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Paul 2, Well you got a start on the module, that's a plus! I cant wait to see what you come up with to mate up to Bryan's module!

Jim, Looks great! You and the scouts did a wonderful job!

Mark, Congratulations on the big but yet I hope little steps! Now all you need is a dumb waiter installed and you could stay down stairs longer! As long as there is a bathroom down there! LOL

Johan, Great scene! Looks like a sawmill in the background loading sawdust into a hopper!

Dave, Nice to see your making progress, First off thank you for all the great information! Your corner scene is really coming along! It makes me thing I need to move my crane off the mainline and try to find room for a siding! Could be hard! LOL

Bill, WOW a 1927 train set, probably a 1950's gas pump and 3 cherry pies! Sure sounds like a great day to me!

Well I didn't get any train room time yesterday as I pushed hare to get everything ready for the HVAC guy on Saturday, I also have an electrician coming on Saturday so I want to make sure everything is ready. I don't want any hold ups getting my new furnace and Heat pump installed.

But I know I will get some time today as I only have a little more to do to be ready and then the rest of the day is for trains and my little buddy Tank!

I hope you all have a great day and find time for your trains and layouts!

darlander posted:

I have been working on the last corner section of my layout - Scrap yard & industrial area.   Added lights to several of the building flats and I am in the process of completing the loading dock for the scrap yard and bakery company flats.   Also filled in the area under an adjacent window ledge with a stone wall.  The stone wall texture was printed off the internet from BIG Indoors Trains web site:

BIT's web site is a wonderful resource and allows you to print in several scales. The also post great tutorials for related projects.  The price is right up my alley - free!   Your cost: printer ink, paper, foam board or card stock, etc.

Most of the flats used in this area were purchased from Trackside Flats.  They offered a good selection of industrial buildings.   I have added LED lighting to several.   Where I plan to use ground cover or ballast in contact with the base of a printed structure, I spray that area of the building or wall texture with clear matte finish to protect from print bleed that might result from the glue mixture and wet water spray.   This is a lesson I unfortunately learned earlier.

Great find today at Hobby Lobby: 9 scale sized pickle barrels or in my case, maybe flower barrels. $1.29 after a 40% off coupon and tax!

I have a flickering amber diode so I bought a 3/8 light socket at Menards and harvested the metal socket thinking it might become a metal trash barrel and site of a warming trash barrel fire.   Time will tell!

Good to see that everyone is busy with trains.  Must be that time of the year!
Cheers, Dave


Nice find and real wood they will take a wash or stain good 

An army veteran came over to see my Christmas lay-out. He was fascinated by four Disney figures that were held together by screws that required a triangle-shaped screwdriver to remove. All four have switches, all of their batteries are dead, and I can't get them open. He insisted on taking one to an automobile mechanic to see if he could open it. All four figures were manufactured in either China or Vietnam.

Thank you, Mike and Lee.  I still have to progress to the point I can sit in a chair comfortably for more than 5 minutes!  LOL  The rocker was only comfortable for about that long!

Mike, sounds like good progress on the furnace problem!  I recall my dad had to get a new furnace in what turned out to be their last winter in the house.  Thinking back, the previous furnace was installed in my senior year of high school; 1973.  It lasted 43 years.

Vincent Massi posted:

An army veteran came over to see my Christmas lay-out. He was fascinated by four Disney figures that were held together by screws that required a triangle-shaped screwdriver to remove. All four have switches, all of their batteries are dead, and I can't get them open. He insisted on taking one to an automobile mechanic to see if he could open it. All four figures were manufactured in either China or Vietnam.

Here you go Vincent

darlander posted:

I have been working on the last corner section of my layout - Scrap yard & industrial area.   Added lights to several of the building flats and I am in the process of completing the loading dock for the scrap yard and bakery company flats.   Also filled in the area under an adjacent window ledge with a stone wall.  The stone wall texture was printed off the internet from BIG Indoors Trains web site:

BIT's web site is a wonderful resource and allows you to print in several scales. The also post great tutorials for related projects.  The price is right up my alley - free!   Your cost: printer ink, paper, foam board or card stock, etc.

Most of the flats used in this area were purchased from Trackside Flats.  They offered a good selection of industrial buildings.   I have added LED lighting to several.   Where I plan to use ground cover or ballast in contact with the base of a printed structure, I spray that area of the building or wall texture with clear matte finish to protect from print bleed that might result from the glue mixture and wet water spray.   This is a lesson I unfortunately learned earlier.

Great find today at Hobby Lobby: 9 scale sized pickle barrels or in my case, maybe flower barrels. $1.29 after a 40% off coupon and tax!

I have a flickering amber diode so I bought a 3/8 light socket at Menards and harvested the metal socket thinking it might become a metal trash barrel and site of a warming trash barrel fire.   Time will tell!

Good to see that everyone is busy with trains.  Must be that time of the year!
Cheers, Dave



Thanks for sharing these pics and the website link - me like.

Also thanks for the barrel heads up and your "this from that" tip about the light socket

RSJB18 posted:
darlander posted:


Dave- I'd like to see what the fixture looks like assembled. Can you post a shot with it turned off? I'm always looking for creative (cheap) ways to make lights.

Very nice work on the layout BTW


Bob, the lamp shade is made from 5/16 plastic tubing.  

Cheers, Dave


Make two opposing cuts at 60 degrees. 


They now look like little wedges.  Prime the outside with flat black and then added finish color. 


I attach the shade with rubber cement.  Simple and cheep!



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RSJB18 posted:

So now I'm confused.....what did you use the candelabra socket for

Sorry Bob for the confusion.   It is for a future project.  I am thinking of using the socket as a trash barrel and use my flickering amber LED to simulate a warming fire in the trash barrel.   The scene might be a stretch.   Be nice to find some yard workers needing to warm their hands.   Have to see what figures I can find.   Maybe the arrival of the winter cold got me thinking prematurely about this project. 

Cheers, Dave

PS:  Johan, where did you get the oil drum?   I like it!

All structures and apparatus should have some kind of lighting to provide a touch of nighttime drama so today I added a light to the Lionel Gantry Crane:


Next I'm going to install a red LED in the crane cabin and wire it in parallel with the electromagnet so when it is powered the windows will glow red. This will serve as a reminder to not leave the electromagnet on when the crane is idle. 


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darlander posted:
RSJB18 posted:

So now I'm confused.....what did you use the candelabra socket for

Sorry Bob for the confusion.   It is for a future project.  I am thinking of using the socket as a trash barrel and use my flickering amber LED to simulate a warming fire in the trash barrel.   The scene might be a stretch.   Be nice to find some yard workers needing to warm their hands.   Have to see what figures I can find.   Maybe the arrival of the winter cold got me thinking prematurely about this project. 

Cheers, Dave

PS:  Johan, where did you get the oil drum?   I like it!


I like the concept. I'm sure figures are out there to make the scene work.

Last edited by RSJB18
p51 posted:
darlander posted:



I love this scene but I immediately noticed something that didn't look right to me. Notice your middle track end. It buts right up against a concrete set of stairs. Any car getting even close to the wheel stops would destroy the railing and stairs on the left.

Good "eye" Lee & Dave!   This is what happens when you decide to add change that was not in the original plan.   Actually there is 3/4" clearance (3 scale feet) between the end track end and concrete steps.   The wheel stops are a scale 6 feet from the steps; probably not up to OSHA regulations.   One solution would be to move the wheel stops.   If I'm ever inspected and ticketed, I will move the wheel stops.   Thanks for the safety check!

Cheers, Dave

geysergazer posted:

All structures and apparatus should have some kind of lighting to provide a touch of nighttime drama so today I added a light to the Lionel Gantry Crane:


Next I'm going to install a red LED in the crane cabin and wire it in parallel with the electromagnet so when it is powered the windows will glow red. This will serve as a reminder to not leave the electromagnet on when the crane is idle. 

GREAT IDEA!!  Anxious to hear how it turns out.   I may follow that suggestion!

Cheers & Thanks,  Dave

geysergazer posted:

All structures and apparatus should have some kind of lighting to provide a touch of nighttime drama so today I added a light to the Lionel Gantry Crane:


Next I'm going to install a red LED in the crane cabin and wire it in parallel with the electromagnet so when it is powered the windows will glow red. This will serve as a reminder to not leave the electromagnet on when the crane is idle. 

Sadly, my crane has only a hook, no electromagnet. But I still like your idea and will implement the lighting in some way! Maybe with the hook up-down and/or the cab turn right-left motion, with a big honkin' cap across the light so that it lingers for at least a couple of seconds when I have released the levers.

Morning guys, I hope you all had a good day yesterday! I worked a little more on my HVAC project and then did get some time in the train room!

Brian, Wonderful UP collection! You know if you put USMC on the side of the camo engine you really have a winner there! LOL

Johan, not to be critical but with the dirty building, I think the can is a little too clean. But great scene!

Lew, I agree lighting is Key! It really looks good on your crane! I am guessing those are LED's also?

Well like I said I got some train room time yesterday. I spent a good amount cleaning as my younger brother is bringing my mom for a visit today and I did want a huge mess. I ran a couple trains, removed a couple passenger cars so the Amtrak train wouldn't block the other sidings. But Something is wrong with it, its acting up so I think I am going to have to clean the track and pickups to see if that fixes it. But I will probably do that Friday as I want to spend time with my family today.

I hope you all have a great day and keep up the great work your all doing!

geysergazer posted:

All structures and apparatus should have some kind of lighting to provide a touch of nighttime drama so today I added a light to the Lionel Gantry Crane:


Next I'm going to install a red LED in the crane cabin and wire it in parallel with the electromagnet so when it is powered the windows will glow red. This will serve as a reminder to not leave the electromagnet on when the crane is idle. 


love this crane  I will get one when I get my O27 layout going 

Last edited by lee drennen
mike g. posted:

Morning guys, I hope you all had a good day yesterday! I worked a little more on my HVAC project and then did get some time in the train room!

Brian, Wonderful UP collection! You know if you put USMC on the side of the camo engine you really have a winner there! LOL

Well like I said I got some train room time yesterday. I spent a good amount cleaning as my younger brother is bringing my mom for a visit today and I did want a huge mess. I ran a couple trains, removed a couple passenger cars so the Amtrak train wouldn't block the other sidings. But Something is wrong with it, its acting up so I think I am going to have to clean the track and pickups to see if that fixes it. But I will probably do that Friday as I want to spend time with my family today.

I hope you all have a great day and keep up the great work your all doing!

         Brian, Wonderful UP collection! You know if you put USMC on the side of the camo engine you really have a winner there! LOL


                              have a great time with your family today Mike !!




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mike g. posted:

Morning guys, I hope you all had a good day yesterday! I worked a little more on my HVAC project and then did get some time in the train room!

Brian, Wonderful UP collection! You know if you put USMC on the side of the camo engine you really have a winner there! LOL

Johan, not to be critical but with the dirty building, I think the can is a little too clean. But great scene!

Lew, I agree lighting is Key! It really looks good on your crane! I am guessing those are LED's also?

Well like I said I got some train room time yesterday. I spent a good amount cleaning as my younger brother is bringing my mom for a visit today and I did want a huge mess. I ran a couple trains, removed a couple passenger cars so the Amtrak train wouldn't block the other sidings. But Something is wrong with it, its acting up so I think I am going to have to clean the track and pickups to see if that fixes it. But I will probably do that Friday as I want to spend time with my family today.

I hope you all have a great day and keep up the great work your all doing!

Mike, it is one MPC era headlight bulb&socket, the one that looks like a present-day miniature Christmas tree light. Having seen it at night, I like the effect and am going to add second light behind the right front crane leg.

lee drennen posted:
geysergazer posted:

All structures and apparatus should have some kind of lighting to provide a touch of nighttime drama so today I added a light to the Lionel Gantry Crane:


Next I'm going to install a red LED in the crane cabin and wire it in parallel with the electromagnet so when it is powered the windows will glow red. This will serve as a reminder to not leave the electromagnet on when the crane is idle. 


live this crane  I will get one when I get my O27 layout going 

Lee, the Gantry Crane is my favorite Postwar accessory. Someday I want to give it a more scale-like appearance by constructing a larger cabin/engine-room. It is part of actual operations on the Plywood Empire Route. Three PW Standard O Gondolas circulate through train consists and when a Gon is picked up it's cargo is steel scrap that has been loaded using the Crane. 

darlander posted:
RSJB18 posted:

So now I'm confused.....what did you use the candelabra socket for

Sorry Bob for the confusion.   It is for a future project.  I am thinking of using the socket as a trash barrel and use my flickering amber LED to simulate a warming fire in the trash barrel.   The scene might be a stretch.   Be nice to find some yard workers needing to warm their hands.   Have to see what figures I can find.   Maybe the arrival of the winter cold got me thinking prematurely about this project. 

Cheers, Dave

PS:  Johan, where did you get the oil drum?   I like it!

Dave. You can found that oil drum from here. 


Thanks. Johan


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mike g. posted:

Morning guys, I hope you all had a good day yesterday! I worked a little more on my HVAC project and then did get some time in the train room!

Brian, Wonderful UP collection! You know if you put USMC on the side of the camo engine you really have a winner there! LOL

Johan, not to be critical but with the dirty building, I think the can is a little too clean. But great scene!

Lew, I agree lighting is Key! It really looks good on your crane! I am guessing those are LED's also?

Well like I said I got some train room time yesterday. I spent a good amount cleaning as my younger brother is bringing my mom for a visit today and I did want a huge mess. I ran a couple trains, removed a couple passenger cars so the Amtrak train wouldn't block the other sidings. But Something is wrong with it, its acting up so I think I am going to have to clean the track and pickups to see if that fixes it. But I will probably do that Friday as I want to spend time with my family today.

I hope you all have a great day and keep up the great work your all doing!

Mike. Thank you. I am a Gulf fan and thats why i dont weathering the oil drum so much. Its looking a so nice. 😉


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