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@Steve Tyler posted:

Well, I finished the painting for now (masking and adding a red oxide dry brushing to the outer sections of brick paving) and shot a short video to show what I've attempted as improvements to the OEM piece, including the upgraded interior, the external painting, the cover for the slot in the road, and a few personalizing touches (that's my mother in the poster on the signpost, posed in front of her favorite McDs!). I still have a bit of tweaking to do (for instance to get the slot cover to lay down a bit flatter), but for now I'm satisfied with the result. What do you think?

Looks great!  Now, if you can only get the car to drive away and a different one to come through the drive-in, that would be really something.

What's on the workbench?  As layout construction progressed, my on the layout top workbench got smaller and smaller.  I finally mentioned to my wife that a workbench in the family room where our daughter's piano had been removed a couple months ago would be nice.  She agreed.  I was contemplating what to use for a workbench when she suggested her dad's old desk.  It is already beat from his use.  Today we moved it into place.  Here it is under the Ceiling Central Railroad and painting my aunt painted in 1960 that hung in my parents' living room until we had to sell the house in 2019.  The entrance to the train room is right at the right edge of this photograph, so it is a handy location.



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There you go, a Sunday project that will last all month!

Hmm, let's see . . . if I build a stationary ramp over the drive-thru just before the end, and tilt the piece just right, I can get the current vehicle to roll off an exit, Then, I can use a crane car to lift a new car off the car carrier and onto the drive-thru track! Yeah, that's the ticket! 😜

On second thought, I think I'll just stick to the sound files for now! 🙄

@Mark Boyce posted:

What's on the workbench?  As layout construction progressed, my on the layout top workbench got smaller and smaller.  I finally mentioned to my wife that a workbench in the family room where our daughter's piano had been removed a couple months ago would be nice.  She agreed.  I was contemplating what to use for a workbench when she suggested her dad's old desk.  It is already beat from his use.  Today we moved it into place.  Here it is under the Ceiling Central Railroad and painting my aunt painted in 1960 that hung in my parents' living room until we had to sell the house in 2019.  The entrance to the train room is right at the right edge of this photograph, so it is a handy location.


Congratulations Mark and enjoy the moment. It probably won’t look that neat, and uncluttered, ever again.


@Mark Boyce posted:

I have never had a dedicated modeling workbench in all my 50+ years modeling.  In my excitement, I just posted the workbench before putting anything on it.  You gotta start somewhere!  😆

@Mark Boyce posted:

Here we go Steve.  I laid out the girders for when I revamp my lower girder bridge once all the outdoor leaf remodel is done.

Well, *that's* better! I didn't want to say anything about your slacking off, Mark, but . . .

I've hit the dreaded zinc pest wall with the RS27 I've been working on. I reassembled the rear truck and put it back on the frame, and took the front one off yesterday. Things looked bleak from the beginning. The top of the truck had the telltale signs of zinc pest (cracks in the casting).  Well, I didn't get too far before one of the side frame mounts broke and then a piece broke off on the under carriage. So now I'm shopping for a new pair of trucks.

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Last edited by RSJB18

@Steve Tyler- seeing the car leave would be over the top. I think you're right....stick with the sound file for now.

@Mark Boyce- The bench-desk looks great! Won't ever look like that again I'm sure.....
I like the old NuTone intercom on the wall. I actually installed a few of those systems in my early contracting days. They were the predecessor to smart speakers. Nutone made a base unit with a AM/FM receiver and cassette deck that would play throughout the house.


@RSJB18 posted:

@Steve Tyler- seeing the car leave would be over the top. I think you're right....stick with the sound file for now.

@Mark Boyce- The bench-desk looks great! Won't ever look like that again I'm sure.....
I like the old NuTone intercom on the wall. I actually installed a few of those systems in my early contracting days. They were the predecessor to smart speakers. Nutone made a base unit with a AM/FM receiver and cassette deck that would play throughout the house.


Thank you, Bob!  You are right, it already has some stuff on it!  😄  Yes, Kim’s grandpa had the Nu-tone installed when the house was built in ‘68.  She said they played with it some.   None of it worked when we moved in 12 years ago.  The piano covered this one until recently.  I still have to figure out something to cover the holes when we move, whenever that will be.  😄

@RSJB18 posted:

@Steve Tyler- seeing the car leave would be over the top. I think you're right....stick with the sound file for now.

[Moping mode on] Oh, all right . . .

Seriously, though, that's kinda how I roll (see what I did there? ) -- outrageous ideas float up and grab my attention, reluctantly get tabled for the moment, then sometimes come roaring back later as the opportunity (and developing skill set!) permits! For instance, I've always been intrigued by the various auto and truck animation systems, but my limited real estate (only 8X8) has kept me from jumping in. I even looked seriously at a 3D printed alternative before restoring the potential project to the mental shelf.

However, if I converted the McDonalds peg-driven system to a magnet-driven system like Magnorail (likely all that'd be needed is to just trim the peg down and attach a magnet), and arranged for the car track to end at the McD entrance, it might be possible to have a car roll off the Magnorail track, be 'caught' by the magnet on the McD track, and be drawn around the drive-thru (maybe even initiated by a photocell). Still have to work out how to decouple the vehicle from the McD's track and get it back on the Magnorail loop, but . . .

Last edited by Steve Tyler

I guess the workbench is on the work bench?  Cleared out all the old bins and boxes of train stuff. Removed old shelving. Repainting closet and installing a foldable table for train related work.  Got the wall brackets up today and set the soon to be tabletop in place and figuring out what size I’m going to cut it down to.


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@ThatGuy posted:

Ahhhh the black and decker work mate, one of the finest no one knows about tools ever made. Saved my butt many times when another set of hands was needed. Great job!

Yes! I've had a Black and Decker Workmate, seems like forever, I think I bought it at K-Mart, but it has saved me so many times too when I needed an extra set of hands. I've clamped one end to my garage workbench so it would hold heavy things like a door without falling over. I've definitely gotten my money worth out of it.😁

@RSJB18 posted:

I've hit the dreaded zinc pest wall with the RS27 I've been working on. I reassembled the rear truck and put it back on the frame, and took the front one off yesterday. Things looked bleak from the beginning. The top of the truck had the telltale signs of zinc pest (cracks in the casting).  Well, I didn't get too far before one of the side frame mounts broke and then a piece broke off on the under carriage. So now I'm shopping for a new pair of trucks.

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Ahh man. Sorry to hear that. Was hoping that was gonna work out for you.

@RSJB18 posted:

I've hit the dreaded zinc pest wall with the RS27 I've been working on. I reassembled the rear truck and put it back on the frame, and took the front one off yesterday. Things looked bleak from the beginning. The top of the truck had the telltale signs of zinc pest (cracks in the casting).  Well, I didn't get too far before one of the side frame mounts broke and then a piece broke off on the under carriage. So now I'm shopping for a new pair of trucks.

2023-10-14 16.28.202023-10-14 16.28.282023-10-14 17.29.28



Sorry to hear the trucks were unrecoverable, Bob. Now I'm nervous about my PS-1 CNJ Trainmaster (ca 1999). While it doesn't appear that there are any cracks in the truck bodies, there is almost no side to side play in the inside worm and gear driven wheelsets indicating expansion may be occurring.

@Bill Swatos posted:

Sorry to hear the trucks were unrecoverable, Bob. Now I'm nervous about my PS-1 CNJ Trainmaster (ca 1999). While it doesn't appear that there are any cracks in the truck bodies, there is almost no side to side play in the inside worm and gear driven wheelsets indicating expansion may be occurring.

Bob, I’m with Bill and others; sorry the trucks are shot.  😢😢   I have a PRR RSD4 that I looked up to see it was made in 1995.  I didn’t get a chance to examine it yet.

This brings up a question for all, What manufacturer dates was this metal used.  I realize it may be all over the place in time frame, but wondering if it can be pinpointed.

@Bill Swatos posted:

Sorry to hear the trucks were unrecoverable, Bob. Now I'm nervous about my PS-1 CNJ Trainmaster (ca 1999). While it doesn't appear that there are any cracks in the truck bodies, there is almost no side to side play in the inside worm and gear driven wheelsets indicating expansion may be occurring.

@Mark Boyce posted:

Bob, I’m with Bill and others; sorry the trucks are shot.  😢😢   I have a PRR RSD4 that I looked up to see it was made in 1995.  I didn’t get a chance to examine it yet.

This brings up a question for all, What manufacturer dates was this metal used.  I realize it may be all over the place in time frame, but wondering if it can be pinpointed.

I found an old thread yesterday that lists some of the affected models. I haven't read through it yet but I have it bookmarked on my laptop.

I found a new pair of trucks from a forum member yesterday. The engine is too nice to leave on the shelf so the rebuild will continue when they arrive.


@RSJB18 posted:

I found an old thread yesterday that lists some of the affected models. I haven't read through it yet but I have it bookmarked on my laptop.

I found a new pair of trucks from a forum member yesterday. The engine is too nice to leave on the shelf so the rebuild will continue when they arrive.


Bob, I’m glad you found a forum member who can send you new trucks.

Wow, what a list!  I didn’t see anything I have, but now I understand what gassing is.  I’ll be on the lookout, as when I sell something I don’t want to push my problem on someone else!!

@RSJB18 posted:

I found an old thread yesterday that lists some of the affected models. I haven't read through it yet but I have it bookmarked on my laptop.

I found a new pair of trucks from a forum member yesterday. The engine is too nice to leave on the shelf so the rebuild will continue when they arrive.


Glad you found replacement trucks, Bob. If you have a wheel puller, you may want to pull the wheelsets and drive gears from the "pested" bodies for future use, if you haven't already.

@Bill Swatos posted:

Glad you found replacement trucks, Bob. If you have a wheel puller, you may want to pull the wheelsets and drive gears from the "pested" bodies for future use, if you haven't already.

I have a Timko puller. I'll see if anything is worth saving. I already snapped a flange on one wheel trying to move it on the shaft. The internal worm and the idler gears are probably not worth the effort.


@Mark Boyce- You're right, didn't take long. I more comfortable chair may be advisable.


@Alan Mancus posted:

Hi Mark Boyce hope to see you at York on Thursday or Friday! really glad to see you now have a work Bench finally!

Alan Mancus

Thank you, Alan!  I am afraid I won’t be at York, though I wish I could attend!  The back surgeon has turned me loose, not needing any follow up unless I have new trouble.  However, having had two back surgeries, I know I am not up to the 5-hour trip from Northwestern Pennsylvania yet.  I’m following my pt regimen and hope to be in great shape next year!!  👍🏻👍🏻

@RSJB18 posted:

I have a Timko puller. I'll see if anything is worth saving. I already snapped a flange on one wheel trying to move it on the shaft. The internal worm and the idler gears are probably not worth the effort.


@Mark Boyce- You're right, didn't take long. I more comfortable chair may be advisable.


Bob, you are absolutely correct on the chair for the workbench.  I have an ongoing problem with my damaged right sciatic nerve if I sit on it without good padding, much less the need of lumbar support. 😱

I am taking a set of MTH, congressional scale, passenger cars four and detailing them, I have painted around the windows with black paint to simulate rubber gaskets. I have removed the MTH lighting and installed LED lighting. I have painted the rudimental interiors and added people, note to add people to the café car. You have to cut their legs off otherwise they don’t fit on the seats. Also, if you have these cars and the placards are starting to peel off gently take them off place them upside down sticky side up on a piece of cardboard and spray with 3M 77 super tack. Let them sit for 20 minutes and then install with tweezers .


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Upgrading a Pullmor motor Lionel Mohawk under the tutelage of the Master who has done more Pittman upgrades than I have engines. Main components in place including a Cruise Commander, 4 lobe cam, and chuff switch. Just have to add a few components for the chuff circuit and wire it up.

Then for the detailing to bring it closer to current offerings.




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Really, REALLY nice work on your conversion! Is this engine postwar? I've been thinking about converting one of my postwar Turbines (681) to a DC can motor w/ERR electronics. My conversion would be a tad easier considering the 681 doesn't chuff; just a constant roar fo steam and smoke!

I would greatly appreciate it if you would provide sources for the DC can motor and drive shaft linkage. The mounts all appear to be custom; made by you.

Last edited by Junior

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