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decoynh posted:

Haven't done anything yet.  Will be attending the S. Maine Hi-Railers show in Rochester NH this morning with an HO buddy.  It's about an hour's drive, but with this rain, we may need a canoe.  This show for me is the best for my needs of the half dozen or so that I go to each year.  Not too big, not too small, JUST RIGHT!

Listening to  Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody to get ready.  Taking my wife to the movie next week.  "We are the Champions."

 Red Sox/Yankees rivalry is GREAT.  The 2 best teams in baseball.  Sorry if anyone is offended.

No offense taken as long as you are a Yankee fan!

Seriously- congrats to the Sox on a great year. Most wins ever in the history of MLB. WOW

RSJB18 posted:

Took my new K-line PRR ALCO's apart yesterday and gave the shells a good bath. Must have been in a home with a heavy smoker (not the Lionel kind), they were pretty grimy and sticky. A couple of the pick up rollers are in bad shape. One of them on the power unit must have gotten jammed and had a big glob of track gook stuck to it. When I scrapped it off, the one side of the roller had a big groove in it from dragging on the track. I have some spares so I will swap out the bad ones.
I wired the motors in series as is mandatory with all K-line dual-motor diesels.

Now I need some advice- the dummy A unit has some spray paint splatter on it. Any suggestions to safely remove it with out damaging the plastic shell and lettering?


I also applied some varnish to the first couple of windings on my KW transformer. Every time I move one handle the other roller hits the winding and gets the loco on the other track either moving or trips the E unit.

Packed up more boxes from my recent buying spree  and sent them to the attic for storage.


After several failed attempts with various cleaning products I seem to have hit a winner.

Bug and Tar remover applied to a Q-tip and gently rubbed on the paint. So far so good, making steady progress.

Image result for bug and tar remover

Did the hood and front skirt so far, it doesn't seem to be affecting the numbers or lettering at all.

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RSJB18 posted:
decoynh posted:

Haven't done anything yet.  Will be attending the S. Maine Hi-Railers show in Rochester NH this morning with an HO buddy.  It's about an hour's drive, but with this rain, we may need a canoe.  This show for me is the best for my needs of the half dozen or so that I go to each year.  Not too big, not too small, JUST RIGHT!

Listening to  Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody to get ready.  Taking my wife to the movie next week.  "We are the Champions."

 Red Sox/Yankees rivalry is GREAT.  The 2 best teams in baseball.  Sorry if anyone is offended.

No offense taken as long as you are a Yankee fan!

Seriously- congrats to the Sox on a great year. Most wins ever in the history of MLB. WOW

You may not approve, but I'm a Red Sox & METS fan.  When we moved from Danbury CT to the Boston area for a job in 1990, following the METS was difficult then.  Another perk, our company had 20 box seats all over Fenway Park.  Entertaining clients in Boston was a tough job but somebody had to do it.  So I became a Red Sox fan by osmosis.  

Yankees were second best this year, but still a very good team.

I cleaned a 2025. It was running slow until I dragged a toothpick through the armature gaps. An oiling after that became a decent, but not "all out", clean up. 665 got her wheels shined too. 

  Still scrubbing black away with my fingernail brush today as little bro used black moly grease during the 665s last major lube  Between the moly and the wheel gunk, it was a major mess, though shouldn't have been, wouldn't have been without the moly.... But at least it got lubed by him

Well, It seems to be a rather lazy Saturday by some accounts, others are spending the time cleaning, and others are eating Cheesesteak and Cheesecake!  

Thank you John and Mitch for the Happy birthday!  If this semi-retired thing I didn't ask for continues as more retired than semi, at least I am now old enough to start collecting social security!  It still seems amazing!  

As to the controversy of what team is best, I won't get involved.  The Red Sox did a great job winning in quick fashion!  I still follow the Pirates, and always will.  Not saying they are the best by any means.


Arnold D. Cribari posted:

Thanks to the recent advice given on another thread, I cleaned 10 of my MTH Proto 1 locomotives and ran them on my layout. Enjoyable and relaxing thing to do today. Arnold

The cleaning consisted of dipping an old soft toothbrush in warm water, running the toothbrush over a bar of ivory soap, and very gently scrubbing the outside of the shell of the  locomotive with the soapy toothbrush. Then I used a paper towel and dry soft paint brushes to gently and thoroughly wipe off the soapy wetness on the train. Now the trains look brand new.

RSJB18 posted:
decoynh posted:

Haven't done anything yet.  Will be attending the S. Maine Hi-Railers show in Rochester NH this morning with an HO buddy.  It's about an hour's drive, but with this rain, we may need a canoe.  This show for me is the best for my needs of the half dozen or so that I go to each year.  Not too big, not too small, JUST RIGHT!

Listening to  Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody to get ready.  Taking my wife to the movie next week.  "We are the Champions."

 Red Sox/Yankees rivalry is GREAT.  The 2 best teams in baseball.  Sorry if anyone is offended.

No offense taken as long as you are a Yankee fan!

Seriously- congrats to the Sox on a great year. Most wins ever in the history of MLB. WOW

Attention gentlemen!  The most wins (125) in the history of MLB is by the 1998 New York Yankees.  (114 regular season plus 11 postseason)  The most wins (116) in a regular season is by the 2001 Seattle Mariners, who, of course, broke the Yankee record of 114 from 1998.  The Yankees eliminated the Mariners in the ALCS in 2001, before losing to Arizona in the WS.  Those crazy sawks won 108 and 11 more this year.

Yogi had won five in a row from '49 to '53.  When they failed to win their fourth in a row vs Arizona, Yogi told Bernie Williams, " you gotta start all over again."


I finished removing the spray paint from my Pennsy ALCO. Looks pretty good IMHO.
Cleaned and greased everything and put it on the track for a test run. It moves but not well for a K-line. Back to the bench today for further investigation.

I've purchased my entire collection used- this was by far the worst engine I've gotten, but I knew that going in from the pictures in the listing. I like the challenge


2018-11-03 12.38.59


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Last edited by RSJB18

You're welcome, Bob!  I saw Maris play at Forbes Field when he was with the Cardinals.  Never saw Mantle, but I had some of his baseball cards. 

Yup, the Tide and a washout was a good one, Adriatic!  Spinning, Bob!  Good one too!!  You both would do well with my wife's family, they are punny people too!

Like I told my friend, my one daughter's father-in-law, what was one day early when compared to 62 years!!  Thank you!! 


Well, I did something today.  I took down the Halloween display and the remnants of last Christmas to the bare table, and put the track down in a folded loop, over and under itself.  I will need to come up with a better way to support the long bridge than the Styrofoam block that is there now, but it is on it's way.  I even took down the curtains behind it that haven't been washed since before our younger daughter abandoned the room on her wedding day 4+ years ago.  And yes it was the Tide that washed and spun them around.  Amazing these old things held together.  I'll post some photographs once it gets interesting! 

mike g. posted:

Bob, you can call me anything you want! Just don't call me late for dinner or a cold beer!

Mark, send me a picture of your foam bridge holders, I might be able to build you something out of Plexi glass for you!

Well Mike, that is a generous offer.  I don't know if it would work, but here are my photographs and my ideas.  I normally would put high tracks in the rear for visibility, but I thought I might try having the high tracks in the front, one on top of the other as much as possible.  Then there may be scenes looking under the upper level if it was open like a Chicago or Philadelphia EL, but with simple construction of the supports.  For test purposes, I used the piers from this Lemax set that are obviously intended for HO trains, because the tallest one isn't near high enough as can be see with the photographs containing the Hogwarts Express coach.  The Styrofoam block is just the packing material from the Lemax set.  Temporary if ever there was temporary.  My upper straight section of track is 29 1/2" long, then the lead in of the curves have to be supported on both ends.  They are 036 curves where the outside rail is 15" long until they clear the car.  I was going to support all of that with the bottom of the top level 5" off the table top.  There is enough room to make a support right under the front of the top level of track, then have an offset on the inside to clear the track below.

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So it's been a character building week....  Having some pretty severe low back issues....   Had 16 really good years after surgery in 2002,  I am really thankful now, for how long its been so good... Hopefully this will start settling down.   

Managed to get some work done on the next 8 feet of the expansion.   Really need to keep moving, as it's better than getting "stuck" in a chair.    After getting the 2 grades done, I decided I really only allowed enough room between the main line and coal mine run to have a retaining wall that couldn't exceed 1/4 inch thick...  Ended up making this out of 1/8 inch masonite and cut some 1/16" foam sheet in 5/8" strips (2'-6" scale) for the raised sections...    Took me a while to figure out how to deal with both tracks running down hill, the upper one is a 3% grade for the coal mine, the lower is 1.5% grade on the main.   

After priming with diluted white primer, then lightly spraying with Rustoleum Camouflage Khaki and Sand, and a light overspray of flat white, I weathered it with craft paint diluted washes...  I am fairly pleased with the results...

The total length was 84 inches, so it got my mind off the back pain working on a piece this long.  I put the back drop buildings there to knock down the reflection from the flat white primer on the wall, not sure yet what the backdrop here will look like. 

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I also meant to mention,  I was in the Home Depot this afternoon and the Freud 7 1/4 inch 60 tooth blades are on sale, you can get 2 for $19.99.  They are normally $20 each...   Some time back I put up a long post about using these blades to cut very small pieces of wood, plastic walls if your kitbashing multiple kits together.  60 teeth on a 7 1/4 inch blade yields really smooth cuts and the width (kerf) of the blade is only 1/16 inches. 

Hey Mark, tomorrow morning I will send you a PM or if you want you can email me a drawing what your thinking. I could build something out of clear plexi glass and you could paint it if you wanted! I just need a simple drawing with the height and width!

Chris A. wonderful work there! It turned out looking great! I was hoping I could email you in the morning to pick your brain!

Arnold D. Cribari posted:

Did some track repair work across George Washing Machine Bridge:

LOL, Arnold

You sir are braver than I. I could have a larger layout but that would mean building in front of the Furnace and water heater. I did not relish the thought of having to tear part of the layout up to replace those items, so I went with a smaller size layout. 

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