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"HONGZ" stands for HO scale, N scale, G scale, and Z scale.

Post your non-O scale stuff here!

Signals fixed.

Replaced the flashing yellow LED in the 8 double head signals plus 3 other signals that had defective LED's.

signals LED 3 lights 03

Used a hobby drill press to drill out the old LED's starting at 1/16" bit, then 3/32" and, finally, an 1/8" bit.  Had to move the wires to one side before drilling out the LED's from the front.  

signals LED 3 lights 04

Installed two more double head signals. 

One at Glacier.

signals LED 3 lights 05

The other at Shelby; in the non sceniced area of the laundry room but still needs block control at a turnout. 

signals LED 3 lights 06

Still have two places to install signals.

The tracks leading into Seattle's yards.

signals LED 3 lights 07

A 'crossover' still needs two more double mast signals.

signals LED 3 lights 08


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Thanks, guys. 

It's been a lot of fun (and work) installing the signals.  Pretty cool to run the train and see signals ahead and see them change color as the train passes.  Going to be a real help to the engineers as I won't have to talk to them about how far to go and where to stop.  They can just look at the signal and know what to do.  


Train direction indicators.

Using JMRI logix, we, 'we' being mostly Joe, set up logic to know which way a train is moving and put out an  '<--EAST' post on the track plan.  First stage, so far.  Ran out of time, tonight, but have to make the post move with the train and also give it color or contrast so it's easily seen.

As the train went from block 102 to 200.....

track plan 01

the post '<--EAST' showed on the track plan.  

track plan 02 


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  • track plan 01
  • track plan 02
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Track plan.

We spent the evening making the track plan 'pretty'.

Looks more prototype with the black background.  Used different colors for cities, etc. 

Pretty cool: we went into the JMRI software and made multiple changes to save time versus doing individual updates via the 'normal' methods.  

During the day, I installed two new 'foundations' for 2 more signals at 'Marias pass'.

Looks like the rest of the double mast signals should be in next week of which I need to install at least 7 on the layout.

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Three items today:

New delivery:

New LED warm white single and double lighted lamps.

lamps 01

Got 60 of the single lamps.  Will be used for ore dock. 

lamps 02

And 20 of the 'double' lamps.  Will be used for passenger station.

lamps 03

Track plan updated via RR-cirkits logic using LCC to indicate direction of train travel. 

Joe got the logic done for the first few blocks.

Train in red block...

track plan 07

As the train enters the next block, posted below the block in red is '<--EAST'.

track plan 08

A train coming from the other block in red....

track plan 09

The entered red block now has posted 'WEST-->'.


track plan 10

Got back to getting the 'bugs' out of the new circuit breaker (CB) going to the Seattle's turntable (TT) area and incoming tracks.


DCC PSX circuit breaker 19

I routed a set of wires directly from the CB to two terminal strips and routed all the DCC power through the new CB to the TT and incoming tracks and cut off the main bare 12 gauge ground wire that was going to the TT.

DCC PSX circuit breaker 20

Took some crawling around under the layout but all appears to be working properly, this time!  I shorted out each CB and it didn't affect the other CB, which was happening, previously. Now, any shorts in the TT area won't affect the switcher on the other end of the yard nor trains departing or incoming before the escape tracks. 

DCC PSX circuit breaker 21


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Day was split in half.

The 'company' can now hire for the night shift!

Took about half a day to install about half the pole lamps on the ore dock.

ore dock lights 01

Used an inexpensive old DC power pack that can be picked up at train shows for 10 bucks and a woodland plug and play 'controller'.  I like the 'controller' as it has four ports for lights and a variable 'pot' for each port.  I ran one string of lights on one port installing them with parallel connections.

ore dock lights 02

All the wires run inside the bins so they won't be seen.

ore dock lights 03

The second half of the day, Joe came over to code the 'directional' code to the track plan shows which way the train is moving.  A lot of logic involved: single track to single track isn't bad but passing tracks need logic for each track entering the single track plus whether going east or west.  A logic table was set up to help inputting the correct data.

The track plan, movement right to left is East.

The switcher in the yard is, presently, triggering the red occupied drill track/ore dock.

 track plan 11

Directional coding has 6 blocks done, so far.

Triggering the sensors via the mouse to test (later, did an engine test).  As the train enters the next block, the block turns red and the red 'EAST' or 'WEST' indicators come on indicating which way the train is moving. 

track plan 12

Normal passing is on the right but the signals and directional coding allows for any path taken.

In this case, the train left Seattle and moving towards Skykomish.

track plan 13

The train enters cascade tunnel's two blocks and then arrives at Tye. This is what has been done, so far. 

When a train is operated, the blocks behind it turn back to white.  These pictures are via the mouse, testing the code.  The mouse can, also, be used to turn the block back to white. 


track plan 14


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Track plan updates:

No postings, yesterday: fixed garage door opener, bathroom light and new sump pump for daughter's house.  Monday's are, usually, outings with daughter but 'repairs' came first!

Today: morning: did taxes for state and Federal.  Get that stuff 'out of the way'.

Last half of the day, I, believe it or not, did some updates to the track plan!

Reversed the interchange loop so it is going EAST, which is to the left.  Had to add new turnouts, track segments, move signals, sensors, etc.  All seems to be working.  Now, the track plan reflects how one sees the layout when operating a train. 

Also, I put in directional EAST/WEST for several blocks: most appear working and one isn't.  Will have to wait until Joe comes over and fix that!

track plan 15track plan 16

Tomorrow and, maybe tonight, I'll get back to installing the LED lamps on the ore dock.



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Ore dock lights completed.

Finished the other side.

ore dock lights 04ore dock lights 05

Added more to the lead track.  Need to complete the scenery!


ore dock lights 06

Put the spare woodland LED in the tower.  The woodland LED's and lamp LED's don't 'like to play together' as the woodland LED goes dark with the lamp's connected in parallel. I put the woodland on a different outlet of the 4 provided.

ore dock lights 07ore dock lights 08

Cat 5 is nice for hooking up the LED's.  16 bucks for 150' from HD: strip the outer sheathing and have lots of lite gauge wire for the low current LED's.  With 8 wires bundled, that gives a total 1200' of wire.

cat 5 cable 01


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Signal bridge build and more logic for direction of travel.

The signal head kits ordered came in so the bridge signal can be built.


signals LED 3 lights 09

The signal bridge already has tabs to hold the signal poles so I cut some 3/32" brass tubing and resistance soldered it to the bridge. 

Next, I used the black 3 signal cover to hold the 3 LED's in place while I soldered the anode side to the pole.  One side of the LED will be all grounded so many wires will be saved.

signals LED 3 lights 10

The LED's soldered on one side to the brass pole.

signals LED 3 lights 11

At which time, Joe came over so we did some more coding.

The remaining blocks leading to St. Paul's yard and the interchange needed to be coded for 'direction of travel' indicators.

Tapping into RR-circkts tower CB's, we use the 32 logic events available.

The picture shows logic for block 700 leading into one of the interchange tracks called IX1 (I=interchange, X=exit track, 1 for block 901).

The 'group function' is labeled 'ladder track'.

If variable #1 is true, ie: block 901 ( :taken from the config files) is true.

Then set variable #1 false, ie increment address by one,

Logic function: 


signals RR-cirkits CB 78

if V1 and then V2 -> true, ie is block 901 on then make variable #2 true block 700  ( and variable #2 false (

A change to true with interval (immediately) set generate the following events (this logics address)

signals RR-cirkits CB 79

The logic address (  is inputted into the sensors table with this event labeled as SD700DX1.

What we're doing is, basically; if block 1 is occupied, if next block is occupied, put out a 'sign' on the track plan indicating either 'east' or 'west'.

signals RR-cirkits CB 80

reconfig tables where logic is found.

More logic needs to be done (later) to implement this event. 

My time has only been a few weeks on this so my descriptions, etc may not be exactly correct.

signals RR-cirkits CB 81


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Signal bridge build:

Adding 3 way signals to a signal bridge.

Some signal poles needed to be soldered to the bridge.

I cut some 3/32" brass tubing 1.5" long.  I find a razor saw to begin the cut, then a nipper to score the cut and, finally, 'bend and break'.  A little filing is always needed.

signals LED 3 lights 12

A resistance soldering was used to secure the poles to the bridge and with proper 'heat sinks'. 

signals LED 3 lights 13

The 3 light signal kits came in.  The anode side was soldered to the pole using the black plastic face to hold the led's in proper position and also a 'heat sink' on the LED's while using a weller soldering station iron.

signals LED 3 lights 14

The LED leads are soft metal so I had a few that just melted while trying to solder them to the brass pole.  Again, using a 'heat sink' another piece was soldered to the stub left next to the LED. 

signals LED 3 lights 15

Each 3 light set tested after each install. 

signals LED 3 lights 16

LED's installed.  Now to wait for the 32 gauge colored wire to arrive.

signals LED 3 lights 17

The bridge will be protecting a double crossover leading into Seattle plus the drill track/ore dock track. 

mmm, more places that some scenery work needs to be done. 

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Scenery and more track plan direction.

Something I haven't done for 30 years (no, not that!).


Bob came over several weeks ago and did some scenery enhancements. His efforts got me motivated to get some scenery done.  The weathering after 30 years is not the kind I want on the scenery! 

Tools of the trade:

india ink in alcohol.

Wood glue 1/3 to water 2/3's.

sprayer with alcohol.

scenery 07

Seattle's yard entrance was looking pretty sad so the diluted india ink was, first, applied to weather up the ties, etc. since the ties are real wood but had the original walnut color added to them some 40 years ago. 

scenery 08

Dark ballast added to the yard leads with lighter ballast indicating the beginning of the mainline. A brush was used to spread the ballast evenly around the ties.  The sprayer with alcohol was, initially, misted over the ballast to hold it in place and then a thicker spray was added to soak all the ballast.  Then, the watered down wood glue was applied over the entire area except around the switch points. 

scenery 09

The same procedure was done with the ground foam.

scenery 10scenery 11scenery 12scenery 13

The lead to the ore dock also got some enhancements. 

scenery 14

Roundhouse area had some bare spots. 

scenery 15scenery 16

Added the diluted india ink to the rocks.  Next, some vegetation. 

scenery 17

Track plan direction indicators.

Joe came over and, after eating barbecue ribs, we worked on the 'indicators'.

Last post showed the config file construction.

This is the logix part for 'train direction' indicators.

The B700 direction  line is edited (right) giving the B700 logix (left).

signals RR-cirkits CB 82

Sensor SD700E is made active . Edit 'Sensor SD700E state' line gives the below 'popup' to edit. 

signals RR-cirkits CB 83

The bottom of the table has the rest of the logic: set 'B700 direction' to '<-EAST'.

signals RR-cirkits CB 84

This is the logic to turn on the 'track direction indicator' from tracks from the west, of which there are three (these are the interchange tracks) that feed block 700.

signals RR-cirkits CB 85

Once the train leaves the block, this logic turns off the 'direction indicator'.

signals RR-cirkits CB 86

Here's testing going from the interchange tracks to block 700.

Last item is the interchange tracks getting 'directional' indicators.

When double mast signals arrive plus colored wire for the signal bridge, those signals will be inputted into the 'system'.

We're almost done

 signals RR-cirkits CB 87


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  • signals RR-cirkits CB 86
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 87
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A video of the Great Northern railway track plan that demonstrates two trains, one going East (from Seattle) and one going West (from interchange loop). Each block hi-lighted in RED with the direction indicated below the block, IE, 'EAST' or 'WEST'. The two trains pass each other at Tye siding and continue to their destinations. This procedure uses JMRI and LCC (RR-circkts) technology.

We used Joe's rdc type engines that go 99 MPH so the 400' mainline is covered in a relatively short time.;


track plan 17



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Thanks Mike.  Joe was the inspiration on setting all this up.


Ross train show.

Only about 20 miles away.

An old school that has been turned into a community center.

Ross train show 2019 01

On the 2nd floor there are five different railroad clubs.


Ross train show 2019 02Ross train show 2019 03Ross train show 2019 04Ross train show 2019 05Ross train show 2019 06

Joe built this motorized lift bridge.

Ross train show 2019 07

three railers. 

Ross train show 2019 08


Ross train show 2019 09Ross train show 2019 10

Portable HO.

Ross train show 2019 11Ross train show 2019 12Ross train show 2019 13Ross train show 2019 14

Another HO.

I thought there was an N scale but didn't see any!

Ross train show 2019 15


Very nice stone arch bridge and steel bridges in town of Hamilton, Ohio.

americana 01americana 02americana 03americana 04

Late 1800's court house.

americana 05

War memorial.

americana 06

Nice old buildings that didn't get torn down in the 70's due to 'modernization'! 

americana 07

This guy's going to need a little help getting out of that sand pit!

americana 08


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Trip to Greenville, Ohio train show. 65 miles.

After spending 8-15 hour days in the basement for the last 5 weeks, I needed to 'get out'.

greenville 2019 01

Some mini train layouts.

greenville 2019 02greenville 2019 03

Portable club layout.

greenville 2019 04greenville 2019 05greenville 2019 06

These old Lionel service test systems are kind of rare: asking $650.

greenville 2019 07

I got one of these free about 35 years ago.  Asking $175.


greenville 2019 08

Pretty neat: NYC passenger step.  Asking $350.

greenville 2019 09

Took the backroads rt 127 to Greenville.

A mainline parallels the road for a few miles.

A nice stone arch bridge.

americana 01

There's one place where one can park along the side of the track. 

americana 02

A fellow modeler said this is a C&O caboose (at least that's what I remember from a year ago!).  Should have stopped and got more pictures of it.  Located in Eaton, Ohio.

americana 03americana 04americana 05


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How to 'put in' 80 feet of scenery in less than a week!    

I've got 80' of rock to cover so a 'quick' way of installing ground foam was needed.

These rock walls were done 40 years ago: 40 years ago, they wouldn't have any vegetation.  Now, they should.  

I'm using some fiberfill 8 oz from Putnam company which is black polyester fibers. (19441821808).  Several years ago, a local NMRA member got a bunch of this and I bought several bags.  Glad I did since I'm down to my last bag.

I'm using woodworking glue to attach the fibers to the rock crevices. 

scenery rock cliffs 01

I got the fiber into all the crevices. 

scenery rock cliffs 02scenery rock cliffs 03scenery rock cliffs 04

Here's part of what I, initially, did to test it out.  I use cheap hair spray from walbox and use 6 different ground foam colors.

scenery rock cliffs 05scenery rock cliffs 06

Some of the rock walls are done.

scenery rock cliffs 07

After the glue was dry, I heavily sprayed the fiber with hair spray and sprinkled on the first color. I used a piece of light weight cardboard under each 'bush' to catch the foam and blow it onto the sides of the fibers.   I used alcohol in a spray bottle to mist down the first color of ground foam and then applied more hair spray and another color of foam.  Another alcohol misted and more spray and then 3-4 light applications of different colors of foam.  Finally, a alcohol mist and more hair spray.  The alcohol wets down the foam so it doesn't 'fly all over' when hit with the hair spray.  


scenery rock cliffs 08

This is the nasty area where I had to rip out the scenery several years ago to put in a new water main.  (this is the 'after' picture; below is a 'before' picture).

scenery rock cliffs 09

Still have to do these areas:

Logging railroad.

scenery rock cliffs 10scenery rock cliffs 11scenery rock cliffs 12scenery rock cliffs 13

Here's the 'before' picture. 


scenery rock cliffs 14

Ran out of hair spray so had to buy 12 more cans!  That should allow me to finish up the 80' of rock cliffs.


scenery rock cliffs 15

After the foliage, I'll need conifers, and lots of them.  For what China sells them for I ordered 410 pine trees that vary from 2" to 5".  The larger ones, I'll make myself using skewers and furnace filter material, etc. 

scenery rock cliffs 16

Foliage done around Seattle. 

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New deliveries.

More single head and double head signals arrived, today. 


signals 01signals 02


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Planted a few conifer trees.

Used some of the materials I used a few years ago when making 18" pine trees.

conifers 6 inch 12 inch 01

Cut the furnace filter into squares, rip them apart to make them thin and push them onto the 'trunks'. 


conifers 6 inch 12 inch 02

Used the cheap hair spray again and sprinkled dark green foam from the bottom and some lighter green from the top.

Didn't even have to cut the corners off as the foam fills in the edges.  Being on a steep rock face, the trees have to be very narrow.  Three 12" and two 6" trees were made to insure they fit on the rock face.  Both are limited to where there is a large rock outcropping.   When all the small 2"-5" trees arrive, those will fill in the 'voids'.

conifers 6 inch 12 inch 03

The 12" needed drilling into the rock but the 6" works well by just sticking the trunk into the 'brush' as it's about an inch thick in places.

conifers 6 inch 12 inch 04

A picture will always let you know if you've got a crooked tree!

conifers 6 inch 12 inch 05


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  • conifers 6 inch 12 inch 02
  • conifers 6 inch 12 inch 03
  • conifers 6 inch 12 inch 04
  • conifers 6 inch 12 inch 05
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Double masted signals.

Thought I'd paint a couple so they look like the rest of the signals.  Masked off the signal heads and used some Rustoleum silver.  Usually, not a good idea to paint small objects with a rattle can due to limited volume control but I kept the can about 12" away and did 'quick shots'.  The solvent base paint dried fast.  

signals LED 3 lights 20

Still needs the feed wires but dry fitted them at the crossover to see if they fit, etc.

signals LED 3 lights 21

Last week, I took a small paint brush and cleaned off the cobwebs on the catenary.  I'm sure I didn't them all but it's a 'start'.  Also, want to string some green wire on the telephone poles.  Need a location that's easy to see yet giant hands will not be 'near'. 

signals LED 3 lights 22


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More tree making.

For the 12" trees to be narrow, I started with 1.5" squares, then to 1" and some leftovers from when I made the 18" trees (at the time, I thought it stupid to save such scraps!).  The 6" trees started with 1" squares. 

Pull apart the furnace filter into thin layers.

scenery rock cliffs 21

Don't get fancy, these are trees, not a building (and definitely not a steam engine).  When you're planting hundreds of trees, you don't get @nal over lots of details.  Doing a diorama, with just several trees, do your thing. 

Before foam applied:

scenery rock cliffs 22

The two foliage types/colors I used.  One applied to the tree upside down and the other, upright. 

scenery rock cliffs 23

Cheap plastic paint trays to recycle the foam. 

scenery rock cliffs 24

Lots of hair spray applied from the top and bottom.  I found out that my carbon monoxide detector doesn't like all the vapors from the hair spray especially when you use several cans in a day!

I made five 12" and six 6" trees in less than an hour.  If you like to watch TV, you can do two mindless things at once!

After foam applied.

scenery rock cliffs 25

A little drilling into the rocks makes quick 'plantings'.

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scenery rock cliffs 31

Looks a 'little better' than before!

scenery rock cliffs 30


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Rock cliffs on the logging side.

For me, I found it easiest to get the foam on the sides and bottom of the fibers by pushing light cardboard against the fibers with foam on the cardboard. 

scenery rock cliffs 32

First stage: fibers glued to rock face. 

scenery rock cliffs 33

First layer of foam applied.  Alcohol and then hair spray to seal it plus allow next 4 layers of different colored foam to be applied.

scenery rock cliffs 34

Final 4 colors of foam applied then more alcohol to hold the foam down while more hairspray is used to seal the 'whole thing'.  

scenery rock cliffs 35

Upper logging area done.

scenery rock cliffs 36

Logging switch back area done.

scenery rock cliffs 37

Which includes Skykomish.

scenery rock cliffs 38

The valley area of the logging railroad: The last area to be finished.

Then onto more tree making!

scenery rock cliffs 39


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More tree making.

I forgot to mention that the backing on the furnace filter has to be removed.

scenery rock cliffs 43

I soak the tree heavily with the hair spray and lightly shake it over the trash can to remove any excess.

scenery rock cliffs 44

When recycled, surprising how little foam is used.  This is what's left after doing sixteen 12" trees and thirteen 6" trees. 

scenery rock cliffs 45


scenery rock cliffs 46

After one hour

scenery rock cliffs 47

After two hours.

scenery rock cliffs 48

The 6" and 12" will enhance my 18" conifers. 

pine trees 03


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Bad new/good news.

Bad news 1:

Had to press extra hard with the briteboy to clean the hair spray off the tracks and then run my old track cleaning car to insure 'all is good'.

Bad news 2:

Layouts 'eat' trees like popcorn.  Never have too many and it looks like you didn't add any!

Good news:

Making the trees a 'scale' size means they take up more space so fewer are needed!

A very old track cleaning car, but effective.  Some enamel reducer added to the pad every 50', or so.

track cleaner car 01

Want to add some pole lamps along that road. Same ones I used on the ore dock.

scenery rock cliffs 49

Not a whole lot of room along the rock edges next to the track.  Some 'trimming' had to be done for train movement.  

scenery rock cliffs 50

This tree is lonely: will have to add a few more after I make them.


scenery rock cliffs 51

Holes were drilled for all trunks and dry fitted so they can be removed for track cleaning, etc. 

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Some of the bottom 'branches' were square but easy to remedy with some small tin snips. 

scenery rock cliffs 54


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  • scenery rock cliffs 50
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New delivery.

Ordered a bunch of trees and thought they were all coming from China but these were in the 'states' (which they, probably, got from China!).

Each pack has 40 trees from 2" to 5".  I has hoping they were wire trunks so I can bend them for inserting into the rock cliffs.  Will probably use the hair spray and add some more 'turf' to them.  They already have 'turf' on them so a 'good thing'.

scenery rock cliffs 55

Got three packs so 120 trees should help fill in the 'voids' around the larger trees.

63 bucks (including shipping) for 120 trees: I can't make them that cheap, not counting time which, at my age, I need to reserve for 'better things'.  With train and planes, I've got enough projects to keep me busy until I croak.

scenery rock cliffs 56


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  • scenery rock cliffs 55
  • scenery rock cliffs 56

WOW, My view of bottle brush pine trees has completely changed.

When I first got them, I didn't even look closely at them and figured I'd need to 'dress them up.  They have different limb lengths and foam covered.

scenery rock cliffs 57

Filling in the voids of my larger 6" and 12" conifers, the 120 trees covered about 20' of rock face.

scenery rock cliffs 58

I used a 1/16" bit to drill holes and a vacuum cleaner next to the bit to get the plaster dust.  With wire trunks, they can be bent to match the steep cliffs. 

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  • scenery rock cliffs 57
  • scenery rock cliffs 58
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Last edited by samparfitt

Added the 27 trees to the layout.

Added a couple more to that one lone tree (reminds me of the 'twin pines' shopping mall!).

scenery rock cliffs 67

Some around the freight station.

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A few at the cut in the hill.  MMM: just noticed that I missed adding ground foam to some of the 'bushes'!


scenery rock cliffs 69

The rest filled in the logging area.  Bought another 120 of those 'bottle brush' pine trees to fill in the voids around the logging area. 

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  • scenery rock cliffs 67
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Last edited by samparfitt

New delivery:

Lots of cool stuff arrived.  The seller that has the signals that I purchased has several hundred items that are sold so I went through the list and bought stuff that I 'needed'!

Well protected: these are the boxes within the shipping box.  The bottom cantilever bridge is protected by thin plywood.

scenery rock cliffs 71

Bought spare signals with all the LED's needed for them.

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Hey, the GN people need a place to sit!

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And, tell what time it is: of course only correct twice a day but will be able to see it in the dark!

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Some hanging shaded lamps.

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Some goose neck lamps (good over doors).  I was trying to make these but this is a much easier 'route'.

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Some spare signals.  In this cottage industry never assume that item will be there, next year!

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Cantilever bridge needed at Glacier park siding where one side is a cliff and the two tracks are a scale distance from each other and doesn't allow a signal. 

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Lots of wire to get my 3 track signal bridge operational. 

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Separate order: never have too many terminal strips. 

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  • scenery rock cliffs 71
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Inspiration from the prototype:   








45 years ago, when I was building this layout, raising a family of 5 on one income, one makes compromises on layout construction.  Tunnels was one of them.  Finally, updated.  Got about 4 more to do.  The outside looks good, too bad I can't do anything about the interior!




At least I got one tunnel 'right'!


Columbia river basin (BNSF): 

BNSF columbia river basin 01


Columbia river basin: farther up the river away from the ocean.

BNSF columbia river basin 02

Reasonable facsimile:   

scenery rock cliffs 26

BNSF: didn't know such a bridge existed!

bridge Y BNSF 01


Images (11)
  • GNRR734
  • GNRR735
  • GNRR736
  • GNRR737
  • GNRR738
  • GNRR739
  • GNRR740
  • BNSF columbia river basin 01
  • BNSF columbia river basin 02
  • bridge Y BNSF 01
  • scenery rock cliffs 26
Last edited by samparfitt

Thanks, Brian.


Two more tunnels BEFORE/AFTER.

These two were real 'eye sores' but they are about 10' back from the edge of layout so not as well noticeable. 




All the portals are cast plaster. I had to cut the 'wall side' edge for the correct alignment. A band saw made quick work of the 'cutting'.


Fortunately, I have an access hole to get to that area of the layout as it is way behind the Seattle's yard plus Tye.

There's another portal to the left in the picture that still needs to be done.  Fortunately, it is not, easily, viewed from the isle but needs to be done for any future videos (things we didn't have to worry about in the 80').


The two portals now makes for a nice view whereas, previously, one didn't notice the tunnels (usually).  This will also make any future video camera viewing from the train much more presentable. Still, will have to eliminate any interior view shots, with a few exceptions. 



Images (6)
  • GNRR741
  • GNRR742
  • GNRR743
  • GNRR744
  • GNRR745
  • GNRR746
Last edited by samparfitt

Wiring the bridge signal masts.

One set (two 3-light signals) wired.

signals RR-cirkits CB 88

I'm using one 1/16" diameter heat shrink tubing for each set of lights.  The heat shrink tubing will 1) protect the wires and 2) look like metal conduit when the structure is painted silver.  The wires were routed under the walkway and then soldered to their respective LED's.

signals RR-cirkits CB 89

There are two heat shrink tubing in one end and three in this end of the bridge signal.

signals RR-cirkits CB 90

I want to keep each two set of signal wires as one group so the four corners are for this purpose and the one heat shrink tubing down the center is for the two single masts.  I'm figuring this will make any diagnostics in the future a lot simpler. 

No black wire will be needed in the structure since the anode side is grounded to the brass frame, thus only one black wire needs to be soldered under the 'cement' supports. 

signals RR-cirkits CB 91


Images (4)
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 88
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 89
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 90
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 91
Last edited by samparfitt

Signal bridge (cont)  

All the wires routed through the heat shrink tubing and soldered to the LED's.  With 30 wires (plus black) I'm glad I routed each signal as a set. 

signals RR-cirkits CB 92

Some scalecoat silver used.  The black signal 'faces' were masked.  With enough resistance to hold the 'faces' to the LED's, I made them all removable. 

signals RR-cirkits CB 93

The airbrush allowed a nice fine application of paint.

signals RR-cirkits CB 94

Dry fit on the GNRW.  Still need to solder some cat 5 wire from the signal to the signal LCC boards.  Some grey used for the 'cement' bases.

signals RR-cirkits CB 95signals RR-cirkits CB 96signals RR-cirkits CB 97signals RR-cirkits CB 98


Images (7)
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 92
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 93
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 94
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 95
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 96
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 97
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 98
Last edited by samparfitt

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