Although I have experienced but a couple of minor problems recently, which I will post on a separate thread, my Legacy System has worked essentially trouble free for the last four plus years.
I have the original Legacy base/charger with the remote; and also an additional remote (Cab-2) with charger only 6-14294 (Base #994), which I bought shortly after the Legacy system.
The original base charging operation quit working early on, I read about it, and instead of returning it to Lionel for repair, I replaced the original rechargeable batteries with Lithium batteries, which seem to last forever. The second charger-only base had continued to work fine since December 2011.
Today, for the first time, I notice that the charging lights were not lit up on the #994 base. I checked the voltage output of the power supply, and it was 8vAC, as it is supposed to be, The voltages at the three charging contacts, however, measured only 1.2vDC across the first and third, and second and third contacts. The original system base, the one I do not use, measures 9.9vDC across these contacts.
I removed the base bottom, but cannot see anything obviously bad. I was going to remove the small PCB, and undid the two screws that hold it place, but cannot figure out how to remove or detach the charging jack that keeps it from coming out.
Also, in the process of disassembling the base, two plastic parts that look like some sort of mounts with slotted rockers, fell off and I have no idea where they belong. And the heat sink is loose.
If you have any idea regarding the problem (insufficient voltage at charging contacts),
or how to remove the PCB (how to get past the charging jack),
or where the two plastic parts belong, I would appreciate your help.
Alex (Alexander Müller)