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Well Mike I burned myself out trying to keep up with the Jones' LOL. Not really. I finally had to venture outside this morning to clear the driveway because I had to get to the grocery store. Didn't get out till late morning so I got a late, late start on the layout. Still did not get too much done because I cleaned off the table, which seemed like an eternity to do so I could lay in the switch. Can't go any further on that project. I am going to need some more switches and I just placed an order which I am waiting for. But on a positive note cleaning off the table I found things I forgot I had because there were buried under all the stuff. So for the rest of the afternoon I am just going to work on scenery. Pics...........Paul



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Looks nice Paul, its kind of funny when you clean things up and find stuff you forgot about it's kind of like Christmas all over again! I have so much stuff in Boxes when I do get to open them I am like a kid again! I know you probably already have but can you post a drawing of your layout? Also with all the bench work can you run trains all the way around?

Installed the last two yard uncouplers and cut cardboard strips for fill between the tracks.  Hopefully the paint is drying and not freezing on the cardboard strips in the garage.  We even got a section ready to try some plaster cloth.  That should be an adventure for me, losing my virginity to using plaster.  Guessing a cocktail or two will be involved!




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The first picture is of an N Scale (3x4) layout, which sold on Craigslist within an hour of posting.  The reason for the N scale was the lack of room after downsizing into a smaller Townhouse.

The remainder of photographs are of a new Lionel "toy Train" layout (4x4) that I have just begun to build.

The wiring is "sandwiched" in a cavity between two pieces of plywood.  Removable side panels allow the access.  The advantage of this type of construction is that the layout can be placed on any flat surface, such as a table or even the floor.

If there is any interest, I will continue to post, as progress is made.NSCALE [Former)New 3 rail O gauge, new Removable side panel to access wiring It's a start.


Images (4)
  • NSCALE (Former): This is my former N Scale layout (3ft x 4ft)
  • New 3 rail O gauge,  new "canvas": The start of my new Toy  Train layout
  • Removable side panel to access wiring: The wiring is placed between two sheets of plywood.
  • It's a start.: Track and O22 switches are in place, that's enough for today
Thaddeus posted:

Installed the last two yard uncouplers and cut cardboard strips for fill between the tracks.  Hopefully the paint is drying and not freezing on the cardboard strips in the garage.  We even got a section ready to try some plaster cloth.  That should be an adventure for me, losing my virginity to using plaster.  Guessing a cocktail or two will be involved!



Thaddeus, good looking work there, The plaster should be fun for the first time and a few cocktails wont hurt either!

THADDEUS, nice track work. I have a sign at the foot of the stairs that reads no alcohol beyond this point until the layout is complete. Plastering while plastered can cause for some surprises LOL. Which reminds me I have to put down some plaster wrap. MIKE G here is a pic of the layout. Around the outside walls of the basement. Hope I got the right track plan .....Paul



p51 posted:

I weathered a Bachmann excursion car and the scrapped remains of a busted up 2-6-0 and made it into a gondola load for the scrappers.


Looks Great Lee, but I am so sorry you broke your2-6-0 just to make a realistic load! LOL Just kidding I know you didn't break it on purpose ! LOOKS GREAT! It funny I was so excited about the gondola I almost for the excursion car. Looks good, but is there spose to be seats in it?

The North Pen 'O' Gaugers club set up at Greenberg’s Great Train & Toy Show in Oaks, PA this weekend.  I wanted to mix it up a bit and I figured January was just as good a time as any to run some Halloween fun. So, I decided to bring my brand new End of the Line Express Lion Chief+ Mikado.  I realized, however, late last night that I only have 4 cars to go behind her and one of them is too tall for the bridge.  Then, I heard a sound off to the west, as if from Arkansas..."SCROUNGE" it called, "You can surely SCROUNGE something!  @M. Mitchell Marmel would be proud.  I grabbed two Lehigh Valley flat cars and some fun toys and made two more cars for my consist.  On the way to the show, my wife and i came up with a really cool about a "Halloween Parade" train.  Towns around here love their Halloween and Christmas Parades.  I thought, "Instead of flatbed trucks, why not flatbed trains!"  So we did  a quick lap around the show and found some good buys on flatbeds and gondolas and started brainstorming.  We got an all-orange work caboose and threw two extra dime-store zombies on it to put at the tail end of my consist just in time for my slot on the schedule.

Here's a video from the run:

See anyone you know?


And here are the rest of the cars we bought.  These will become Halloween and Christmas small-town parade floats someday.  They'll be local business and clubs from our life.  The red/grey work caboose will probably end up as Santa.



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  • Fortescue
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Halloween Train for Oaks
mike g. posted:


Looks Great Lee, but I am so sorry you broke your2-6-0 just to make a realistic load! LOL Just kidding I know you didn't break it on purpose ! LOOKS GREAT! It funny I was so excited about the gondola I almost for the excursion car. Looks good, but is there spose to be seats in it?

The car does have seats, but they run along the long axis of the car itself. I'm working on some GI's to sit in them.

Mark Boyce posted:

Mitch should be proud, John!  

Hope so!  It was literally an 11th hour idea last night.  We did the assembly right there at the show as I was lining up to roll out on track 2.  Fortescue didn't even get a chance to find a costume.  He's not happy about it.  He vows to have a few good options come October!

Last edited by John D.
p51 posted:
mike g. posted:


Looks Great Lee, but I am so sorry you broke your2-6-0 just to make a realistic load! LOL Just kidding I know you didn't break it on purpose ! LOOKS GREAT! It funny I was so excited about the gondola I almost for the excursion car. Looks good, but is there spose to be seats in it?

The car does have seats, but they run along the long axis of the car itself. I'm working on some GI's to sit in them.

The seats on the long axis does make sense.  That will be great with a carload of GIs...

John D. posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

Mitch should be proud, John!  

Hope so!  It was literally an 11th hour idea last night.  We did the assembly right there at the show as I was lining up to roll out on track 2.  Fortescue didn't even get a chance to find a costume.  He's not happy about it.  He vows to have a few good options come October!

Something to look forward to come October!

carsntrains posted:

I didn't get much done today.  Had to order a new refrigerator.  OH JOY! ..   Did fool around with an uncoupling track.  Out of building materials and had to order more track today. Hope to get it soon!   Supposed to have a snow storm Tuesday.....


Jim, I sure hope you get your supply's before the snow! As you know snow means train time! Lol


So today got off to a not so great start. Normally I go over to one of the guys houses to hang out and chat with the 2 railers. Except for the last month he has been on vacation, which was OK because it has been the height of football season. Today was the day we were supposed to meet again. It's about a half hour drive over to his place. My wife goes to a gym near there, so  I dropped her off.

I got to his house, but the door wasn't open like usual, and there was a strange car in the driveway. Uh Oh! The "four legged door bells" AKA dogs, announced my presence, and finally a groggy looking young man answered the door, and told me that Gary had decided to stay for a few more days.

All of this was at 9 AM. My wife's appointment with her trainer wasn't until 11 and she wouldn't be done til noon. We parked in front of a TV in the lobby, watched Face the Nation, and then the local news which was all about the Vikings (the only news story in town today, except the weather). Then we went upstairs. I met her trainer, and took off for Menards where I bought a couple bags of plaster, and a few electrical bits, using up the last $5 on a rebate check I've had in my wallet forever, and a bunch more. Returned to the gym just in time to pick her up. Got in just before 1.

Went downstairs and worked on the layout for a couple hours. Got the rest of that curved section covered with the plaster cloth. I raised a couple of industrial tracks over at the St Paul Park oil refinery. They were tilted way too much. They look better now. Tuesday, I'll continue the cardboard webbing and plaster cloth. Pics next time. Then it was time for the game.

Vikes rolled up 17 in the first half, then proceeded to roll over managing only a field goal and allowing the Saints to score 21. Let me say right here, the Vikings have broken my heart so many times over the years! It's going to happen yet again. I can just feel it.

The Vikings kick a FG and go up by 2, but leave too much time on the clock. Saints kick another one to retake the lead. Vikings get the ball with 25 seconds left on their own 25. A few plays later they are only out to their 39, something like 7 seconds left. Keenum throws the ball, Diggs gets behind the defenders, makes the catch, stays in bounds and completes the 61 yards in the end zone as the clock goes to zero!!! What an emotional roller coaster.

Probably not too many Saints fans here, but next week Philly! We're coming for you!!!


Shiloh posted:

The first picture is of an N Scale (3x4) layout, which sold on Craigslist within an hour of posting.  The reason for the N scale was the lack of room after downsizing into a smaller Townhouse.

The remainder of photographs are of a new Lionel "toy Train" layout (4x4) that I have just begun to build.

The wiring is "sandwiched" in a cavity between two pieces of plywood.  Removable side panels allow the access.  The advantage of this type of construction is that the layout can be placed on any flat surface, such as a table or even the floor.

If there is any interest, I will continue to post, as progress is made.NSCALE [Former)New 3 rail O gauge, new Removable side panel to access wiring It's a start.

Have fun with the new layout! The layout I'm building has some similarities to yours, however a little bigger at 4' x 8'. It has 1-1/2" x 3" stringers underneath with foam weather stripping, which rests on top of our (former) dining room table. There are a number of holes drilled through those stringers for wiring. To install and maintain the wiring, I basically lift up one end and stick a 2"x4" to gain some room for working.

Vikes rolled up 17 in the first half, then proceeded to roll over managing only a field goal and allowing the Saints to score 21. Let me say right here, the Vikings have broken my heart so many times over the years! It's going to happen yet again. I can just feel it.

The Vikings kick a FG and go up by 2, but leave too much time on the clock. Saints kick another one to retake the lead. Vikings get the ball with 25 seconds left on their own 25. A few plays later they are only out to their 39, something like 7 seconds left. Keenum throws the ball, Diggs gets behind the defenders, makes the catch, stays in bounds and completes the 61 yards in the end zone as the clock goes to zero!!! What an emotional roller coaster.

Probably not too many Saints fans here, but next week Philly! We're coming for you!!!

Congrats on the win Elliot. I remember the Vikes from the Tarkenton days and they can give anyone heart failure.'s the important part.....As a Giants fan I must make a request... the Vikings have only one job next week......CRUSH PHILLY!


Last edited by RSJB18

Sunday was Train Show Day! A favorite event for my grandson and I, my wife and his dad joined us. We were there for about 3-1/2 hours, all had a good time. I had made a list of parts and pieces I needed, actually got everything I was looking for, including a loose "Mighty Sounds of Steam" tender ($5.00) to go with a junk box 8142 that we picked up last summer. Of course, there ended up being an unplanned purchase: four disassembled Lionel plastic bodied passenger cars that someone appeared to have tried painting to UP yellow with gray roofs. A low enough price to more than make them a great project to work on with the little guy.

Now to do a little research into taking the paint off the plastic shells without damaging them. I'm not 100% sure, but the way the yellow looks it reminds me of the Testors' model paint I used to use on model cars.

John D. posted:

See anyone you know?


And here are the rest of the cars we bought.  These will become Halloween and Christmas small-town parade floats someday.  They'll be local business and clubs from our life.  The red/grey work caboose will probably end up as Santa.

Well scrounged!  And Fortescue seems to be having the time of his life!   

Mark Boyce posted:

Mitch should be proud, John!  

I am!  I am!   


Out shopping most of the day yesterday with the bride looking for new sofas for our family room. Slight progress was made but no money changed hands yet.

When we got home I did a little tinkering before dinner. I have 5 K-line switchers, 2 S-2's, and 3 MP-15's. Anyone who has K-line diesels know how they take off like a rocket when you put power to the tracks. I've been trying to decide between wiring the motors in series and adding diodes to slow them down. Well I went with the series wiring, did the S-2's last night. It did help quite a bit. I can actually spot cars with them now without crashing through the bumpers at the end of my spurs. Note to self- be careful with plastic bags around hot soldering irons..

Oh- ran trains and enjoyed a couple of glasses of Scotch too

I'll do the MP-15's today, hopefully with similar results.

Taking the Christmas tree down today so it's time for the final run for the Polar Express until next year. 


Slowhands posted:

Sunday was Train Show Day! A favorite event for my grandson and I, my wife and his dad joined us. We were there for about 3-1/2 hours, all had a good time. I had made a list of parts and pieces I needed, actually got everything I was looking for, including a loose "Mighty Sounds of Steam" tender ($5.00) to go with a junk box 8142 that we picked up last summer. Of course, there ended up being an unplanned purchase: four disassembled Lionel plastic bodied passenger cars that someone appeared to have tried painting to UP yellow with gray roofs. A low enough price to more than make them a great project to work on with the little guy.

Now to do a little research into taking the paint off the plastic shells without damaging them. I'm not 100% sure, but the way the yellow looks it reminds me of the Testors' model paint I used to use on model cars.

Don't know what kind of paint it is, but I have been successful soaking tinplate and litho cars in a heavy solution of laundry detergent. It takes a while

but usually you can take  a stiff brush to them after a week or so and the paint will come right off.


beardog posted:
Slowhands posted:

Sunday was Train Show Day! A favorite event for my grandson and I, my wife and his dad joined us. We were there for about 3-1/2 hours, all had a good time. I had made a list of parts and pieces I needed, actually got everything I was looking for, including a loose "Mighty Sounds of Steam" tender ($5.00) to go with a junk box 8142 that we picked up last summer. Of course, there ended up being an unplanned purchase: four disassembled Lionel plastic bodied passenger cars that someone appeared to have tried painting to UP yellow with gray roofs. A low enough price to more than make them a great project to work on with the little guy.

Now to do a little research into taking the paint off the plastic shells without damaging them. I'm not 100% sure, but the way the yellow looks it reminds me of the Testors' model paint I used to use on model cars.

Don't know what kind of paint it is, but I have been successful soaking tinplate and litho cars in a heavy solution of laundry detergent. It takes a while

but usually you can take  a stiff brush to them after a week or so and the paint will come right off.


Powdered detergent and water......

RSJB18 posted:

Vikes rolled up 17 in the first half, then proceeded to roll over managing only a field goal and allowing the Saints to score 21. Let me say right here, the Vikings have broken my heart so many times over the years! It's going to happen yet again. I can just feel it.

The Vikings kick a FG and go up by 2, but leave too much time on the clock. Saints kick another one to retake the lead. Vikings get the ball with 25 seconds left on their own 25. A few plays later they are only out to their 39, something like 7 seconds left. Keenum throws the ball, Diggs gets behind the defenders, makes the catch, stays in bounds and completes the 61 yards in the end zone as the clock goes to zero!!! What an emotional roller coaster.

Probably not too many Saints fans here, but next week Philly! We're coming for you!!!

Congrats on the win Elliot. I remember the Vikes from the Tarkenton days and they can give anyone heart failure.'s the important part.....As a Giants fan I must make a request... the Vikings have only one job next week......CRUSH PHILLY!


Bob, you are hereby an honorary Vikings fan. Welcome aboard the Super Bowl express. Hang onto your hat, it's always a bumpy ride!

Arnold D. Cribari posted:

Elliot, a/k/a Big Boy 4005, I just saw your photo on your profile. Were  you featured in the McComas Tuoy video about Entertrainment at the Mall of America?


Yup Arnold. That's me. I try not to mention it too much around here, in favor of talking about my current project, but it's not taboo. A good bit of recycling has gone into this layout. I'm always looking for ways to use what was salvaged, but some things just won't do, like all the trains are new for this layout.

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