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Mark - Thanks, maybe now I can legitimately participate in the Scenic Sundays topic.

Bob - As I was looking at the picture, painting back there crossed my mind. Just not sure if it will come across the same color because there is no light back there.

Matt - Thanks, actually the cardboard is fun and easy to do, and I have tons of it. Wish I had Amazon stock, my wife gets me an endless supply. BTW, you don't have a monopoly on winter. They don't call Minnesota the great white north for nothing. Though it has been rather thin this year. My plow guy only comes when we get 2" or more. He came out for the first time yesterday. I pay him by the season, flat rate, so he's doing well.

Dave - There's not much room back there, so I'm not sure if that's going to work.

Mike - I was thinking of sticking some intermodal containers back there. That is a technique I'm using to cover another hole over at Park Junction. That one needs the full height blocked because it's out in the open.

Well the retrieval of the lumber from the old workbench in ma-in-law's basement is on hold.  The two days of warm weather brought a lot of rain, melting most of the snow, and now Mum's basement has water in it.  It isn't into the workroom, but the main room needs dried out.  The temperature is dropping fast, and snow is starting to fall, so we will see what I have to work with next weekend.  

mike g. posted:

Mark, you know the old saying, if it doesn't rain it snows! Sorry for the bad break! I hope things get better soon!

Thank you, Mike!!  No one was hurt, so all is swell!!   

With possible 8 inches of snow coming, I probably wasn't going to get it all out of her basement anyway. 

Daughter number 1 and her husband had a thawed frozen pipe leak Monday night.  Her father-in-law and I got there the same time.  We got the problem located in a basement wall and shut the water off.  Since he retired a year ago, he went over the next day and fixed the leak.  Daughter number 2 and her husband just signed the mortgage papers buying her in-law's house, as the in-law's are moving to Virginia.  So they will be happy old-house homeowners too!  Bwa-ha-ha!!! 

Elliot, you outdo yourself everyday. That blue is a great color. And where you started your plaster wrap that is going to look real good when you have completed the whole area. Mark, sorry you were not able to get to the lumber but at least it did not get wet. Always next weekend. So after lunch the glue was dry and I was able to pull up the nails and paint all the cork. While the paint was drying I decided to pull up the plaster up where the switch tower will be and painted that black. Once everything dries I can lay down track at the brewery and set the switch tower in place and then add ground foam around it. After I did that I started cleaning off the table that goes to the brewery area. I'm going to cut in a switch and bring track out to the front of the table, adding another switch and sending the track in both directions which will give me two more sidings for some kind of industry. Haven't decided what kind yet. Hopefully the wife will watch her game tonight and that will give me more time but if she decides to tape it I will be in the living room. Pics..............Paul



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Mark Boyce posted:

Dr. Joe, I liked the video!  Aren't those Menards buildings great?  I have 3 or 4 myself.  Thank you for posting!!

They are, Mark! We had been out of country for a few years and had no idea that Menards had come into the hobby as they have! I need to get over to Cheyenne to pick up one of their tall cranes. 

mike g. posted:

Nice video Dr. Joe! thanks for sharing your layout with us!

Jushavnfun, nice layout, but the video is a little out of focus or something, but got the idea of your layout!

Hey Mike, sorry about that. I try better each time I do them. My daughter grew up with iPhones and therefore knows a lot more about it than I do! On a separate note, how is life in your part of the world? The wife and I have begun thinking of places to retire and I am lobbying hard for the Olympic Peninsula. 

LaramieJoe posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

Dr. Joe, I liked the video!  Aren't those Menards buildings great?  I have 3 or 4 myself.  Thank you for posting!!

They are, Mark! We had been out of country for a few years and had no idea that Menards had come into the hobby as they have! I need to get over to Cheyenne to pick up one of their tall cranes. 

An OGR Forum member who is a member of the Pittsburgh Independent Hi-Railers has one of the cranes on one of his modules.  I saw it at the Monroeville Pennsylvania Greenberg show, and it is striking to say the least!!  Maybe you can order one.  Since there are no Menards in Pennsylvania, I have ordered all of mine online.

leapinlarry posted:


Wow!, what a really cool video. I will watch it over again after dinner and research your accessories and structures, and the neat buildings....The Lionel Diner is really nice, a super smoker. The trains running, your verbal descriptions are great. Thank you. I look forward to more train action on your layout....Happy New Year.

Larry, You are right about Joe's diner.  It looks great and really smokes!  I think someone burned all the hamburgers!!  

LaramieJoe posted:
mike g. posted:

Nice video Dr. Joe! thanks for sharing your layout with us!

Jushavnfun, nice layout, but the video is a little out of focus or something, but got the idea of your layout!

Hey Mike, sorry about that. I try better each time I do them. My daughter grew up with iPhones and therefore knows a lot more about it than I do! On a separate note, how is life in your part of the world? The wife and I have begun thinking of places to retire and I am lobbying hard for the Olympic Peninsula. 

Hi Dr. Joe, if you don't mind some rain in the winter, and love a nice green place to live. You would love it here. We are right up the hill from Hoods Canal. always green, last summer was a record summer for days without rain and temps over 80 f. You should check it out!

Dr. Joe, your video was jut fine! Nice and clear and fund to watch with your tour! Thanks again!

Last edited by mike g.
mike g. posted:
LaramieJoe posted:
mike g. posted:

Nice video Dr. Joe! thanks for sharing your layout with us!

Jushavnfun, nice layout, but the video is a little out of focus or something, but got the idea of your layout!

Hey Mike, sorry about that. I try better each time I do them. My daughter grew up with iPhones and therefore knows a lot more about it than I do! On a separate note, how is life in your part of the world? The wife and I have begun thinking of places to retire and I am lobbying hard for the Olympic Peninsula. 

Hi Dr. Joe, if you don't mind some rain in the winter, and love a nice green place to live. You would love it here. We are right up the hill from Hoods Canal. always green, last summer was a record summer for days without rain and temps over 80 f. You should check it out!

VDr. Joe, your video was jut fine! Nice and clear and fund to watch with your tour! Thanks again!

I dont know about anyone else, but I am retired in the Carson Valley near Carson City, NV. No state income

tax, not much rain or snow, very few annoying bugs. About 4500 feet elevation. Cost of living is moderate.

I really like it here. Gets a bit hot some days, but not unbearable with low humidity. No below zero ever. 

Highs usually 90's at most. I only had about 4 ac days last summer. Check it out. 

mike g. posted:
LaramieJoe posted:
mike g. posted:

Nice video Dr. Joe! thanks for sharing your layout with us!

Jushavnfun, nice layout, but the video is a little out of focus or something, but got the idea of your layout!

Hey Mike, sorry about that. I try better each time I do them. My daughter grew up with iPhones and therefore knows a lot more about it than I do! On a separate note, how is life in your part of the world? The wife and I have begun thinking of places to retire and I am lobbying hard for the Olympic Peninsula. 

Hi Dr. Joe, if you don't mind some rain in the winter, and love a nice green place to live. You would love it here. We are right up the hill from Hoods Canal. always green, last summer was a record summer for days without rain and temps over 80 f. You should check it out!

Dr. Joe, your video was jut fine! Nice and clear and fund to watch with your tour! Thanks again!

Sign me up, Mike!  I have an elderly aunt and uncle in Seattle and two cousins with grown children outside of Seattle!  The Olympic Peninsula would suit me better!!

beardog posted:
mike g. posted:
LaramieJoe posted:
mike g. posted:

Nice video Dr. Joe! thanks for sharing your layout with us!

Jushavnfun, nice layout, but the video is a little out of focus or something, but got the idea of your layout!

Hey Mike, sorry about that. I try better each time I do them. My daughter grew up with iPhones and therefore knows a lot more about it than I do! On a separate note, how is life in your part of the world? The wife and I have begun thinking of places to retire and I am lobbying hard for the Olympic Peninsula. 

Hi Dr. Joe, if you don't mind some rain in the winter, and love a nice green place to live. You would love it here. We are right up the hill from Hoods Canal. always green, last summer was a record summer for days without rain and temps over 80 f. You should check it out!

VDr. Joe, your video was jut fine! Nice and clear and fund to watch with your tour! Thanks again!

I dont know about anyone else, but I am retired in the Carson Valley near Carson City, NV. No state income

tax, not much rain or snow, very few annoying bugs. About 4500 feet elevation. Cost of living is moderate.

I really like it here. Gets a bit hot some days, but not unbearable with low humidity. No below zero ever. 

Highs usually 90's at most. I only had about 4 ac days last summer. Check it out. 

Sign me up Beardog!  I’ll be fully retiring in a couple or 3 years!

Dave, My problem is 4 elderly relatives that always need something.  We actually have our own home fairly maintenance free.  But....We just got back in from another "emergency" trip to my mother-in-law's.  Actually, I had to take a forced early retirement with a pension that was frozen years ago.  The good thing is they hired me as a contractor, a lot less pressure, but sometimes I don't get as many hours as I would like.  No, I'll be working a few more years, until they tell me to go out to pasture for good. 

Tell me about being busy!   I got another small section done tonight.  After work.  Then had to go grocery shopping and get something to eat with my wife.   Also got the new 072 and 060 curves laid out on one end of the new bench work.  Hooked up my new mobile homes and heck one of them has a playing TV in it!!! : )    Might even run a train this weekend!!!  


The Summit is in the garage awaiting warmer weather for ballasting, detail painting and scenic greenery.  In the mean time I have been working on the lighting for that area.  The yard lights are wired, tested, and attached to the filler strip that will be glued between the taconite loading tracks.   I have also wired and added exterior building flood lights to some of the plant buildings.   I am using a 6volt DC power source so resisters were added.  They came with the lights and are needed for power sources greater than 3 volts. It still needs to warm up before the buildings get the final color coat and weathering.  I am hoping for a nice January thaw in the coming weeks to get it all done.   It is currently, -2 outside.

I am also replacing all my fascia toggle switches with rocker switches.  DPDT for the switch machines and SPST rockers for the track sections.  Radio Shack has some good liquidation pricing on the internet with free shipping for orders over $19.  The toggle switches would occasionally catch on clothing, belt loops, etc when walking by. The rocker switches provider a much smoother passing.




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Just finished working on the layout for today.   Got another small area prepped with cardboard and put the plaster towels on it.  Then I caulked all the cracks and holes that I could find in my lake and river beds so hopefully it won't leak when I apply my Envirotex Lite for my water.

Then I made a decision on my water color and painted both beds with the same blue that I painted on the top of my walls.  I had painted a small patch earlier and have been trying to decide if I liked it?

Now I am going to live with it for a little longer.  My son-in-law is a man of many talents including being a professional painter.  He has an excellent color eye.  (I don't.)  I am going to see what he thinks and make suggestions.  In the meantime, please tell me what you think.  I promise I have thick skin and won't get mad at you.


It looks a little different in person, but not a lot.  Looks lighter in the pictures by a small amount.

Thanks for your help.



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Thanks.  It is scratch built.  I first constructed a framework of Masonite and wrapped it with 1/8" thick foam.  It is the foam sold at home improvement stores for insulation under metal siding.  I carved the block pattern using a normal pencil and then painted it with a base color and then highlighted individual stones with contrasting colors.  I then glued the foam to the Masonite framework using carpenters wood glue.  It was a time-consuming project but I did all the carved at the kitchen table while listening to Cubs games.  The Cubs won the World Series and I like the way the bridge turned out, so it was a win-win.


Greetings Everyone,

Traffic has picked up as a result of the strong economy and the interlocking tower that controls the cross over just west of the tunnel is being manned 24 hours a day.   The gentleman sitting at the desk doesn't appear very enthusiastic about working second shift but it sure beats the unemployment line. 

Chief Bob (Retired)




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Dave2 posted:

To all of those contemplating retirement.  Don't.  Keep working.  You'll find you have more time to play why your still employed.  Don't ask me.  All I know is I don't have enough time for anything anymore.  Probably has a lot to do with the honey doo list!

I agree with Dave.

And continuing to work will provide the extra money for building your dream layout and/or buying the trains of your dreams.

ideally, it is best to continue the work that you find most enjoyable and less stressful. For instance, being a divorce lawyer with my own practice, I plan to retire soon from litigation (very stressful), but never from doing mediation and collaborative divorce (much less stress and more positive). 

Some people have work that is always stressful and even dangerous (police officer, firemen, people in world of high finance where they have to work 24/7). They may be better off fully retiring so they can enjoy life, ideally after making a killing financially, or acquiring a lucrative pension/retirement funds so they are set financially. 

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