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I did it ... What have I done?

Also, a quick note of thanks to everyone who helped me pull this off (in almost no particular order):

  • Tom’s Trains (Ardsley, NY)
  • Grzybowski’s
  • TrainWorld
  • Miller Engineering
  • Todd Architectural Models & Layouts
  • The Train Loft
  • Mario’s Trains
  • CT McCormick Hardware
  • Stockyard Express
  • Menards
  • OGR Member Mikado 4501
  • OGR Member 3Rail
  • Lionel (of course)
  • MTH (of course)

- The Other Guy 


Videos (1)
Last edited by The Other Guy

Morning Guys, I hope everyone got a good nights rest so you have that extra energy to work on your layouts! LOL

Dan, you can never have to much power! When I built my 12' x 24' train room I installed 6 outlets that I can turn on and off with a wall switch so I can kill all power when I leave so I don't forget something.

Clifford, nice job on the switching tower, also looks like you have a good start on the B&O rehash!

Mitch, interesting video. I just might have to give it a try just for fun.

The Other Guy, Very impressive! At first I thought it was in your family room or something like that. What a wonderful way to share with your neighbors!

So last night when I posted I forgot to add the photo of my retaining wall progress so here it is. I hope you all have a great day and find time for fun with your layouts!


Please be safe and Healthy!


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mike g. posted:


... The Other Guy, Very impressive! At first I thought it was in your family room or something like that. What a wonderful way to share with your neighbors!

So last night when I posted I forgot to add the photo of my retaining wall progress so here it is. I hope you all have a great day and find time for fun with your layouts!


Thanks Mike. Yeah, it’s a great way to give some air to what’s often an insular hobby. Plus — and to a person — I get to see the brief moment when they’re transported (whether in time or psychological space) away from this whole s***show and, for the briefest period, are free of their daily strain. Cathartic all-around.

Retaining wall is looking sharp. Reminds me to keep learning so that I might one day push past “assembling” and toward “creating.” Great stuff. 

- The Other Guy 

Last edited by The Other Guy
RSJB18 posted:

@The Other Guy - by far one of the best layout concepts I've ever seen. Great job! I could never put anything like that on my front lawn unless it was surrounded by barbed wire and guarded by a pit bull.


Can only say thank you for the kind words; the compliment means a lot. 

As to the security, it’s one of the ironies of living in small, stable urban communities: in the suburbs where I grew up, I’d have been the only one keeping watch and, even then, only a couple hours a day (at most); here on the other hand, people get that this is theirs as much as mine. Everyone’s got an eye open and ear perked. I sleep soundly. 

- The Other Guy 

The Other Guy, That is a great concept, and you pulled it off well!  That is great you kept track of and credited all the businesses and individuals who you got parts and pieces from!!  Where I grew up in the boonies, no one would have ever seen it but us.  Now, we live in the house my wife's grandparents had built in the '60s in average area outside a small town of 13,000.  It would stay safe as well as where you live.  No one messes with our outdoor Nativity or anything I leave out in the driveway or patio.

Mike, I'm glad you got back to the retaining wall and ballast!  Looks great!

I took the day off from trains since it was nice out, but today a front is coming through.  I hope to get some photographs as I mentioned a couple days ago,

The Other Guy posted:
RSJB18 posted:

@The Other Guy - by far one of the best layout concepts I've ever seen. Great job! I could never put anything like that on my front lawn unless it was surrounded by barbed wire and guarded by a pit bull.


Can only say thank you for the kind words; the compliment means a lot. 

As to the security, it’s one of the ironies of living in small, stable urban communities: in the suburbs where I grew up, I’d have been the only one keeping watch and, even then, only a couple hours a day (at most); here on the other hand, people get that this is theirs as much as mine. Everyone’s got an eye open and ear perked. I sleep soundly. 

- The Other Guy 

I hear you. I'm in suburban Long Island, in a very nice community. My problem is with the stupid kids who like to do stupid things to holiday decorations.....

RSJB18 posted:

I hear you. I'm in suburban Long Island, in a very nice community. My problem is with the stupid kids who like to do stupid things to holiday decorations.....

I hear ya. But knock on wood, I haven’t had the hint of a problem for the 5 years I’ve been doing this (albeit on a much smaller scale). One day, I assume, some knuckleheads will do something dumb ... Until then? Enjoy the ride. 🤙

- The Other Guy 

Last edited by The Other Guy

OK, I'll confess that everything wasn't done today but within the last few days.  Been spending a lot of time in the basement.

Got things running smoothly w/new power drops, tested all the turnouts etc. and installed automatic reverse-loop sensors.

Built my first mountain, (this is my first attempt at a semi-landscaped layout). Trying to find balance between a painted board and some the fabulously detailed layouts we see here on the forum.  Planted grass as well.  Tried some old school paint daubing on the other side - not exactly what I was looking for but working with what I can find in the basement.

Got the track back in place and started finalizing where everything will live.  I have a couple more accessories  that may not make it.  Again a mix of 50's accessories and Plasticville - some of which will eventually be painted and detailed.  It's kind of ten pounds in a five pound sack but I don't have a huge space.  I know, there really should be some roads....and Rich, that is the STOL SR-71.IMG_2059IMG_2061IMG_2062IMG_2063IMG_2064


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Hi guys, sure is nice to see all the great work being done!

Bob, The Other Guy, Mark I would like to thank you all! It sure has been nice to get back to working on what is really important in life~! LOL

Well today I went out and painted my retaining wall and while I was waiting for the paint to dry I worked on the drive motor for my $5 crane I got awhile back from the Goodwill. I dug threw my box of parts from taking apart some old VCR's and DVD players and found a motor that would work. I just have to put a resistor inline to slow it down. Here are a couple photos of my retaining wall that I got installed and my motor hook-up.IMG_20200421_104443078IMG_20200421_153705545_HDRIMG_20200421_105056333IMG_20200421_105104233IMG_20200421_122035772

I still have to build 6-8 more feet of retaining wall to finish enclosing this end of the layout! Maybe Tomorrow I will get a start on that!

I hope everyone has a wonderful night!

Be Safe and Healthy!


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Mike, I see a yellow and an orange crane.  It looks like you are putting the motor assembly on the yellow one.  Is the orange one already motorized?  It looks like a steal for $5, but that is the way it is if you can find items for the layout at the thrift store.  Case in point are the two complete postwar sets our older daughter found at the St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store near us and gave me for Christmas 2013.  She said she paid $10 for all of it.  I'm not into postwar trains, but I would sell everything before I gave these two up!!

Hi Mark, The orange one I picked up about 1 1/2 years ago and did the same thing, but I paid $10 for it off of Face Book from a kid that broke it. The yellow one is all set, I just need to order some more DPDT momentary switches!

Great find your Daughter got, I always look for them when we go to the Goodwill!

Finished up the Chevy and Ford dealerships today.  I'm happy the Ford dealership turntables "turned" and all lights came on when the power was applied...the cars of mid fifties remind me of a great period in our country.  As a young kid, every September / October when the new model Chevy's came out, I'd ask my grandfather to take me to the Chevy dealership..we'd always leave with a crisp, colorful  brochure showing the latest and greatest... 

 Dealer 11Dealer 12Dealer 6Dealer 5Dealer 14Dealer 12Dealer 13Dealer 14 


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Last edited by Capetrainman
Capetrainman posted:

Finished up the Chevy and Ford dealerships today.  I'm happy the Ford dealership turntables "turned" and all lights came on when the power was applied...the cars of mid fifties remind me of a great period in our country.  As a young kid, every September / October when the new model Chevy's came out, I'd ask my grandfather to take me to the Chevy dealership..we'd always leave with a crisp, colorful  brochure showing the latest and greatest... 

 Dealer 6Dealer 14 

Great job on the Chevy dealership, back then it was very easy to not only tell car makes but it was possible to even tell what year they were just by sight.

Timpix posted:

OK, I'll confess that everything wasn't done today but within the last few days.  Been spending a lot of time in the basement.

Got things running smoothly w/new power drops, tested all the turnouts etc. and installed automatic reverse-loop sensors.

Built my first mountain, (this is my first attempt at a semi-landscaped layout). Trying to find balance between a painted board and some the fabulously detailed layouts we see here on the forum.  Planted grass as well.  Tried some old school paint daubing on the other side - not exactly what I was looking for but working with what I can find in the basement.

Got the track back in place and started finalizing where everything will live.  I have a couple more accessories  that may not make it.  Again a mix of 50's accessories and Plasticville - some of which will eventually be painted and detailed.  It's kind of ten pounds in a five pound sack but I don't have a huge space.  I know, there really should be some roads....and Rich, that is the STOL SR-71.IMG_2059IMG_2063

@Timpix-  What are the dimensions of your layout? Looks like a nice plan and I think my space is similar in size. Do you have a track plan you can share?


sidehack posted:
Capetrainman posted:

Finished up the Chevy and Ford dealerships today.  I'm happy the Ford dealership turntables "turned" and all lights came on when the power was applied...the cars of mid fifties remind me of a great period in our country.  As a young kid, every September / October when the new model Chevy's came out, I'd ask my grandfather to take me to the Chevy dealership..we'd always leave with a crisp, colorful  brochure showing the latest and greatest... 

 Dealer 14 

Great job on the Chevy dealership, back then it was very easy to not only tell car makes but it was possible to even tell what year they were just by sight.

This building model was a kit from Walthers.  Though Walthers was primarily an HO supplier.  There was an interesting inter-locking panel design, that allowed assembly, and dis-assembly, after the normal Christmas holiday train season.  Great modeling, thank you  

Another look      Click on the underlined for a short slideshow.  



RSJB18 - The dimensions are roughly 8' on the left wall, 12' across the back and 13'6" on the right.  No track plan but see the attached photo for a rough  idea.  Outer loop w/passsing siding, crossover, inner loop with two siding/accessories areas and double-ended three track yard.  Things have rearranged a bit from the photo but you'll get the idea. I did modify the yard and passing siding switches in order to get the track closer together.  I also added reverse loop cut-offs.AS1P2843 [1)


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Last edited by Timpix

I created this “blue dip” RK B&O GP9 last year. I mounted the shell on a dummy chassis and ran it that way ever since. I like its looks and it seemed like every time I had it on the layout I found myself wishing that it was powered. Then, recently a seller on eBay made me an offer I couldn’t refuse on a brand new PS3 Railking GP7. The RK GP7 and GP9 body shells are interchangeable so just like that I transplanted the B&O shell onto the new chassis and now it’s powered with all new components and PS3 sounds. As an extra bonus the new geep runs long hood forward by default - just what I wanted. 

BO GP9 20200422_113756


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BO GP9 Movie
Last edited by Ralph M

Evening everyone! Sure is some wonderful work going on today! As for me not to much new, I worked on my crane motor and found out that the belt likes to slip. So I will be redoing it with a gear drive motor, I also had to order a couple DPDT momentary switches and a buck convertor to slow the spin down. So that project will sit on the back burner till I get the needed supplies!

I did build 3 more retaining walls and hope to get them painted in the morning after the glue dries and installed tomorrow afternoon! My morning starts at 3 so I should have plenty of time!~

I hope everyone has a great night and a good Thursday!

Well, I'm watching some of the leaders in our hobby tonight on Facebook Live thanks to Trainworld and enjoying a little bit of York from my living room. I'm really missing everyone from York but this too shall pass. 

But in other news, I have spent a lot of time rewiring my floor loops. I had some small single strand wire on the loops and I wasn't really happy with it, worried that at some point in may get too hot and burn the wire up. So I changed out all of those and got my gang car track going. 

I'm hoping soon to go get a sheet of plywood and finally get my 4x8 Super O layout up off the floor and get it running on a proper roadbed. 

Hope all are doing well and I hope I'll have more to contribute to this feed in the coming weeks other than I ran some trains today. Everyone's projects look great!

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