW 2022 186

Some 'printer' made 'generators'.

GNRW 2022 187

Some very nicely detailed tractors imported by Athearn.

GNRW 2022 188

Got around 55 'open loads'.

GNRW 2022 189

GNRW 2022 190

GNRW 2022 191

GNRW 2022 192

Picked up this Ulrich all metal flat with trailer.

Needs couplers and trucks.

GNRW 2022 193

Extremely heavy.

GNRW 2022 194

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  • Ross club October 04 2022 01
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  • Ross club October 04 2022 06
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Last edited by samparfitt

NMRA MCR DIV 7 train show at West Chester, Ohio.

Was at the Lakota West high school which is only about 5 miles from my house.

375 tables were sold so a very large number of venders.

Main hall.

Before 'visitors'.

Div 7 fall, 2022 01

Div 7 fall, 2022 02

Div 7 fall, 2022 03

Small basketball court room, probably for underclassmen's practice.

Ross Club layout.

Div 7 fall, 2022 04

'In progress' setup.

Div 7 fall, 2022 05

Div 7 fall, 2022 06

Div 7 fall, 2022 07

N gauge.

Div 7 fall, 2022 07A

Div 7 fall, 2022 08

Div 7 fall, 2022 09

One of the 'halls' going to another basketball/volley ball room.

Div 7 fall, 2022 10

Varsity basketball court house two huge layouts; 3-rail and HO gauge.

Div 7 fall, 2022 11

8' radii.

Div 7 fall, 2022 11A

Div 7 fall, 2022 12

Impressive hand laid track.

Div 7 fall, 2022 13

Don't see many '3 way' crossings!

Div 7 fall, 2022 14

HO gauge.

Div 7 fall, 2022 15


Div 7 fall, 2022 16

N gauge.

Div 7 fall, 2022 17

Div 7 fall, 2022 18

Div 7 fall, 2022 19

3 rail.

Div 7 fall, 2022 20

Div 7 fall, 2022 21

Div 7 fall, 2022 22

Div 7 fall, 2022 23

Basketball/volley ball room.

Div 7 fall, 2022 24

Lots of nice 'laser cut' accessories.

Div 7 fall, 2022 25

Div 7 fall, 2022 26

Div 7 fall, 2022 27

Local hobby shop owners.

Div 7 fall, 2022 28

Div 7 fall, 2022 29

Early Marklin track.

Div 7 fall, 2022 30

Div 7 fall, 2022 31

Nice coat hangers!

Div 7 fall, 2022 32

Div 7 fall, 2022 33

Lots of people waiting to 'get in'.

Div 7 fall, 2022 34

Div 7 fall, 2022 35

Div 7 fall, 2022 36

It got 'crowded' quickly.

Main hall.

North view.

Div 7 fall, 2022 37

South view.

Div 7 fall, 2022 38

HO gauge.

Div 7 fall, 2022 39

Div 7 fall, 2022 40

Div 7 fall, 2022 41

Div 7 fall, 2022 42

Div 7 fall, 2022 43

Div 7 fall, 2022 44

Div 7 fall, 2022 45

Cafeteria room.

Div 7 fall, 2022 45A

HO gauge club.

Div 7 fall, 2022 46

PRR table.

Div 7 fall, 2022 47

Div 7 fall, 2022 48

Div 7 fall, 2022 49

Div 7 fall, 2022 50

Div 7 fall, 2022 51

Some very unique PRR passenger cars.

Div 7 fall, 2022 52

Div 7 fall, 2022 53

Div 7 fall, 2022 54

Div 7 fall, 2022 55

HO gauge.

Div 7 fall, 2022 56

Div 7 fall, 2022 57

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Main hall.

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Varsity court.

Div 7 fall, 2022 68

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Div 7 fall, 2022 70

Div 7 fall, 2022 71

Div 7 fall, 2022 72

Back to the smaller basketball practice room.

S gauge.

Div 7 fall, 2022 73

Ross club.

Div 7 fall, 2022 74

G gauge.

Div 7 fall, 2022 75

Div 7 fall, 2022 75A

Div 7 fall, 2022 76

Div 7 fall, 2022 77

Div 7 fall, 2022 78

Div 7 fall, 2022 79

Div 7 fall, 2022 80

Div 7 fall, 2022 81

Very large parking lot and it was full.

Div 7 fall, 2022 82



More cars for 'open loads' plus vintage cars.

GNRW 2022 200

3 more 'state of Maine' cars.

GNRW 2022 201

Now I've got 16 of them.

GNRW 2022 201A

'gons' for 'open loads' plus a bunch of 'wire' loads.

GNRW 2022 202

Started a new 'train' of 'open loads'.

GNRW 2022 202A

'Tankers' plus one more 'wine' car.

GNRW 2022 203

The 'tanker' train.

GNRW 2022 203A

GNRW 2022 204

My first  'gon' labeled NH.

GNRW 2022 205

GNRW 2022 206

Not sure who made these 2 flat cars as they are metal with wood inserts, although they do resemble Athearn old metal box cars.

GNRW 2022 217

GNRW 2022 218

A potash car.   Believe it's Ambroid.

GNRW 2022 207

Now have 2 of them.

GNRW 2022 207A

Another nice Ambroid car.

Probably the first use of 'containers'.

GNRW 2022 208

Now, also, have 2 of these.

GNRW 2022 208A

A few more vintage metal and wood 'box' cars.

GNRW 2022 209

Two of these unusual cars.

GNRW 2022 209A

Some vintage boxes that the cars were 'in'.

GNRW 2022 210

'open loads'.

GNRW 2022 211

Frank was selling books; 5 bucks each or 6 for 25: a no 'brainer'!

GNRW 2022 212

GNRW 2022 213

GNRW 2022 214

GNRW 2022 215

GNRW 2022 216


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NP A-3 4-8-4 smoke unit replacement, LCC signaling update and 'I didn't know that'!


NP A-3 4-8-4 smoke replacement.

This is a brass hybrid by BLI and the smoke unit went 'south'.

Instead of sending in the engine, I diagnosed it was a bad CB and BLI sent me a new one.

The one on the left is the old smoke CB.  I transferred the 'motor unit' to the new smoke CB (amazing how small the motor is that is used on the smoke unit!).   Fortunately, all wires are just white connectors so no soldering needed.

The smoke CB has 3 screws securing it to the 'weight/lights/smoke' assembly.

NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI #2667 28

Old and new.

NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI #2667 29

Tested before final assembly.

NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI #2667 30

Two screws secure the 'assembly' to the boiler.  Also, have to install the brown 'bushing' between the 'assembly' and smoke stack.

NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI #2667 31

Front headlight needs 'connecting'.

NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI #2667 32

The 'smoke assembly' needs connecting to the 'motor housing' assembly plus another connector for the cab lights.

NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI #2667 33

Front steps need to be installed before securing the frame to the boiler.

NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI #2667 34

Screw securing boiler to frame.

Two screws at the rear do the 'same'.

NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI #2667 35

All done.

NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI #2667 36

NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI #2667 37

NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI #2667 38

These are really nicely detailed engines as even the turret hatches open.

They are so nice, I purchased 2 of them.

NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI #2667 39


I did not know that!

I have two NYC Hudson's by MTH: a Dreyfuss and...

NYC Dreyfuss Hudson MTH 61

a Empire Express.

NYC Dreyfuss Hudson MTH 62

Both have lights over each set of drivers.

NYC Dreyfuss Hudson MTH 63

NYC Dreyfuss Hudson MTH 64

I thought the lights was just something cool, which it is, but I found out in a new book that I bought that NYC lighted the drivers so they could be seen at night.

NYC Dreyfuss Hudson MTH 67

They are all cast and are really nice engines plus they 'smoke'.

NYC Dreyfuss Hudson MTH 65

NYC Dreyfuss Hudson MTH 66


Had a problem on the LCC signaling system at the yard entrance.

When the 'drill track' turnout was 'thrown' the incoming 'main line' signal was not turning 'red' for incoming trains.

Joe wrote some software to fix that.

Main display.

signals RR-cirkits CB 110

Drill track turnout thrown for incoming mainline then a 'green' signal.

signals RR-cirkits CB 111

Drill track thrown for 'switching', incoming signal is 'red'.

signals RR-cirkits CB 112

Back when we installed the 'signals', Joe wrote software to throw all turnouts by just 'clicking' on 'East' or 'West'.

signals RR-cirkits CB 113


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  • NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI #2667 28
  • NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI #2667 29
  • NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI #2667 30
  • NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI #2667 31
  • NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI #2667 32
  • NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI #2667 33
  • NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI #2667 34
  • NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI #2667 35
  • NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI #2667 36
  • NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI #2667 37
  • NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI #2667 38
  • NYC Dreyfuss Hudson MTH 61
  • NYC Dreyfuss Hudson MTH 62
  • NYC Dreyfuss Hudson MTH 63
  • NYC Dreyfuss Hudson MTH 64
  • NYC Dreyfuss Hudson MTH 65
  • NYC Dreyfuss Hudson MTH 66
  • NYC Dreyfuss Hudson MTH 67
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 110
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 111
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 112
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 113
  • NP A-3 4-8-4 BLI #2667 39

Layout visit, hobby shop visit, new delivery and some engine PM.

My kind of day


Dan Adair's PRR layout in Columbus, Ohio.

A very nice 100% scenic layout with multiple 'walk in' isles.

Each year he runs steam era for a year and then modern for a year: we were there when it was 'modern'.

We'll post a video when Joe 'uploads' it.

Dan Adair's PRR layout 01

Dan Adair's PRR layout 02

Dan Adair's PRR layout 03

Dan Adair's PRR layout 04

Dan Adair's PRR layout 05

Dan Adair's PRR layout 06

Dan Adair's PRR layout 07

Dan Adair's PRR layout 08

Dan Adair's PRR layout 09

Dan Adair's PRR layout 10

Dan Adair's PRR layout 11

My railroad friend, Gary, from Lancaster, Ohio also attended.

Dan Adair's PRR layout 12

Dan Adair's PRR layout 13

Dan Adair's PRR layout 14

Dan Adair's PRR layout 15

Dan Adair's PRR layout 16

Dan Adair's PRR layout 17

Dan Adair's PRR layout 18

Dan Adair's PRR layout 19

Dan Adair's PRR layout 20

PRR signaling system.

Dan Adair's PRR layout 21

Dan Adair's PRR layout 22

Dan Adair's PRR layout 23

Dan Adair's PRR layout 24

Dan Adair's PRR layout 25

Joe's 'video' car was on the 'head end'.

Dan Adair's PRR layout 26

Dan Adair's PRR layout 27

Dan Adair's PRR layout 28

Dan Adair's PRR layout 29

Dispatcher's panel.

Dan Adair's PRR layout 30


Hobby shop visit.

Train station hobby shop 01

Robin and I graduated from Capital University in Columbus, Ohio in 1968.

Train station hobby shop 02


The fellow on the right flew F-86's and F-100's in the Korean war: cool.

Train station hobby shop 03

Lots of 'train stuff'.

Train station hobby shop 04

Train station hobby shop 06


New delivery.

SF 2-8-2 imported by BLI in 2021. Cast metal boiler.

Didn't need it but it was 40% off.  When it cost me about 150 bucks to install a sound system, not counting having to paint it, it makes this engine very cheap.

Yard Test run.

SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 01

Latest Paragon 4.

SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 02

SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 03

Left side.

SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 04

What 'sold' me was all the nice individual details added to the boiler plus lots of it!

SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 05

SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 06

SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 07

SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 08

SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 09

SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 10

SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 11

SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 12

SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 13

Right side.

Air hose painted silver.

SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 14

SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 15

SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 16

SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 17

SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 18

Interesting: I believe all my other BLI tenders trucks have brass contacts 'running' to the axles.

SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 19

This engine, also, has a 'traditional' draw bar that is common on brass models.

SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 20

Another good smoker!

SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 21

Decoderpro used to upload 'data' into the engine on the programming track.

SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 22


PM some engines from the Ross Club 'meeting' on Tuesday.

NYC 4-8-4 Niagara imported by Nickle Plate Products in 1977.

One of he side rod screws came loose.

NYC Niagara 4-8-4 48

NYC Drewfuss Hudson 4-6-4 imported by MTH in 2009.  All metal boiler/tender.

Too many (14) passenger cars caused the 'traction' tire to come off one of the drivers.

No 'spares' in the 'box' so used some canopy glue to secure the old traction tire to the driver.

Had to disassemble the driver for easy access.

NYC Dreyfuss Hudson MTH 68



Fall is here!

americana 01


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  • Dan Adair's PRR layout 01
  • Dan Adair's PRR layout 02
  • Dan Adair's PRR layout 03
  • Dan Adair's PRR layout 04
  • Dan Adair's PRR layout 05
  • Dan Adair's PRR layout 06
  • Dan Adair's PRR layout 07
  • Dan Adair's PRR layout 08
  • Dan Adair's PRR layout 09
  • Dan Adair's PRR layout 10
  • Dan Adair's PRR layout 11
  • Dan Adair's PRR layout 12
  • Dan Adair's PRR layout 13
  • Dan Adair's PRR layout 14
  • Dan Adair's PRR layout 15
  • Dan Adair's PRR layout 16
  • Dan Adair's PRR layout 17
  • Dan Adair's PRR layout 18
  • Dan Adair's PRR layout 19
  • Dan Adair's PRR layout 20
  • Dan Adair's PRR layout 21
  • Dan Adair's PRR layout 22
  • Dan Adair's PRR layout 23
  • Dan Adair's PRR layout 24
  • Dan Adair's PRR layout 25
  • Dan Adair's PRR layout 26
  • Dan Adair's PRR layout 27
  • Dan Adair's PRR layout 28
  • Dan Adair's PRR layout 29
  • Dan Adair's PRR layout 30
  • Train station hobby shop 01
  • Train station hobby shop 02
  • Train station hobby shop 03
  • Train station hobby shop 04
  • Train station hobby shop 05
  • Train station hobby shop 06
  • SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 01
  • SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 02
  • SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 03
  • SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 04
  • SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 05
  • SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 06
  • SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 07
  • SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 08
  • SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 09
  • SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 10
  • SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 11
  • SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 12
  • SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 13
  • SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 14
  • SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 15
  • SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 16
  • SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 17
  • SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 18
  • SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 19
  • SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 20
  • SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 21
  • NYC Niagara 4-8-4 48
  • NYC Dreyfuss Hudson MTH 68
  • americana 01
  • SF 2-8-2 #4018 BLI 22
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It is HO, I think he said he started building around 1990.  I'm guessing the layout is around 30'X40'.


Some recently purchased freight cars at a local train show needed Kadees and wheel replacement.

Car PM 01

These cars have very nice 'lumber loads'.

GNRW 2022 219


Ross Club weekly Tuesday night meeting.

Nick brought his own diesels.

Ross Club Oct 11 2022 01

Bob ran the recently purchased BLI UP big boy.


Ross Club Oct 11 2022 02

Gerry ran a NYC Niagara passenger train but we had to make 3 engine changes.

Driver pin on the Niagara came loose.

Then the Drewfuss Hudson 'threw' a 'traction tire'.

No NYC engines left so we used an NP A-3 4-8-4.

Ross Club Oct 11 2022 03


Ross Club Oct 11 2022 04

Ross Club Oct 11 2022 05

NP A-3.

Chumstick canyon trestle.

Ross Club Oct 11 2022 06


Some methods that OSHA wouldn't approve of!

From old railroad magazines.

scenery using asbestos

bridge electrical pick up via mercury


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  • Ross Club Oct 11 2022 01
  • Ross Club Oct 11 2022 02
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  • Ross Club Oct 11 2022 04
  • Ross Club Oct 11 2022 05
  • Ross Club Oct 11 2022 06
  • scenery using asbestos
  • bridge electrical pick up via mercury
  • GNRW 2022 219
@samparfitt posted:


It is HO, I think he said he started building around 1990.  I'm guessing the layout is around 30'X40'.

Thank you. Photographs can be hard to get the right perspective.

In this Picture there is a big screen with a model train control system.  I have seen this in other pictures.  Would you tell me what it is, what it does and who sells it.

Ross Club Oct 11 2022 01

Some methods that OSHA wouldn't approve of!

From old railroad magazines.

I built all my mountains out of plaster Cloth

scenery using asbestos

Not sure I would try this. Like Mark said, I don't want to become the "Mad Hatter"

bridge electrical pick up via mercury

The dispatcher panel on the PC is on my layout.

It is LCC software and hardware using SPROG and Decoderpro and uses circuit boards bought at

The LCC controls all my signals and turnouts and lets me know where trains are located on the layout (high lighted in red).

I began installing the signaling system around January 2019 and took around 4 months to get the 'bulk' of it installed.

This is not a 'plug and play' system plus it cost me around 4-5 grand.

The beginning of my signaling install starts on this page of my thread:

There are about 50 signal 'heads' on the layout.

The signaling system is 'prototype' in that:

red: next block is occupied

Yellow: 2nd block is occupied

Flashing yellow: 3rd block is occupied

Green: proceed.

It make operating the layout much easier as I don't have to tell the engineers to 'proceed to such and such city and wait';

all they have to do is obey the signals.

Turnouts can be changed by 'clicking' on them with the mouse.

The dispatchers panel will also indicate whether the train is heading 'East' or 'West'.

All my cabeese have marker lights so each block is in 'red' until the train is completely out of the block.

Also, it makes the layout 'pop' having functional signals.

Those old magazine pictures are from the 1940's and 50's.

Sometimes the mainline gets quite busy even with a 400' long mainline!

GNRW 2022 220


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  • GNRW 2022 220
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GNRW OPS session videos and pictures.

The usual pizza before operating and orange 'creme sicles' after.

I like my new refrigerator in the basement versus using a 'cooler' for beverages.


SP AC-5 4-8-8-2 entering St. Paul's freight yard (part 1):

SP AC-5 4-8-8-2 entering St. Paul's freight yard (part 2):

Incoming track.

NH EP-5 electrics at Hillyard:

NH EP-5 electrics entering yard throat to Seattle's freight yard:

N&W J 4-8-4 passenger train at Hillyard:

SF 2-8-2 freight drag at Marias Pass:

Ben getting a freight drag 'ready' at Seattle's freight yard with a PRR Q-2 4-4-6-4 (imported by Westside models in 1970: can motor installed plus TCS 1517 decoder and lots of LED's).

GNRW OPS Oct 15, 2022 01

Bob operating the newly acquired SF 2-8-2 imported by BLI in 2021.


GNRW OPS Oct 15, 2022 02

Functional 'water tower' by BLI including sound.

GNRW OPS Oct 15, 2022 03

GNRW OPS Oct 15, 2022 04


GNRW OPS Oct 15, 2022 05

Paul taking pictures with a really 'good' camera!

GNRW OPS Oct 15, 2022 06

SF 2-8-2 at Chumstick canyon trestle.

GNRW OPS Oct 15, 2022 07


GNRW OPS Oct 15, 2022 08

Mark operating the NH EP-5 electrics imported by Rapido in 2022.


GNRW OPS Oct 15, 2022 09


GNRW OPS Oct 15, 2022 10

GNRW OPS Oct 15, 2022 11

Joe doing 'dispatching'.

GNRW OPS Oct 15, 2022 12

PRR Q-2 at Hillyard's 'water hole'.

GNRW OPS Oct 15, 2022 13

St. Paul.

GNRW OPS Oct 15, 2022 14

Most of those buildings were assembled back in the 70's; 3 layouts 'ago.

GNRW OPS Oct 15, 2022 15

Logging railroad below the trestles where the 2 'switch backs' are located.

GNRW OPS Oct 15, 2022 16

Joe's happy when I feed him straw berries !

GNRW OPS Oct 15, 2022 17

PRR Q-2 at Willmar.

GNRW OPS Oct 15, 2022 18

Willmar and Marias pass.

GNRW OPS Oct 15, 2022 19


GNRW OPS Oct 15, 2022 20

Tumwater canyon trestle.

GNRW OPS Oct 15, 2022 21


GNRW OPS Oct 15, 2022 22

N&W J 4-8-4 passenger train bypassing Seattle's freight yard.  Engine and cars by MTH.

GNRW OPS Oct 15, 2022 23

Seattle's freight yard.

GNRW OPS Oct 15, 2022 24

Seattle's turntable (Walthers 130').

GNRW OPS Oct 15, 2022 25

Ben operating the SP AC-5 4-8-8-2 freight drag imported by KEY in 1984; painted, TCS 1517 decoder and lots of LEDs.


GNRW OPS Oct 15, 2022 26

GNRW OPS Oct 15, 2022 27

GNRW OPS Oct 15, 2022 28

SP AC-5 'watering hole' at Willmar. There are 5 functional watering towers on the railroad.


GNRW OPS Oct 15, 2022 29


GNRW OPS Oct 15, 2022 30


GNRW OPS Oct 15, 2022 31

St. Paul.

GNRW OPS Oct 15, 2022 32


GNRW OPS Oct 15, 2022 33


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Ross Club meeting pictures.


B&O E-1 A-B passenger train at Marias pass:

Departing Havre:

Gerry operating a PRR T-1 4-4-4-4 (imported by Alco in 1977) freight drag departing Seattle.

Ross club 01


Ross club 02

St. Paul's roundhouse.

Ross club 03

Ross club 04

Nick brought his B&O diesels.

Marias pass.

Ross club 05

Joe set up his remote camera at Waverly...

Ross club 06

so he could watch the trains pass.

Ross club 07

PRR T-1 at Hillyard.

Ross club 08

Nick's diesels at Chumwater canyon trestle.

Ross club 09

Gerry operating B&O E-1 A-B (imported by BLI in 2022) passenger train.


Ross club 10


Ross club 11


Ross club 12

Ross club 13

Ross club 14

Interchange/staging loops.

Ross club 15

Nice 'see through' grills on the BLI diesels.

Ross club 16


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Bill and railroaders from Dayton visit.

Dennis, Bill, Gerry, Bill.

Dayton group 01

Dennis operating an NP Z-8 4-6-6-4 (imported by Sunset in 2013) at Seattle's turntable.

Dayton group 02

Bill's B&O E-1 A-B (imported by BLI in 2022) passenger train by passing Seattle's freight yard.

Dayton group 03

Joe came to do 'dispatching'.  He set up his remote camera at Havre.

Dayton group 04

Gets a nice view of trains passing Havre.

Dayton group 05

B&O passenger train at Marias pass.

Dayton group 06


Dayton group 07

GN N-3 2-8-8-0 (imported by Tenshodo in 1973) on the siding at Waverly.

Joe's camera is at Havre.

Dayton group 08

Dayton group 09

Bill's GN N-3 at Glacier.

Dayton group 10

Dayton group 11

Marias pass and Willmar.

Dayton group 12

Dayton group 13

PRR T-1 4-4-4-4 (imported by Alco in 1977) freight drag at Willmar.

Dayton group 14

GN N-3 at Skykomish.

Dayton group 15


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Last edited by samparfitt

'Sand blasting' an engine, PM 2 engines and 'train running'.


NP Z-8 4-6-6-4 freight drag at Hillyard:

GN M-2 2-6-8-0 freight drag leaving Whitefish:


'Sand blasting' an engine.

Paul brought over an engine that needed 'sand blasting' as chemicals failed to remove the paint.

sand blasting an engine 01

Tried baking soda but nada.

'Ended up' using the small container that came with the 'sand blaster' which was obtained at Harbor Freight; very similar to an 'air brush'.

sand blasting an engine 02

Ran out of 'blasting' material so will finish this in the future.

sand blasting an engine 03


A few engines needed PM from last 'railroader' visits.

NP Z-8 4-6-6-4 imported by Sunset in 2013.

The engine was, occasionally, losing contact with the rails.

Unusual tender 'pickup' as only the front truck of a centipede tender got 'juice'.

NP Z-8 4-8-8-4 Sunset 2013 36

Discovered that Sunset used 'sprung pins' sticking out from the frame to the sides of the tires; the ones that I applied 'canopy glue' for better traction.  Had to remove the 'canopy glue'.  Also, getting a 'short' when I pushed the drivers to one side.  Found the drivers were contacting the back 'brake shoe' supports.

NP Z-8 4-8-8-4 Sunset 2013 37

'Road test'.  All seems 'good'!

Chumstick canyon trestle.

NP Z-8 4-8-8-4 Sunset 2013 38

NP Z-8 4-8-8-4 Sunset 2013 39\

St. Paul.

NP Z-8 4-8-8-4 Sunset 2013 40


GN R-2 2-8-8-2 imported by Tenshodo in 1974.

Drivers were not 'moving'.

Removed the front engine from the boiler and the backed engine 'ran fine'.

Didn't find anything wrong with the front drivers as they moved OK manually although I did remove the gear box to check for any problem but nada.

GN R-2 2-8-8-2 65

Everything is modular for easy PM.

GN R-2 2-8-8-2 66

Short 'yard' test.

GN R-2 2-8-8-2 67

Back at the round house facilities.

GN R-2 2-8-8-2 68


'Train running'.

GN M-2 2-6-8-0 imported by Tenshodo in 1970.

One of the few engines that I've weathered.

TCS 1517 decoder, re-motored, re-geared and lots of LED's.


GN M-2 2-6-8-0 #1981 20

St. Paul.

GN M-2 2-6-8-0 #1981 21


GN M-2 2-6-8-0 #1981 22

GN M-2 2-6-8-0 #1981 23

GN M-2 2-6-8-0 #1981 24


GN M-2 2-6-8-0 #1981 25


GN M-2 2-6-8-0 #1981 26

GN M-2 2-6-8-0 #1981 27

GN M-2 2-6-8-0 #1981 28


GN M-2 2-6-8-0 #1981 29


GN M-2 2-6-8-0 #1981 30


Images (23)
  • sand blasting an engine 01
  • sand blasting an engine 02
  • sand blasting an engine 03
  • NP Z-8 4-8-8-4 Sunset 2013 36
  • NP Z-8 4-8-8-4 Sunset 2013 37
  • NP Z-8 4-8-8-4 Sunset 2013 38
  • NP Z-8 4-8-8-4 Sunset 2013 39
  • NP Z-8 4-8-8-4 Sunset 2013 40
  • GN R-2 2-8-8-2 65
  • GN R-2 2-8-8-2 66
  • GN R-2 2-8-8-2 67
  • GN R-2 2-8-8-2 68
  • GN M-2 2-6-8-0 #1981 20
  • GN M-2 2-6-8-0 #1981 21
  • GN M-2 2-6-8-0 #1981 22
  • GN M-2 2-6-8-0 #1981 23
  • GN M-2 2-6-8-0 #1981 24
  • GN M-2 2-6-8-0 #1981 25
  • GN M-2 2-6-8-0 #1981 26
  • GN M-2 2-6-8-0 #1981 27
  • GN M-2 2-6-8-0 #1981 28
  • GN M-2 2-6-8-0 #1981 29
  • GN M-2 2-6-8-0 #1981 30
Last edited by samparfitt

Some PM and 'Just 'running trains'.


UP 4-6-6-4 2-tone grey freight drag at Skykomish:

At Marias Pass:

Put a magnet on a metal flat car to pick up 'screws, etc.' on the mainline.

magnetic car 01

Quick 'coal loads': foam and black paint.

Coal loads 01


UP 4-6-6-4 2-tone grey imported by BLI in 2019.

Cast metal boiler/tender.

Functional whistle with smoke.

UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 71

Chumstick canyon trestle.

UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 72

West of St. Paul.

UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 73


UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 74

Marias pass.

UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 75


Images (7)
  • magnetic car 01
  • Coal loads 01
  • UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 71
  • UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 72
  • UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 73
  • UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 74
  • UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 75

Joe is 'rail fanning' on the East coast, Ross Club pictures and a major paradigm shift with latest 'new delivery'.

Joe video taped the WM 1309 yesterday and is riding it today.

My HO version of the engine:


Ross club pictures.


N&W Y-6B 2-8-8-2 pulling Mark's military cars.


Departing Whitefish:

UP E-6 A-B-B passenger train at Marias pass:

Mark's military cars.

Ross Club 2022 01

N&W Y-6B 2-8-8-2 military train departing Seattle.

Ross Club 2022 02

Ross Club 2022 03

N&W Y-6B meeting UP E-6's.


Ross Club 2022 04

'4 truck' flat car.

Ross Club 2022 05

UP passenger train at Havre.

Ross Club 2022 06

A meet at Waverly.

Ross Club 2022 07

Bob operating the Erie Triplex 2-8-8-8-2.

Ross Club 2022 08


Major paradigm shift with this new delivery!

NYC Niagara S-1B 4-8-4.

A major paradigm shift since it is my first plastic steam engine!

Also, I purchased it from BLI for 3 'C' notes; As mentioned previously, it cost me about 150 bucks just for a decoder so the purchase was a 'no brainer'.


Departing Seattle:

Departing Havre:

Engine imported in 2019.

NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 01

NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 02

Bottom views.

NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 03

NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 04

NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 05

Engineer's side view.

I have to admit that I'm pretty impressed with the engine.

NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 06

NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 07

NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 08

NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 09

Deck plate with near scale distance between cab and tender.

NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 10

NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 11

NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 12

Top views.

NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 13

NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 14

NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 15

Nice coal load.

NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 16

Fireman's side view.

NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 17

NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 18

NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 19

NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 20

NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 21

First ran the engine on Channel 3 before putting it on the 'programming track'.

NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 22

Importer selection.

NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 23

'Comprehensive' screen

NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 24

'Basic' screen.

NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 25


NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 26

I have 3 Niagara's.

I have been using this engine for pulling the NYC passenger train but, at 13 cars, sometimes it has trouble pulling the train up the 'initial' grade.

It's a Nickel Plate model from 1977.  I acquired it painted but re-motored, added LED's and a TCS 1517 decoder.

NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 27

All engines that get decoders get 'running board' lights.

NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 28

The other Niagara is a Tenshodo made in 1985.

NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 29

The engine has a 'TPE' suspension system that operates like the full size engines; ie, each driver has an independent suspension so when one driver is raised, the other drivers stay on the rails.

NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 30

Extra detail like a 'hose' (a spring) connected to the piping on the trailing truck.

NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 31

NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 32

Right to left:




NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 33

NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 34

NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 35

'road test' the engine.

Departing the passenger yard.

NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 36

Marias pass.

This was the critical area from Seattle to Marias pass and it  had no trouble pulling the 13 passenger cars even though it is lighter than the NPP Niagara.  The 'traction' tires make a big difference.

NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 37


NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 38


Images (46)
  • Ross Club 2022 01
  • Ross Club 2022 02
  • Ross Club 2022 03
  • Ross Club 2022 04
  • Ross Club 2022 05
  • Ross Club 2022 06
  • Ross Club 2022 07
  • Ross Club 2022 08
  • NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 01
  • NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 02
  • NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 03
  • NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 04
  • NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 05
  • NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 06
  • NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 07
  • NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 08
  • NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 09
  • NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 10
  • NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 11
  • NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 12
  • NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 13
  • NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 14
  • NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 15
  • NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 16
  • NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 17
  • NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 18
  • NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 19
  • NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 20
  • NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 21
  • NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 22
  • NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 23
  • NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 24
  • NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 25
  • NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 26
  • NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 27
  • NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 28
  • NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 29
  • NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 30
  • NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 31
  • NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 32
  • NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 33
  • NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 34
  • NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 35
  • NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 36
  • NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 37
  • NYC S-1B 4-8-4 Niagara BLI Par3 38
Last edited by samparfitt

The last Tenshodo imported by PFM and 800 more conifer trees! 

Tenshodo UP 4-6-6-4 challenger imported by PFM in 1999.

This was the last Tenshodo engine imported by PFM.

Last century PFM always had the back of the MR magazine to show their latest release.

They did this for decades and I always drooled wanting those engines!

This engine has many features:


Very few were done, and there were many variations. There were 41 built, and 33 different variations, so virtually every model is unique in some way.

The model was INSANELY priced but I got this one for about 75% off due to a lot of damage in transit.

This engine came from, I believe, Japan and the box must of got dropped about 50' in transit.

Normally, I wouldn't even think about restoring most engines, even if it was given to me, but this is the exception.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 01

Label.  The white label, to me, indicates this particular engine was sold in Japan by Tenshodo.

Tenshodo sent some to PFM and, also, sold to the 'locals'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 02

Beige box.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 03

Tenshodo wrapping paper.

While in the Marines and in Japan, I made contact with a hobby shop owner and he sent me a lot of Tenshodo engines.

I would get a cashier's check made out in Yen and send it to him and the engines always was wrapped in Tenshodo paper.

All mine is blue; still have it.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 04

Just noticed that there is some 'printing' on the plexiglass.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 05

A very nicely stained wood box with a sliding lid.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 06

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 07

Comes with track and presentation display.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 08

The pilot got broken off.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 09

The front smoke box was off but they are just 'snug fit' into the boiler.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 10

Nice wood display.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 11

The bottom of the boiler got bent when the front drivers got 'mashed' into it.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 12

The bright brass is part of the pilot that got 'snapped off'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 13

Fireman's side.

All good.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 14

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 15

The roof that extends past the cab is badly bent.

Haven't decided how I'm 'tackling' this yet!

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 16

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 17

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 18

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 19

Engineer's side.

All's good.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 20

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 21

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 22

'Scissors' draw bar used by Tenshodo.

Tenshodo engines had a 'number' plate on the back of the cab.

I believe this doesn't as, I believe, those that stayed in Japan didn't have them since it said 'PFM' on the plate.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 23

Bottom is good.

Drivers are 'blackened'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 24

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 25

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 26

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 27

Boiler lagging.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 28

See through smoke stacks.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 29

See through walk boards.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 30

Tender also has some damage.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 31

Fireman's side.

A dent over the 'N'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 32

The 'rear' has some dents.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 33

Better view of the dent.

Should be able to 'remove' it.

Any suggestions on repairs is always welcomed.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 34

Engineer's side is good.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 35

Unusual in that the tender wheels are sprung.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 36

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 37



Screws secure the steam pipes to the front 'engine'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 38

Instead of the usual 2 screws from the back of the cab, there is one screw securing the back 'engine' to the boiler, which has already been removed.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 39

Back engine removed.  Dual motors.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 40

Front engine removal.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 41

The front engine is binding so some diagnostics.

Initially, I thought one of the driver axles was 'frozen' in the brass 'bearings'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 42

Front motor removal.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 43

Back engine works fine.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 44

Here's the TPE suspension system.  A piece of metal connects two of the drivers.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 45

The front driver is TPE'd to the front trucks.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 46

Brass was bent.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 47

Some pliers fixed it.  No need to solder as it "ain't going anywhere"!

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 48

Found that the side 'piston driver' side rods were binding in the 'piston' chests.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 49

Had to remove the valve gear assembly.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 50

plus the piston chests.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 51

The front of the frame got bent at the narrow part of the frame.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 52

Pliers to straighten it and a straight edge to insure it is parallel to the rest of the frame.

Fortunately, the frame was not deformed.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 53


UP 4-6-6-4 1999 54

Front trucks added.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 55

All better.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 55A

Tender disassembly.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 56

Option to make it a coal or oil burner.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 57

Back of the tender brass sheeting is bent.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 58

I plan on painting the engine a 2-tone grey as some of these engines (this picture is one of them) came in 2-tone grey.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 59

I have a Tenshodo 'elephant ear'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 60


800 conifer trees.

When I was building this layout back in the 80's I used 'golden rod' to 'populate' my mountains as it was cheap (like free) and since I had a family of 5 on one income I didn't have extra $$ to be buying trees. 43 years later, I have the $$ and building a 'basement size' layout isn't cheap (one of the reasons I 'hand laid'  all my track and 100 #10 turnouts)!

Some of them arrived.

GNRW 2022 221

GNRW 2022 222

There are 40 in a box ranging from about 2.5" to 5.5".  Good for background trees on the mountains.

GNRW 2022 223

Couldn't 'live' without this!

GNRW 2022 223A


GNRW 2022 224

GNRW 2022 225


GNRW 2022 226

GNRW 2022 227

GNRW 2022 228

The 'front' trees are 15-18" tall that I made several years ago.

This tree has pine needles.

GNRW 2022 229

Furnace filter type.

GNRW 2022 230

Also, made 100-150' deciduous trees several years ago.

GNRW 2022 231

Several years ago I installed about 600 trees along all my 'rock cliffs'.

Right of the steps is about 30' long of rocks.

GNRW 2022 231A

To the left of the steps are more 'rocks' that have been populated with trees.

GNRW 2022 231B

Logging area.

GNRW 2022 231C

I move one of the Digitrax 'receivers' back about 4' hoping for better 'reception' from the wireless throttles.

GNRW 2022 232

Used a PRR GG-1 to turn a passenger train 'around'.

GNRW 2022 232A

GNRW 2022 233

More trees.


I've already planted some new conifers.

GNRW 2022 234


GNRW 2022 235


GNRW 2022 236


8 boxes used up quickly and I didn't have enough trees to finish up this area!

Rest of the trees will arrive in 3-5 weeks.

GNRW 2022 237

GNRW 2022 238

Put some at Glacier.

GNRW 2022 239


Images (85)
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 01
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 02
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 03
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 04
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 05
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 06
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 07
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 08
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 09
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 10
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 11
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 12
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 13
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 14
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 15
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 16
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 17
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 18
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 19
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 20
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 21
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 22
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 23
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 24
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 25
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 26
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 27
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 28
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 29
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 30
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 31
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 32
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 33
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 34
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 35
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 36
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 37
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 38
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 39
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 40
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 41
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 42
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 43
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 44
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 45
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 46
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 47
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 48
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 49
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 50
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 51
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 52
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 53
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 54
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 55
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 55A
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 56
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 57
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 58
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 59
  • UP 4-6-6-4 1999 60
  • GNRW 2022 221
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  • GNRW 2022 239
Last edited by samparfitt

Thanks Mark, I have a feeling 800 more trees are not going to be 'enough'!


Repairing the newly acquired Tenshodo UP 4-6-6-4 (cont).

The soft foam was missing in the box as decades old foam deteriorates so I cut some new foam using a utility knife and a metal straight edge and then the scroll saw to cut the area for the engine and tender.

I have a 1973 Tenshodo that I used to get the dimensions of the engine and tender.

I'll, also, be using the 1973 engine for reference on repairing the new 1999 engine.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 61

I had to recut one edge as I forgot about the wood base that is included in the box.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 62

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 63

I bought large sheets of 1/2" and 2" thick foam several years ago and much of it has been 'used'.

Top layer.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 64

The sliding lid on the wood box 'just' closes with the new foam.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 65

The engine came with a plexiglass sheet with engine 'details'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 66

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 67

I remembered that I have some 'stain glass' pliers that have curved 'ends'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 68

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 69

This should help in repairing the extended roof past the cab that is bent as compared to the 1973 engine.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 70

The tender light was broken off but the part was not in the box so I needed to make a new one.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 71

The 1973 tender used for reference.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 72

Gathered up the materials needed for the tender headlight.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 73

Hobby miter saw good for the headlight cut from some brass tubing.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 74

The 'headlight' was soldered to some brass sheeting.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 75

Some tools that I'm using.

The small tin snips are good for delicate work.

My old 'metal forming' tools for when I restored a 1964 Chevy Impala SS hardtop may come in 'handy' for the 'dents'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 76

Had electric windows and factory 'in dash' (not under the dash) air conditioning.

Only thing I now have is my 2005 Chevy truck.


Something new.  Nice in that it's a 'paste' so can apply, easily, in small amounts and in 'tight areas'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 77

Initially I thought I'd need to solder thin pieces of brass for the 'supports' but I was able to just cut everything from one piece of brass.

I drilled a hole in the 'headlight' for an LED.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 78


Front pilot repair.

This item is in bad shape and it took the 'brunt' of the 'force' when damaged in transit (along with the cab roof).

'They' must of wanted to drop it on both ends to insure 'lots of damage'!

Lacquer thinner softens  the paint quickly and a black bristle brush removed it from the brass parts.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 78A

Second cleaning with 'fresh' lacquer thinner.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 79

Interesting.  Tenshodo made a small insulated circuit board to route electricity to the headlight.

2 screws so that part was removed.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 80

Parts that need repairing and soldering.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 81

Both steps were deformed.  Some needle nose pliers worked well.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 82

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 83

The coupler 'lift pins' mechanism was crushed and needed 'straightening'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 84

Most engines just have a straight piece of brass wire from one 'lift handle' to the other 'lift handle'.

The 'swinging' coupler was pre-blackened so lacquer didn't affect its color.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 85

Need the 'heavy duty' stuff: resistance soldering.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 86

First the steps were soldered to the pilot, then a new piece of brass sheeting was soldered to the pilot as it was 'snapped off' and needed to attach the pilot to the front engine frame.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 87

The 1973 engine used to insure 'correct orientation'.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 88

Front plate soldered to the pilot.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 89

Finally, the top deck was soldered to the steps.

UP 4-6-6-4 1999 90

Needs another lacquer thinner clean up but all's good.

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Last edited by samparfitt

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