Bob, Thanks for the kind words!
Bob D. The layout is looking very nice! I like the idea of the spray paint texture for the gravel!
Curtish, Thank you for the birthday song! Sounds like you and the wife make a great team! I cant wait to see some photos!
Rick R. Thank you sir! I feel great, they were trying to figure out why a guy would have his first seizure at 54! As for the supports I would go with some round stock!
Bryan, the bridge looks great! I know you said its card stock, but are you bending it so the supports stick out or is that just a great picture?
Mark, I know I am late, but I hope things get worked out so you don't have to worry about a seizure ! The layout is coming along great I think your on the right track!
Cody, Nice little layout!
Howard, I am sorry about the Electrical Gremlins, I hope you find the soon!
Brian, Thanks for the birthday wish and thanks for all the great photos! Keep them coming!
Lew, It sure is looking good! I really like the changes! Nice work!
Warok, Then K-9 unit looks GREAT!
Larry I am with you, Thoughts and Prayers to everyone on the forum and there families ! I kow its working for me!
Lee D. Thank you! All is good for now! I know what you mean about chores plus my doc appointments I haven't had much time in the train room either. I hope to today!
John D. Thank you sir! My mom was almost one also, her b-day is the 5th!
Well I am sorry things are short and sweet, but I have to head off for my dive for the day! I hope to get into the train room later when I get back!
Everyone have a great day and please have FUN!