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Of course it's the Engineers fault, or actually the "Conductor" as the stupid media generally reports it! I mean, he had two obvious choices, didn't he?


1) Swerve out of the way!


2) Stop prior to the collision!


At least THOSE are the choices the media seem to think would work. Don't you just love the headlines on TV or in the newspapers; "Amtrak train KILLS teenagers!". WHAT? Where the kids just driving down the side street and the "fast moving Amtrak Train" swerved over and got 'em???? 

Originally Posted by Hot Water:

Of course it's the Engineers fault, or actually the "Conductor" as the stupid media generally reports it! I mean, he had two obvious choices, didn't he?


1) Swerve out of the way!


2) Stop prior to the collision!


At least THOSE are the choices the media seem to think would work. Don't you just love the headlines on TV or in the newspapers; "Amtrak train KILLS teenagers!". WHAT? Where the kids just driving down the side street and the "fast moving Amtrak Train" swerved over and got 'em???? 

It's a well known fact that Amtrak trains will stalk teenagers and will run over them anytime, anywhere!



Originally Posted by PGentieu:


"Amtrak train kills teenagers" sounds like a statement of the facts.  It does not say anything about who was at fault one way or the other.

Who was at fault???? You ARE kidding, right?  What were the "teenagers", "elderly couple", "truck driver", etc., etc., etc., DOING ON THE ****ED TRACKS in the first place?????

hello guys and gals.........

NO !!!!!!!!! its the fault of the driver of the car as the car has NO business being on the tracks and beside that the train take about a mile to stop so the engineer has no control in trying to stop the train sooner. I have seen too many YOUTUBE videos of drivers stopping, stalling, even parking on the tracks or worse stopping on middle of the tracks waiting for the signal light to turn green how dumb is that !!!!!!!!!

the woman who loves toy trains


Had the car been broadsided, it would be the driver of the cars fault, but seeing how it was rearended and going in the same direction of the train, it would be the trains fault for traveling at an unsafe speed for local traffic conditions.




 P.S. It's hard to push your car when it's in park.

Last edited by az2rail

According to coverage on the ABC national/network news this evening, the two women, at about 4AM, made an "incorrect" right hand turn ONTO THE RAILROAD TRACKS! The video shown in TV plainly shows that the idiot driver turned right ONTO THE TRACKS, instead of onto the street, which was about 15 to 20 feet further, past the crossing gate equipment. The gates had not yet been activated, but a witness driving by and seeing the car ON THE TRACKS, stopped to help. Then a garbage truck came by and he also stopped to help. Surprisingly, when the flashing lights & bells went off and the gates started coming down, one of the women WENT BACK TO THE CAR!


Although no mention was made in the ABC report, do you think that alcohol may have been a factor? Especially at 4AM!


I still think that the Engineer should have swerved out of the way!

Originally Posted by Hot Water:
Originally Posted by PGentieu:


"Amtrak train kills teenagers" sounds like a statement of the facts.  It does not say anything about who was at fault one way or the other.

Who was at fault???? You ARE kidding, right?  What were the "teenagers", "elderly couple", "truck driver", etc., etc., etc., DOING ON THE ****ED TRACKS in the first place?????

Hot Water, I think that you are misreading PGentieu's post.  There is no insinuation at all that the engineer might be at fault.  "Amtrak train kills teenagers" would be a statement of fact if an Amtrak train did run over and kill teenagers.  Fault would be found in a different statement of facts, maybe "after they were parked on the tracks"



Follow up news report:


The incident escalated from an accident scene to crime scene when it was discovered the locomotive had fled the area with evidence. Fortunately, law enforcement were able to follow tracks leading from the scene, and the locomotive has been apprehended.


I need to stop by the Real Trains sections more often!

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