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@chris a  Chris, hadn't thought about using the spray foam for more craggy surfaces. So far I have used this method for "rolling" hills not steeper grades like you show.  I'll have to try that. I presume the foam adheres to the batting pretty well. Nice videos.

@Mark Boyce Mark,  the base paint you use will show through, so its important the color you pick will represent the area. I like an earth brown but would go with a darker gray green if it was supposed to be shale or rock. I found Walmart has cheap flat paint - if you can find someone to mix it up for you. Buy the gallon, the batting soaks it up like crazy. And I always find areas that I missed or the paint did not take well. After the ground cover is down it can take several days for everything to completely dry.  When I used wood glue (buy the gallon) it took overnight to set properly and could use an extra day before painting. As Chris shows, get multiple types of ground cover, color and texture variations makes the scene believable.  There are at least two types of cotton batting. I use the medium weight stuff. The light weight is far too thin IMO. Kind of funny, the base material will tell you where to put the various covers as it clings to certain areas and not to others.

In areas where I want rock to show through, after everything is dry I'll go back and cut out the section and glue (hot melt) in the plaster rock face I want. The only bad thing about hot melt is the glue strings it leaves behind and getting hot fingers when you stick them accidentally into the fresh hot hot-melt.

Lastly the spray foam is nasty stuff. I constantly get it on my hands regardless of how careful I try to be wear latex/vinyl gloves on both hands.

Hi Mark,

Happy Belated BD!! I quietly turned 70 last month, so I've been following some of your medicals as much as following your rails...LOL The house has kept me pretty busy, as has the fall work outdoors, which is much more enjoyable. My daughter teaches in Maine and had the 14 YO boy that got shot and killed in Lewiston in her class last year, so there has been much to keep me away from the Forum.

I dd flip back and see the Scultamold you used. Looks like something I would like to try when I get to rebuild my layout. Also like the foam that Chris used. I'm studying everything I can! Looking forward to quieter days here, but you know how that goes.

Cheers, Bob

Thank you, Myles, Chris, Jeff, Bob!

Chris, I recalled your videos and in fact saw that I had ‘liked’ them.  I agree, it doesn’t seem like it could have been 5 years ago!  Thank you for bringing them to mind again!

Jeff, thank you for all the details!  I used the spray foam long ago, but just cut off parts I didn’t like after it was cured, then painted and put on ground foam.

Bob, happy belated birthday!  I’m sorry your daughter’s student was one of the victims.  As for Sculptamold, Myles is right, it can be sloppy to get just how you want it, but it used to be inexpensive.  I don’t know about now.  I’ve had this bag a few years but didn’t use it.

Thank you for the comments!!

Thank you, Andy!  The latest is I spray primed the base, windows, brick walls, an a couple other parts with white primer as Dennis directed.  The weather turned cooler, so I dug out the old spray booth and started scrubbing it.  I gathered up what I think are all the parts to vent it to the outside.  I’ll have to get it working before I do any more painting.

As an aside, I finished the little diorama depicting a local B&O caboose to give to the local Model Train Club of Zelienople for on their modular layout.  I’ll deliver it either this week or next.  After fiddling with ‘not the right’  dimensional strip wood, I ended up kitbashing steps and platforms from a Plasticville coaling tower.  Good enough for the club use.



The prototype in my old stomping grounds; Mars, Pennsylvania.  My photograph.


Hopefully, I will get back to working on the Idaho Hotel scene and the Coffee company after a month of corralling leaves!  🍁 🤦‍♂️


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Last edited by Mark Boyce
@Mark Boyce posted:

Thank you, Andy!  The latest is I spray primed the base, windows, brick walls, an a couple other parts with white primer as Dennis directed.  The weather turned cooler, so I dug out the old spray booth and started scrubbing it.  I gathered up what I think are all the parts to vent it to the outside.  I’ll have to get it working before I do any more painting.

As an aside, I finished the little diorama depicting a local B&O caboose to give to the local Model Train Club of Zelienople for on their modular layout.  I’ll deliver it either this week or next.  After fiddling with ‘not the right’  dimensional strip wood, I ended up kitbashing steps and platforms from a Plasticville coaling tower.  Good enough for the club use.



The prototype in my old stomping grounds; Mars, Pennsylvania.  My photograph.


Hopefully, I will get back to working on the Idaho Hotel scene and the Coffee company after a month of corralling leaves!  🍁 🤦‍♂️

Wow!  That really looks nice, Mark.  Not very often modeled, but you nailed it.


Thank you, Gene, Dave, Andy, Art!

Dave, that is a great scene in Chambersburg!!  
Everyone, I am pleased with how it finally came out.  I struggled to get it to look exactly like the prototype with two short sets of stairs and two platforms.  Once I decided to forego that and just make one of each, it came into place.  Most viewers won’t notice even if the club fellows mount a photograph of the prototype right below it.  I’m delivering it next week.  Since it will be used on the modular layout for multiple seasonal themes, they can sprinkle some fake snow over the lush green grass for the Christmas setup.  Perhaps Santa will be up on the platform!  😃

Hey, Mark, I hope you remember me! LOL

You sure have been busy with your layout and then the diorama for the local club. I don't have any advice to give you as you seem to have it all together. I just wanted to check in and see where you are on the hotel and the new coffee building!

I'm sure you won't have any problems getting your spray booth up and running before to long. If not I am sure you have plenty of other things to keep you going!

Mike Who??? 

Kidding aside, I know you have been so busy taking down your layout, boxing all kinds of things, and doing all the regular chores.  Other than the diorama, I don't think you missed much!    The exhaust hose, clamps, etc. are sitting there next to the spray booth, but they won't put themselves together.     I thoroughly scrubbed the spray booth since it has been sitting in the shed for over 10 years.  Hopefully, I will get going on that so I can keep painting the coffee company, not to mention getting back on the hotel scenery.  I'm getting tired of only having part of the layout open for train running, since I covered the tracks below and the upper track closest to the hotel.

Morning Mark, I hope you have a great day planned!

It's a little warmer here today so I hope to get both crates done today and the garage cleaned. The CEO informed me that I need to start packing the garage before my back surgery, if it isn't one thing it's another! LOL I guess she is right and it needs to be done anyways!

I hope you get a chance to work on the coffee company today if not, I am sure you will find something!

Have a great day and try to have fun with your trains or whatever you do!

Thank you, Mike!  No time on the Sanky Wanky Coffee Company.  I spent time on getting outside Christmas lights checked out for installation; none on the roof this year.  😃

My wife asked if I was going to setup the Christmas layout, which I haven’t done for 3 or 4 years.  With our daughter’s piano out of the way, I think it will work with an aisle between it and the “new” workbench.  I setup a folding table to support it, so we will see how it works. 😄 🚂 🛤️

Last edited by Mark Boyce

It has been a while since the last update.  That is because I haven't had much to say about the projects on the Blackwater Canyon.  Train time has been spent setting up a Christmas layout, the first I have done for a few years.  I ended up with a 4x6 in the basement room adjacent to my 'new' workbench.  It is the same base as when I had two levels, but glue didn't hold on many of the supports for the upper level while it spent years leaning against the wall, so I just took all the supports off, leaving one loop of Fastrak.  I did add a loop of HO track around the outer edge, and got an HO train running after much ado.




I added two switchers recently from forum members at prices I couldn't pass up.  First an MTH PS2 Pittsburgh & West Virginia 0-6-0.  It is really nice.  For the purist, the P&WV was part of the 'Alphabet Line' along with Western Maryland.  That doesn't matter much to me; it is a great engine.



Last week, I got another RS-3, this one a Weaver with ERR electronics.  It runs a little fast for my liking for each speed step.  I'm going to take the shell off and see if the motors are wired series or parallel.



The colorful boxcars and refers are for Jeff's benefit. 

I did get some more painting done on the Sanky Wanky Coffee Company.  The brick color Dennis Brennan suggested looks great, and I like the gray windows too.



I still haven't painted the textured tan on the concrete base because I am still filling the gaps the tabs make with spackle as he suggested.  I still need another coat and sand smooth.


I haven't done a thing with the Idaho Hotel scene except procure some very nice cotton batting to try out the scenery method we discussed a month ago.  It is ready and waiting for the new year.


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Nice job on the Christmas table. I especially like the night scenes. No big Christmas layout here, as the house is still in disarray from the window replacement. I did, however, get to introduce our 5YO step-granddaughter to the joys of model RR and she was absolutely thrilled to pieces!!

January will be all-in on painting and trimming out new windows. February and March brings cataract surgeries. Maybe by spring, I'll get my train room back. The most I can do at the moment is set a loco on a test track and fill my office with smoke, but I rather enjoy that too, LOL! Meanwhile, I just pluck keys here on occasion.

I did finally look up what is meant to be in the "48 Club". Very apropos!

Hope all is well at the Blackwater Canyon. I want to see how the Spakle works out on the coffee company. It might be easier than my frozen paint!



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Evening Mark, You did an outstanding job on your Christmas layout! I like the HO train addition.

I see your getting more and more into buildings and I like the color of the walls also! Taking your time is a good idea and Christmas makes you take that time!

I hope you had a great weekend and looking forward to a nice week!

Hi Mark- I like the new engines. Both very nice looking. On the RS3- have you checked the momentum settings on the remote? Might help with the speed steps. IIRC, ERR Cruise Commander can do 32 or 100. Here's the programming instructions.

Speed Step Selection
The default speed step selection is 100 as shipped. The 100 speed steps are linear. The 100 speed steps start at a lower threshold, thus the motor is operating at a lower initial voltage with fine adjustment as the throttle is advanced. The momentum and stall features are not applicable, and do not operate.
To switch Speed Steps do the following:
Activate 32 Speed Steps: AUX1 + 0 + AUX1 + 0 + BRAKE

Activate 100 Speed Steps: AUX1 + 0 + AUX1 + 0 + BOOST
Note: The speed step selection is stored until changed, and survives power cycling.

I like the HO loop on the Christmas layout. I'm tempted occasionally to do the same so I can run my PRR Y3 steamer.


Thank you, Bob, Mike, Bill, Bob, Jeff!

Bob endlesstracks, Yes, I suppose that is a mess with getting the windows done.  I'm glad your step granddaughter liked the train.  I had cataract surgeries myself.  They certainly helped, but I still don't like driving after dark.  Yes, the Christmas layout fits the 48 club and my Ceiling Central RR qualifies too.    I have never tried the spackle mortar thinking it is hard to get away from window trim, etc.  This kit has add-on trim, so the only valley's to be concerned with are where the chimneys meet the walls.  Also, as Dennis described moving the spackle with his finger and keeping it wet, he was able to do a nice job.

Mike, I do like building kits and even scratchbuilding, though I haven't done the later for a long time.

Bill, Yes, now I have 4 RS-3s, three are Western Maryland.  So out of less than 20 engines, I guess I like them too. 

Bob, thank you for the information about the momentum settings on ERR.  I was not aware of that and will have to try making a change first chance I get.  I have one TMCC engine and one Legacy engine, but this is the first with ERR.  Someone gave me a bunch of HO track a couple years ago, and I still had a few cars and a couple engines.  This Bachmann F-unit is the best running.  I tried setting it up last Christmas on the floor, but had trouble with couplers and got too sore so I put it all away.

Jeff, Yes, the cars are somewhat hidden, and it was an afterthought to mention you.  The track ends are spare pieces of track I never found a place for.  Here is an overhead photograph for you.



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@Mark Boyce posted:

...snip... It is the same base as when I had two levels, but glue didn't hold on many of the supports for the upper level while it spent years leaning against the wall, so I just took all the supports off ...snip...

You should leave one of the supports in place and let be all grown-over with flora. Check out the Cross-Florida Barge Canal where the route crosses US-17 north of Ocala. FDOT built the two central piers for the northbound roadway over the canal; the canal was never completely built and the piers still stand. The surrounding trees have grown taller than the piers! It would make an interesting mini-scene, I think.

Thank you, Dave, Bob, Mike, Myles!

Dave, I did a little searching on Google Maps satellite view.  I found the canal, Ocala, Rt 17, but didn't find the piers.  I do get the idea though, and it is a good one to model.  Vegetation growing over abandoned or unused structures would be a good point of interest.

Bob, s you found a used for all the VHS tapes you don't play!    That was a nice setup of HO trains.

Mike, I sold all my HO trains, and then my wife keeps bringing cheap ones home from the thrift store.    It's a shame, there are always couplers and details broken off.  If someone who isn't handy bought them for children, they would be disappointed. 

Mark… enough playing with trains! I think it's time for you to get up to your elbows in plaster, cardboard and paper towels. That's when the real FUN begins… or so I'm told.

Myles, you are right, after I have put all of the holiday stuff away, I'll have to get on with this scenery!!  I have done the plaster, cardboard, and paper towels and found it quite messy, like you mentioned to me here about 6 weeks ago!  That is one reason I left the floor in the room concrete.  So yes, that's when the real fun begins...or so I'm told!  I'll give this cotton batting and glue a try this time.  Sounds messy too!!!

Hi Mark ... and all the regulars to this thread!

I'm happy to see this thread slow down. lol I have been super busy with, lets just say crap. I sure hope this next year goes better.

The Christmas layout looks awesome. The Sanky Wanky kit is coming right along and looking great. Looking forward to seeing more progress on it.

Hope you and yours have a very Merry Christmas

Thank you, Rubin, RJ!

Rubin, It has been a few years since I built scenery, so I will have to get back in the swing of it.  One thing about scenery, it is always easy to tear out and do over or modify what didn’t come out as desired!

RJ, I understand about other things coming up.  My wife was a school nurse the last ten years she worked.  One day a teacher sent a first grade boy to the nurses office after he had misbehaved.  The boy said it was all “cwap” over and over.  As it turned out, he did misbehave, but the teacher didn’t handle it as well as she could have.  Probably a bad day.  Ever since, Kim and I say it’s cwap when something isn’t right.  😃

I’ll be glad to have more progress to show as well.


I am in awe of the way you manage to get so much modeling done even as you cope with your issues and surgeries. I learn from peach entry you post. D mount your backdrops.
I’m curious as to how the group and weather  the track and mount your backdrops. I’ve also learned that much more than a two foot reach is beyond me, but I’ll work out something
Let me wish you and everyone in our generous group a very merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year and a very happy and healthy 2024.


Mark, I learned a new word tonight!! I had to read it 3 times before I decided you spelled *cwap* the way you intended but I'm with ya now!! LOL.

I have cwap in every room in the house since the new windows went in. Can't wait to get back to rebuilding my layout, but reading here from you and others, I'm learning a lot of things to try. I spent much of the day yesterday moving locomotives and select rolling stock to new shelves out of harms way.

I'm with you, also, on the night driving. Pretty sore subject to admit, but I'm hearing great things about cataract surgeries.....


Thank you, Mike, Rubin, Bob!

Mike, where do you live in West Virginia?  We lived in Keyser at one time, but I lost my job there and we moved back to Western Pennsylvania in 1996.

Bob, Yes indeed!  Cwap can be stuff, or it can be unhappy things that happen to you like with the little boy.    Yes, I can believe you have cwap everywhere with the window project!  Yes, we want to protect our engines and rolling stock from what may damage or dirty them up.  I'm glad you resettled yours to safety! 

Cataract surgery in 2017 was a real blessing!  The cataracts had caused me to go from being far sighted to near sighted in less than a year.  Also, when I looked at lights they became like star bursts.  All of them had 3 or 6 points, evenly spaced.  The full moon had 3 phantom edges.  Needless to say, I was to the point I wouldn't drive after dark.  Even though my recent examination showed nothing wrong, I have a lot of trouble with headlights even with glare resistant glasses.  Oh well.

Rubin, I just plug away at it when I can, and see fairly steady results in some area of the layout of kit building.  When I put attached the joists, I left a 1" space between them and the wall.  I was able to drop the backdrops down in that space.  Some places they were sturdy enough to leave free standing.  A few places the backdrop leaned towards the layout, so I screwed the top into a wall stud a couple of places.  It was kind of a quick way to do it, but it worked since the backdrops are all painted on 1/4" thick Masonite.

As far as weathering the track, I haven't done it at all.  I tossed around the idea of covering everything but the track with plastic and used spray paint, but that is a lot of work so I am guessing I won't bother.

Thank you for the Merry Christmas wish!  I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year as well!

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