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Moonson posted:
paul 2 posted:

Frank, that is the ultimate in real looking water. You have it down pat. You don't by chance do house calls to make great water.............Paul

Really super to hear that from you, Paul. Great fun. Thank you.


Paul said it well Frank!  One point you made that I never thought of or have seen written before is to cover to keep out dust and stay out of the room while curing.  It makes so much sense!!

mike g. posted:
Mark Boyce posted:
RSJB18 posted:

WOW Hard to keep up with all the great stuff going on around here. A couple of hours away from the computer and it took 15 minutes to catch up.


Mark- you seem to be enjoying the fact that your daughter is taking on an old house a little too much.

Have a nice weekend everyone.


In reality her father-in-law did all the heavy work so they will be reaping benefits.  

Yes, I finished my snow shoveling and have the small snow blower in my wife's van ready to take to my parents' empty house 17 miles away.  I need to clear a place to get in to turn the pump house heater on for zero degree weather.  I needed a break so I took a look here.  Well off to another house.

Who said a snow day is a train day????????????

I am pretty sure is said that Mark. I am sorry you have to go out but your a good man for taking care of your family! There will be more snow and trains. But only one family!

Thank you, Bob!  I survived; sinus infection and all!!  Yay!!  It’s snowing again.  If I hadn’t done Dad’s driveway, we might not have gotten in next time.  It’s on a curve where the snow drifts in from the field across the road.  You can’t park on the road and expect your car to not get hit.  Good thing both our car and van are 15 years old!!!  There is always a good point for everything!  Dad can appreciate it, he took care of the whole place himself (snow, mowing, painting a two story house, etc) until he was 86.  He always told me I had my own work to do when I asked if he needed help.  Now he and Mum are in a personal care home.  I can’t visit because of the sinus infection, so I called and reported in.  It eased his mind!!  

So, the Forum is all I did on the layout.  Too tired!!  LOL  The young doc told me yesterday I’m in good health for someone over 60!!  LOL

trainroomgary posted:

Greetings Everyone,



Hi Chief Bob:

Nice job with the tower and the story about the crews work schedule. 

How do you make the cool window shades?


Hi Gary,

They came with the Atlas #6900 Signal Tower kit.  The shades are printed directly on the plastic window glazing.  Thanks for the kind remarks.

Chief Bob (Retired)

I have that kit sitting on the shelf.  One day I’ll get done.  Your exterior looks great too!

paul 2 posted:

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. I have two things through out the year that give me layout time. Snow and rain. And last year it work out well rain wise but so far this year the snow is working out better. Morning was good and after lunch in the afternoon I got  more done. I got the ground foam down along the stream, pond, and between the tracks in the freight yard. I'm still going to go back I want to add some prairie grass too. The ballast was dry so I was able to get most of the switches and track down for the brewery. The one track I can't finish because I am waiting for the switch to come from Ross. It's a 0-31. And if it doesn't give me the angle I need then I am just going to finish it off as another siding. Not sure if I will get time after dinner. No game tonight... Pics.............Paul


Looking great, Paul!!  You are cruising for sure!

BNSF-Matt posted:

I just about finished the design today, don't mind the misc objects on the layout, I needed them for scope.

Outside loop is O48, inner loop is O36, the isolated elevated subway is O31. Small yard in the middle for the Morton's and a small outer yard. Next step is locking everything in place, wiring, ballast, misc scenery and buildings. 



Love it! I just this afternoon picked up my own Menard's billboard. Cannot wait to get it lit up! I like how you did the second level. Good stuff!

Mark Boyce posted:
LaramieJoe posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

Dr. Joe, I liked the video!  Aren't those Menards buildings great?  I have 3 or 4 myself.  Thank you for posting!!

They are, Mark! We had been out of country for a few years and had no idea that Menards had come into the hobby as they have! I need to get over to Cheyenne to pick up one of their tall cranes. 

An OGR Forum member who is a member of the Pittsburgh Independent Hi-Railers has one of the cranes on one of his modules.  I saw it at the Monroeville Pennsylvania Greenberg show, and it is striking to say the least!!  Maybe you can order one.  Since there are no Menards in Pennsylvania, I have ordered all of mine online.

Got one today!! I was in Cheyenne and visited the store there, where they had one set aside for me. I want to add a flashing light to the top of it at some point. 

Mark Boyce posted:
leapinlarry posted:


Wow!, what a really cool video. I will watch it over again after dinner and research your accessories and structures, and the neat buildings....The Lionel Diner is really nice, a super smoker. The trains running, your verbal descriptions are great. Thank you. I look forward to more train action on your layout....Happy New Year.

Larry, You are right about Joe's diner.  It looks great and really smokes!  I think someone burned all the hamburgers!!  

The darn thing looks so inviting! We have an old diner just like it here in Laramie, but sadly it is overgrown and probably decrepit. Too bad. 

LaramieJoe posted:
Mark Boyce posted:
LaramieJoe posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

Dr. Joe, I liked the video!  Aren't those Menards buildings great?  I have 3 or 4 myself.  Thank you for posting!!

They are, Mark! We had been out of country for a few years and had no idea that Menards had come into the hobby as they have! I need to get over to Cheyenne to pick up one of their tall cranes. 

An OGR Forum member who is a member of the Pittsburgh Independent Hi-Railers has one of the cranes on one of his modules.  I saw it at the Monroeville Pennsylvania Greenberg show, and it is striking to say the least!!  Maybe you can order one.  Since there are no Menards in Pennsylvania, I have ordered all of mine online.

Got one today!! I was in Cheyenne and visited the store there, where they had one set aside for me. I want to add a flashing light to the top of it at some point. 

That’s great, Joe!!

beardog posted:
mike g. posted:
LaramieJoe posted:
mike g. posted:

Nice video Dr. Joe! thanks for sharing your layout with us!

Jushavnfun, nice layout, but the video is a little out of focus or something, but got the idea of your layout!

Hey Mike, sorry about that. I try better each time I do them. My daughter grew up with iPhones and therefore knows a lot more about it than I do! On a separate note, how is life in your part of the world? The wife and I have begun thinking of places to retire and I am lobbying hard for the Olympic Peninsula. 

Hi Dr. Joe, if you don't mind some rain in the winter, and love a nice green place to live. You would love it here. We are right up the hill from Hoods Canal. always green, last summer was a record summer for days without rain and temps over 80 f. You should check it out!

VDr. Joe, your video was jut fine! Nice and clear and fund to watch with your tour! Thanks again!

I dont know about anyone else, but I am retired in the Carson Valley near Carson City, NV. No state income

tax, not much rain or snow, very few annoying bugs. About 4500 feet elevation. Cost of living is moderate.

I really like it here. Gets a bit hot some days, but not unbearable with low humidity. No below zero ever. 

Highs usually 90's at most. I only had about 4 ac days last summer. Check it out. 

We lived in Reno (Caughlin Ranch) for something like 14 years and, yes, I loved the climate. No income tax and a relatively low property tax rate. We still have several friends in the Minden Gardnerville area, and I owned property at one time near Walker Lake. We left Reno for the assignment in Australia and then came back to the states for positions here at the University of Wyoming. No income tax here either!! And an incredibly low property tax rate, with only a 6% sales tax rate. Housing prices are moderate. All that said, however, I am not a lover of the high plains climate where, for six months out of the year, there is snow on the ground and sub-freezing temps. 

@mike g. - the wife and I talked about the OP this afternoon over lunch. For 25 years I flew over the darn thing going into and out of Seattle (Redmond) for meetings at HQ (Microsoft) and wanted forever to go exploring. But, alas, work always got in the way. She was thrilled with the idea and wants to make a trip this summer. 


Dave2 posted:

To all of those contemplating retirement.  Don't.  Keep working.  You'll find you have more time to play why your still employed.  Don't ask me.  All I know is I don't have enough time for anything anymore.  Probably has a lot to do with the honey doo list!

@Dave2 - I agree and in my work with older men like me (early 60's), I stress that we all have that alternative - to keep on working. The days of the golden retirement such as my dad knew (he was "retired" for something like 30 years before passing on), are forever changed. With good health care, exercise, and something to do, there is nothing keeping us from working till we drop. 

Last edited by LaramieJoe
chris a posted:

Luvindemtrains:   I decided to do a  hybrid method... First I had been following Keystone Ed's post on his Tyrone PA town scene, see thread below.... His work is exceptional...  I used the same 1/8" tempered hardboard he recommended...

The only change to Ed's method:    I covered the 1/8 inch hardboard with 1/16"  "foamtastic" or foam sheet, sold at Craft stores for 49 cents for 8 x 11 sheets...  I applied really thin Hydrocal over the foam, then scribed sidewalk lines in it....  The reason for the foam is that you can actually crack the hydrocal.  This method was mentioned on the forum, there's a youtube video done by a woman from England describing how to do it....  You can very realistic cracking patterns....  Followed by applying the Woodland Scenics Concrete colored dye, and weathered with very diluted india ink and alcohol plus some chalks.    If I have to do more sidewalks for a larger city area, I'll probably revert to just plain hardboard, or 3/16" luan subfloor plywood... I have never paved anything with hydrocal or plaster and figured this was as good a place as any to do a prototype as it wasn't too large an area... I will do this again for a street or sidewalk in an industrial area where the surface is going to be "really distressed and broken up"....     The Concrete Highway walls in the foreground are 3 D printed by my son.... I did the drawings in Fusion 3D and he printed them for me.... 


Again thanks for sharing your method. I am following Ed's layout and had forgotten how detailed his sidewalks were. I guess the last time I went back and looked at that thread I wasn't at this stage on my layout yet. I thought about asking about the the highway walls but was more interested in the sidewalks so your explanation about those was an added bonus...again thank you.

Anywho, I am familiar with the English lady on youtube. She models in HO and I actually just watched her vid on sidewalks a few weeks ago. 

Last edited by luvindemtrains

Bought the last of the FasTrack pieces I needed from Mario's Trains. I plan on getting the plywood tomorrow, and painting at least the top. Then getting the basics installed and some minimal wiring to get it running for my son.

I figure I can run the bus and drops under the table and hook it all up when its ready and in the meantime finally get these trains running. Son is ready, and so am I.

Mark Boyce posted:
trainroomgary posted:

Greetings Everyone,



Hi Chief Bob:

Nice job with the tower and the story about the crews work schedule. 

How do you make the cool window shades?


Hi Gary,

They came with the Atlas #6900 Signal Tower kit.  The shades are printed directly on the plastic window glazing.  Thanks for the kind remarks.

Chief Bob (Retired)

I have that kit sitting on the shelf.  One day I’ll get done.  Your exterior looks great too!

Hey Mark,

Thanks for your kind words.   I've included a few more shots of the outside of the building to, hopefully, help to get you started on yours.   BTW, I built this building before I even started the new layout.


Chief Bob (Retired)


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Went to the NMRA monthly meeting this morning, and followed that up with lunch with the family. Didn't get home til 3 PM, so it made for a short work day.

Started by applying a couple layers of 1/4" plywood so the staples would take to the backdrop.


All the strips are in place.


Didn't quite get the whole area plastered. I'll finish it off tomorrow, which will probably be another short day...


Skol Vikings!!!



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LaramieJoe posted:
beardog posted:
mike g. posted:
LaramieJoe posted:
mike g. posted:

Nice video Dr. Joe! thanks for sharing your layout with us!

Jushavnfun, nice layout, but the video is a little out of focus or something, but got the idea of your layout!

Hey Mike, sorry about that. I try better each time I do them. My daughter grew up with iPhones and therefore knows a lot more about it than I do! On a separate note, how is life in your part of the world? The wife and I have begun thinking of places to retire and I am lobbying hard for the Olympic Peninsula. 

Hi Dr. Joe, if you don't mind some rain in the winter, and love a nice green place to live. You would love it here. We are right up the hill from Hoods Canal. always green, last summer was a record summer for days without rain and temps over 80 f. You should check it out!

VDr. Joe, your video was jut fine! Nice and clear and fund to watch with your tour! Thanks again!

I dont know about anyone else, but I am retired in the Carson Valley near Carson City, NV. No state income

tax, not much rain or snow, very few annoying bugs. About 4500 feet elevation. Cost of living is moderate.

I really like it here. Gets a bit hot some days, but not unbearable with low humidity. No below zero ever. 

Highs usually 90's at most. I only had about 4 ac days last summer. Check it out. 

We lived in Reno (Caughlin Ranch) for something like 14 years and, yes, I loved the climate. No income tax and a relatively low property tax rate. We still have several friends in the Minden Gardnerville area, and I owned property at one time near Walker Lake. We left Reno for the assignment in Australia and then came back to the states for positions here at the University of Wyoming. No income tax here either!! And an incredibly low property tax rate, with only a 6% sales tax rate. Housing prices are moderate. All that said, however, I am not a lover of the high plains climate where, for six months out of the year, there is snow on the ground and sub-freezing temps. 

@mike g. - the wife and I talked about the OP this afternoon over lunch. For 25 years I flew over the darn thing going into and out of Seattle (Redmond) for meetings at HQ (Microsoft) and wanted forever to go exploring. But, alas, work always got in the way. She was thrilled with the idea and wants to make a trip this summer. 


Hi Dr. Joe, I think if you make the trip you will find some place you love! The price of homes are going up, just so you know. I think yesterday they said a price for a moderate home in Seattle was $800,000.

paul 2 posted:

MIKE G, it may seem like I got a lot done yesterday but when working on the layout Elliot gets stuff done in many scale miles and I get mine done in scale inches. Still not in their league. Just one happy railroader having fun building a railroad...........Paul

You high on my list Paul! I think you do great work and have learned so much just fallowing you!

                 I hope to soon,  it's been awhile,  just talked to him last night...

                                                 "AMTRAK" day soon...

                                   hauling some empties back to the coal mine....

                                              (pictures and video's @ CLEM's..)


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Last edited by briansilvermustang
darlander posted:

More thoughts on your river water Art:

One of my favorite modeling resources is Dennis Brennan’s book: "Realistic Modeling for TOY TRAINS, A Hi-rail-guide".   In it, he illustrates the use of a patterned pieces of glass for the water.  It is call Aquatex and it’s primary use is for shower doors and patio tables.  It is available from large retail glass suppliers.  In short, both sides of the glass have a pattern but one side is more patterned. He spray painted the bottom side (more patterned side) with Rust-Oleum Deep Forest Green Camouflage paint.  He suggest several light coats to produce a smooth even look.   The top surface shows reflection of the banks and vegetation, etc.  I have taken the liberty to include a pictures from his book illustrating that reflection. 

I highly recommend his book as it is filled with many wonderful illustrations and methods to produce realism using toy trains.   It has been my go-to book for my layout.


I had the pleasure of stopping by his place a few years ago to pick up ballast for my layout.   The added bonus was, buying the book and viewing his incredible layout.   The water affect he produced is amazing.


P.S. Art, the reflection of your stone arch bridge and river banks in the water would really POP!

Brennan's water


Dennis's book and the OGR forum are the primary resources I use in answering my questions about "how to's" in the building of my layout.  

briansilvermustang posted:







Love me some AMTRAK!!!!!  Great colors SILVER, ,RED, WHITE & BLUE!  

I'm a Veteran and have a few AMTRAK pieces.  I'm looking for a good deal on some Amtrak SuperLiners.  

Since I'm from New England, I'm a Giants & Patriots  football fan.  Therefore, Silver, Red, White & Blue are my teams colors.  There were 2 SuperBowls that I couldn't lose, LOL. GIANTS won both.  New England sucked for 30 years, but the last 20 years have been remarkable.  It will change again. I'm REALISTIC.  There is still a chance for a Eagles vs. Pittsburgh SuperBowl for all my PA friends.


PS Great glimpse of Clem's layout.  Thanks!


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mike g. posted:

Hi Matt, I did the military train. the tanks are form Menards $2.99 bin, and the flat cars are also from Menards. The Blackhawk is from Menards. and the small Helo is from Menards for $2.99 also put on an empty Menards flat car.

Very good.  I've looked for the older MTH issue of tanks on flats and they are as rare as hens teeth.  Menards has a good marketing plan of saturating the market with inexpensive semi-scale product that looks good and fills a niche.  I' waiting for them to enter the scale market.  I think that they will hurt the big guys.  When I go to train shows here in New England, some dealers are selling the Menards cars at 2x the price that we can get them for on line.  Many people new to the hobby are buying them up, because even at 2x the price, they are still cheaper than NEW Lionel & MTH.  The artwork on their Army/Air Force boxcars is very good, in addition to all the flats with various military weapons and vehicles. 

                                        BUSY,  "down by the station" today...

                                                 as  a RPO car gets set out...

                               passengers boarded,  train pulls out of the station...

                                 many trains arriving and departing today...

                                       alot of locomotives getting serviced...


                  soon, a freight train and a passenger train arrive at the same time...


                             fun day,  train watching, "down by the station"...



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Last edited by briansilvermustang
Mark Boyce posted:
trainroomgary posted:

Greetings Everyone,



Hi Chief Bob:

Nice job with the tower and the story about the crews work schedule. 

How do you make the cool window shades?


Hi Gary,

They came with the Atlas #6900 Signal Tower kit.  The shades are printed directly on the plastic window glazing.  Thanks for the kind remarks.

Chief Bob (Retired)

I have that kit sitting on the shelf.  One day I’ll get done.  Your exterior looks great too!

Hey Mark,

Thanks for your kind words.   I've included a few more shots of the outside of the building to, hopefully, help to get you started on yours.   BTW, I built this building before I even started the new layout.


Chief Bob (Retired)

Thank you for the extra photographs, Bob!!  They are an inspiration for sure!!

briansilvermustang posted:

                                        BUSY,  "down by the station" today...

                                                 as  a RPO car gets set out...

                               passengers boarded,  train pulls out of the station...

                                 many trains arriving and departing today...

                                       alot of locomotives getting serviced...


                  soon, a freight train and a passenger train arrive at the same time...


                             fun day,  train watching, "down by the station"...


Brian, I see you posted this 25 minutes ago, and if I didn't know any better your still watching the trains at the station to make sure everything runs smooth! Good MAN!

P.S. Sweet looking Amtrak switcher!

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