"But oh yes, I forgot, the Lionel-can-do-no-wrong crowd doesn't want to hear about that anyway"
Of course, it could be YOU who is wrong, no? Or is that not a possibility?
Instead of attributing all sorts of invidious motives to the lack of an announced price (which happens frequently in the automobile industry, the computer industry, etc.) why not just give them the benefit of the doubt that they haven't finalized that important point?
If it's too high, people won't order. If it's lower than expected, there will be celebrations in the streets. Not a big deal one way or the other. The price will be what it is when it is announced.
Meanwhile, we should all not get too exercised about something so largely irrelevant and trivial to the announcement of the product. We do know it will almost certainly be between $1,000 and $1,800 street price, which is a big range, but way out of range for many people. Everyone knows that, with some exceptions. Not exactly the key thing in appreciating the aesthetics and innovation in the product, or not.
If that makes me a member of the Lionel can do no wrong crowd, so be it. Frankly I don't give a rat's posterior about the price or what anyone else thinks about me. It doesn't affect my family, my job or my potential for longevity . Mostly I hope my point of view shows me to be a calm, thoughtful, sensible individual who finds joy in the hobby and doesn't rant and rave about stuff that just isn't significant in life.