I'm always thinking that sometimes what didn't make the first catalog will be in the second. What I mean by that is not necessarily another engine or cars they would have run, but something that could go with what was in the first. Of course this would be something in the minority. I believe that when they ran the GG1's they had something follow up in the next offering, though can't remember what it was.
What could they possibly run that people would be expecting or not expecting? Could we see Alleghenies? Could there be Berkshire's? Could there be Y6's? Could they run H7's? What could they possibly run that would be the big buzz this time around?
Yeah I realize that all I have listed is steam. That is mainly because that is my primary interest, and I know I didn't say Dreyfuss, Class A or T-1. That is because I think I have said that quite enough so far, even though I hope that they are in the cards.
I believe that this coming catalog will have some big diesel stuff coming. What, I couldn't tell you because I have no clue what they run and how often. I really only know what I know or hear, PA's, FA's, F3's, F7's, E7's, E8's, ES44's, MAC's(think I've got part of that right), U35's, SD's, whatever else there is.
Whatever diesel engines haven't been around the block lately(or at all) will probably make an appearance. Someone else may have better ideas as to what the heck would be likely than me, that much is certain.
Perhaps the road names would be better guesses? Didn't see much Pennsylvania engines, maybe some of them or even UP. Anyone have a go, see what comes out on Friday.