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I got done with what I was going to do so far. But after starting to change switches I decided to just change out the switch in the same spot. The added siding switch is placed but I don't think I will keep it there. I may move it back closer to the mainline to possibly get an extra car on each siding. Here is some pics of before and after............Paul







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Hi Everybody-- Today (04/08) I finished pre-wiring the different YARD areas with a 14-gauge pair; a 12-gauge pair and a 25-pair control cable.  Tomorrow I will temporarily install the plywood tops on the Desert Yard and Heavy-electric Yard and then roll on two coats of dark brown paint to match the larger island.  More to come !!



Paul, Looking good! You may wish to consider swapping that right hand switch for a left hand switch and move it all the way back to the mainline switch.  Additional two cars perhaps.  Add a 8" to 12" of plywood for a third track??
Originally Posted by paul 2:

Moved the switch on the siding back toward the mainline. Got an extra car length by doing it. Also found my last uncoupling track so I put that in. Measure for an extension off the table so I can add the new siding. Should be able to get 8 cars in there. Second pic shows the switch closer to the mainline...................Paul





Tom Tee thanks for the compliment. I put that switch in because I took it off where I was using it to go up the grade and into the yard. It was a manual one and I replaced it with a motorized one. After taking the pic it does stand out like a sore thumb and  a left hand switch would work a lot better. I have a pile of older manual Ross switches and maybe I can find one that may work. If not I'll order a new one along with uncoupling tracks from Ross. My new vision for adding to the siding was I was thinking of different things I could change out in that area................Paul

I finished the first of what eventually will be two tank cars. The RR I model only had two tanks on the property by 1943, and I have created reasonably accurate decals of the tank body markings for each. I like how this turned out, especially with the weathering.


One thing I couldn't believe was as I was putting the couplers back onto the car, one went flying and went right down a drain in a sink! I was putting them together in a guest bathroom as that's where I leave stuff after I've painted it, with the fan on to vent the fumes with the door closed. I still can't believe it went directly for the drain. I didn't take the pipes apart to pull it out, as I know I don't want it back that bad. But I should fish it out anyway. Thankfully, I stockpiled several sets of extra couplers, exactly for things like this.


I also completed a coversion of a toy truck for a delivery van on the layout. The name of the company was something I had on my old HO layout when I was about 13, as it just sounded really funny to me for some reason. The 'Amalgamated barrel staves' reference is from an old Bullwinkle cartoon where he's looking to invest in stocks. I never forgot that and always thought it was funny. It's the only whimsical anything you'll find on my layout, but it's something I just couldn't resist.

Last edited by p51
Originally Posted by dischler:

I am jumping back into the hobby after being on hiatus for a few years.

Have you found that the hobby has changed a lot since you've been gone? I got out of the hobby in the 90s and just got back in about 4 years ago. I was pleasantly surprised at how much the hobby has changed, especially in regard to all the pre-built stuff and rolling stock you can buy weathered now. Nothing was like that back in my HO scale days!

Originally Posted by Adriatic:
Originally Posted by dischler:

Still working on sub-roadbed for the Bark 'n Spiders RR, an out door garden layout. It has about a hundred feet of track laid so far.  I am jumping back into the hobby after being on hiatus for a few years.

Will your posting average rise above once every two years?

(welcome back)

 I'm working on it.

Originally Posted by p51:
Originally Posted by dischler:

I am jumping back into the hobby after being on hiatus for a few years.

Have you found that the hobby has changed a lot since you've been gone? I got out of the hobby in the 90s and just got back in about 4 years ago. I was pleasantly surprised at how much the hobby has changed, especially in regard to all the pre-built stuff and rolling stock you can buy weathered now. Nothing was like that back in my HO scale days!

I guess I have not jumped in far enough yet to know about pre-weathered and pre-built...I am recycling old 90's to about 2005 O gauge and Atlas 21st C. tracks in my retirement.  I hope to become more informed about those changes, but have limited funds for new Legacy mallets and such big ticket items.

I did some looking and found a left hand switch. With that in place it comes out better. It is motorized and I don't need one there so I will just order a manual switch from Ross. Now I can put down the cork but I am still looking for my hammer so when I glue the cork down I can hammer brads in to hold in place till the glue sets. Then I can paint the cork. Can't put in track till I get an uncoupler.........Paul

I have all domes off (three on this 0-8-0 switcher) and am filling their holes while grinding off dome mounting plates and sand lines, one of which will be rerouted as I respace two domes along the boiler.  I should grind off all the boiler bands, as this loco's prototype from Alco did not have them, but not possible to get an exact model from this base. Waiting for epoxy to harden before filling the last dome hole.

This afternoon I painted the plywood tops of the future "Engine Terminal", "Desert Yard" and the "Heavy Electric" Yard to match the top color of my original 5 x 9 piece.

The "Trolley Yard" has not been constructed as yet.  We have almost fifteen trolleys so I hope it will be big enough.  More on Trolley and Interurban plans later.  Hopefully you'll get excited over my plans.  Cheers.





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With gunrunnerjohn's help, fixed a flicker problem in an LED conversion--bad solder joint at the capacitor.


Continued to practice with masking film on a LIONEL standard dome, 2532-16, that I'll need to paint for an NP North Coast Limited train.  Continued to work on filling and sanding 3 PW LIONEL F3 A units; and test fit the Cal Scale Mars light housings.  Mercifully, the F3 B unit is done and ready for paint.


Used a digital caliper to take measurements from a PW LIONEL 2532 dome car for the opening in the roof necessary to install an offset dome in a LIONEL coach.  


And USPS and UPS brought some stuff.  From Dept. 56 came some Christmas wreaths and garland for the Christmas train and layout.




I know I'll use the packs of wreaths I bought; not so sure about the garland--but will probably add to the one pack I bought for evaluation.


My UPS driver dropped off an early model UPS package car--it's way too big for the layout per se, but will make a nice decorative vehicle.





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Jon was here today. We finished one huge project, and started another one.


These 3 light fixtures are the last of the layout lighting. Project 100% complete!!!



And now for something completely different... Fascia

The actual benchwork is a bit wavy. Jon adds shims to the fascia so it looks pretty darn straight. That's what counts.



There's an old expression; Beat to fit. Paint to match.



Tomorrow, Patrick will paint to match.



While he's doing that, I'm going to start laying track on top of the bookshelves.



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Last edited by Big_Boy_4005
Originally Posted by Pingman:
...  From Dept. 56 came some Christmas wreaths and garland for the Christmas train and layout.




I know I'll use the packs of wreaths I bought; not so sure about the garland--but will probably add to the one pack I bought for evaluation.

Hi Pingman,If you please, here is what I do with my garlands and wreaths, which may give you some ideas. I simply crimp the garland onto building architectural features and slide the wreaths over lamp fixtures, all of which is easily removed after the Holiday..







(P.S. The whimsical Holiday parade is removed, also, after New Year's.)


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That's nice!  I have a similar area with the Engine Terminal containing the steam roundhouse turntable and garden tracks, an electric shop, electric storage tracks and diesel storage/fuel racks tracks!  Makes for a lot of play value.Originally Posted by keyrouteken:

This afternoon I painted the plywood tops of the future "Engine Terminal", "Desert Yard" and the "Heavy Electric" Yard to match the top color of my original 5 x 9 piece.

The "Trolley Yard" has not been constructed as yet.  We have almost fifteen trolleys so I hope it will be big enough.  More on Trolley and Interurban plans later.  Hopefully you'll get excited over my plans.  Cheers.





Originally Posted by Pingman:

Continued to practice with masking film on a LIONEL standard dome, 2532-16, that I'll need to paint for an NP North Coast Limited train. 


Used a digital caliper to take measurements from a PW LIONEL 2532 dome car for the opening in the roof necessary to install an offset dome in a LIONEL coach.  


Happy to report that I won't need to cut a hole in a 15" aluminum coach to create an offset dome to emulate the prototypical offset domes of the NP North Coast Limited.  Simply bought an LIONEL offset dome car that was used in the UP 50th Anniversary set last night.  I've been away from the hobby long enough to not know that LIONEL made an offset dome, and only discovered this car by accident.


Also, one aspect of cutting a standard coach to fit a dome, apart from actually accomplishing that, was the window arrangement of the coach.  I'm not looking for fidelity to scale, but I'd prefer a better level of verisimilitude, and I wasn't very pleased with the prospect of using a standard coach, so much so that I thought of just using the typical centered dome car.


So, one problem has been solved for me.  However, I'm still working on masking a standard dome satisfactorily to shoot it in NP NCL dark green--so my practice continues.

If I get back in your area someday, I would love to see this layout!  You are doing an incredible job !!  But Man, is it ever BRIGHT in there !! Are the light bulbs the newer mandated LED type ?  Otherwise, your overall space would be darn HOT !!
Originally Posted by Big_Boy_4005:

Jon was here today. We finished one huge project, and started another one.


These 3 light fixtures are the last of the layout lighting. Project 100% complete!!!



And now for something completely different... Fascia

The actual benchwork is a bit wavy. Jon adds shims to the fascia so it looks pretty darn straight. That's what counts.



There's an old expression; Beat to fit. Paint to match.



Tomorrow, Patrick will paint to match.



While he's doing that, I'm going to start laying track on top of the bookshelves.



Hi Everybody--  Just finished the second coat (final) on the "Heavy Electric Yard" ; the "Engine Terminal" and the "Desert Yard"..  Should be thoroughly dry by tomorrow morning!  I really had to perform some fancy dialog with my General Manager (Suzie) for the space which will become the "Heavy Electric" Yard.  It almost starts to creep toward the Front Door/Hallway area and she put out a GCOR edict # 228-B :  NO !!!


I'm going to place an order with ROSS for some Midwest Cork roadbed.  I have more on order from Ray Dumke at "House of Trains"...  I purchased a 2 1/2 & 3" saw for cutting holes in masonite for mounting panel meters, using my electric drill.


You'll notice that in previous reports, I was pre-wiring different Yards using various color combos of 14-gauge pairs; 12-gauge pairs and a 25-pair control cable.

The 14-gauge pairs will provide AC for operating switch machines and misc.  The 12-gauge pairs will provide the AC "propulsion" voltage.  The 25-pair control cable will operate Accessories and will operate a series of Relays for Route Control of the individual tracks.  Fiber pins will be in the Center rail to isolate Yard tracks. This will get hairy in the Trolley Yard (foundation not built yet) because of their being so many trolleys. More on Trolley Ops later.




No photos yet, but I took two Bachmann 'data only' marked On30 boxcars and slapped my RR markings on them. I also took another boxcar, stripped the lettering with sandpaper, then painted it grey. I then added my custom-made US Army reporting remarks and shipping instruction markings to it.

I then blasted each with two coats of gloss coat over the decals and left to dry overnight. After putting them in the back bathroom next to the layout room (I leave stuff in there with the light and fan on overnight for drying and venting of paint fumes), I made car cards for each of them.

Tonight, I'll do the weathering to each, blast them with dullcoat and get the trucks on if the dull coat is dry enough by the time I go to bed.

Then, I'll have three news cars ready.

Photos likely tonight once weathering is done

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