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I have a 2521 observation car which is giving me electrical problems.  The spring for the collector mechanism in the coupling unit is shot so I need to replace it and possibly the pin used as the alignment guide.  I have checked through Greenberg's which didn't address that section of the coupler.  Tried on line; perhaps I didn't ask the questions correctly but in any case no joy.  Can someone tell me where I can find instructions toto replace the spring or do I need to get a new 492-1  light couple unit.  Thank you all and have a very nice Thanksgiving


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The problem is you need to remove the roller so you can roll the end on a new rivet, so it may just be easier to replace the pickup, 485-26 and use a 480-19 rivet to attach it.  However, you may be able to “wind” a new spring over the eyelet.  I have done that on the standard tender and accessory pickups.



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Last edited by Jon G

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