Mark - Thanks, maybe now I can legitimately participate in the Scenic Sundays topic.
Bob - As I was looking at the picture, painting back there crossed my mind. Just not sure if it will come across the same color because there is no light back there.
Matt - Thanks, actually the cardboard is fun and easy to do, and I have tons of it. Wish I had Amazon stock, my wife gets me an endless supply. BTW, you don't have a monopoly on winter. They don't call Minnesota the great white north for nothing. Though it has been rather thin this year. My plow guy only comes when we get 2" or more. He came out for the first time yesterday. I pay him by the season, flat rate, so he's doing well.
Dave - There's not much room back there, so I'm not sure if that's going to work.
Mike - I was thinking of sticking some intermodal containers back there. That is a technique I'm using to cover another hole over at Park Junction. That one needs the full height blocked because it's out in the open.